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The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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So far, F this. . .

11/3/2020 9:59:53 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Once sworn in next year, Madison Cawthorn will take the youngest-member title from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who is now 31. He will also be the first member of Congress born in the 1990s. Responding to his projected victory, Cawthorn tweeted: "Cry more, lib." Peter Weber"

[Edited on November 3, 2020 at 10:09 PM. Reason : ]

11/3/2020 10:09:13 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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11/3/2020 10:34:03 PM

All American
19598 Posts
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In some good news, Senator Jeff Jackson won!

11/3/2020 10:47:52 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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^^^ Spite is some powerful stuff.

11/4/2020 1:22:03 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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For those who weren't following the thread on Facebook while tww was shut down, this was my final prediction. Of everything called I've only missed ME-2 so far.

Also cheers to NE-2, where I now live and vote! If Biden wins with exactly 270 you'll have us to thank for it.

11/4/2020 6:25:58 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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If Arizona flips back to Trump that could be a harbinger. Pennsylvania still looking like it will come through though.

11/4/2020 10:26:02 PM

2001 Posts
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My prayers that neither win might actually come true.

11/5/2020 2:54:04 AM

All American
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Georgia is probably going to stay red this year. North Carolina will be red.

This is going to come down to Pennsylvania, as originally expected

11/5/2020 10:18:32 AM

2001 Posts
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Look at what has changed since 2016. Hilary outperformed Biden against Trump among every group except old people and uneducated whites.

11/5/2020 10:29:39 AM

All American
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When you start at rock bottom and consider incumbent effects that's not surprising. Trump still lost blacks, hispanics (non-cubans), and asians by wide margins. He won cubans by a big margin, which was always expected.

What's probably the most concerning though is young white people trump won a majority, where he lost epically with young non-white people. Basically future generations are going to still have the same issues with systemic racism and white supremacy as current ones it looks like.

11/5/2020 11:44:04 AM

2001 Posts
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You are looking at the wrong numbers. Let me put it this way. Any democrat would win blacks against any republican. I'm not talking about the numbers like that because they don't tell you whats going on.

Hillary won 85% of the black vote in swing states.
Biden only won 82%. That means Trump picked up 3% more of that black vote.

Hilary won 67% of urban areas in swing states
Biden only won 62%

Similar trends amongst suburban, rural, college grads, hispanic, obama/trump, and high income voters.

Trump has gained ground in every demographic except +65 and whites without college.

[Edited on November 5, 2020 at 12:19 PM. Reason : that data is only in battleground states. ]

11/5/2020 12:18:18 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"Biden only won 82%. That means Trump picked up 3% more of that black vote"

First of all, that's not how that works. Secondly, turnout is way up across the board, and that always makes it harder to hold on to higher percentages. Biden is going to outperform Obama in black voter turnout in some places.

11/6/2020 12:21:19 AM

6290 Posts
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Quote :
" Georgia is probably going to stay red this year"


11/6/2020 12:39:09 AM

2001 Posts
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^^Nice spin but turnout is obviously up because people were able to vote from their couch. Why do you want to argue with the data instead of just admitting democrats made overall gains off of old, white, and uneducated demographics while losing ground in every other demographic.

It also checks out considering playing despacito was Joe's hispanic outreach.

11/6/2020 2:16:02 AM

oh we back
25235 Posts
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are we talking about exit polling? because wouldn't exit polling be even less reliable this year than in most years with so much more mail voting?

11/6/2020 6:26:27 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Turnout is up because Trump is such a polarizing incumbent. That's it, that's the reason.

11/6/2020 8:37:39 AM

All American
2157 Posts
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They called the election for Biden, based off of Pennsylvania.

11/6/2020 9:10:20 AM

2001 Posts
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Trump supporters are rocking out to a acab band while waving thin blue line and Biden supporters pack the streets of every city as if COVID never existed. These Americans probably have no idea what they believe and its all just teams sports to them

11/8/2020 3:20:08 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Except that most of them were wearing masks.

11/8/2020 8:21:16 AM

2001 Posts
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Wearing a mask doesn't mean you can pack tightly into the streets by the thousands. The recommendation is to avoid large crowds AND wear masks. So many people had their noses out and a lot had masks off or on their chin. People were passing a champaign bottle around in DC and the MSNBC reporter said they were all wearing masks and drinking champaign.

Just admit you find it ok when its democrats and not ok when its republicans.

11/8/2020 12:26:04 PM

All American
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It’s not okay, but you can’t really stop spontaneity mass partying either. This is going to add to the already spiking cases and deaths

11/8/2020 12:51:20 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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I don't find it OK, and I didn't participate. I'm merely pointing out your false equivalency. I know what the guidelines say. I follow them.

11/8/2020 1:30:04 PM

Save TWW
37148 Posts
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I'd like to reiterate that The Lincoln Project is trash

So is John Kasich

11/8/2020 7:45:00 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24710 Posts
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I disagree.

11/8/2020 8:46:18 PM

All American
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A friend of my uncle posted this on Facebook, it had about 100 shares:

Quote :
" Eff your Jesus?? really?

