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Quote :
"From Obama's statements in that speech, it's painfully obvious he has no idea what it's like to put your livelihood on the line to start a business, bring value to the market, and provide jobs for others. His whole life has been an affirmative action, political grooming entitlement fest."

So basically you're an entrepreneurial elitist. The average lawyer who puts himself through undergraduate and law school to take a job at a large law firm takes on no personal risk by aligning with a firm. The average accountant who puts himself through undergraduate and a CPA program and takes a job at a big four takes on no personal risk by doing so.

So basically no one who isn't a small business owner has your respect? The majority work for someone else who assumes the risk. It certainly doesn't make them less responsible or less apt to run the country well.

[Edited on July 16, 2012 at 1:47 PM. Reason : /]

7/16/2012 1:46:46 PM

All American
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are you really trying to equate the risks of taking a job vs starting a business? Sounds like he is commenting on him knowing what it is like to risk a lot on the uncertainty of a new business.

7/16/2012 2:14:41 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Provide me one example of Obama either gaining practical experience in a market driven, risk affected business. Or where affirmative action did not play a role in his acquiring of prestigious positions...."

how about you provide me one example of him succeeding only because of affirmative action

7/16/2012 2:25:29 PM

1919 Posts
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I don't know the credibility of this source but I found this with a pretty quick google search:

Quote :
"Obama’s 1990 note to the Harvard Law Record ” as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career”
Posted by thesophic · August 29, 2011

According to the Harvard Law Review, Obama was thankful for the assistance he received through affirmative action. Read his 1990 letter here:
(9th paragraph down: “….. I must say, however, that as someone who has undoubtedly benefited from affirmative action programs during my academic career, and as someone who may have benefited from the Law Review’s affirmative action policy when I was selected to join the Review last year…”)

7/16/2012 2:53:22 PM

1919 Posts
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Quote :
"So basically you're an entrepreneurial elitist. The average lawyer who puts himself through undergraduate and law school to take a job at a large law firm takes on no personal risk by aligning with a firm. The average accountant who puts himself through undergraduate and a CPA program and takes a job at a big four takes on no personal risk by doing so.

So basically no one who isn't a small business owner has your respect? The majority work for someone else who assumes the risk. It certainly doesn't make them less responsible or less apt to run the country well."

Taking a job and working at a private company, or starting a business of your own, is much different than working for the state.

This is anecdotal but every single person I have contact with that either works for the state, or is contracted by them, claims that state run bureaucracy is inefficient, lazy and anyone who portrays efficiency/competitiveness gets indirectly punished.

7/16/2012 2:56:57 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"are you really trying to equate the risks of taking a job vs starting a business? Sounds like he is commenting on him knowing what it is like to risk a lot on the uncertainty of a new business."

Huh? No. Did you read what I wrote. I'm asking why it he thinks it's a differentiator to have experience in a startup.

^ I would agree that bureaucratic public jobs are like that but the whole premise that you take on any level of personal risk working in a private sector job I disagree with.

Any anyway, wasn't Obama an associate at a private firm in Chicago?

7/16/2012 3:10:27 PM

All American
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Here's the full letter that stormfront, freerepublic and MattJMM2 apparently love quotemining, but I still don't see that as evidence supporting the "one example of him succeeding only because of affirmative action" thesis"

[Edited on July 16, 2012 at 3:21 PM. Reason : .]

7/16/2012 3:21:41 PM

1919 Posts
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I never made the claim that he ONLY made his way through life because of AA.

thegoolife3 asked for one example ONLY due to AA, but that burden of proof is nearly impossible to satisfy. What I provided is Obama admitting that AA helped him in that instance.

My comments/opinions are in regards to Obama's statements that we all owe the government for our successes. And with that reasoning, the successful must pay back what is owed at a higher rate than others. This pisses me off because a lot of people don't use or can use the government to such benefit as he did.

7/16/2012 3:35:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"but that burden of proof is nearly impossible to satisfy."

some people realize this before making blanket statements

you failed to do that

7/16/2012 3:48:32 PM

1919 Posts
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Wrong. You are making shit up and putting words in my mouth.

