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hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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And LOL at assholes who click on this thread after its release not expecting spoilers.

12/18/2016 1:21:36 AM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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spoiler alertttttttttttttttttttttt

My favorite moment in the entire movie may have been Krennic's first scene with Vader. Krennic is such an evil bad ass for the hour or so leading up this where now he's basically about to shit his pants the moment he enters the room for their chat. They do a great job representing what a fucking terrifying experience it is just to be in the same room as Vader.

And of course we need a gif of Vader boarding that ship and wrecking everyone's shit.

12/18/2016 10:53:06 AM

All American
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Quote :
"wrecking everyone's shit"

I caught myself recoiling in my seat. IMAX 3D might have been worth it just to see that.

Ive seen it in IMAX 3D and regular. Not true IMAX, local theatre IMAX convertion.

Regular theatres now have a much less vivid picture with much less detail. And the audio is much quieter.

The IMAX detail makes the CG face failings stand out a bit more. But definitely worth it!

12/18/2016 3:00:04 PM

All American
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I liked the portrayal of the storm troopers and giving them more humanoid characteristics such as being exhausted and wanting a break. Still, they missed out on some nice opportunities of portraying the dark side as peacekeepers due to their threat of massive destruction.

I thought that Vader was used well, Tarkin was overused, and MADS MIKKELSEN was wasted.

12/18/2016 4:50:33 PM

All American
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I liked it. Not incredible, but the last action sequence was pretty great. Wish they'd done more with Mikkelson and Whitaker.

12/18/2016 7:00:47 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
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I thought Whitaker was kinda weak. That voice was awful.

12/18/2016 7:23:09 PM

All American
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Meh, movie was overrated and too over-hyped(at least on my FB feed).

Seems like the entire movie was created just to end the ~40-year discussion on why anyone would have such a poor design of the Death Star.

12/18/2016 8:36:08 PM

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fantastic film, definitely makes up for the awful force awakens movie

12/18/2016 9:29:21 PM

All American
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I wouldn't say this movie was bad, it just didn't need to be.

It's 2+ hours of flat characters, bad acting, and its sole purpose was to make up for the glaring plot hole of the first movie. The fucking robot was the most human character of the whole bunch. Forest Whitaker got the Cranston treatment from Godzilla.

Oh, and apparently Darth Vader hangs out in Barad Dur.

Save your money and catch it on Netflix in a year or two.

12/19/2016 12:38:40 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"Meh, movie was overrated and too over-hyped(at least on my FB feed)."

To me it seems like the least hyped star wars film in my lifetime. And also possibly my favorite. Definitely better than the prequels and Force Awakens and Return of the Jedi

At worst it's the 3rd best star wars film.

12/19/2016 11:41:48 AM

All American
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The Saw Gerrera character makes sense and is a clever idea, but it was executed poorly. I don't understand why they didn't go the route of making him a crazy, eccentric lunatic such as Tuco Slamanca to provide a bit more levity to the first act.

It would have been so sweet if they would have responded "this will bring peace" during the first test strike.

[Edited on December 19, 2016 at 3:20 PM. Reason : u]

12/19/2016 3:19:20 PM

All American
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12/19/2016 4:23:54 PM

Sa Da Tay
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12/20/2016 2:51:18 PM

All American
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What movie "needs to be," Kurtis636?

12/21/2016 7:16:23 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Definitely better than the prequels and Force Awakens and Return of the Jedi"

There are some people that hold all the originals as untouchable in how it affected their childhood. But if you rewatch Jedi as an adult, everything on Endor gets worse and worse.

12/21/2016 8:13:20 AM

All American
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double post,

that gif is going to ruin it for a lot of people

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 8:14 AM. Reason : fsdf]

12/21/2016 8:13:20 AM

All American
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Wraith said:
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"Also pleased that they finally explained the gaping weakness in the Death Star that had been a plot hole since Ep IV."

Let me refresh your memory of A New Hope. Dodonna says:

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"The target area is only two meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station."

That isn't a plot hole. The flaw Erso built into the station was the reactor's instability, not the thermal exhaust port. The entire point of the Rogue team getting the Death Star's structural plans was to find a route to the reactor. The exhaust port leading to the reactor wouldn't have been a vulnerability if Erso hadn't sabotaged the reactor in the first place.

Quote :
"I'm really pleased that it ended literally minutes before the beginning of Episode IV."

