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All American
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buys apple for security and so google won't snoop on personal data...

...signs into iTunes with gmail account

[Edited on October 6, 2014 at 5:24 PM. Reason : 254]

10/6/2014 5:24:08 PM

All American
4279 Posts
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I’m not claiming someone offers better security than somebody else. I just don’t like my data being mined for advertising. There are, of course, a million other reasons I prefer the iPhone but the one I stated earlier was sufficient.

10/8/2014 9:50:58 PM

Forgetful Jones
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First few pages of this thread are a fun look at how much technology has improved over the last 7-8 years (if you don't mind sifting through all the trolling)

for example:

Quote :
"1000 dollar phone is dumb

this is what it would have to have for me to do it.

40 gig memory 5 mpx camera or more mp3/4/xvid/wmv/divx everything else is good."

omg 5 megapixel camera!

10/9/2014 1:18:31 AM

Agent 0
All American
5677 Posts
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Quote :
"some people are critical of not having gps, but for me its something i would rarely use so i would rather not have the added bulk"

Quote :
"GPS is nice and all but its no biggie if it doesn't have it. besdies i'm sure it could be an added software download later on. I've got the GPS in the car and thats all i'd ever use it."

[Edited on October 9, 2014 at 10:59 AM. Reason : .]

10/9/2014 10:57:49 AM

35771 Posts
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10/9/2014 11:05:59 AM

All American
22925 Posts
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Wait, does the iPhone not have GPS?

10/9/2014 11:13:19 AM

All American
14113 Posts
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The first gen iPhone did not have gps

10/9/2014 11:21:50 AM

All American
2303 Posts
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Plz post more

Especially when the ipad came out

10/9/2014 10:22:11 PM

Forgetful Jones
147702 Posts
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Quote :
"in thinking about this product I could see myself getting rid of my iphone in favor or one of those mobile hotspots and the itablet"

10/9/2014 11:03:32 PM

Thots and Prayers
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i was definitely one of those that was absolutely certain i'd never buy an iphone.

then i said the same thing about an ipad.

I'm inclined to say the same about the iwatch, but based on previous history, i'll just state that at this juncture, I don't see a compelling use case that makes me want to buy one.

10/10/2014 10:05:37 AM

35771 Posts
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updated my 5 to iOS8 and now my phone dies at 40% battery every time. Great...

10/12/2014 8:13:46 PM

Forgetful Jones
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But it's the best because all the devices run the same version of the OS. Android fragmentation is the worst!

10/12/2014 8:42:07 PM

soup du hier
41043 Posts
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mine dies at 10%

10/13/2014 10:35:29 AM

All American
4715 Posts
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^^^that could just be the failing battery in the 5. I had mine replaced a few weeks ago.

10/13/2014 12:32:00 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"updated my 5 to iOS8 and now my phone dies at 40% battery every time. Great..."

Glad I am not the only one who has noticed this. Or sometimes it will say its like 60% I open up one video and it goes to 15%. Or its at like 15% and I plug it in and it jumps to 40% immediately. All of those things are very annoying.

10/13/2014 3:30:02 PM

35771 Posts
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Quote :
"^^^that could just be the failing battery in the 5. I had mine replaced a few weeks ago."

my battery has definitely been failing, but with iOS7 i was able to use it and know it would die around 20% each time. Now it's dying within the 40-50% range and by usage has not changed. I literally got 3 texts back-to-back-to-back and it basically locked up my phone and then shut down.

Older Apple product self-destruct conspiracy theorists here.

10/13/2014 5:08:27 PM

El Nachó
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TreeTwista10 actually had the balls to say:
Quote :
"But it's the best because all the devices run the same version of the OS. Android fragmentation is the worst!"

I get that you're kind of dumb and on top of that you like to shittily troll anything Apple related and all, but holy shit, I actually gave you a little bit more credit than saying something THIS dumb.

You aren't really trying to compare fragmentation of 10,000 different pieces of hardware, hundreds of different resolutions, aspect ratios, and screen sizes and literally dozens of different "current" versions of the OS to the iPhone ecosystem are you? Because that's really a spectacularly stupid thing to do.

10/13/2014 9:02:34 PM

All American
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It really isn't that spectacular, because while you try to point out how diverse the Android ecosystem may be, including 10's of thousands of pieces of hardware, etc, I'm only concerned with usually one piece of hardware - my phone. I have an s4, so why do I care what version the Moto X runs? Or a Lenovo tablet?

Sure, some apps may not be compatible with some versions, but I usually have a phone that runs the latest version of Android, so compatibility issues are few and far between.

I'm not dogging Apple, because I very well may switch later, but his troll is a valid troll.

10/14/2014 12:43:20 PM

El Nachó
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Uhh...what? How is his trolling valid? I don't care if you only have and care about one particular device, that's not what's being discussed here. He's talking about fragmentation of the ecosystems as a whole, not the fragmentation of the one device that rjrumfel happens to own. And comparing the fragmentation of Android as a whole to iOS as a whole isn't even a remotely smart thing for a Fandroid/Apple hater to do. But I guess he got his reaction in me calling him out, so I guess it was a valid troll after all.

