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All American
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Quote :
- Leftism is fundamentally about redistributing resources from those that contribute to those that don't

No. You're thinking of capitalism.

Profit is the redistribution of one's surplus labor to their bosses

6/28/2018 11:25:54 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Dear DPAC, your friends at the INDY here. Might we have a quick word?

This week, you announced that you’ll be hosting “cultural critic” Jordan B. Peterson in September. “The show,” you explained, “will feature revolutionary talks on overcoming life’s biggest obstacles, how to improve oneself, the psychology of religion, mythology and much more.”

While this undoubtedly came straight from Peterson’s press packet, we think you owe it to the Triangle to be a bit more transparent about his controversial (i.e., regressive, backward, and hate-mongering) touchstone topics.

Because here’s the thing, DPAC: Context matters. Durham exists—for better or for worse—in the heart of the American South. The American South has historically been (and continues to be) a place where marginalized people are unsafe. It is your responsibility as a cultural hub of this region to be aware of that. It is our responsibility to hold you accountable when you invite people into our community who foment hate.

And make no mistake: That’s what you’ve done here.

Let’s get started (we’ll have to move fast here; there’s a lot of ground to cover).

First, Peterson believes that “white privilege isn't real”—but, of course, reverse racism is—and that intersectionality is “really comical,” because there are an infinite number of ways in which people can be marginalized. “What if you’re black and female? … What if you’re ugly and not very bright and gay and black and female?” he asks. The list goes on! Difference is inevitable! We can’t build a national ethos around accommodation, can we? Peterson goes onto explain that the scholarship around oppression is never scholarly, and can never be scholarly, because it is based on personal experience. Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman be damned!

This, DPAC, is what racism looks like. And in a city that is 62.1 percent nonwhite (and is located, to further contextualize, in a state that existed under the calloused thumb of Jim Crow until the 1960s), you cannot afford to casually entertain it. We won’t stand for it.

Peterson told Nellie Bowles of The New York Times that, “The people who hold that our culture is an oppressive patriarchy, they don’t want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence.”

Un-jargonized, Peterson believes that men are in power because they are best suited to power.

Bowles goes on to connect Peterson’s most regressive ideas about men and women to recent murderous rampages carried out by incels, or self-proclaimed “involuntarily celibate” male supremacists: “Violent attacks are what happens when men do not have partners, Mr. Peterson says, and society needs to work to make sure those men are married.”

This, DPAC, is rape culture. This is what misogyny looks like. And, as Durham’s police force sits on the most untested sexual-assault evidence kits in North Carolina, you cannot afford to casually entertain it. We won’t stand for it.

Peterson believes that children should grow up in a nuclear family (one father, one mother) because, “It’s necessary for kids to have models for both sexes.” Queer families of the Triangle, take hope. Peterson believes you can definitely try, “but that doesn’t mean you get to bury your head in the sand about the absolute realities of life and the fact that there are biological differences between men and women. To deny that is reprehensible.”

This, DPAC, is what homophobia looks like. We’re guessing you’ve noticed (not to be essentialist here, but you are theater venue), Durham is pretty damn gay. You cannot afford to casually entertain it. We won’t stand for it.

Peterson’s of-the-moment fame can be traced to his 2016 decision to enter the YouTube pop-psychology game. His hot take? “I don't believe that it's reasonable for our society to undermine the entire concept of binary gender in order to hypothetically accommodate a tiny minority of people.” His argument is meandering, discursive, and obtuse, but the gist is this: Gender-neutral pronouns are “an attempt to control language in a direction that isn’t happening organically” by the ideological left. “I don’t like these made-up words,” he says.

This, DPAC, is what transphobia looks like (albeit couched in faux-academic, linguistic whininess). And it has not been long enough for you to have forgotten that trans-suicide-hotline calls spiked—numbers doubled, actually—after HB 2 passed in North Carolina (the repeal of which has come nowhere close to offering necessary and vital protections for the queer community in this state). You cannot afford to casually entertain it. We won’t stand for it.

Finally, in October 2016, Peterson was questioned by trans student activists about the Nazi presence at one of his talks. He generally condemned the violence but went on the explain, “I’ve studied Naziism for a very long time—it’s been four decades—and I understand it very well. And I can tell you that there’s some awful people lurking in the corners and they are ready to come out. And if the radical left keeps pushing the way it’s pushing, they are going to come.”

