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 Message Boards » » The GOP's credibility watch Page 1 ... 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 ... 137, Prev Next  
All American
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^ LOL! Would you give the Democrats a D?

9/17/2010 5:51:23 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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^still not a failing grade

Quote :
"WASHINGTON -- Senate Republicans on Thursday stood fast in blocking legislation requiring special interest groups running campaign ads to identify their donors."

Quote :
"Republicans dismissed Democratic efforts to revive the bill as an attempt to win political points before the midterm elections."

9/24/2010 4:30:36 PM

Sup, B
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^ unless you are in grad school

9/24/2010 11:25:40 PM

supple anteater
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9/24/2010 11:27:14 PM

All American
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Karl Rove, Top GOP Strategist Under Bush, Playing Big Role in Midterm Election Push

9/26/2010 11:46:57 AM

supple anteater
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They'll try to filibuster small business tax relief & loans to keep anyone from getting credit for it and now this:

I think its telling as to how much they care about the deficient when they want borrow money to make this happen.

9/30/2010 5:56:26 PM

Sup, B
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I find it hilarious that Obama complains about the impact on the deficit of 700billion dollars due to the "tax cuts for the wealthy," but he is perfectly OK with the 3 trillion dollars the rest of the tax cuts cost. He also didn't seem too concerned about the trillions of dollars the healthcare bill will add to the deficit. He also didn't seem too concerned about adding 800 billion dollars to the deficit with his porkulus bill. just class-warfare at its best, really

9/30/2010 7:20:39 PM

All American
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9/30/2010 8:22:31 PM

All American
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^^ I think it's hilarious that republicans have spent the last 2 years crowing about the debt, but they refuse to support a measure that would clear the 75% of the costs of health reform for 10 years.

Especially when the people most likely to benefit from the reforms are hurting this most economically now:

9/30/2010 11:41:56 PM

Sup, B
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how do you figure it'll cover 75% when, if we go by the CBO's average error margin, it will cost over 10 trillion dollars over the next decade?. We really got a proposal to bring in 7trillion dollars? and, btw, I fail to see how destroying the healthcare industry will really be any "benefit" to those who "need it most."

[Edited on October 1, 2010 at 3:04 AM. Reason : ]

10/1/2010 3:03:15 AM

Potty Mouth
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Quote :
"just class-warfare at its best, really"

Would it be a fair statement to say tax cuts Republicans claimed would lead to more jobs and prosperity but didn't, only lead to less jobs, a greater wealth gap, and lower real incomes for the middle class was also class warfare?

10/1/2010 10:01:17 AM

All American
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Quote :
"btw, I fail to see how destroying the healthcare industry will really be any "benefit" to those who "need it most."

10/1/2010 12:59:05 PM

All American
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Or you could just not pay your taxes. That's an option.

Is Anyone Surprised That Christine O’Donnell’s Nonprofit Failed to File Their Tax Returns?

Quote :
"We were really hoping to avoid the whole Christine O’Donnell anti-masturbating/witchcraft/evolution-is-a-myth dealio but we can’t, in good conscience, ignore the fact that the nonprofit group founded by a candidate for the U.S. Senate hasn’t bothered to file tax returns in three years.

The AP got their hands on IRS documents that show O’Donnell’s “pro-abstinence outreach organization” failing to file their 990 for the past three years. This, as you may know, means that the anti-pre-marital bumping uglies organization could lose its tax-exempt status."

10/1/2010 1:32:15 PM

All American
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Quote :
"in the NEWSWEEK Poll, voters said they trust Democrats more than Republicans to handle pretty much every problem currently facing the country: Afghanistan (by 6 points), health care (by 12), immigration (by 2, though that figure is within the margin of error), Social Security (by 14), unemployment (by 12), financial reform (by 14), energy (by 19), and education (by 19). Voters even prefer Democrats to Republicans on federal spending (by 4 points), taxes (by 5), and the economy (by 10)—the GOP's core concerns. The only area where Republicans outpoll Democrats is the issue of terrorism, where they lead by a 6-point margin."

