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 Message Boards » » Ever been in an ambulance? Page [1] 2, Next  
play so hard
60908 Posts
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If so why?

Only once for me. 7th grade. Rode my skateboard down this downhill 5 lane road in Atlanta on my way to pick up some munchies from the 7-11. Got halfway down the hill and the trucks on my board started shaking back and forth pretty bad. I knew there was no way I could make it to the grass on either side...and that's the last thing I remember. Some dude in a car behind me said I flew off the board, did something resembling a flip in the air, and landed on my head. Don't see how that's possible but w/e.

Woke up being loaded into the ambulance asking if I was gonna die. No real injuries...just a concussion and I scraped up like 30% of my body. I can tell you it's no fun getting asphalt picked out of your skin with tweezers. Avoid that.

3/14/2012 8:32:16 PM

All American
3288 Posts
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Once in 2005...I was with my gf eating at a restaurant and blacked out...woke up to find myself in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Doctors were never able to explain it and it never happened again.

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 8:35 PM. Reason : a]

3/14/2012 8:34:51 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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Long time ago, playing Madden, Barry Sanders takes a cheap shot and the ambulance comes out to get him. Out for the season with a broken neck. I never rage quit, but I made an exception here, because who wanted to be Detroit without Barry Sanders?

3/14/2012 8:40:56 PM

All American
3095 Posts
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Why yes, I have. Motorcyle wreck in 2009, broke left arm, scattered left wrist, broke left femur.

3/14/2012 8:42:52 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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im a paramedic ... so yes

3/14/2012 8:48:24 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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once - summer of 2000

heat exhaustion while catching in a softball game

3/14/2012 9:02:57 PM

All American
6839 Posts
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They drove me from Rex Urgent Care to Rex hospital, because I was throwing up blood. It was probably less than a mile.

That shit was expensive, I could've driven myself.

3/14/2012 9:03:22 PM

Black and Proud
14179 Posts
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please for don't drive yourself...

3/14/2012 9:06:14 PM

5975 Posts
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Many times unfortunately.

3/14/2012 9:13:32 PM

49741 Posts
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All I really wanted for Christmas '02 was a ride to the ER. An allergic reaction to something I ate that morning made breathing really difficult, so I took 2 Benadryl, Dad called 911, then I waited... upon arriving at Wesley Long, waited some more. Found out I'd be OK after all, whew.

3/14/2012 9:21:21 PM

Double Entendre
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Once, March 2010. I either had a TIA (a mini-stroke) or a migraine aura. They produce similar effects.

3/14/2012 9:22:21 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"Motorcyle wreck in 2009, broke left arm, scattered left wrist, broke left femur. "

No offense, but that's why I don't ride motorcycles.

^^^ Do tell!

3/14/2012 9:24:12 PM

All American
6276 Posts
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Twice. Once in high school. Got injured during a soccer practice when the goalkeeper knees-high slide tackled me from behind. Had severe back injuries and tore one of my kidneys.

Second time was at NCSU. Was taking a karate class and blacked out in the middle of a kata. Hit my head pretty hard.

3/14/2012 9:46:06 PM

All American
2298 Posts
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Once to sign release forms so that the ambulance wouldn't take my drunkass roommate to the hospital, he went upstairs and slept it off.

3/14/2012 9:57:03 PM

37776 Posts
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Does being a paramedic count?

3/14/2012 10:02:38 PM

23634 Posts
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Let's see

Ran through a glass door when I was 4 and severed a few tendons
Anxiety attack in college - ER cause I couldn't breathe
Car accident in high school
Tonsillectomy gone wrong (started hemorrhaging lots of blood)
Up on the hood of a minivan

So just 5 times I guess

3/14/2012 10:08:28 PM

5975 Posts
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Mainly because of my son's seizures.

3/14/2012 10:36:20 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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-Took a spill down some stairs, faceplanted into the corner of a brick wall. Big concussion, skull exposed, went into shock, etc. Took a ride in the ambulance, got about 35-40 fine stitches in my face. You can't really even see it now (maybe just a little if I point it out).