This, DPAC, is what a threat looks like. And in a state that is home to thirty-two different hate groups as categorized by the Southern Poverty Law Center, you cannot afford to casually entertain it. We won’t stand for it.

The real question here is: Who does this discourse privilege?

The Guardian ran a piece last February that hit the nail on the head: “[Peterson] resonates with young white men who feel alienated by the jargon of social-justice discourse and crave an empowering theory of the world in which they are not the designated oppressors.” Canadian journalist Jesse Brown expands on this notion: “He tells his fans that these so-called marginalized people are not really victims at all but are in fact aggressors, enemies, who must be shut down.”

Now would be a good time to consider whether or not these are the men you’re interested in catering to, DPAC. We, as a community, are asking you to reconsider your invitation. (Check your Twitter mentions.) And if you don’t, we will be forced to reconsider you as an institution. Non-cis-male and nonwhite and queer folks stand at these intersections and exist in these margins in Durham every day.

And if you ask us to choose a side by inviting a bigot to your stage, we’re standing with them. ."

6/28/2018 11:32:00 AM

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Quote :
"What have I said that is pro-war? I think you're remembering a person that didn't exist."

Quote :
"War is a government welfare program for various interests (sure, usually capital)"

You just said things are seeming okay (or implied it), meanwhile we just passed the largest defense spending bill of all time, warmongers on both sides of the aisle have been hindering peace with Iran, NK, Russia, etc, and we're supporting apartheid in Israel and flat-out genocide in Yemen. And yeah, war is a government welfare program for capital specifically. The entire system, from the military to the aid groups cleaning up after the military, is being increasingly privatized and lobbied for.

Quote :
"The government is and can only be incompetent"

Then why aren't you up in arms about government being given continuously more power to spy on us, covertly influence public opinion on the internet, imprison us, and interrupt our power to vote them out?

Quote :
"Leftism is fundamentally about redistributing resources from those that contribute to those that don't"

What is your definition of "contribution"? We can't all be Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk here. Someone needs to build the cars. Those people are also working their asses off, to the point of destroying their bodies. So why does Jeff Bezos deserve 1000x the income of the people enabling his company to succeed? Most leftists just want to see those people able to afford a decent life, a family, a home, and affordable healthcare.

Quote :
"I just see leftists as being weak. Constantly bowing, scraping, and apologizing for what they are. "

Because you're listening to Jordan Peterson cherry-pick the worst of the left and not listening to the actual left. And you continuously confuse us with Nancy Pelosi Liberals. I have never and will never apologize for being a straight, white, privileged, male. But I recognize that my privilege has made things easier for me and I would like everyone to be on an even playing field. It's just basic humanity, dude.

And seriously lmao that you would dare to say that we're the ones bowing, when you're over here whining about people who are angry and demanding change.

6/28/2018 11:42:06 AM

26632 Posts
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jesus, he's coming to DPAC? wtf?

6/28/2018 11:43:52 AM

All American
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Love to defend the Walton (Wal*Mart) family for contributing to society while their employees don't even make a living wage

6/28/2018 12:02:19 PM

8379 Posts
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Destroyer: War is a government welfare program for various interests (sure, usually capital)

Also destroyer: A teacher with a salary of $30k is 80,000x less valuable to society than Erik Prince, because he earned $2.4 billion as a war racketeer.

[Edited on June 28, 2018 at 12:18 PM. Reason : .]

6/28/2018 12:15:47 PM

All American
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Destroyer: Religion is bad because people should not worship god's

Also Destroyer: The rich are superpowerful beings who grace us with their presence and we should labor endlessly for their grace

6/28/2018 12:23:47 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Skipping over the strawman, non-JBP related stuff. I know everything you guys are going to say on this topic and you know everything I'm going to say.

Quote :
"jesus, he's coming to DPAC? wtf?"

Does this surprise you?

Say what you will about conservatives, I feel like they're very aware of the presence and proportion of their opposition. Libs seem to be completely dumbfounded when they find out that any conservatives exist anywhere.

If someone like Ta-Nehisi Coates came to DPAC, there'd be no articles from conservatives about how they shouldn't host him, and there'd be no protests of any sort trying to prevent him from coming. Now, you'll say, "that's because Ta-Nehisi Coates is right" - you think that, but conservatives don't.