But to answer your question, I'll say you absolutely should care about other Android devices and how timely they receive updates because the fragmentation of the entire system is important to developers when they're choosing where to spend their time making/updating products. Sure, you may have the best/newest hardware, but if someone that had the best/newest hardware 6 months ago doesn't get an OS update that is required to run the latest app then that means that instead of hoping that a developer will develop for the Android platform, you end up hoping that a developer will update for your small fragment of the platform. The more people you can get on the latest update of the software, the less work devs will have to do to get their apps to work, and the bigger target audience they will have, so the more likely they will be to develop for your platform. Only caring about your one particular device isn't helpful for the community as a whole, which eventually means it's not good for your one device.

10/14/2014 7:11:40 PM

Forgetful Jones
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I can guarantee you the vast majority of the 12% users of Android devices that run out of date OS's don't care about cutting edge games that utilize full hardware potential. You make it sound like King has to code 200 different versions of Candy Crush because there are so many glitches with screen size and OS versions. I'm glad you're not an Android app developer.

Meanwhile, iOS8 gets pushed to millions of devices, before it's ready. That's supposedly a good thing though.


Quote :
"But things have changed. Android is challenging, but we think it’s time to set the record straight (and remember, this is coming from devoted iOS fans here): Put simply, Android fragmentation in 2014 is a myth."

Quote :
"Play Services is more important than OS installs when planning and designing an Android app. Play Services, introduced in 2012, is effectively a background download of core services required to run apps on Android. Putting the OS install numbers to one side for a moment, this is the stat that matters to developers – over 93 percent of all Android users are running the latest version of Google Play Services."

So basically, iOS is more fragmented than Google Play Services

[Edited on October 14, 2014 at 7:45 PM. Reason : pwnt]

10/14/2014 7:35:59 PM

All American
33748 Posts
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^ Google Play services is just a way to access Google's services, it doesn't solve the problem of android fragmentation:

It mitigates some aspects of it, but if you're building an app that branches out of the google garden of services (like pretty much any game, or moderately complex tool), it doesn't look like Google Play Services helps you too much.

I personally don't look at the apps ecosystem as being a big negative for android, but fragmentation still is, and will continue to be, an issue for Android, because this is the nature of a more open platform with such a huge variety of hardware targets. It's the double-edged sword of Android's way of doing things.

10/15/2014 6:33:07 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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Anyone having this issue? (looked through the last few pages and didn't see anything)

Maybe like 25% of the time I bring up an app and start typing something in SWYPE, the keyboard looks like its responding to my touch, but no text actually appears. To get it to work I have to switch back to the regular keyboard, then go back to SWYPE and it will work. About 2 or 3 times a day it will be totally unresponsive and I'll have to kill the app and start over to get the keyboard to work at all.

10/15/2014 9:32:47 AM

3753 Posts
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Yeah that was happening to me occasionally.

I haven't had it happen since I deleted SwiftKey for the default keyboard.

10/16/2014 12:21:56 AM

All American
3111 Posts
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Will try this out, thanks

10/16/2014 10:43:39 AM

All American
19598 Posts
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Yosemite available now for free.

10/16/2014 1:36:42 PM

All American
11577 Posts
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Grr I'd so get a new iPad mini if it had an SD slot. I'm not paying an extra $200 for 48GB when I can stick a $45 64GB card in my Samsung tablet. $599 for an iPad mini with 64GB is just too much. The majority of what I do on my tablet is reading on the Kindle app and watching movies/tv shows on the plane. I can barely fit any movies or tv shows on a 16 or even 32 GB one.

10/16/2014 4:19:54 PM

El Nachó
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64GB mini is only $499, not $599.

10/18/2014 1:08:48 AM

All American
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When I posted that before the announcement it was $599 for an iPad mini retina with 64GB of memory. I see now they offer the 128GB for $599.

10/18/2014 1:20:50 PM

All American
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Anyone having any issues with 8.1 yet? Should I download or keep waiting?

10/21/2014 10:20:33 AM

35771 Posts
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i haven't had any issues on my 5 other than the battery problem i posted earlier. There is more noticeable lag now, but that's because i'm using a two-generation old phone.

10/21/2014 10:50:43 AM

25063 Posts
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works fine on my 6+

10/21/2014 10:51:49 AM

All American
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OK so I upgraded, seems to be working without issues for anyone still waiting

Concerning my issues with the SWYPE bugs, I did what was suggested above (completely removed swiftkey and all other 3rd party keyboards), deleted and reinstalled SWYPE, and I'm STILL having the same issues even after the update. So that sucks.

Here's the new problem for me, not a bug, just a limitation, unless someone knows a way around this:

* I use Siri to read messages to me while I'm on my bike or sitting on the other side of the room while my phone is plugged in
* Siri will only do this when fingerprint / passcode is turned off
* Applepay only works when fingerprint / passcode is turned on
* If you turn fingerprint / passcode off, it wipes out your credit card info from Apple Pay, making you reenter it when you turn it back on
* So basically I have to pick one or the other...anyone know of a way I can have both?