-got knocked out playing intramural softball at State. Apparently started twitching/convulsing. Ambulance called, but I declined a trip to the hospital. Tried to go back in the game, but athletics wouldn't let me. Knowing what I know now about concussions, that was a good call.

-motorcycle wreck at about 80 mph...tumbled prob 5-6 times. Ambulance called; I declined treatment and rode for a couple more hours.

-overexerted myself doing Crossfit about 2 days before I deployed to Afghanistan. Passed out cold on the floor of the gym. Ambulance called. Declined treatment numerous times; they just wouldn't take no for an answer, and I finally relented and let them put me in the back of the ambulance for a bag of saline and an EKG, on the condition that I wouldn't sign any paperwork and they would let me out whenever I asked. Finished the IV, EKG was good, they still wanted to take me to the hospital, but I got out and went home. Didn't work out any more that day, but it was all just an issue of having very low blood px...I've come close to passing out in the gym several times--just pushed it too far on that day.

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 10:39 PM. Reason : ]

3/14/2012 10:37:35 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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Car Wreck when I was about 6 or 7 and then once again when I was at State. Other times have been escorting people.

3/14/2012 10:37:52 PM

21952 Posts
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1. playground incident that put me in ICU with a bruised spinal cord

2. car accident where my head went through the windshield.

3. medication reaction.

4. car accident where i totaled my car.

3/14/2012 10:57:38 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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only once, but it was my sister who was hurt, not me. dude in an explorer ran off the road, over-corrected, and crossed the centerline. my sister was headed the other way and her car went up under the explorer, which was launched into some trees. her arm hit the plastic trim on the door hard enough to break the plastic and the sharp edge of the plastic sliced her arm open really bad. i was the first family member to get there and she was still in the ambulance. one of the EMTs on the ambulance happened to be a kinda distant cousin of ours, so he let me jump in there and tell her she'd be ok and all.

[Edited on March 14, 2012 at 11:10 PM. Reason : adsf]

3/14/2012 11:08:30 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Quote :
"once - summer of 2000

heat exhaustion while catching in a softball game"

Can you do anything without injuring yourself?

3/14/2012 11:11:56 PM

All American
8660 Posts
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Nope. No cavities either.

(knock on wood)

3/14/2012 11:28:06 PM

warning: not serious
19578 Posts
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I hurt my self A LOT. I always have bruises on my legs from walking in to things.

3/14/2012 11:35:15 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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Don't feel bad. My body has a propensity for deciding to black out at random times

3/14/2012 11:48:29 PM

Thots and Prayers
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New year's night 2010, my drunk ass wife slips while getting into a hot tub and falls on her ass right on a broken wine glass.

I had already passed out and everyone else continued drinking. So, with several severely inebriated people trying to handle this, there was shitloads of blood all over the house. They did manage to call 911. Finally, I get woken up, race downstairs around the time paramedics show up and wearing pajama pants, a white t-shirt and dress shoes, i hop into the ambulance and ride in with her.

Oh, of all the places we've been for NYE and all the crazier shit that went down, the worst happens at her fucking aunt and uncle's house.

3/14/2012 11:49:53 PM

All American
93277 Posts
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Quote :
"-got knocked out playing intramural softball at State. Apparently started twitching/convulsing. Ambulance called, but I declined a trip to the hospital. Tried to go back in the game, but athletics wouldn't let me. Knowing what I know now about concussions, that was a good call.

what year was this? upper intramural fields?

3/15/2012 1:10:55 AM

All American
45549 Posts
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8th grade, broke my leg in 3 places in a particularly nasty fall while skating. Never skated again.

Heat exhaustion and dehydration landed me in there twice: once in Ft. Bragg during a ROTC FTX, another at Ft. Knox during a Land Nav course.

Then I passed out from pain in Rome during a kidney stone attack. European ambulances are very strange. It's a lot smaller, you pretty much have to sit up.

