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All American
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I can't say how often I try to upvote or down vote a post on TWW (or at least wish I could), or would like to see a certain exchange between specific users break out into their own comment threads, or to be notified when someone has replied to a comment I posted, etc.

I seem to recall a while back that some tww sub-reddit pages were created. But multi-reddit is much more along the lines of what would be necessary to "replace" TWW.

TWW could be it's own multi-reddit, with each of the current sections being subs.

I mostly post in entertainment these days, and that's because I enjoy the discussion, debates, and general banter that tww users provide compared to Reddit. But I wish it had more of the features that Reddit has to offer.


6/7/2013 4:28:02 PM

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Maybe you should just stay on reddit. Reddit is a shit stain on individuality and the fundamental idea of the internet.

Here are the features of reddit

1) Horrible layout
2) Anything people don't like gets hidden instead of actually discussed
3) People try to hard to get upboats instead of just posting whatever they are thinking - This is the same thing that happened to facebook once they let the plebs on it

In closing reddit sucks a fat dick as evident by everyone in the universe using it.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 4:41:08 PM

All American
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Very constructive.

That said, I'm not sure I agree at all. Subs can be customized.

In what way do you think the "individuality" of tww would be compromised? Aside from the obvious of being incorporated into Reddit.

What cons do you see, and how do they outweigh the pros?

Replying to your edit:

Quote :
"1) Horrible layout"

I find the layout very easy to navigate.

Quote :
"2) Anything people don't like gets hidden instead of actually discussed"

1) This isn't actually true. The comments are there and accessible if you want to see them. And they're only collapsed if they have a certain number of down votes (which I believe can be customized per sub).

2) With a community the size of TWW, that won't be as big of an issue as you're suggesting that it is on many Reddit posts. Either way... it's not true that they're "hidden", they're simply collapsed.

Quote :
"3) People try to hard to get upboats instead of just posting whatever they are thinking - This is the same thing that happened to facebook once they let the plebs on it"

1) Again, I'm talking about the tww community. Not EVERYONE.

2) I'm almost certain that upvoting and downvoting can be disabled per sub. I know for a fact that many subs have down votes disabled. If you disable upvoting or downvoting, that takes care your concern.

That said, I like upvotes. Reddit allows you to sort the comments by most upvoted, most controversial (upvotes and downvotes), by newest, and a couple of other options.

So Reddit offers several options in that regard. So instead of catering to just one type of user, user's can choose how to view the comments.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 4:51 PM. Reason : saw your edit and actual feedback on reddit]

6/7/2013 4:46:19 PM

15294 Posts
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I don't understand what the pros are

I personally don't think TWW is forward-compatable as in this site has to stay this shitty site and won't work on the next gen system for those of you non-nerds.

The thing that makes tww cool is that quagmire can talk about how much he doesn't give a shit about Joie in that thread and everyone has to read it. If we had le downvoting then basically every thread on this site would be 2 pages max.

The whole idea is terrible. If you like reddit then stay on there.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 4:49:45 PM

All American
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I, for one, would stop using tww simply due to reddit's already mentioned
Quote :
"Horrible layout"

6/7/2013 4:50:39 PM

All American
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Could you elaborate?

I don't have a problem with Reddit's layout at all regarding navigation (but I also use it regularly so I'm quite familiar with it). Do you find it difficult to navigate? Or is it aesthetics? Or something else?

Here's one example of a pro: Who am I replying to right now? It will be easy to discern since there are only a few comments here and I happened to get this in right after the comment before mine, but what if there were 50 comments and 4 since ^'s comment? Reddit allows for nested comments and quoting. TWW is limited to just quoting.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 5:09 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2013 4:54:05 PM

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Look the whole upvoting is the same as google caching all of your history and sorting your new searches based on what it thinks you want to see.

Fuck that.

I want pure results and pure text without any attempt to sort based on how popular or how likely I am to like it. I can make that decision for myself.

The part of the layout that I don't like is the part where it reads like an XML file.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 4:55:02 PM

All American
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^ then sort by NEW. It would give you exactly what you get on tww as far as the order of the comments go.

Edit: I'm sorry, sort by OLD. That will give you the same order as TWW. NEW would give you the newest first.