The evidence is in, and libs are massive crybabies that can't deal with any sort of opposing viewpoints without literally having mental breakdowns.

[Edited on June 28, 2018 at 12:41 PM. Reason : ]

6/28/2018 12:40:03 PM

26632 Posts
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shouldn't you wait a few more days since republicans imploded because sanders was politely asked to leave a restaurant before accusing libs of being sensitive snowflakes?

6/28/2018 12:41:46 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I...don't think you're making the point you think you're making.

Republicans were pissed because someone kicked out an administration official and didn't like that.

Republicans don't generally go to protests or write hit pieces to de-platform people. De-platforming people is really in the left's wheelhouse.

6/28/2018 12:43:45 PM

All American
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You're trying to be serious, aren't you?

6/28/2018 12:48:39 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Sometimes I wonder if you people have been in your echo chamber for so long that some part of your brain has become dormant, unable to process and respond to simple statements.

6/28/2018 12:59:47 PM

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6/28/2018 1:07:23 PM

All American
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In this very thread, destroyer has called jews and women the real racists, and is now claiming that libruls have small brains.

And he's doing all this to defend his daddy

6/28/2018 1:39:33 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Whoa, you got me all wrong dog. I also said that white male liberals are the real racists too.

6/28/2018 1:44:40 PM

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yeah the jewish ones, we got that

6/28/2018 1:47:14 PM

All American
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^don't forget about the broads

6/28/2018 1:51:26 PM

All American
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I see the situation like this:

Yes, (insert minority group) might "overreact" in the eyes of conservatives when people speak about these issues. This overreaction comes from a place of fear, as the words and actions of others directly effect their way of life and how they live in a profound way. A preacher saying homosexuals are an abomination and are damned to hell may lead someone to believe that they should hurt homosexuals bc they are demons. Of course almost none of the people that hear this preacher will go out and punch a gay guy, but even if 10 do, it effects people in a violent way. These people are by no means helpless but they do not have power over the situation and they are significantly outnumbered. This situation leads to people speaking out and protesting against events they see will effect their life.

As a 30 something white male, negative words have very little effect on me. Someone could stand up and say "White men are an abomination and are going directly to HELL!". This would have almost zero effect on me because 1) there are millions of white men around me all the time and the odds of someone hurting me bc im a white male is slim and 2) the amount of people who are not white who would take this message and try to carry out an act is even smaller.

Now when something happens that actually creates change and provides something to a group that is not the conservative majority of an area, we consistently see the conservative majority completely lose their shit. Theres no point posting pictures of people yelling at black kids going to high school or having dogs attach people for trying to eat some food bc we have all seen them. On a smaller scale, the government tried to collect tax money from a delinquent cattle rancher and people WENT CRAZY and had a stand off with the national guard. Of course all of these people had reasons for being upset but is their reaction any different than "liberals" protesting and writing shit to local newspapers?

This quote perfectly sums it up

Quote :
"If someone like Ta-Nehisi Coates came to DPAC, there'd be no articles from conservatives about how they shouldn't host him, and there'd be no protests of any sort trying to prevent him from coming. Now, you'll say, "that's because Ta-Nehisi Coates is right" - you think that, but conservatives don't."

Ta-Nehisi Coates speaks almost entirely about the black experience in America. Why would a conservative have anything to be upset about outside of them thinking black people suck? This is like someone coming to speak about the experience of being a boat builder and abunch of people getting pissed bc they cant swim and they think being on boats is fucking scary. Please enlighten me if I am incorrect.

Also this reminds me of the Donald Glover joke about men talking about crazy ex-girlfriends and all the funny shit they do and how women dont have fun crazy ex-boyfriend jokes bc those women are dead.

Now back to Jordan Peterson, he has an interesting thought in his book that came on out 1999, Maps of Meaning. I had to type this out bc I couldnt copy paste it and while doing so I found some pretty glaring typos and fixed them. It seems like no one edited this book.