Pardon the profanity. When cnn officially declared Biden as president-elect, Black Lives Matter showed up to celebrate a victory over Jesus and the biblical ideals of the majority of Republicans. You see, the Pilgrims and Puritans arrived in this Land from England exactly 400 yrs ago in 1620 AD for freedom from the Church of England's liberal teachings and persecution. America was settled, became independent, established and prospered on Evangelical, Judaeo- Christian-Biblical ideologies as a Christian nation. In 2020, this election Showdown is a battle in high places against Christianity. Although they say they're fighting for the soul of this nation, Biden, Harris, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Omar, Sanders, Mainstream media, all the social media platforms and fallen churches, and the entire liberal gang wage war against Christ and the clear teachings of the Bible: they want God out, lgbtq in, transgender marriages and homosexuality , all abominations to God. They want Globalism where America submits to the UN which is dominated by haters of Christianity and the nation through whom Jesus came to dwell among us, the Jews. They want a weak America and a New World Order with one religion devoid of Christ....but hailing all things Anti-Christ. Obama's father's dream was to make America bow to the world. His son de-funded the military and muzzled them. De-funded NASA. Began a black race war, imported certain unvettable refugees by the droves and he began that during his 2 terms... hillary was to be his 3rd term but failed miserably, though the gang has tried everything in an evil plot to get Trump out, impeachment, Russian collusion, endless investigations and then hatched this plot with George Soros, Dominion fraud software originally created for Hugo Chavez rigging, all written and produced by Obama and Hillary to secure Obama's 3rd term via Harris, his darling puppet. The same way God had raised up King Cyrus to grant favors to the apple of God's eye, the Jews, Trump was raised up to favor Christ, his Church and Israel. Jesus had promised that he would never leave us nor forsake us but had warned that we will be persecuted for his name's sake. He had given the world a schedule of events in Matthew 24 leading up to His eventual return to crush the powers of evil. Perilous times are upon us for the new world order will seek total control of mankind and destroy all liberties...will become one big socialist "Dominion" with the code 666 chipped into people's foreheads or arms with Identification and the medium of doing all transactions....all predicted in the bible book of Revelations.
I call on all people of all nationalities to return to the religion of your forefathers. (Google "Table of Nations") If you're Asian or White your forefather was Japheth, if African, your forefather was Ham, if you're Jewish or other White, your forefather was Shem ...all were sons of Noah and all worshipped the one living God YHWH (Jehovah)...they rebelled at Babel's tower and scattered across the earth being confused in languages and religions. Jesus, who is cursed out by blm, baby killers planned parenthood, by Obama who called Jesus a Cynic.... Jesus calls us all back to Forgiveness and to resist the evils fighting to rule over us. God Save America. See John 3:16 ...for God so loved the world..."

11/16/2020 2:06:39 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd like to reiterate that The Lincoln Project is trash"


11/16/2020 12:28:30 PM

Save TWW
37148 Posts
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Bc the whole team is Republicans with trash views directing money to their own personal advertising firms to put billboards in times Square to get attention from all those Manhattan fence sitters. They were supposed to get republican voters but republican support of Trump went UP. they are still soliciting funds in Georgia when it's clear Stacey Abrams org and other grassroots orgs are the ones that need the funding to knock doors, come up with local campaigns and register voters. Additionally they are trying to use their funds to start a network that is would bet large sums will swiftly pivot to working to Biden right on key issues. They've got a built in audience of liberals.

Anyone left of, say, Michael Bloomberg should be against the LP imo.

And nodody asked, but Kasich is a loser that didn't help in Ohio and is already publicly attacking from the right a number of popular policies. He's a republican if he wants to try to help Dems win, great, but that doesn't shouldn't earn him the right to drive Dem policy

[Edited on November 16, 2020 at 1:11 PM. Reason : E]

11/16/2020 1:08:51 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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It's almost as if Never Trump Republicans are, you Democrats.

Quote :
"Just admit you find it ok when its democrats and not ok when its republicans."

Yep, this pisses me off too. It undermines credibility, never mind that it spreads disease just like when dipshit MAGAs do it.

11/16/2020 1:25:11 PM

Save TWW
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Yea exactly and the Republican party has had trash views for a long time. Therefore, never Trumper are trash. My only argument is Dems should give them zero funds and zero policy influence, and should really give them zero follows bc their propaganda direction is about to change.

11/16/2020 1:30:58 PM

All American
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Duh, that's part of the bargain. That was my point with my previous post.

We don't expect you to be Republicans, and we don't have any collateral on you other than maybe some good faith--but if you fuck us, many Never Trumpers will sit home or even vote for a moderately less unpalatable successor to Trump next time. We did an altruistic thing here, but that has limits.

...and I won't feel bad about it. In fact, if I'm caught between two totally unacceptable sides, I'll just go full nihilist and support the one who will tax me and fuck with me less.

11/16/2020 5:48:28 PM

Save TWW
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That is in fact clearly not part of the bargain as Dem power brokers are giving voice to never Trumpers, which is what im upset about.

As for you personally as as a voter, I don't know how they could fuck you if they didn't make you any promises

11/16/2020 6:01:42 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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Quote :
"After months of delays and blistering criticism, a review of the 2020 election in Arizona’s largest county, ordered up and financed by Republicans, has failed to show that former President Donald J. Trump was cheated of victory, according to draft versions of the report.

In fact, the draft report from the company Cyber Ninjas found just the opposite: It tallied 99 additional votes for President Biden and 261 fewer votes for Mr. Trump in Maricopa County, the fast-growing region that includes Phoenix."


9/24/2021 10:30:57 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
24710 Posts
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LOL, indeed!

9/24/2021 11:10:23 AM

All American
27966 Posts
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I certainly wasn't expecting that... maybe those Cyber Ninjas ain't so bad

9/24/2021 11:32:15 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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It still normalizes this shit.

Next time around, they'll point to this audit and say "What's the worst that could happen?"

9/24/2021 11:37:04 AM

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