So 4 times.

3/15/2012 1:39:03 AM

All Amurican
5269 Posts
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Yep - on Christmas day when I was younger. Knocked myself silly when I ran straight into a horizontal metal bar while playing tag or something with Biofreak70 and my brother in law. The hospital on base didn't have a CT or whatever scan equipment they wanted to use (odd - it's the flight test center for the USAF), so they packed me in an ambulance to go to the nearest major city. Merry Christmas

3/15/2012 6:02:47 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Once when I rolled my car a few times. I was perfectly ok but the ambulance showed up and pretty much said I had to go with them. I was like 17 at the time and didn't know any better although I still dont know if that is true haha.

3/15/2012 8:38:48 AM

1919 Posts
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I barely remember it because I was in shock and concussed.

Got T-boned by a 16yearold running a stop sign. The car flipped 3 times, landed upside down.

I was upset because me and my ex had a big fight at a party. I was rolling with some friends to another place, I was sitting shotgun with my head on hand leaning against the window when we were hit.

As the car rolled, my head and hand smashed through the window, bouncing off and grinding on the pavement.

Pinky to middle finger had the finger nails ripped off, pinky and ring finger were ground down to the bone a little bit. Shards of glass embedded in the fingers. Lacerations on my forearm and head.

Now I have permanent road rash tattoos on my fingers where the cinder from the concrete got under my skin. About 4 months after the injury, a surprising large piece of glass pushed out of my skin on my ring finger knuckle.

3/15/2012 8:49:46 AM

All American
16807 Posts
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Once in 2001 at a concert. Got elbowed in the face in the mosh pit and couldn't remember my home telephone number (it just recently changed, so I didn't have it memorized). Got to the hospital and got maybe 15 stitches over my left eye.

Second time was car accident (I was the passenger). Wasn't wearing a seat belt, so my head hit the windshield. Got several stitches on my face and was pulling glass shards out at least a week after.

3/15/2012 8:54:29 AM

All American
39759 Posts
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Quote :
"I knew there was no way I could make it to the grass on either side...and that's the last thing I remember. Some dude in a car behind me said I flew off the board, did something resembling a flip in the air, and landed on my head. Don't see how that's possible but w/e. "

lol I did something similar except on roller skates. Got going way to fast and was about to slam into some cars at the bottom of the hill I was going down. For some god unknown reason I decided to best solution to my dilemma was to sit down. Went sliding down the rest of the hill and scraped my jeans so they no longer had an ass. My dad said there was so much blood he almost passed out. Didn't go to the hospital but spent the rest of the day sitting in a bathtub of warm water crying

[Edited on March 15, 2012 at 9:59 AM. Reason : need coffee apparently ]

3/15/2012 9:55:44 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"got knocked out playing intramural softball at State. Apparently started twitching/convulsing."

How did that happen? Pitching + line drive to dome piece? Catching + foul tip?

3/15/2012 11:02:45 AM

All American
8660 Posts
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I like threads like these.

3/15/2012 11:09:17 AM

All American
9417 Posts
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In high school playing baseball I managed to dislocate my right hip. I hit a line drive down the left field line and as I took off for first, I twisted my body to see where the ball was going and POP, out it came.

Hurt like a bitch.

Down I went in a pile and waited for an ambulance and when they got there they drove right out onto the field. My coach was pissed off - "THEM MOTHERFUCKERS IS FUCKING UP MY GODDAMNED FIELD!"

Anyway, rode to the hospital, they got it back in place and I was on crutches for a long time.

3/15/2012 11:11:20 AM

Art Vandelay
45166 Posts
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Once, during a swim around Key West, for dehydration from a combination of seawater, gatorade, and 90+ degree water. I started puking around 11am in the water and didn't really stop until a tour guide somewhere downtown around 8pm decided to call the ambulance for me. Being the last weekend of pride week the paramedics and doctors kept asking how much I had to drink. Got 2 bags of saline, while laying down snoozing in a hallway gurney (they were renovating part of the ER at the time). Got a ride from a pizza delivery guy with G.O.D who came along with me and again got interrogated as to how much I had to drink. I paid maybe $50 out of pocket?

