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All American
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So, there are pics floating around of him from a FB account of a guesthouse high up in the mountains in Pakistan, where he allegedly stayed last October. Pics are easy to find if anybody wants to see; just shows him posing on a mountaintop with the valley in the background.

The guesthouse has taken down the pics, but this video has survived:

And here is a discussion about why someone like him would visit a country belonging to people the types of which he massacred:

The link quotes this from his manifesto:

Quote :
"Did/do you personally hate foreigners/other cultures?

No, I spent many years travelling through many, many nations. Everywhere I travelled, barring a few small exceptions, I was treated wonderfully, often as a guest and even as a friend. The varied cultures of the world greeted me with warmth and compassion, and I very much enjoyed nearly every moment I spent with them.

I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations. But, if those same people seek to come to my peoples lands, replace my people, subjugate my people, make war upon on my people, ,hen I shall be forced to fight them, and hold nothing in reserve."

3/15/2019 2:27:51 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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From here:

Quote :
"A song which played in the suspect's car is known as a marching anthem for Serbian nationalist paramilitary units known as Chetniks during the 1992-95 Bosnian war.

It praises Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, who was convicted of genocide and war crimes."

Quote :
"The names of men convicted of killing Muslims and migrants are written on the suspect's weaponry.

One item had the words "For Rotherham" written on it, a reference to a child abuse scandal in the UK, while other wording referenced historical battles between European countries and the Ottoman Empire."

Quote :
"The 16,500-word document is called "The Great Replacement", title of a loose global movement that has been rapidly growing online.

In it, the man says he began planning an attack after visiting Europe in 2017 and being angered by events there.

Specifically, he references a lorry attack carried out by an Islamic State sympathiser in Sweden, France's decision to elect the moderate Emmanuel Macron as president, and ethnic diversity in France.

Despite insisting that he was not motivated by fame, he painstakingly details his thoughts on numerous, unrelated topics. He also acknowledges that he intended to survive the attack, and hoped it would spread fear.

He chose the Al Noor mosque as his target three months ago, the document says.

But investigative website Bellingcat reports that the document was a trap "laid for journalists", saying it was a form of trolling designed "to derail productive discussion and distract readers".

The central tenet of the conspiracy is that "European peoples" are dying out and being "replaced" by immigrants with a different, inferior and dangerous culture, says the BBC's Dominic Casciani.

This is basically a code for hatred or fear of Muslims - part of the theory is that states and corporations are encouraging "white genocide" by pushing up immigration rates purely to keep global capitalism going, says our correspondent."

Article referenced above:

Shitposting, Inspirational Terrorism, and the Christchurch Mosque Massacre

A total scheming terrorist.

3/15/2019 3:02:33 PM

26632 Posts
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let's dial back the obsession of the shooter and his manifesto, terrorists shouldn't be made into celebrities

3/15/2019 3:08:23 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Ok but real quick before we do, did he mention Trump anywhere?

3/15/2019 4:37:22 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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ooh, good question!

3/15/2019 4:40:39 PM

All American
2253 Posts
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Yes he did mention Trump

'Trump is a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose' - New Zealand terrorist Brenton Tarrant

3/15/2019 5:58:09 PM

26632 Posts
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Trump shooter

3/15/2019 6:13:12 PM

All American
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Trump called immigrants invaders earlier today, that’s fine right?

3/15/2019 9:10:26 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Is y'all having a disagreement over this shit?

Dude murdered 40+ people and repped Trump in the process.

Shit's fucked, B.

3/15/2019 9:32:43 PM

All American
10665 Posts
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too much identity politics going on by all sides

[Edited on March 16, 2019 at 6:46 AM. Reason : s]

3/16/2019 6:42:22 AM

Save TWW
37127 Posts
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One sides identity politics is pushing for hate and exclusion, the others is begging for acceptance and inclusion. So, yea, "both sides" definitely.

3/16/2019 11:03:15 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^^ plenty of good people on both sides amirite?

3/16/2019 11:38:34 AM

26632 Posts
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Very fine people

3/16/2019 6:19:58 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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I feel like I could go into writing right-wing Civil War II fan-fiction and make a lot of money out of it.