[Edited on October 21, 2014 at 2:05 PM. Reason : d]

10/21/2014 2:05:38 PM

All American
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^ so if you go to Prefences> TouchID/Passcode, at the bottom it says "allow access when locked: Siri" and enable that, it still doesn't work?

10/21/2014 2:11:36 PM

17377 Posts
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Those with a 6+, what case do you have? Do you like it? Other cases you would recommend?

My phone doesn't come in til Nov 7, but I want to have a case for it when it gets here. I love Incipio's feather cases, but want something to wrap around on top of the screen as well. And as big as the 6+ is, I don't want to make it any bigger than I have to after putting a case on it (so no Otterboxes & the like)

10/21/2014 2:13:51 PM

All American
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^^ Correct, even with all the stuff enabled it will say, "You have a message from John, unlock phone to listen"

10/21/2014 2:21:13 PM

25063 Posts
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i have the spigen neo hybrid aluminum and like it but it adds more heft than i prefer

10/21/2014 2:40:17 PM

17377 Posts
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Have you looked at either of Apple's cases, leather or silicone? I haven't seen them in person. I'm in BFE & there are very very few options for retail shopping here, and I've only seen 2 iPhone 6/6+ cases total, both were super bulky.

10/21/2014 2:54:47 PM

35771 Posts
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the ZooGue 6+ cases will be shipping in 2 weeks.

10/21/2014 3:40:34 PM

17377 Posts
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I just ordered one of those. The gray one. It said pre-order only, and it'll be 2-5 weeks. Hopefully it's closer to 2 than 5.

10/21/2014 3:49:19 PM

35771 Posts
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they sent out an email update last week to those that had pre-ordered earlier.

Quote :
"iPhone 6 (4.7 in) Cases
All orders expected to ship from CA in the next 1-2 weeks

iPhone 6 Plus (5.5 in) Cases
All orders expected to ship from CA in the next 1-3 weeks"

10/21/2014 3:53:24 PM

All American
2021 Posts
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Quote :
"Correct, even with all the stuff enabled it will say, "You have a message from John, unlock phone to listen""

Do you have message previews on the lock screen turned on or off? If off, does turning them on allow Siri to read them without unlocking the phone?

10/21/2014 4:09:50 PM

17377 Posts
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Awesome. Thanks Jeepin. I'm still looking for other cases, maybe something a little more interesting. Idk. We'll see.

10/21/2014 4:27:23 PM

All American
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^^ Yes, this "fixes" the issue for me, although I would definitely prefer to have the previews turned off. For now I guess I'll just try and switch it on whenever I'm going to need Siri to read a message to me. Would be nice if Apple could create an exception for this though

10/21/2014 4:38:07 PM

35771 Posts
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is it that way so that anyone can't just say "hey siri, read my texts" when you aren't around. (asking as someone who doesn't know if Siri recognizes only your voice)

10/21/2014 8:20:08 PM

All American
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^^Yeah I would imagine that is by design. Turning previews off is essentially telling iOS to lock the content of your messages behind the lockscreen. Allowing Siri to read the content of the messages out loud without unlocking would be considered a security hole in that it would allow someone to bypass that security.

10/21/2014 9:05:31 PM

All American
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Yeah...I follow the logic of why the two are linked, though it would be nice if I could make an exception, similar to the way I can keep a bunch of other features on even when I have the phone passcode / fingerprint locked

I don't like the previews for two reasons:
1) My little cousins play around on my phone a lot, and it's nice to know that if some friend texts me, "Hey fuckface, go fuck your fucking uncle, uncle fucker", it won't pop up for them to see that
2) Often at bars or loud restaurants with a group I'll just keep my phone out if I'm waiting for a call or text from someone. I don't need everyone around me able to read it...could be something like the above, or something dirty from my wife, who knows

I'm really not concerned at all about someone who's locked out of my phone being able to read the last text message I got

10/22/2014 9:09:48 AM

35771 Posts
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I wish there were an option to have text preview on unless it was a picture text, to which you would just see "1 picture message" or something like that. I like being able to preview, but sometimes the images are a little too risque to just have out there.

10/22/2014 9:54:41 AM

All American
10406 Posts
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I have a Verizon Iphone 6. I updated to 8.1 yesterday and last night I'm sitting in my home and my status bar at the top of the phone says, "EXTENDED".

I had no idea what that was because in the 9 years I've had verizon, I had never seen it or heard of it. I looked it up online and it says i am "out of range" of the verizon towers so I'm picking up other towers.

I haven't changed my location and I have never seen it before, so it must be something to do with the 8.1 update. A quick google search yields other people having the same problem but Verizon and Apple both don't know the cause of it. Their generic answers are "reset network settings" and "reset your phone", but that doesn't solve it.

Anyone else with verizon noticed this problem?

10/22/2014 6:10:04 PM

All American
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10/22/2014 9:46:42 PM

All American
15654 Posts
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^^ it is called Roaming, very technical and brand new.

10/22/2014 9:59:18 PM

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