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7/16/2012 2:24:41 PM

All American
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I think about this from time to time, maybe I'm missing something. Time travel must never be possible at any point in the future of mankind, because wouldn't somebody have visited from the future, or if they did at some point, wouldn't we have some record of it?

Crazy shit I know, carry on with your UFO's.

7/16/2012 5:25:17 PM

All American
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^ You should definitely watch 12 Monkeys. It's an awesome movie.

7/17/2012 1:03:22 AM

4362 Posts
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Quote :
"Tourism in time

Stephen Hawking has suggested that the absence of tourists from the future is an argument against the existence of time travel—a variant of the Fermi paradox. Of course this would not prove that time travel is physically impossible, since it might be that time travel is physically possible but that it is never developed (or is cautiously never used); and even if it is developed, Hawking notes elsewhere that time travel might only be possible in a region of spacetime that is warped in the correct way, and that if we cannot create such a region until the future, then time travelers would not be able to travel back before that date, so "This picture would explain why we haven't been over run by tourists from the future."[19] Carl Sagan also once suggested the possibility that time travelers could be here, but are disguising their existence or are not recognized as time travelers"

7/17/2012 8:53:13 AM

All American
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Some have theorized that some UFO's could be time travelers or interdimensional craft. Hawking and Sagan are of course two incredibly brilliant minds so I value what they have to say for sure. Another possibility is if you were travel into the past you would immediately alter it. This would put you on an alternate timeline that everyone else in the current time would never see or interact with. Of course that would then raise the question "Well couldn't this be a timeline resulting from a time traveler's visit, or multiple time travelers?" Obviously nobody has those answers that I'm aware of.

7/17/2012 9:04:28 AM

All American
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John Titor feels as if this it is necessary for me to post this on behalf of AxlBonBach:

7/17/2012 9:17:14 AM

All American
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^^I find the concept of time traveling into the past to be incoherent anyway. The past is set and cannot be changed. Simply being in the past would create paradoxes. Shifted timelines might be a solution but even then that indicates even if someone from our future goes to the "past" they aren't going to our past which will remain exactly the same.

We'd have to learn some very new and outlandish things about spacetime and causality for time travel (backward) to make even a lick of sense to me.

7/17/2012 9:44:33 AM

All American
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I'm pretty confident that there are other lifeforms out there, probably even intelligent ones, but I doubt we will ever visit them or they will ever visit us.

I just have a feeling that the lightspeed barrier is a nut we won't ever crack. It's not just another one of those things "everyone said was impossible" like splitting the atom (which we have done) or sustainable fusion (which we haven't but probably will). Those things happen in nature constantly, humanity just recreated already existing natural processes.

7/17/2012 10:19:25 AM

All American
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Yeah but folding space or wormholes are still conceptually possible even given general relativity. I think once we figure out how to get lots and lots of energy everywhere very "science-fictiony" things will come about.

7/17/2012 10:30:27 AM

All American
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UFO Files: Declassified U.K. Documents Released, Reveal Tony Blair Was Briefed On UFO Sightings

7/17/2012 8:46:46 PM

Thots and Prayers
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Dude tells CNN a UFO is visiting Denver a couple of times a week, shows them video. Skeptical CNN camera crew shows up and films same UFO, at same time.

11/14/2012 1:44:07 PM

68205 Posts
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this stuff started around may this year

here is a 21 page thread about the denver stuff

11/14/2012 1:57:04 PM

All American
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For faster-than-light travel possibilities you need to consider other means aside from point A to point B travel. The Alcubierre Drive is one idea:

NASA Scientists looking into warping space-time for FTL travel:

11/21/2012 10:26:51 AM

26632 Posts
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the news needs to setup two cameras to look at the area from alternate angles

11/21/2012 10:38:08 AM

All American
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Yeah, that Denver "phenomenon" is probably a bug flying in front of the camera. When you have something small moving around in front of a far-away background, its going to have the illusion of a distant object moving impossibly fast. People have been mistaking bugs for UFOs and ghosts for decades, and it's pretty pathetic.

11/21/2012 4:22:05 PM

Mr E Nigma
All American
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It's highly unlikely that aliens will be flesh and blood. They have likely evolved to the point of being artificial by this point.

11/21/2012 6:16:44 PM

1394 Posts
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a lot of talk about evolution in har. not a hole lot of evolution happening to Humans right now. at some point we got to stop fearing 1984 and Gattaca and start breeding and engineering ourselves if we want to be successful.
if we run into aliens, I'm sure they will have already gone through this phase.

11/22/2012 6:15:15 PM

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Not a hole lot of evolution?

11/22/2012 6:26:30 PM

All American
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About time travelers, maybe none have come to this point in time because there is no allure? Think about it, we have only been here for a blink of an eye in terms of the age of the universe. We still kill each other over imaginary lines on the ground, the color of someone's skin, or their religious belief. We are still very barbarian in nature. If humanity manages to continue to exist and advance for another 100,000 years, why risk coming back to the early days where you might contract some incurable disease that has been eradicated in the future, or get killed because you look different?

As for other life forms, I really think they exist. I'm not sure in what capacity though. We are just interesting combinations of energy formed from stars billions of years ago. Who is to say that another life form is a different form of energy that we can't even experience in our limited human states? There is now some very limited mathematical proof and thought that there are multiple universes, so possibly there is life there as well.

I'm skeptical that any UFO sighting is real, but I feel confident that there are many other life forms that exist in our universe, some (or many) that we may not even be able to detect as humans.

11/23/2012 8:27:49 AM

All American
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maybe ghosts are really time travelers or aliens!!!