I made the claim that AA played a role in Obama's accomplishments, something he openly admits. You asked for proof of a blanket statement, in what seems like a shitty rhetorical attempt to stump me.

7/16/2012 5:32:58 PM

All American
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Just because Obama thinks he has benefitted from AA, doesn't mean he actually has. His own belief isn't proof that he did, although he most likely did.

Likewise, you don't have to look nearly as hard to find evidence of white privilege helping out any random white male.

7/16/2012 10:05:25 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"Likewise, you don't have to look nearly as hard to find evidence of white privilege helping out any random white male."

Let's find some white panhandler on Hillsborough street and use it as proof that "white privilege" doesn't do some people much good.

7/16/2012 10:46:00 PM

All American
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it takes no stretch of the imagination to know that poor white trash actually has it the worst of anybody.

in public schools for instance, those kids are just considered to be slackers or bums; they cant play the race card.

identical slackers and bums, as long as theyre non-white, get a free pass.

just ask any teacher; the underachieving white students have no excuse (not even abuse). its disgusting really, to be doomed to a future of food lion and mcdonalds servitude. at least AA rescues some kids (however unfairly it might be applied).

white privilege my dick; not in north carolina.

7/16/2012 11:04:58 PM

All American
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what a wild parallel universe you live in

7/16/2012 11:18:13 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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^^ LOL

7/16/2012 11:33:27 PM

All American
15485 Posts
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^^^ So stupid...

Quote :
"Let's find some white panhandler on Hillsborough street and use it as proof that "white privilege" doesn't do some people much good."

There aren't really any white bums working Hillsborough St. at the moment. There's really only been one that I can remember. The lady that everyone knows is actually Native American, so that doesn't count. So does the fact that there aren't any white panhandlers (at the moment) defeat your argument?

7/17/2012 12:57:12 AM

All American
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^interesting. THere was a couple white male bums (the majority) when I went to state. 96-00 One had a dog. Helped his business.

7/17/2012 5:25:38 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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Countless minorities and women fail even with the help of AA. This is just the same as countless white males failing even with the help of white privledge.

7/17/2012 8:18:17 AM

All American
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^^^^^^long rant not based in reality and devoid of rationale.... ignore.

7/17/2012 9:11:07 AM

All American
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excellent! looks like we almost have the whole crew here today...

thegoodlife3, moron, imstoned420, and bullet.

if we only had disco_stu it would be a party!

so if obama gets reelected (and youre all convinced he will be in a landslide), does he inherit the bush legacy all over again?

i cant wait for him to misstep and say "the previous administration."

...and id like to see any of you try and prove that poor white trash isnt the most screwed demographic (aside from native americans) that exists today. of course it could be that you dont like them and dont want to defend them ey? they are the kind of bumpkins that make you look bad? the types responsible for you being judged when you go out of state to a conference? your southern accent means you have to constantly prove youre one of them?

fuck them right!

edit: im also going to assume im the only teacher in this thread, and i dont give two fucks if i dont exist in the mickey mouse world youve enveloped yourself in. i know what happens in the classroom, i know the grades that are earned, i know the conversations with other teachers, and i know the administrative actions that are taken to keep things level. just keep listening to NPR and thinking thats the real world. otherwise the only useful thing you can attempt to do with yourself is get me and 80 percent of other teachers out of here and try rebuilding it from scratch (with money you dont have). good luck.

[Edited on July 17, 2012 at 9:53 AM. Reason : -]

7/17/2012 9:49:58 AM

All American
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Quote :
"...and id like to see any of you try and prove that poor white trash isnt the most screwed demographic (aside from native americans) that exists today. of course it could be that you dont like them and dont want to defend them ey? they are the kind of bumpkins that make you look bad? the types responsible for you being judged when you go out of state to a conference? your southern accent means you have to constantly prove youre one of them?"

Even within the poorest, dark corners of Appalachia where the white unemployment and poverty rates are highest in the country, the black folks in that area have it worse. That's because blacks in those areas suffer all the same issues that the poor whites do plus the regular effects of racial discrimination.

