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so i'm thinking about half ass blogging about my lack of sleep and/or ridiculous dreams - but i dont really want to start it on a blogging site.

i was going to start it on here. and i dont think that people would give a shit, and i think that people who have a valid opinion would perhaps read and even respond...

i just dont feel like dealing with trolls...

i think it may help? no one really follows me on here which is nice. and i dont know many people on here irl, minus a handful...

maybe getting it off my chest would help. in a whiny fb status kind of way...

and EMCE made me feel fancy and said
Quote :
"Start it in another section other than chit chat. I'll look after the thread if you go in Old School"

so...we'll see how this goes!

side note - last night i was literally awake every 20-30 minutes. i think it may have been because i was just on vacation and may have worried about not waking up on time for work. it was annoying.

but i did get to work on time. so that was nice.

also, 2 days ago i had a dream about my mother in law being made of avocado.

5/29/2013 9:28:58 PM

All American
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i can't sleep either if i have something going on the next day (i was notorious for this b4 deposition or mediation days at work) or am anticipating having to get up early for something.

the other night while on vacation, my husband was going to wake up early to go fishing, and i was worried that the alarm would wake up our son since he was sleeping in our room on the floor. so i was trying to "beat the clock"--ended waking up every 30-45 minutes. lots of crazy dreams.

5/29/2013 9:35:17 PM

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i can handle most of the crazy dreams - although im not a fan of many that have happened in the past couple weeks - but the waking up every 20-30 minutes - makes me want to punch a bear in the face.

and so i'll get online and look at crap or walk around the apartment, but i cant do too much bc i dont want to wake up tyler.

honestly - the not sleeping, ive been dealing with that since high school - used to have night terrors about 5 nights a week. would get maybe 2 hours, then stay up for the rest of the night in the corner with the light on.

[Edited on May 29, 2013 at 9:40 PM. Reason : .]

5/29/2013 9:39:18 PM

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Aaaannnnndddd, I'm awake

5/30/2013 12:41:40 AM

All American
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Start running. On days that I run I can't stay awake past 10PM.

5/30/2013 11:18:34 AM

All American
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Any vigorous exercise

5/30/2013 11:25:04 AM

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That hypes me up but I will try.

5/30/2013 1:20:07 PM

All American
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this is true i cant go all out past 8pm or im up later than i want to be

i can only get to the gym from 6-7am. I sleep like a rock

5/30/2013 1:50:54 PM

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well i worked out this am (trying to lose weight to be healthy - lots of heart issues in the family genes) and i worked out when i got home after work.

nothing major, but i was wide awake after the am workout, but tired after the pm workout. so i tried to nap before tyler got home, but i think my body cooling down kept me from being comfortable so i didnt sleep.

worth a shot tho. maybe when i can work out harder and longer (thats what she said) it'll be more beneficial for sleep.

5/30/2013 8:28:39 PM

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so last night i had a dream mostly about coworkers. i didnt like it really.

so basically it was like in a school cafeteria/mall food court and i was going to lunch and i found "donald" and "elizabeth" eating and they called me over and i thought it was weird - mostly bc of "donald" bc he was acting so weird. all happy and chit chatty which i didnt get since i havent talked to him in awhile. so then "ronda" was trying to find us so i went to find her in the swarm of people and ran into "ann" and so we're walking around and finally get back to where we were all eating, which had looked like a kitchen, and everyone else was walking out of it. they tore the wall down separating the room we were all going to eat in with the rest of the cafeteria and we like our privacy to catch up and chit chat so we all left.

i know it doesnt sound too bad, but i dont like when donald is there. upsets/frustrates me. and the way he was acting didnt help.

everything else was just like a day at work - which also sucked bc work is killing my inner happiness.

5/31/2013 6:10:54 AM

balls deep
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I'm just jealous that you can remember your dreams. I never can.

5/31/2013 6:13:38 AM

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yea ive got this weird memory - its not exactly photographic, but its like i can play experiences back like a movie. like, my boss can ask me about a patient i scheduled 2 weeks ago and i can replay the conversation and answer questions for her. and i can replay meeting important people in my life and events up until i think the age 4 or 5, depending on the event.

my boss thinks its a creepy skill lol.

i told her about the mother in law being avocado dream today and she said "what are you taking?! what are you on?! because i want some!" haha

i dont do drugs, i just have a very, very active imagination. and it keeps me up most nights or ruins my lovely lovely sleep

5/31/2013 9:39:28 PM

All American
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Are you addicted to your tony? I heard that causes problems with sleeping.