3/21/2019 1:42:23 PM

26632 Posts
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1. Be any kind of minority
2. Pretend to like Trump on social media
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!

3/21/2019 2:26:35 PM

All American
33751 Posts
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These people are insane

Quote :
"QUESTION: Could it be that President Trump right now has been sort of raised for such a time as this, just like Queen Esther, to help save the Jewish people from the Iranian menace?
SECRETARY POMPEO: As a Christian I certainly believe that’s possible."

3/21/2019 6:53:08 PM

50084 Posts
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Congrats to Jussie on his complete and total exoneration.

I hope that anyone who fabricated this vile and fraudulent anti-Jussie rhetoric is never allowed on TV again. Let’s start with Don and Don, Jr.

(Did I do it right?)

3/26/2019 11:52:02 AM

26632 Posts
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today i realized his name is jussie and not jessie

3/26/2019 12:00:38 PM

50084 Posts
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I had no idea who the guy was before this whole shitshow.

I suspect it’s a rather easy calculus for Chicago. Go after a dude for a “victimless” crime and have your entire PDs pathetic racist history be litigated. Or drop it and save face.

Easy decision. And we get the added bonus of MAGAs getting pissed off.

3/26/2019 12:12:24 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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sounds like he still did it, but somehow (MAH POWER STRUCTURES!) got them to let him off, noting his community service etc

3/26/2019 2:53:29 PM

50084 Posts
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All I see is a complete and total exoneration.

No collusion with the two Nigerians.

(But you’re right though I suspect it has at least something to do with them knowing the light would be shone back on the ugly Macdonald cover up).

3/26/2019 2:57:32 PM

26632 Posts
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the illegal witch hunt against jussie is basically treason

3/26/2019 3:47:25 PM

26632 Posts
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Militia leader allegedly claimed his group was training to assassinate Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, court papers said
Quote :
"Militia leader allegedly claimed his group was training to assassinate Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, court papers said"

4/23/2019 9:03:38 AM

All American
2049 Posts
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And another group of nutjobs in Washington state:

4/23/2019 11:46:07 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides"

4/23/2019 12:12:22 PM

50084 Posts
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I didn’t live through the left-wing Weather Underground terrorism in the 70s (and I know it is different given their targets was the US govt) so I’m not sure how serious we took it but rightwing violence and militarism in this country is reaching a very dangerous level. It’s shameful it’s almost taboo to talk about it..

4/27/2019 7:49:04 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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What's troubling me most is how quickly and thoroughly they're becoming indoctrinated and radicalized, and it's especially impressive when you consider the fact there is no actual doctrine. These guys are all over the map, and I can't see an "in" to persuade them. From what I can tell, most of them seem to believe:

Everything is somebody else's fault. None of the words we use have actual meaning--we're all a bunch of fake news, PC robots. There is an active conspiracy to disguise a truth that only they can see. And the only solution is to hoard guns and ultimately do violence...

4/28/2019 6:43:10 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
"there is no actual doctrine"

That's a feature, not a bug. They can project personal boogie men onto shared conspiracies.

4/28/2019 10:38:11 PM

50084 Posts
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It’s incredibly disturbing that our tech overlords can do nothing about this, either. Fucking Jack admitted he can’t do anything about white nationalists because any algorithm would also likely block the president and members of Congress.

Also, Ilhan Omar is legitimately being blamed for this by members of actual congress — its insane. Super serious SNL star pirate eye is a piece of shit and a bigot and I hate that Pete Davidson normalized him.

4/29/2019 9:15:24 AM

All American
3785 Posts
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Quote :
"Fucking Jack admitted he can’t do anything about white nationalists because any algorithm would also likely block the president and members of Congress."

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

4/29/2019 9:29:44 AM

All American
27946 Posts
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5/10/2019 2:43:15 PM

All American
38975 Posts
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my heart is full after seeing Ben Shapiro getting clowned all day

5/10/2019 6:10:23 PM

All American
33751 Posts
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I’ve noticed a lot lately Fox News headlines are false statements from their pundits

Like on google news one of the headlines aggregated from Fox was “rush Limbaugh says mueller has nothing to say to congress” or “Laura ingraham believes trump was spied on”

No differentiation on if it’s an oped or not, beyond that it’s just nutty Fox is re-reporting lousy commentary. Despite all the controversy they’ve been in and some loss of advertisers they seem to be doubling down on fueling right wing idiocy.