10/2/2010 12:21:34 AM

All American
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10/2/2010 12:26:33 AM

All American
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Quote :
"how do you figure it'll cover 75% when, if we go by the CBO's average error margin, it will cost over 10 trillion dollars over the next decade?. We really got a proposal to bring in 7trillion dollars? and, btw, I fail to see how destroying the healthcare industry will really be any "benefit" to those who "need it most."

Haha, you can't just LITERALLY pull numbers out of your ass, then declare you're thinking rationally on this issue. There's no rational reason to oppose the tax plan Obama is supporting. The economy is in the crapper, and the vast majority of Americans are hurting, yet the top percentiles are GROWING their income in a deflationary economy, and you're going to stall legislation because things are somehow "unfair" to this group? That makes no sense. Republicans supporting a position that's going to make the debt worse, the deficit worse, all because they feel they must oppose Obama at all costs. LOL

Quote :
"Add it all up and the ten-year cost of health reform is about $1,072 billion."

10/2/2010 12:40:26 AM

All American
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moron if you actually believe people paid the taxes in the chart you posted above, I have a bridge to sell you.

deductions and loopholes were A LOT different then than they are now.

you need to consider effective tax rate. you are smarter than posting some garbage like that.

10/2/2010 1:00:49 AM

All American
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^^^^ You (and others) complain about Rasmussen yet you post a Newsweek poll?!

[Edited on October 2, 2010 at 1:19 AM. Reason : Right? ]

10/2/2010 1:18:47 AM

Potty Mouth
571 Posts
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Quote :
"deductions and loopholes were A LOT different then than they are now. "

Different huh? Did you mean less? This is where ordinary people would post some sort of evidence because lets be real, it simply isn't common knowledge to even people with an interest in this stuff (ie, the active users in this section) what the loopholes were like when we were shitting diapers and growing in wombs.

Do you actually have something to support you statement or is this just some sort of intuitive thing you think you know?

10/2/2010 8:54:44 AM

All American
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ok i have about 2 minutes before i go tailgating so here is the condensed answer

firstly, you have to understand the difference between marginal tax and effective tax. I will let you figure that out on your own.

secondly, would argue that our tax code has become more complicated or less complicated since 1900?

the less complicated the code, the more loopholes, including things like capital gains tax, which have been constantly adjusted throughout the century. not to mention how business expenses were treated v how they are now, which could mean a HUGE difference in reported income.

finally, here is the effective tax rate since 1979...a lot more accurate

lastly, do you actually believe that anyone paid 91% taxes? please. common sense must prevail here.

10/2/2010 9:19:04 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"Would it be a fair statement to say tax cuts Republicans claimed would lead to more jobs and prosperity but didn't, only lead to less jobs, a greater wealth gap, and lower real incomes for the middle class was also class warfare?"

considering that class warfare involves pitting the majority in one class against a minority in another, no.

Quote :
"Haha, you can't just LITERALLY pull numbers out of your ass"

that's what the CBO does...

Quote :
"There's no rational reason to oppose the tax plan Obama is supporting."

poisoning the well, much?

Quote :
"you're going to stall legislation because things are somehow "unfair" to this group?"

Where did I say such a thing? Putting words in other people's mouths much?

Quote :
"That makes no sense. Republicans supporting a position that's going to make the debt worse, the deficit worse, all because they feel they must oppose Obama at all costs. LOL"

You are right. The fiscally responsible thing to do would be to let all the tax cuts expire. But Obama wouldn't do that, because then he couldn't play the classes against each other. Then there's the fact that what Obama is proposing still puts 3T on the debt...

Quote :
""Add it all up and the ten-year cost of health reform is about $1,072 billion.""

Yep. And if you consider that the CBO is usually off by at least an order of magnitude, that makes that figure what, again? That's right. 10T. So, where is that $7T plan that the Democrats have, again?

Quote :
"moron if you actually believe people paid the taxes in the chart you posted above, I have a bridge to sell you."

Moreover, referencing Nixon and Reagan is massively disingenuous, since they were trying to undo the massive tax hikes put in effect by America's favourite socialist, FDR. You know, the hero who simply tried to add more judges onto the SC because that damned body was striking down his unConstitutional policies?