Two papers that touch on this

Quote :
"edit: im also going to assume im the only teacher in this thread"

That you are a teacher is the most terrifying thing I have ever read on this forum. You are a profoundly ignorant, short-sighted, angry, and possibly bigoted person, and I feel sorry for any parent of any of the kids you teach who haven't had the opportunity to read the drivel you post here and (wisely) choose to withdraw their children from your classroom. I can only hope you teach a relatively sterile subject like Maths or PE, where you can't as easily inject your stupidity.

[Edited on July 17, 2012 at 10:08 AM. Reason : .]

7/17/2012 10:04:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"if we only had disco_stu it would be a party!"


7/17/2012 10:23:37 AM

All American
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^^dont kid yourself,

it would be painfully obvious to any outside, non-biased observer that the liberals in this forum are far more racist than any conservative.

and besides, you dont know shit. if you had the reading comprehension skills of a 4th grader you would know this from my last two posts.

my black students are just fine, in fact, theyre some of my best/favorite. kids you would call "poor white trash" are the ones that never stand a chance. theyre also never given a chance. i do what i can, but any given schools focus is elsewhere, and judging by their performance its not needed.

so maybe AA is a success? my black students certainly seem to be evidence of it? or perhaps theyre just clever? regardless, it seems another demographic could use the same assistance.

reminds me of winston salem state recently cutting off minority scholarships to white students. the state NAACP made sure of that.

dont pretend to know anything about me; none of us really know shit about these ridiculous personas we interact with daily. to insinuate that you do is ridiculous and creepy. liberals always take that personal/professional cheap shot. the conservative equivalent would be me trying to witness to you or call you a godless heathen. im sure you would take that well.

[Edited on July 17, 2012 at 10:26 AM. Reason : -]

7/17/2012 10:25:54 AM

All American
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several close-minded rabid rants.

i find it sad and terrifying that you're supposedly educating young kids. are you as arrogant and berating around them? it's disturbing how you seem to think that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a sub-human "liberal".

btw, my gf and mom are both teachers, they don't echo your sentiments.

[Edited on July 17, 2012 at 10:32 AM. Reason : ]

7/17/2012 10:30:14 AM

All American
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again, you dont know shit.

i dont educate young kids, and according to str8foolish my sentiments and actions on this board lay my entire life plain for all to see.

if i was really being watched that closely you would easily know what grade level i teach. have fun with that scavenger hunt, but realistically nobody is going to look.

ill just accept str8foolish's judgment of me as bullshit since he doesnt have a clue either.

i dont think liberals are subhuman; i just think about a half-dozen of them here in TSB are robotic. i hear enough liberal drone on television/radio, and its disappointing to see what amounts to a transcript of those conversations appear here as supposedly unique arguments.

7/17/2012 10:35:41 AM

All American
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your ignornant, arrogant conservative talking points are very refreshing and unique!!

(and no, i'm really not watching you closely, i i figured out that you were full of shit a while ago)

7/17/2012 10:46:04 AM

All American
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so my black students arent really terrific then?

7/17/2012 10:47:27 AM

All American
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well i guess thats the end of that "argument."

heres a new one for you:

to quote one of the comments at the bottom before its pushed out of view,

Quote :
"Hahahaha. Too funny how these poor Obama team members have to twist themselves into pretzels when talking to their base. Not allowed to call the stadium "Bank of America" stadium even if that is what it is named. What about Staples Center in L.A. Didn't Romney start Staples? Oh man, can you imagine if they picked Staples Center? "Meet us over at, uh, Reams O' Paper Center. "

I hope you Obama fanatics can understand what is happening here. Do you realize that you are perceived as idiots by the Obama power people? Seriously. This is how you are perceived."

7/17/2012 11:23:41 AM

All American
38988 Posts
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you do a killer impression of the dad from American History X

keep up the good work!

7/17/2012 11:37:38 AM

All American
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you guys do a great impression of "hey arnold!: the movie"

minus the motivation of course,

7/17/2012 11:54:13 AM

All American
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ok, +1 this guy.

this ad today i saw for the first time, where romney is singing america the beautiful?

fantastic idea! romney's ads really do suck balls; needs to get his shit together.