For the record, stomach fluids are yellow, when the go to brown that means your stomach or esophagus is bleeding, getting worse as it turns to red.

3/15/2012 11:14:26 AM

All American
695 Posts
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Once. Car accident. It hurt.

[Edited on March 15, 2012 at 11:42 AM. Reason : .]

3/15/2012 11:23:54 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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no but my wife has... we were at the State/FSU game in Tallahassee a few years back and i guess she got heat exhaustion or something (she only had one beer) but they transported her to the hospital. There were like 4 other people in the same ambulance so i couldn't ride with them.

the fuckers at the hospital simply would not believe us when we told them she was not drunk or using drugs

3/15/2012 11:46:55 AM

All American
31140 Posts
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Broke both bones in my lower leg in a botched play at second plate during a baseball game.
The tibia was pushing really hard below the skin and was close to coming out. You could see it sticking up about an inch under my sock. They cut off the shoe/sock/lower leg of my pants, put one of those air casts on it, and drove me to the hospital.

The nurses told my mom to take me home and bring me back in the morning for surgery. My mom was a nurse herself and knew the doctor on call. She called him, told him the situation, and he came in. It was his birthday and the nurses were trying not to call him in if possible. After he looked at my leg he absolutely reamed the nurses on duty. I remember him saying there was absolutely no way my parents would get me home and back without that bone coming through the skin. There's a lesson there that you have to be assertive about your treatment and not to feel bad about questioning anything you think might be bad practice.

Then that fucker set my leg by sticking my foot under his armpit and pulling back while shifting the bones around with his hands. Talk about pain!

[Edited on March 15, 2012 at 12:49 PM. Reason : l]

3/15/2012 12:47:00 PM

15294 Posts
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I was hoping this was going to be a pickup line.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message

3/15/2012 12:57:17 PM


21814 Posts
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In middle school, I fell, well really,someone pushed me as a joke, making me go into traffic, I landed back hitting the back of my head onto the sidewalk and didn't wake up until I was in the ambulance on the way to the hospital.

In high school, I dislocated my knee in ballet (en pointe) and was taken by ambulance to the ER where they put my knee cap back in. I remember riding and thinking jeez, this doesn't hurt at all and look! my knee cap is all the way over there... fucker hurt like all hell when they popped it back in.

Also in high school, I had out-patient surgery at my doctor's office, but something went wrong while I was under and I was immediately transported to the hospital. I was out so I don't remember anything about that ride.

3/15/2012 1:15:25 PM

All Amurican
5269 Posts
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Quote :
"In middle school, I fell, well really,someone pushed me as a joke, making me go into traffic"

I got that far when the image from Mean Girls of blondie getting hit by the bus popped into my head. (fwiw - I'm glad you weren't pushed in front of a bus! )

3/15/2012 1:27:53 PM


21814 Posts
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lol yeah, me too

3/15/2012 3:17:40 PM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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one time I got super drunk at Wolf Creek and tried to walk back to Gorman/Kaplan at like 4am and an ambulance saw me and picked me up and gave me a ride. I felt like such a jackass riding with professionals that were at work, doing things to help the community while I was just a drunk dumbass undergrad that was about to pass out on the side of Western

3/15/2012 3:39:40 PM

All American
6786 Posts
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^but they did a good thing and maybe one day you can help someone else not get killed while drunk!

3/15/2012 3:45:33 PM

All American
27048 Posts
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^^ lol

3/15/2012 3:48:58 PM

Sink the Flagship
9817 Posts
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^^haha they certainly did, but I wasn't going to die! just pass out in a bush maybe.

3/15/2012 4:24:10 PM

Half American
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3/15/2012 7:55:42 PM

376 Posts
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^Well that needs an explanation

3/15/2012 8:56:56 PM

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