I have to be honest, it seems to me like you may not be very familiar with the features of Reddit. But what you want to do, is definitely possible on Reddit.

The difference is that reddit will offer additional features as well.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2013 4:56:02 PM

15294 Posts
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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 4:59 PM. Reason : lolol]

6/7/2013 4:58:59 PM

All American
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I believe the sub moderator can prevent the votes from being displayed.

Edit: With a script, you can hide the votes as a user.

Sub mods can hide them for at least 24 hours, I'm checking to confirm if it can be completely disabled.

The other options is, just not look at the score. If you sort by old or new, they won't be sorted by score. So just read them. I, personally, don't take the score of a post or comment into account when I read them. And a lot of the subs I use hide the scores for x number of hours anyhow, so it's just a dot rather than a number and you have no idea what the score is when you see it.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 5:03 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2013 4:59:51 PM

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I don't care. Its the whole bandwagony, self-important nature of the users that I hate.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 5:01:18 PM

All American
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Are you just trolling?

The subs can be made private. It could be set so that only people who were tww users or have an NCSU email address can join. Or if nothing else, by request only. And users can be banned.

6/7/2013 5:05:42 PM

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Quote :
" It could be set so that only people who were tww users or have an NCSU email address can join. Or if nothing else, by request only. And users can be banned."

Cool features m8

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 5:07:02 PM

All American
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Trolling on the feedback forum... OK.

What features does TWW currently have that get used that would be lost?

School Tool? How many hits does that get?

The photo gallery is the main thing that I can think of that Reddit doesn't offer.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 5:16 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2013 5:13:36 PM

15294 Posts
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12 years of threads?

The fact that its a news website and not a forum/message board?

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 5:23:58 PM

All American
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Yes, the history of threads would be lost.

Personally, I'm not one to hold on to something for nostalgia if there is something that may be better available. But I can understand that it would be lost. I'm not sure how many people go back and read 5 or 10 year or 12 year old threads though that it would be a huge preventative factor.

Chaterbox wouldn't be an option either afaik. But Reddit is open-source, so it's possible that something comparable is out there in the works.

How is it a "news website and not a forum/message board" any more or less so than TWW? Sub forums -- check. Members can post new topics -- check. Members can post comments in a topic -- check. Moderators -- check.

What am I missing that makes you say it's a "news website and not a forum/message board" in a way that makes it sound like it is fundamentally different than TWW?

I do the same things on Reddit as I do on TWW from a "what are they meant for" perspective.

[Edited on June 7, 2013 at 6:04 PM. Reason : .]

6/7/2013 5:58:12 PM

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I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/7/2013 7:11:50 PM

All American
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So your source is wikipedia. The source there is this:

An academic article written in 2006.

Moving to 2013... and how Reddit is used and what is today.... (who the hell knows if the academic who wrote that article knew her ass from her elbow) it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck... it's a set of forums/message boards.

6/7/2013 7:48:30 PM

13178 Posts
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If I want a website that is like reddit, I would just use reddit.

TWW isn't reddit. I like that. It's a forum.

6/8/2013 1:49:12 AM

All American
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Is Reddit not a forum? A forum with tons of message boards? I'm really confused by anyone saying Reddit isn't a forum. Why do you think that and to what extent have you used Reddit?

At the end of the day, TWW and Reddit are both forums. As a forum, Reddit offers options that TWW doesn't. And I, and the handful of tww users I know in real life all prefer Reddit when it comes to features/capabilities.

While I once spent quite a bit of time on TWW, I don't anymore. That's because Reddit has the same things to offer, but with better features. And then some more stuff on top. And when I do visit TWW (after learning to use Reddit), tww is cumbersome in several ways compared to Reddit.

I can do, read, and see just about everything I can on TWW on Reddit (as far as the type of topics and the variety). Except people are consistently working to make improvements to Reddit.

I appreciate what everyone who has helped with tww has done over the years, but there are only so many contributing in that regard. Who takes over tww if qntmfred decides he wants to stop with it, or has less and less time? I'm sure someone will, but will we be in another situation where they don't fix stuff or don't make updates as we have seen in the past? How many people work to maintain and improve Reddit (which is open-source)? The numbers there don't compare. And the end-user experience of tww is mostly what it was 5 years ago. Shoot, it's not much different at all from when I joined just about 10 years ago. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes you shouldn't fix something that's not broke.