10/2/2010 5:57:01 PM

All American
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Quote :

Looks like you watched that British video in the Global Warming thread a few too many times.

10/2/2010 6:43:22 PM

Sup, B
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yeah, I have a tendency to spell "or" words with "our". I'm surprised that's the first time you've noticed, lol

10/2/2010 11:12:25 PM

Potty Mouth
571 Posts
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Quote :
"considering that class warfare involves pitting the majority in one class against a minority in another, no.

That...isn't class warfare.

10/2/2010 11:32:53 PM

Sup, B
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it involves pitting one class against another for the purpose of winning elections, does it not?

10/2/2010 11:47:55 PM

Potty Mouth
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Well, yeah. But that isn't what you originally stated.

You also never properly answered the original question.

10/3/2010 10:14:30 AM

All American
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10/3/2010 12:47:11 PM

All American
7551 Posts
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so moron do you just try to find the most ridiculous things possible to post, then not respond to them when challenged?

10/3/2010 3:32:30 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"But that isn't what you originally stated."

how do you figure?

and do you figure that I didn't answer the question, when I clearly said "no."

10/3/2010 7:19:06 PM

Potty Mouth
571 Posts
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Holy shit, are you that stupid? How do I figure? How do you figure? Can you read what you yourself wrote? Go back and read it. Then read what you said after that. And realize that it is 2 definitions for the same thing.

10/4/2010 7:11:24 AM

Sup, B
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well, considering that "more wealth and more jobs" affects more than just one class of people, I'd say it is damn-near impossible for it to be class warfare. but that's just me...

10/4/2010 6:12:36 PM

All American
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^^^^ It's obviously wrapped in a good bit of satire, but it consolidates a lot of good points.

Quote :
" His mother was white, and after the Kenyan guy left, she married an Indonesian guy, so little Barack lived in Jakarta for a while before coming back to Hawaii to be brought up largely by his white grandparents. . . . And that's it? Come on, this was after-school-special material, the kind of thing that brings a tear to your eye because little half-Kenyan/half-white Barry made good, not the stuff of conspiracy novels.
Today, Newsweek has found, nearly a quarter of Americans believe that Obama is a Muslim, with barely 42 percent of the nation accepting his claim that he's a Christian. CNN finds that a quarter of Americans also believe that Obama was "probably or definitely" born in another country.
"In an age of diminished resources, the United States may be heading for an intensifying confrontation between the gray and the brown," writes Ronald Brownstein in his July National Journal article, "The Gray and the Brown: The Generational Mismatch."
Brownstein notes that 40 percent of the nation's population under 18 is already non-white, with that number significantly higher in the Southwest (read: Mexicans!).
At 80 percent white, boomers have gotten pretty used to dominating nearly every field of endeavor in this country since they came of age—politics, business, education, the arts—just about everything but MTV programming. Boomers set the national agenda in so many ways that we can forget how much the national economy and national media cater to them.
their 40-million-strong AARP is the nation's biggest lobbyist.
November 2009, Public Policy Polling found that more than a quarter of Americans (and an outright majority of Republican voters) believed that ACORN had stolen the election for Obama.
O'Keefe has maintained he was "absolutely independent" in his project. But in September 2009, the Voice reported that he'd been funded by billionaire conservative Peter Thiel and the Leadership Institute, the same outfit that funded young Grover Norquist and Karl Rove. That revelation fell on deaf ears, however, and to this day, media outlets perpetuate O'Keefe's claim that he was operating without backing.
O'Keefe got further help when his tapes were pushed by, which is run by an underhanded blowhard named Andrew Breitbart.
This summer, Breitbart picked out another black target with another selectively edited video, this one of a USDA employee named Shirley Sherrod. His editing so mischaracterized Sherrod's words and intent that the fallout, in the words of Frank Rich, "could not only smear an innocent woman but make every national institution that touched the story look bad..."
Suddenly, it was open season on brown-skinned fruit pickers and seamstresses. Arizona passed S.B.1070—a law that would force its residents to carry identity papers with them at all times. Jurisdictions around the nation are salivating to copy suit.
When an imam who had done diplomatic work for the Bush administration put together plans to build the Muslim version of a Jewish Community Center a few blocks from Ground Zero (but farther away than an off-track betting joint, a strip club, and the very financial institutions that had detonated the economy), white people freaked out.
Laura Schlessinger
She told the caller that if "you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor" (i.e., you even question that your husband's white friends say "nigger" to you in your house), "don't marry out of your race."
Schlessinger announced on Larry King Live, however, that in order to "regain" her First Amendment rights of free speech, she would be canceling her show.