6/1/2013 11:37:06 PM

All American
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My wife has the same type of sleep. She's got an appointment for a sleep study. She wakes up, even after sleeping 8-9 hours, tired.

The doctor she saw said the sleep cycle is a lot like sound waves with peaks and troughs. That closer to the peak is your REM state and the further down you go on the wave is where your deeper sleep is.

So they are going to study her to see if and how much of the deeper sleep she's getting and if she's not getting enough why. The study is for next week and she's excited.

I don't know if you've thought about seeing a sleep specialist, but you might want to give it a shot if you haven't.

6/2/2013 7:19:44 AM

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puck_it whats a tony?

jimmypop do you happen to know if that sleep study is open to the public or if you have to be referred by a pcp? my dad has insomnia, not active dreams but trouble staying asleep, and he said his sleep study was worthless :-\

6/2/2013 9:17:16 PM

All American
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re: "Addicted to my Tony, can't sleep" a thread full of lulz in which cdweller was banging some dude that was like 87

6/2/2013 10:13:43 PM

All American
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jimmypop, they'll also see if she's jumping to REM sleep too fast, aka narcolepsy. Does she also have to stay the next day to do the nap study? Now THAT sucked.

qntmsister, you have to get a referral, or at least at the one I went to you did. It's also very expensive so if its not justified (you sound like you wouldn't have any issues) you could get a huge bill. Thankfully I had BCBS federal, but according to my mom the EOB said it was $10,000... I had to have the overnight plus the nap study, though.

Also, are you sure you're having night terrors? Do they happen as you're falling asleep? They could be hypnapompic hallucinations and not night terrors. Hypnapompic and hypnagogic hallucinations (I have the latter) occur more frequently when you are deprived of sleep.

6/2/2013 10:47:10 PM

All American
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^Yeah mentioned that along with a bunch of other things they will look at. She was scheduled to have the nap study the following day. They had her on the schedule depending on what the sleep study said. But they called Friday and said that the person in charge of that aspect of the test would be out due to an emergency. So depending on what the results are she may have to go back later for the nap test.

I did not even think about this not being covered under insurance. She has two referrals so she should be fine. Her PC doc referred her to the sleep doc and the sleep doc did his thing before suggesting the sleep study.

6/3/2013 2:27:09 AM

All American
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Yeah the sleep docs will help y'all fight it if you get a bill. Just keep in mind if you have a large deductible, you'll get something... Or some type of cost share.

If she has to do them on separate days, that really sucks. :/ It's a miserable thing to go through. When my mom counted the wires on my head for the overnight study it was I think 36 total. They only take off half for the nap study where I went. Then you have to carry around this study portable box if you want to move around at all. I was just thankful I had no issues falling asleep because the thing they stick up your nose would've really been a pain.

Seeing as you said she is tired all the time, if she ends up being diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnia or narcolepsy, feel free to tell her I'm open to talking about it. I was first diagnosed with IH, then last year finally pushed into the N category. It sucks, but talking to people who have been through it was the biggest help.

6/3/2013 7:20:22 AM

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Samwise16 - i had night terrors pretty much all thru high school, but i havent had any since like...2009. i had to keep track and everything back then.
Quote :
"I was just thankful I had no issues falling asleep because the thing they stick up your nose would've really been a pain."
OMG never going if theyre going to shove something up my nose.

could sleep issues be hereditary? bc my dad has insomnia. i guess ill chat with my pcp and see what she says. i'm also taking prozac, but they told me that was supposed to chill me out before sleep so i could have a good sleep rather than not.

[Edited on June 3, 2013 at 12:28 PM. Reason : ]

6/3/2013 12:26:36 PM

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Last night I had a dream that grimx was a dentist who practiced out of a cement home in the middle of a field in Texas.

Everything was sterile and clean and he was all Sweeney Todd-ish minus the knives and blood and morgue makeup.

He was just acting odd. And I went to see him just to tell him I didn't want a dental exam so we made a lemon pie instead. Then I tried to leave and there was a tornado in the distance and then it turned all The Walking Dead ish then I woke up.

6/3/2013 9:26:21 PM

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6/3/2013 10:26:09 PM

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The horror!!