But now I've been exposed to some features I hadn't seen before, and it's tough to go come back to tww at times because I find myself wanting to be able to re-arrange the order of the comments to suit what I prefer, wanting to see the one off conversations form their own thread within the topic (I can read it if I want, but it's really easy to pass over without missing anything else if I want to go that route), I want to be able to see entertainment and tech. talk on the same page (Reddit let's you combine two completely different subs you're subscribed to and view their topics at the same time). I want to be notified when someone replies directly to a comment I made. I then want to be able to comment directly from there rather than having to go to that specific page... although, the link to do so is right there if I do want to do that.

What I like about Reddit is the options. It does the same thing as tww, there are just a lot more options.

What I like about tww and want to keep is the people. And that's possible as well on Reddit.

6/8/2013 3:31:32 AM

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Have you ever seen a forum upgrade its platform? I challenge youto find the traffic for harmony central pre and post 2.0

Im Krallum and I approved this message

6/8/2013 10:20:44 AM

All American
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Then your concern is that tww would lose users/visitors due to be unfamiliar with a new platform?

That's a legitimate concern. And probably the biggest deterrent.

6/8/2013 11:24:04 AM

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All of my concerns are legitimate

Im Krallum and I approved this message

6/8/2013 11:38:13 AM

All American
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well, several of them were actually inaccurate claims about what reddit can or cannot do. Which I guess you can say were still legitimate concerns if you acknowledge that you don't actually know what you're talking about when it comes to the features and capabilities of reddit. Which is fine. But if you claim that you are familiar with the features (which is how you came across initially), then those specific claims/concerns weren't very legitimate imo.

And then you posted a couple of concerns and thoughts that were more reasonable. Some of them by editing previous comments.

And then some comments like this:
Quote :
"I personally don't think TWW is forward-compatable as in this site has to stay this shitty site and won't work on the next gen system for those of you non-nerds."

i don't even know wtf you're talking about with the non-nerds comment. It sounds to me like you just have some hate toward reddit and preconceptions about users. Which makes me question your ability to give the notion any genuine thought or discourse.

I think you and I just have different approaches to protecting something we like. You see a change as killing what tww is.... I see not changing as being a sure (slow) death of tww. What's the rate of new users compared to 5 years ago? 10 years ago? What's the traffic like? How many actual NCSU students have joined TWW in the past few years? Personally, I'd rather see some calculated risks taken and see the tww community strengthen. It could be a misstep, but there's no doubt that it's just a matter of time in its current state.

I think both the "try to breathe life into it and potentially strengthen it" path and the "maintain it and let it die gracefully" path are legitimate options. I simply favor the former.

[Edited on June 8, 2013 at 12:32 PM. Reason : .]

6/8/2013 12:26:08 PM

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You're spending a lot of time typing a lot of words that nobody will read about something that isn't going to happen.

6/8/2013 2:00:36 PM

All American
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yeah, probably.

6/8/2013 2:04:59 PM

All American
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feedback forum is not chit chatreddit 2.0

6/8/2013 3:59:18 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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threaded forums are absolutely awful

6/8/2013 10:32:45 PM

Dick Danger
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this is a nerd debate

6/9/2013 4:15:40 AM

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Bro, do you even lift?

6/9/2013 5:47:23 PM

All American
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The hands-off moderation and equal voice provided by flat forums like TWW is an endangered species today, and should be regarded as sacrosanct.

Reddit is the most dangerous pit of feedback loop and mob rule confirmation bias ever created.

Yes, you can sort by old. Yes, you can upvote or downvote based on relevance. But the reality is no one does. They seek out the reply that fits their existing views and upvote it because it makes them feel happy.

I realize the irony of someone like myself decrying forum abuse, but the reality is that by making opinions you don't like literally disappear, you only hurt yourself in the long run.

6/9/2013 11:13:35 PM

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Quote :
"Reddit is the most dangerous pit of feedback loop and mob rule confirmation bias ever created."