7/17/2012 5:35:56 PM

16786 Posts
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Quote :
"PHOENIX – After determining earlier this year there is probable cause to suspect the document released by the White House as Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said today he believes his Cold Case Posse’s investigation should be advanced to the federal government, based on further information released today at a press conference under way now in Phoenix that is being live-streamed by WND.

Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo said the new information confirms the document presented to the American public in April 2011 is undoubtedly fraudulent.

Arpaio told WND he intends to move the investigation and the new information to a higher authority within the federal government because of what he calls an imminent threat to national security and U.S. immigration laws. The threat is posed by a flaw in Hawaii’s law discovered by his investigators that allows a foreigner to obtain a Hawaii birth certificate.

“Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security,” Arpaio said.

Arpaio said he intends on keeping a case file open if more information surfaces or if federal authorities decide to ignore the case.

Zullo explained that along with new information discovered regarding the birth certificate since the posse’s March 1 press conference, his team has discovered Hawaii provides easy access to a birth certificate, even if the child wasn’t born in the state.


7/18/2012 1:50:29 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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This reads just like a story from someone who claims to have found bigfoot.

"I've got some really super, super evidence but I can't show it to you guys right now"

7/18/2012 9:10:34 AM

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7/18/2012 11:38:10 AM

All American
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i listened to rush and hannity babble on for hours about obama's most recent speech and how most succesful people have help.

i mean, it was a silly thing to say, but he went on to say that most successful people had a teacher or mentor or someone that influenced their succes. and it's america's government that gives most succesful americans the oppurtunity to be successful, which is true. most successful people in america wouldn't have been as successful if they were born in africa. hacks like rush are spinning like crazy to try to take it out of context. (again, he probably shouldn't have said it, or he could have worded it a little differently)

7/18/2012 12:22:44 PM

All American
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It was a really, really poor choice of words because it was so easily taken out of context. Something like " didn't do it in a vacuum." would have gotten the point across, but then conservatives would have called him an elitist technocrat for the scientific language, "Why can't he just say "sweeper" like a normal American?"

7/18/2012 1:45:41 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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I doubt Obama loses much sleep over how Rush and Hannity spin his words considering their audience is already a lost cause.

Meanwhile, you've got Michele Bachman engaging in a witch hunt for Muslim extremists in the administration and no one calls her on it. Liberal bias indeed.

[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 2:32 PM. Reason : :]

7/18/2012 2:31:28 PM

16786 Posts
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These are great!

7/18/2012 2:39:31 PM

All American
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^^^^^not even clever, i think he'd readily admit that he had help

7/18/2012 2:46:17 PM

16786 Posts
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they're saying this is another doctored photo.

The mother's hand is black.

link to photogallery:


[Edited on July 18, 2012 at 11:49 PM. Reason : .]

7/18/2012 11:49:11 PM

All American
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no way that's been photoshopped to shit

my eyes have been opened

7/19/2012 12:09:04 AM

16786 Posts
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here's another from the same gallery.

the color of the hair and the backround don't match. It seems obama and his mom were photochopped into this picture.

[Edited on July 19, 2012 at 12:14 AM. Reason : .]

7/19/2012 12:13:16 AM

All American
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Jobs was an Obama supporter.

The photoshop claims are hilariously dumb too, thanks Geniusxboy for bringing the laughs.

7/19/2012 12:46:15 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"they're saying this is another doctored photo."

They say a lot of things, don't they?

7/19/2012 2:20:44 AM

16786 Posts
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The image is right there, why don't you look at it instead of being a dumbass who cares about the word "they".

7/19/2012 2:51:37 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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why does his hair color have to match the background color? My hair hardly ever matches the background in a picture of me

7/19/2012 9:13:09 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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shitty photos from 30 years ago are shitty.

7/19/2012 9:33:16 AM

All American
14984 Posts
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Another stellar set of jobs numbers out this morning.

7/19/2012 9:50:10 AM

All American
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So that photo is supposed to be evidence that Frank Marshal Davis was his mentor? That's totally compelling, not a stretch at all.

7/19/2012 9:57:21 AM

16786 Posts
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For photoshop experts, you guys let me down.

[Edited on July 19, 2012 at 10:55 AM. Reason : .]

7/19/2012 10:55:39 AM

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