Constitutional experts are still trying to parse that one.
Sarah Palin then rushed to Schlessinger's, side, Tweeting in her inimitable style, "Don't retreat . . . reload!" Palin, we can only assume, wanted Schlessinger to utter "nigger" as often as she wanted.

On February 19, 2009, not a month into Obama's presidency, Rick Santelli—a former hedge-fund manager—had a meltdown on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange while broadcasting for CNBC. Santelli was incensed not that the government was bailing out the multimillionaires who had run giant financial institutions, but that assistance would also be going to help out ordinary people who found themselves defaulting on their home mortgages. Calling such folks "losers," he said, "How many of you want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills?"

He then added that he was not only mad as hell, but wanted to do something about it: "We're thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that want to show up to Lake Michigan, I'm gonna start organizing."
Few were really surprised, for example, when Tea Party Express President Mark Williams turned out to have penned a letter that could have been written in the worst decades of Jim Crow: "We Coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don't cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!"
And it turns out that the "grassroots" modern tea party effort has been largely funded by the Koch brothers, reactionaries whose combined oil wealth places them just behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffet as America's wealthiest men.The brothers have given some $100 million toward the Tea Party's astroturf call to arms.
Can you just see the scene down at the Republican Party headquarters: "Well, except for sending out those e-mails of horse-fucking, other e-mails of nigger jokes, and also fathering a love child, this guy Carl Paladino is just our kind of guy!"
Now, try, if your cortex is not too far gone, to reel things back a couple of years. Imagine, if you can, Barack Obama surging in polls in 2008 if it were known he'd sent out e-mails of a white woman getting it from a horse, revealed that he had a 10-year-old love child, and was threatening to take a baseball bat to federal employees. It's really impossible to conjure up, isn't it?
Delaware, a state that never really caused much trouble... until it nominated one-time witch Christine O'Donnell, who is so batshit crazy she makes Sarah Palin sound perfectly reasonable.
There are those who say that this president invited our current derangement by not being commanding enough. They say he should have inveighed Franklin D. Roosevelt, who famously said before ever being re-elected, "I should like to have it said of my first Administration that in it, the forces of selfishness and of lust for power met their match. I should like to have it said . . . of my second Administration that in it these forces met their master." But if Obama ever referred to being the "master" of anything, he'd scare white people more than he already does.

You're naive if you think that that culture shock the boomers are experiencing from America's evolving demographics doesn't factor into the current political climate. It's obvious in the hypocrisy of the tea-party-right's message regarding complaints about both the taxes and the deficit that their complaints aren't just a numbers game, but the manifestation of classical conservative preserve-the-status-quo, fetishize-the-good-ol'-days ideology. They don't know how to reevaluate the situation to solve problems, they only think to try what's been tried before whether it has been shown to fail miserably or not, in the hopes that it will magically make things how they remember from their rose-colored memories.

10/4/2010 7:48:57 PM

Potty Mouth
571 Posts
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Quote :
"well, considering that "more wealth and more jobs" affects more than just one class of people, I'd say it is damn-near impossible for it to be class warfare. but that's just me..."

Are you trolling or are you just playing dumb because you can't cogently answer the question I posed to you?

10/4/2010 8:39:20 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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sounds like you are the one trolling at this point, baldy...
class warfare involves pitting one class against another, usually a more populous one against a less populous one. What class is specifically and only interested in "more jobs and more wealth?" right, there's not one.