5/18/2019 1:09:30 AM

Forgetful Jones
147706 Posts
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your first experience with click bait?

5/18/2019 4:49:32 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"I’ve noticed a lot lately Fox News headlines are false statements from their pundits"

That's generous. A bunch of them are rando's tweets.

5/18/2019 9:34:25 PM

All American
27946 Posts
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A user posted this interesting twitter thread showing how some was radicalized by "Fox News-> trump -> breotbart -> Ben shApiro -> white nationalism"

Here's a similar story:

5/28/2019 12:33:28 PM

26632 Posts
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The Oregon GOP is going full right wing militia

6/22/2019 5:25:51 PM

26632 Posts
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NBD, just the official Oregon GOP making fun of democrats for being afraid of an armed militia

6/23/2019 2:00:04 PM

All American
38975 Posts
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and using a picture from a different protest

6/23/2019 4:17:52 PM

50084 Posts
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Both sides are the same, guys.

Stein 2020.

6/23/2019 5:36:35 PM

All American
27946 Posts
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[Edited on June 24, 2019 at 10:45 AM. Reason : ]

6/24/2019 10:43:05 AM

All American
2174 Posts
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Some good ol fashioned terrorism we've got out here in Oregon.

6/24/2019 10:34:09 PM

26632 Posts
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it was started by a republican senator threatening to kill any state troopers that came to arrest him:
Quote :
"“This is what I told the superintendent,” Boquist said, referring to OSP Superintendent Travis Hampton. “Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.”"
"send bachelors and come heavily armed" is okay but kneeling at football games is outrageous

The Insanity in Oregon Is a Glimpse of Our Very Dark Future

6/25/2019 8:13:40 AM

All American
6570 Posts
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We have spiraled down the most bizarre series of events over the last four years and I have thought somehow the country would, even temporarily over a couple months, stabilize itself somewhat. I don’t think that has really happened.

So I hate to say it, but maybe what this country needs to see is right wing nut jobs gunning down cops because GOP politicians are cowards. I’d argue this is where much of the far-right is headed, they should just show us who they are already.

6/25/2019 6:29:59 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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What happens when populations of cops are on the same “side” as the radicals?

6/25/2019 7:37:30 PM

26632 Posts
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They've always been on their side, leftists need to arm themselves

6/25/2019 8:03:56 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^its a problem. But again, show yourself, choose a side and let us know. We can’t tip toe around this issue any longer. ^Basically this. Either the rule of law applies or else . . . . . What?

6/25/2019 8:33:12 PM

Tom Joad
72757 Posts
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The “what” is that the military (national guard) starts going in even harder on the leftists than they ever have before. They kill students who are “propagating violence,” (done that before) they lay waste to the inner city citizens protesting “their own form of law and order,” (good lord, CHECK) and start putting general troublemakers in areas where they “can’t harm democracy” (currently in testing, doing GREAT.)

A real question is “will this start seriously disrupting the supply chain?” But the answer to that seems to be, “if the amoral, illegal activity stops, your temporary ‘not rich’ status will change for the better!”

Which is NUTS, cause despite the fantasy of being preppers, folk rely on the globalist Wal-Mart to keep them afloat.

this might be the craziest thing I’ve ever posted on tww

6/25/2019 9:29:40 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Looking forward to the upcoming disintegration/civil war in the US.

After destroying countless countries around the globe over the past century, American people deserve to taste the same after electing 'leaders' who facilitated said global destruction, and especially after electing Trump and continuing to defend him.

Sad that so many good people will have to suffer as well, but seems like at this point, that's the only wake-up-call -- to throw out the corrupt and evil to the core political-industrial-military complex so that the two-party system ends and the US becomes a true democracy which cares about its people and isn't hell-bent on destroying the rest of the planet -- that would work.

Keep it up Trump and supporters.

6/26/2019 3:53:31 AM

All American
9974 Posts
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Well then.

6/26/2019 7:54:49 AM

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