Quote :
"When we are in trouble we get scared. When we are in the domain of the know, so to speak, there is no reason for fear. Outside that domain, panic reigns. It is for this reason that we dislike having our plans disrupted, and cling to what we understand. This conservative energy does not always work, however, because what we understand about the present is not necessarily sufficient to deal with the future. This means that we have to be able to modify what we understand, even though to do so is to risk our own undoing. The trick, of course, is to modify and yet to remain secure. This is not so simple. Too much modification brings chaos. Too little modification brings stagnation (and then when the future comes we are unprepared for what appears - chaos). "

This pretty much sums up every critique in that persons article. He finds preserving the status quo to be so important to the continued existence of western civilization that a large disruption could cause it to collapse. I would assume everyone has a limit to how much change they can handle. Id say that my threshold does not align with his.

[Edited on June 28, 2018 at 2:14 PM. Reason : !]

6/28/2018 2:09:33 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Now when something happens that actually creates change and provides something to a group that is not the conservative majority of an area, we consistently see the conservative majority completely lose their shit"

Yes. There is a term for these people: REACTIONARIES

6/28/2018 2:39:05 PM

All American
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Check out the comments on that indyweek story posted near the top of this page.....

6/29/2018 9:22:06 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"Modern liberalism is a mental disorder."

The hottest of takes.

6/29/2018 9:46:37 AM

All American
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Kinda ironic bc the book that is making Peterson famous is a self help book for people who are completely broken. The majority of his fans are young white right leaning men. So I’d suggest the modern conservative movement is actually giving people a mental disorder.

6/29/2018 9:51:53 AM

All American
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^ In the book, "Origins of Totalitarianism," by Holocaust survivor and political theorist Hannah Arendt (I've mentioned her before on here), she writes that mass movements "can be expected only from the completely isolated human being who, without any other ties to family, friends, comrades, or even mere acquaintances, derives his sense of having a place in the world only from his belonging to a movement, his membership in the party"

These guys cling to Jordan Peterson because they live their entire existence on the internet and have no concept of class consciousness and have no interest (because they're mostly white conservative men) of analyzing the overlaps between capitalism and racial/gender hierarchies. They are part of cultural majorities in a decaying capitalist system, and are desperately in search of answers as to why their cultural signifiers (being white/male/conservative) have not yielded the results they were expecting to receive.

A few helpful reads for anyone interested:

[Edited on June 29, 2018 at 1:28 PM. Reason : links]

6/29/2018 1:12:09 PM

All American
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Never heard of her, will check it out.

I havent felt like a 30 year old until recently. I have zero connection to 18-22 year olds and don't know wtf is doing on with them.

6/29/2018 4:38:17 PM

play so hard
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they're gucci

6/29/2018 7:29:24 PM

All American
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You Gucci?

6/29/2018 7:39:40 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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I too am gucci

6/29/2018 8:21:29 PM

All American
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july 2nd joe rogan

listened to this podcast while driving. no regrats

7/8/2018 6:50:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
""they have no control (which is the only thing that leftists tell them)""

Quote :
"That's not true. Even the most marginalized individual can succeed under capitalism, but it requires an amount of luck proportional to your social standing. Leftists recognize this and suggest that those who have succeeded have a personal responsibility to lift up those who haven't. Right wingers say that those who haven't are just not trying hard enough. They ignore the fact that our system depends upon an oppressed working class, and those in power will not allow everyone to "succeed", whatever that means.

OK, OK...fine. They have a little bit of control and a handful slip through the cracks and manage to succeed, but so little control that they might as well have none and just say "fuck it" unless someone carries them to the promised land.

(Destroyer is saying some really dumb shit in this thread; please don't make me defend him more.)

I think it's really more about individualism vs collectivism, which is related to, but not the same thing as, that internal/external locus of control.

Are certain people at a severe disadvantage? Hell yes. I don't think we can necessarily prop them up out of that situation in the way that the left likes to try, and it's debatable how much we even should if we could--you have to take from Bob to give to Jack. Now, I know that in your mind, Bob exploits Jack (not necessarily deliberately) and should have to pay, and that's a fundamental difference in philosophy that isn't going to get resolved.

7/8/2018 11:09:06 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Quote :
"I think it's really more about individualism vs collectivism, which is related to, but not the same thing as, that internal/external locus of control."

Let's just remove all the surrounding noise. You're talking to a friend that is going through a very rough time. Very little motivation, likely depressed, serious relationship problems.