11/24/2012 1:48:05 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Quote :
"If humanity manages to continue to exist and advance for another 100,000 years, why risk coming back to the early days where you might contract some incurable disease that has been eradicated in the future, or get killed because you look different?"

This logic works at first but what about after 1000000000 years of time traveling. Eventually, there would be one hipster who would think it is cool to come back to 2012. When the sample size, has no limit, theres a 100% likelihood that someone would travel back to every specific instance.

Unless of course humanity ceased shortly after the discoveru of timetrravel or everyone simply traveled away until nobody was left but that that creates a paradox of having no future at all thus and no future to travel to. Therefore there can never be the possibility of time travel backwards ever at any time in the distant future. Its literally impossible.

11/24/2012 4:33:24 AM

68205 Posts
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Japan claims that a UFO has crashed off the coast of Okinawa and that the gov. has recovered some of it. Also claims to be leaking something and killing millions of fish.

alt news website:

12/12/2012 4:29:27 PM

All American
9221 Posts
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I expect lots of these reports now that American police have drones in the sky 24/7. I'm familiar with a few of them but some of the designs even surprise me.

12/13/2012 1:29:47 AM

1394 Posts
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new science says 95 of the stars that will ever be are already existince

12/17/2012 12:11:11 PM

All American
9012 Posts
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An entire 95 of them? That is remarkable

12/17/2012 12:16:44 PM

All American
23525 Posts
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^^ now you're just trying too hard, sis

12/17/2012 1:43:55 PM

All American
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Thousand Witness UFO'S Over Brazilian Protest 2013

7/4/2013 6:23:39 PM

All American
1657 Posts
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That story above about the Japanese UFO is completely fake, as is everything on

It's amazing how many news sites got trolled by that site.

7/4/2013 10:35:34 PM

All American
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^^Brazilian UFO Caused By Drone; Unmanned Aircraft Causing Rise In UFO Sightings (VIDEO)

Took me 10 seconds.

7/5/2013 5:36:40 PM

All American
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yeah i knew there would be a logical explanation... just didn't bother searching.

7/6/2013 3:02:51 AM

All American
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7/8/2013 11:25:11 AM

All American
5057 Posts
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This page reminded me of two recent comics.

Quote :
"About time travelers, maybe none have come to this point in time because there is no allure?"

And to the topic at hand:

[Edited on July 9, 2013 at 2:45 PM. Reason : ]

7/9/2013 2:45:31 PM

68205 Posts
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10/10/2014 9:44:49 AM

All American
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Told y'all they exist!!!

See this video showing one!

8/3/2015 3:01:29 PM

25063 Posts
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just read about dyatlov pass this morning - likely not but could have been

8/3/2015 3:32:06 PM

All American
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When do you think disclosure will finally take place? I'm thinking that a "shocking discovery" of an alien city on Ceres will be the watershed moment, and that moment is imminent.

After that they will slowly reveal the anti grav tech, free energy engine, and the secret US Space Navy (maybe marines?)

Its an exciting time to be alive!

8/3/2015 7:50:55 PM

All American
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8/3/2015 7:51:43 PM

All American
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8/3/2015 8:59:06 PM

All American
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8/3/2015 9:14:23 PM

Forgetful Jones
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if its on a british tabloid website, it must be legit

[Edited on August 4, 2015 at 12:33 AM. Reason : in 2015 that guy has a flip phone quality camera...seems legit]

8/4/2015 12:32:36 AM

All American
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The Dyatlov Pass incident is super interesting and compelling . . . until you realize that every "expose" regarding it completely avoids talking about all the evidence that points to an avalanche being the potential cause.

8/5/2015 10:30:08 AM

All American
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8/5/2015 6:29:54 PM

All American
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What would you guys say is the most compelling case? Rendlesham? Roswell? My favorite is Ruwa school children incident. All those kids report same basic thing? Im thinking this one has legs.

8/6/2015 9:12:33 AM

soup du hier
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statistically there kind of has to be aliens...

but the UFOs in these videos could be simply failed satellite launches... or not failed ones etc.

8/6/2015 9:28:23 AM

All American
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This guy walked on the moon, surely we can take his word, right?

I told y'all they exist!

8/13/2015 10:38:55 PM

All American
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I too had high hopes that maybe Edgar was a for real, awesome witness. But #1, he's never seen an alien or UFO himself and going on hearsay, AND

He's into a bunch of other wacky shit like telekenisis and shit. I think he's just a little off his rocker, and probs a bit senile.


Maybe I would tell you that, to make you think i'm not, but i really am......

[Edited on August 14, 2015 at 9:09 AM. Reason : But seriously, I am dying to believe aliens visit our planet.... but I'm starting to lose belief ]

8/14/2015 9:08:20 AM

All American
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Alien corpse found in Russia

Quote :
"Creature with distended skull and talon-like feet 'found by a Russian river'
Russian researchers are said to be struggling to identify what species it is
Scientist: 'It is neither fish nor fowl – it has a mysterious skull and no neck'
Alien hunter: 'This tiny alien has no resemblance to any animal known'"

Click on link for video with more views.

[Edited on September 3, 2015 at 12:04 AM. Reason : ]

9/3/2015 12:01:33 AM

All American
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The hell is this???

Somebody embed the video; it is surreal and beautiful!

Rocket launch, I suppose? If so, do they always look like that after launch? If so, there would be a video like this after every launch. Or did this particular one encounter some debris?

[Edited on July 25, 2016 at 8:14 AM. Reason : ]

7/25/2016 8:12:33 AM

All American
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Space Seed.

(actually it's the plume from a rocket launch at high altitude...)

7/25/2016 12:21:40 PM

Forgetful Jones
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^^OMG that is amazing. I can't believe the guy is actually filming the video in landscape mode

7/25/2016 2:15:40 PM

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