10/4/2010 9:19:48 PM

Potty Mouth
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I guess it is the latter

Quote :
"class warfare involves pitting one class against anothe"

ding ding ding

Quote :
"usually a more populous one against a less populous one."

Quote :
"What class is specifically and only interested in "more jobs and more wealth?" right, there's not one."

That isn't at all what I asked. Not. Even. In. The. Same. Ballpark.

The rich pushed tax cuts that disproportionately helped the rich. It was supposed to lead to more tax revenue, it didn't (ultimately affecting the middle class). It was supposed to lead to more jobs (affecting the middle class), it didn't, wages were stagnate (affecting the middle class), and poverty has increased (not affecting the upper classes).

That is class warfare pushed by the rich through their stooges of the moment which happened to be republicans.

10/4/2010 9:58:06 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"The rich pushed tax cuts that disproportionately helped the rich."

maybe so, but that was NOT what you claimed the pitch was. in your statement, you clearly suggested that the pitch was to create jobs and more wealth. you lose. good day, sir!

10/4/2010 10:31:16 PM

All American
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Democrats gain in poll but GOP still leads as midterm elections near

10/5/2010 12:56:53 AM

All American
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Talk about fun times ahead, if the GOP gains control of the Congress, it might be the best thing for Obama...flashbacks to Clinton (was the best thing to happen to him)....blame Congress...blame Congress.....I hope the GOP get 51 seats in the Senate, they will get nothing through at all. Expecially if a couple Tea Partiers win and will not necessarily go along with them on certain issues. Having the GOP in control of Congress might be the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party.

10/11/2010 10:35:34 AM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"State GOP chairman apologizes for flier

The state Republican chairman has apologized to State Rep. Hugh Holliman, D-Davidson, for a flier that suggested he wanted convicted death-row murderers to be released from prison. The flier was sent out in preparation for Election Day on Nov. 2.

Holliman's 16-year-old daughter was raped and murdered in 1985, and Holliman witnessed the execution of his daughter’s killer. He has repeatedly said he supports the death penalty.

“I called and told Mr. Holliman that I wanted to apologize if the mailer caused him any personal anguish or discomfort,” said Tom Fetzer, N.C. GOP chairman. “We did not know about the tragic death of his daughter. If we had known, we would not have sent that mailer out in his district.”

Holliman, who is the House Majority Leader and is up for his sixth term, accepted Fetzer’s apology Wednesday night but asked for a retraction."

It seems hard to get it this wrong.

It reminds me of the recent Virgina Foxx vs Billy Kennedy debate:

Quote :
"Billy Kennedy's Hands Win Another Battle with Incumbent Virginia Foxx

BOONE -- The audience was stunned tonight when Congresswoman Virginia Foxx tried to imply that Billy Kennedy isn't the working man he says he is. She smirked as she held up her own hands as proof that she works.

The audience in the Watauga County Courthouse gasped. Billy Kennedy lost the tip of his index finger in a workplace carpentry accident almost four years ago. Virginia Foxx apparently didn't know that."

10/22/2010 10:00:44 AM

All American
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Roddy, I agree. Losing congress only helps Obama get reelected. Im not sure I can see him getting reelected without.

I think some gridlock is just what we need.

10/22/2010 9:34:02 PM

All American
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Looks like the Republicans' leader has declared victory
Sarah Palin declares 'victory is at hand'

10/24/2010 2:33:10 PM

Sup, B
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guess she can just go sit out the rest of her elected term as Alaska governor, cause it's all done!

10/24/2010 2:38:40 PM

All American
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The campaign bus for a GOP candidate for Congress (Patrick Murray) up here in northern Virginia was involved in a hit-and-run. Murray was in the bus at the time. Smooth.

Murray Campaign Bus Investigated for Alleged Hit and Run

Quote :
"The back of Republican congressional candidate Patrick Murray’s campaign bus swiped a Jeep in Old Town Alexandria last night and drove off without leaving a note, a witness and the Jeep’s owner tell

The Murray campaign says the driver left a note. Alexandria Police say they’re investigating the accident as a hit and run, but also say that someone on the bus left a note.