Person to person, what do you tell them? I'd probably cover the points:
- You should be hopeful for the future
- I see the strength and potential in you as a person
- There is no shame in getting help
- Finally and critically: you have control of the situation. I can't make you do anything, but these are the sorts of options I think you should consider

You know what I wouldn't say?
- You're in this situation entirely due to external forces
- Even if you wanted to escape this situation, you're bearing the burden of centuries of capitalism and patriarchal control, which has ensured that you cannot succeed
- If you really want to change your life, pick up a protest sign and head to the nearest Jordan Peterson talk to harass attendees

Here's where it really gets interesting: the left is totally willing to apply personal responsibility to anyone that isn't in a sacred demographic. The left treats straight white guys the way that the right treats everyone regardless of identity: like they're largely (if not entirely) at fault for the problems in their life and if they want anything to change, maybe they should make a change.

7/8/2018 12:08:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Let's just remove all the surrounding noise. You're talking to a friend that is going through a very rough time. Very little motivation, likely depressed, serious relationship problems."

Extrapolating self-help pablum and turning it into a political ideology is dumb as shit and it doesn't surprise me that that is how you arrived at your political leanings.

You can motivate and encourage someone at the personal level while still acknowledging systemic issues that affect millions of workers. The left does this all the time, that is how they get people energized enough to do activism or to take on the fight of occupying ICE headquarters or petitioning.

Have you tried the opposite of your stupid little thought exercise? Would you approach a billionaire (Jeff Bezos, the Koch's, the Walton's, Donald Fucking Trump) and say, "hey, you earned all this, all on your own, because you're an awesome little individual and you've done everything right and everyone should strive to be like you!"

Maybe you would, which is why I can't take you seriously as a thinker.

7/8/2018 2:55:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Here's where it really gets interesting: the left is totally willing to apply personal responsibility to anyone that isn't in a sacred demographic. The left treats straight white guys..."

For such a straight white male, you really are a giant pussy. Playing the victim-card when you're in the least persecuted demographic is some weak-ass shit.

No, the left does not treat "straight white guys" the way that the right treats everyone regardless of identity, you massive, sexless dork. Do you see straight white guys being incarcerated at disproportionate levels? Do you see straight white children being ripped from their families and locked in cages? Do you see straight white males being profiled on the basis of religion at airports? Do you see straight white males have their reproductive rights put in jeopardy, or their salaries deflated on the whole?

No, you don't. Because what you said isn't true. You are equating your fragile feelings and ego with legislative action, because you are a baby.

Everything. Absolutely everything in your ideology falls back onto your desire to flatten inequalities IN YOUR HEAD to suggest that the demographic to which you belong is the real victim, in spite of mountains of evidence and historical data that tells the exact opposite story.

7/8/2018 3:06:08 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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I was going to post some stuff, but then I remembered that you would reply and I would need to reply to that. Instead, I'm just going to pull the old leftist copout of "it's not my job to educate you" and leave it at that. As an owner of the means of production of my own labor, through several iterations of collective bargaining with myself, it has been decided that any conversation with you is literally negative value to me and therefore not in the interest of the worker.

7/8/2018 5:08:17 PM

All American
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I was going to post some stuff.. Goes on to post some stuff.

You poor fool. You are convinced that the left consists solely of feminists who won't fuck you (because why would they -- listen to yourself). You fail to see that there are actual straight white males that are a part of the left who see their struggle for material gains being completely in alignment with the struggle of their female and minority counterparts. They seek to break down the barriers that limit the gains of the rural "poor farmhands" that theDuke866 grew up with as well as the minority workers and workers in urban areas. It is in their best interests to be in alignment with these disparate factions, rather than in competition with them.

You, on the other hand, seek the "wisdom" of some effeminate Canadian mincer who cries on the internet like a little bitch to rationalize why existing hierarchies need to be preserved, even though those same hierarchies are now beginning to crush straight white males just as they have been crushing females and minorities for decades.

You have a choice to make. You can either wise the fuck up and realize that the system you've upheld for years is now consolidating power and freedom to a very small class of people (of which you do not belong), or you can continue to bend over backwards to support this system as we descend further and further into fascism.

Unfortunately, I think I know which choice you'll make.

Now go clean your room.

7/8/2018 7:26:45 PM

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I started a Jordan Peterson Meetup and now I'm fucked
Quote :
"It's probably not what your thinking but allow me to explain. I was moved to start a Jordan Peterson Meetup after hearing the suggest from the man himself at a talk he gave at the Masonic in San Francisco.