Reddit is sooooo fucking awful

^you said everything I've been trying to say except that I'm retarded and couldn't express it succinctly.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/10/2013 9:30:37 AM

Forgetful Jones
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if tww was reddit, i would downvote this thread

6/10/2013 12:40:30 PM

All American
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what Krallum is trying to say is tww needs to move toward more of an image board and adopt anonymous submissions

6/10/2013 2:26:49 PM

All American
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Quote :
"The thing that makes tww cool is that quagmire can talk about how much he doesn't give a shit about Joie in that thread and everyone has to read it."


6/10/2013 3:42:44 PM

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6/10/2013 4:25:30 PM

All American
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I like reddit, but a TWW subreddit sounds like a terrible idea

6/10/2013 4:46:47 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"The hands-off moderation and equal voice provided by flat forums like TWW is an endangered species today, and should be regarded as sacrosanct.

Reddit is the most dangerous pit of feedback loop and mob rule confirmation bias ever created.

Yes, you can sort by old. Yes, you can upvote or downvote based on relevance. But the reality is no one does. They seek out the reply that fits their existing views and upvote it because it makes them feel happy.

I realize the irony of someone like myself decrying forum abuse, but the reality is that by making opinions you don't like literally disappear, you only hurt yourself in the long run.

reddit sucks nuts. i still go there for niche subreddits until they inevitably become shitholes.

6/10/2013 5:37:19 PM

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As soon as someone starts talking about something they saw on reddit IRL I stop listening.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/10/2013 5:50:28 PM

All American
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As someone who uses Reddit, Krallum and smc nailed it.

6/11/2013 4:49:38 PM

All American
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saying reddit sucks is a silly generalization.

if you only look at /all, sure, it pretty much sucks. spend some time to get past the "horrible layout" knee-jerk reaction that every reddit user initally had and find some quality subreddits before you incessantly cry.

there are plenty of subs that are self post only, (which means no link karma, which means no karma whoring links), and plenty of subs that don't contain "self-important" users.

I'm not arguing for a tww subreddit migration or whatever, I'm just addressing the misconception that reddit is some big shitty magical singular entity that contains a single "ONE OF US" community of folks "try[ing] to (sic) hard to get upboats"

[Edited on June 12, 2013 at 5:09 AM. Reason : .]

6/12/2013 4:59:53 AM

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Nah, I'm good.

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/12/2013 10:18:59 AM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"there are plenty of subs that are self post only, (which means no link karma, which means no karma whoring links), and plenty of subs that don't contain "self-important" users."

yeah. small communities with good users produce good content. until the shithead majority of reddit discovers them and ruins them. it happens to every subreddit.

regardless, mob rule applies whether it's a self-post or not. comment karma inevitably drives the discussion.

6/12/2013 12:44:27 PM

All American
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^^ k. good talk.

^ eh, there are plenty I've been subscribed to for upwards of a year that are still untainted and have very little discrepancy regarding how many upvotes or downvotes each comment has.

And comment karma only really drives discussion in the huge subs where each popular post gets thousands upon thousands of comments, so those late to the party are buried at the bottom underneath comments with +2531.

In the smaller/medium subs you'll often/usually find discussion attached to discussion-provoking parent comments regardless of their upvotes.

[Edited on June 12, 2013 at 1:35 PM. Reason : .]

6/12/2013 1:34:03 PM

All American
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Quote :
"threaded forums are absolutely awful"

Quote :
"1) Horrible layout"

Quote :
"Reddit is the most dangerous pit of feedback loop and mob rule confirmation bias ever created."

6/12/2013 4:59:55 PM

All American
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6/12/2013 8:15:30 PM

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Look I've tried reddit a few times. The subreddits that are things I'd be interested in are either

A) All giant circle jerks and exactly like what has been described ITT.

B) So small that no one ever posts and there are other forums that are bigger / better

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 9:36:46 AM

El Nachó
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Hmm...a forum where people who say shitty things get downvoted and their posts disappear and Walls doesn't like it?

Well, who could have possibly guessed that would be the case?

6/13/2013 2:14:36 PM

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Yeah thats exactly what I mean.

If people are trolling or being toxic then they should be reprimanded in some way, but standard users shouldn't be allowed to vote based on what their opinion of something is - and it shouldn't be hidden from other users who haven't voted at all. Reddit is the equivalent of Fox News

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

6/13/2013 4:27:49 PM

All American
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it's only hidden from lazy users

6/13/2013 4:29:41 PM

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