The alleged incident happened while the bus was trying to turn from King Street onto Union Street around 7:00 last night, witness Jennifer Watkins said in a phone interview this morning. Watkins said the back of the bus loudly scraped against the side of the Jeep, briefly lifting it in the air."

10/27/2010 4:03:12 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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[Edited on November 17, 2010 at 12:18 AM. Reason : redundancy]

11/17/2010 12:18:05 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Quote :
"During the campaign, Harris told voters, 'the answer to the ever-rising cost of insurance is not the expansion of government-run or government-mandated insurance but, instead, common-sense market based solutions that ensure decisions are made by patients and their doctors.'"

Quote :
"According to Glenn Thrush of Politico, Harris created a stir at the orientation meeting by demanding to know why he had to wait a month after he was sworn in in January for his government-subsidized health care to kick in. After responding in a huff, he even asked if there was some way he could buy into the government care in advance, seemingly thinking there might be a government program similar to the so-called 'public option' championed by progressive Democrats in 2009."

Quote :
" ...his spokeswoman Anna Nix... said Harris... wasn’t being hypocritical – he was just pointing out the inefficiency of government-run health care..."

11/23/2010 2:36:31 PM

supple anteater
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11/26/2010 11:56:41 PM

All American
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Senate GOP letter calls for blocking most bills
Quote :
"WASHINGTON – Senate Republicans intend to block action on virtually all Democratic-backed legislation unrelated to tax cuts and government spending in the current postelection session of Congress, officials said Tuesday, adding that the leadership has quietly collected signatures on a letter pledging to carry out the strategy.

If carried out, it would doom Democratic-backed attempts to end the Pentagon's practice of discharging openly gay members of the military service and give legal status to young illegal immigrants who join the military or attend college.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has made both measures a priority as Democrats attempt to enact legislation long sought by groups that supported them in the recent midterm elections.

A nuclear arms treaty with Russia that President Barack Obama wants ratified would not be affected, since any debate would take place under different rules than those that apply to legislation. Even so, its passage is not assured as Republicans are seeking concessions from the White House.

Officials who disclosed the new Republican maneuver did so on condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss it.

It was not known how many of the Senate's 42 Republicans had signed the draft letter, which the leadership intends to make public quickly.

Senate Democrats need 60 votes to overcome any delaying tactics, meaning they could be thwarted if 41 Republicans join in the commitment.

Democrats' chances of passing politically charged legislation will dim when the new Congress convenes in January, since Republicans will take control of the House and gain more Senate seats.

The letter comes after comments by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and others in his party that the voters made it clear in the elections they want lawmakers to focus on economic issues.

"Despite what some Democrats in Congress have suggested, voters did not signal they wanted more cooperation on the Democrats' big-government policies that most Americans oppose," McConnell and incoming House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, wrote in an op-ed article published in the Washington Post."

How fucking repugnant. I wonder how this squares with the three GOP Senators who've already said they would approve of repeal. And playing chicken over the START Treaty just to score points with the Fox News crowd should be indictable for endangering our country.

12/1/2010 9:19:07 AM

Sup, B
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you know, on the scale of "important to not-important," I'd say that giving citizenship to illegals and letting gays serve openly are on the "not-important" side when compared to making sure the government continues to be solvent. I'm just saying...

I mean really... delaying the signing of the START treaty for a couple months is "endangering our country?" hyperbole, much?

[Edited on December 1, 2010 at 6:25 PM. Reason : -->

12/1/2010 6:24:43 PM

All American
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Quote :
"making sure the government continues to be solvent"

You left out the (within 15 years in the worst case).

12/1/2010 7:21:42 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'd say that giving citizenship to illegals and letting gays serve openly are on the "not-important" side when compared to making sure the government continues to be solvent. I'm just saying..."

This is a silly way to look at it. Solvency isn't the goal, stability and progress are the goals. Solvency is only one tenant of achieving this goal, we need to make sure we don't regress in other areas at the same time.

And on top of that, you make it seem like conservative politicians actually care about solvency. They don't, as history has made abundantly clear.

12/1/2010 9:12:17 PM

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