So i did and people came and now we have a regular group of guys attending. There is a self described marxist who attends and regularly makes me feel like garbage. I'm not elloquent enough in my speach to communicate to him how I prefer to be spoken to becuase he plays semantic games and thinks he is doing the lords work. He thinks that making me feel this way is a gift and I should appreciate it.

Which I do to an extent, but it is hurting me and leaving me worse for the fare I fear. I don't want to shut the group down because I feel like that would be saying "you need to agree with me or I'm taking my ball and going home". But I am suffering because I don't have a dog in the political fight because I'm more of the artistic type, and consequently am very open and sensitive.

I also live in California and everyone in the group (including myself) believes very strongly that everyone is entitled to their opinion. Everyone in the group seems to (excluding me) believes that everyone deserves to have their opinion heard. I mention this because I don't know how to steer the discussion away from politics, and I don't know how to tell someone that what they're saying is hurting me... elloquently.

I guess I'm wondering (and am wondering what you might wonder) about the idea of structuring the group more like a study group. Where the focus is on learning and growth I suppose. I don't really know how that would work. I can barely even conceptualize it.

Thanks for listening."

7/9/2018 8:52:15 AM

All American
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these people must be in their teens or early 20's right?

7/9/2018 12:57:09 PM

All American
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what a turd

7/10/2018 3:20:01 PM

All American
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Again, I don't really know who Jordan Peterson is, but I read that link in its entirety, and what I don't understand is why the city council felt the need to reiterate, or assert that they had no part in the decision to let Mr. Peterson rent the DPAC.

Are they worried that his mere presence in Durham will prevent their re-election?

7/10/2018 3:34:15 PM

All American
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I don’t see the point of preventing someone from speaking in a city.

Maybe if the speech is about how they need to burn the building they’re in down.

7/11/2018 7:32:25 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Unless I'm mistaken, they're not preventing Jordan Peterson from speaking. It seems that the mayor and city council members were wanting to reaffirm their values to the people of Durham; I don't really see a problem with that.

Jordan Peterson's response seems rather snowflakish, though.

[Edited on July 11, 2018 at 8:19 AM. Reason : ]

7/11/2018 8:18:53 AM

All American
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Except they didn't just reaffirm their values - they went out of the way to say that JP was a racist, misogynist, etc. The town council said that about a person. That's pretty bold if you ask me.

7/11/2018 8:45:23 AM

50084 Posts
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As Ben Shapiro would say, fuck his feelings.

7/11/2018 8:47:37 AM

26632 Posts
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yeah, how dare they... describe a person?

7/11/2018 8:50:44 AM

All American
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Well then that is a nothing story.

7/11/2018 9:22:58 AM

All American
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Citizens could make the connection that the city condones/supports his opinions by letting him speak at DPAC since the city owns it. I think they wanted to make clear they had no part in that decision and distance themselves from him in case of public backlash.

7/11/2018 11:48:03 AM

play so hard
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His prose reads like something every idiot online who tries to cloak their dumb confrontational opinions with an air of heightened intelligence aspire to, but almost always fall short of.


(and here's a picture of a black lady with dreads for good measure..that'll sell some tickets)

No surprise he's a rockstar with the incel crowd.

7/11/2018 12:48:14 PM

All American
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^lol, well done.

after reading his drivel of a response, i'm not sure how anyone can take him seriously.

7/11/2018 1:19:30 PM

All American
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how are "real" conservatives incels? I thought their christian beliefs meant they sex0r after marriage anyways.

7/11/2018 3:21:08 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Except they didn't just reaffirm their values - they went out of the way to say that JP was a racist, misogynist, etc. The town council said that about a person. That's pretty bold if you ask me."

look man, you’ve been given layup after layup when it comes to disavowing people who are either official leaders for your side or unofficial thought leaders for your side, and nearly every time, you still side with the awful

dudes thoughts are well known, and in no way did the Durham Town Council go out of their way to say anything. they are the heads of a progressive city. they did exactly what they were supposed to do.

7/11/2018 4:58:39 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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nice talk including Zizek that touches on Peterson.

part starts around 57 minutes in.

Good thing I sit at work and listen to Zizek lectures.....

7/11/2018 5:06:29 PM

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