6/4/2013 1:34:02 AM

All American
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Malarone gave me the craziest dreams ever, not bad, just crazy

6/4/2013 3:51:04 PM

All American
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I thought mine were night terrors, too, until I was diagnosed with narcolepsy. And yes they can be hereditary, but most have multifactorial inheritance patterns aka you're not guaranteed to develop it even with a genetic predisposition. There needs to be some outside trigger as well.

[Edited on June 4, 2013 at 9:18 PM. Reason : And the nose thing monitors for sleep apnea]

6/4/2013 9:18:26 PM

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I set up an appt with my pcp for the end of june - that was the soonest i could do with my work schedule.

hopefully i can maybe get them to refer me out!

6/5/2013 7:44:48 AM

32337 Posts
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i'm going to add to your thread

i recently had a dream i logged into tww and it was shut down. then i went about my life. the end

6/18/2013 8:56:56 AM

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i'd definitely like to hear about what your dr says. i wake up a lot at night as well.

6/18/2013 3:31:31 PM

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grimx dont be silly. tww wont ever shut down

side note - the other day i had a dream about a brown cow having a baby and then a giraffe having a baby. and i was their keeper who lived in the green house. was odd.

as for last night, not sure what the heck caused it but i was very unhappy when i woke up. this would be a day where i'd my subconsious to fuck off.

[Edited on June 20, 2013 at 7:10 AM. Reason : damn you sb, damn you!]

6/20/2013 7:08:52 AM

All American
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Our bill ended up being $1600

Sleep study results were odd. She stopped breathing, but not enough for sleep apnea. For the nap study she fell asleep quickly, but not enough times for it to be narcolepsy. So she's in a weird grey area.

She did get prescribed Nuvigil which has been interesting. She's found out that it doesn't so much cure her sleepiness during the daytime as one would think. As long as she keeps moving or stays active the pill works wonders. When comes home she doesn't feel the need for a nap as long as she's active. Going to bed she has to really stop everything about 45 minutes to an hour before she lays down or it effects her sleep.

The doc said she needs to work on better sleep habits, lose some weight and that sort of thing to sleep better at night. He prescribed the medicine to help her stay awake during the day so she can get out of the cycle she's been in or being so tired she can't do what she wants.

The only bad thing is her insurance company had to approve of the medicine before she could get it. That took some time with the insurance company, pharmacy and doctor's office all not communicating well. The odd thing about the medicine is you can't take it with a cold and guess what she has

7/27/2013 11:38:41 PM

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I had a crazy dream about going on a tour of one of googles datacenters/offices

So it's me and a few friends got to go on an all access tour of a google datacenter plus offices. The tour guides were a dude and this hot chick. The dude was the main tour guide and the chick was just tagging along. So of course I made an effort to always be last in the group so I could talk to her.

Anyways. If you've see any of the ESPN commercials where athletes and mascots were hanging around their site. That's what was going on at google. They showed us the break room and one wall was a huge clear glass window. On the other side the Carolina Hurricanes were practicing on an ice rink in googles building. The whole tour was crazy shit like that. Towards the end of the tour me and the chick started making out. Then I woke up

It was one of the longest most vivid dream I've had in a while.

7/31/2013 7:52:13 PM

All American
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^^ I've been on nuvigil for over a year and I take it when I have a cold. I'm going to PM you about some stuff

8/2/2013 8:53:28 PM

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So last night one of my dreams involved david duchovny. I felt like I was going to work but I was really walking down the on ramp to 540 and it was dark. And then walking toward me was him. So there I am in what I planned on wearing today, including heels, walking on pavement and he gets up maybe 3 feet from me and throws a book at my feet. I look at him like hes nuts and he says hi and the tells me I can have my book back. I obviously had no idea what he was talking about. So he picked up the book and handed it to me. It was a cookbook on different chicken recipes. And while I'm looking at it, he puts his arm around my shoulders, turns me around, and we start walking back up the ramp where I started. And we are walking and he doesnt take his arm away and of course I had to say how awkward it was and run my mouth like an idiot. And he told me if I would relax it wouldn't be so bad so we just walked and chatted and I slowly got more comfortable to the point where I was as close as possible to him while walking. Then I woke up. Weeeiiiiiirrrrrdddddddd

10/23/2013 11:40:58 AM

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