It doesn't end minutes before A New Hope. Vader watches the Tantive IV jump to light speed from the Rebels' MC75. By the time Vader disembarked that ship to return to his Star Destroyer, the blockade runner could've been anywhere. The Empire still has to track the Tantive IV down, giving Leia plenty of plausible deniability. Shit, he doesn't even know she's on board. Even if Vader is aware that the Tantive IV is the same ship by the time he catches up, there's no guarantee that Leia was involved or that the plans would still be aboard.

And as ten million people on the Internet have already pointed out, we're not even sure whether Threepio and Artoo are aboard the blockade runner at the end of Rogue One since we see them on Yavin 4 while the Rebel fleet takes off for Scarif. For all we know, they meet up with the Tantive IV weeks later.

DonMega said:
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"it was nicely done to show the amount of sacrifice it took to get the death star plans, including everyone dieing. But what about the bothans!?! As far as I can tell, they just disregarded the term "bothans" from when a new hope when "Many Bothans died to bring us this information". Very small thing, but as was mentioned above, they did a good job of closing the plot hole of the open port to destroy the death star."

Like many people, you're misremembering. That line is from Return of the Jedi, and it's in reference to Death Star II. Bothan spies learned where the second Death Star was, that it wasn't operational yet, and that the Emperor was there overseeing its completion.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 8:55 AM. Reason : charity]

12/21/2016 8:49:07 AM

Burn it all down.
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Quote :
"One since we see them on Yavin 4 while the Rebel fleet takes off for Scarif. For all we know, they meet up with the Tantive IV weeks later."

Yes, but in that same line, you hear someone talking to Captain Antilles, who was the commander of the Tantive IV. So it's a fairly easy assumption that the droids boarded the ship at the same time

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 9:07 AM. Reason : a]

12/21/2016 9:04:27 AM

All American
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I mean I'll grant you I'm not convinced about the droids still being on Yavin, but it's ambiguous enough for me. It's not like you see them on the blockade runner. I'll have to listen for the line next time I watch. And even if the droids are aboard, Vader still has to disembark the flagship before he gives chase, which gives the Tantive IV a substantial lead.

12/21/2016 9:06:49 AM

All American
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That GIF, while extremely wonderful, was posted in poor taste. I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet

If that GIF is indeed from the movie, and I guess it is, then that brings up a question for me. If Vader is so badass right there, then why do we see him in such an awkward duel with Obi Wan....days or weeks later?

I mean I realize why in our world - film makers knew that we all would enjoy seeing Vader tear shit up. But it doesn't necessarily flow with A New Hope. Don't get me wrong, this isn't really a criticism, just interesting to note.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 9:12 AM. Reason : asdfs]

12/21/2016 9:09:15 AM

All American
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Vader's duel with Obi-Wan is completely different from hacking up a bunch of randos. Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master. Vader can run a clinic on those Rebels because he vastly outmatches them. He can't afford to go HAM on Obi-Wan for fear of getting caught out. Remember how poorly his last duel with Obi-Wan went? Because Vader definitely does.

12/21/2016 9:13:51 AM

Burn it all down.
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Frosh, my main reasoning for thinking that it was hours at most before A New Hope starts is, what reason would Leia have on just keeping the plans to herself? If she had more time, she would have copied the data, transmitted it to someone else, etc

As you mentioned, the plans themselves revealed no big secret/flaw, so the Empire wouldn't really have done anything different if they knew more people had the plans so there was no reason for the Rebellion not to transmit those plans in the open or make multiple copies.

12/21/2016 9:14:41 AM

All American
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Well, she obviously wouldn't have transmitted the plans, because the Empire would've been listening for that. Never mind the fact that she presumably doesn't have access to communications equipment capable of a transmission on that scale--remember the line in Rogue One about how the Empire needed that big-ass dish to transmit plans? That little blockade runner doesn't have anything comparable to that, I guarantee you. And don't forget that Andor was reluctant to send an even smaller transmission in Imperial space earlier in the film, namely communicating the existence of the reactor's vulnerability. I'm sure most Rebels would balk at trying to transmit the Death Star plans in those circumstances even if Leia's ship were capable of it, especially since the Alliance Council was divided on the question of whether Rook was telling the truth or setting a trap.

Now, I can't speak to the question of copies of the plans. I suppose they could've done, although you're presumably talking about a huge amount of data. It's feasible (to me) that the flagship was capable of making a copy of the transmission but that making another copy would be beyond the Tantive IV's computers and Artoo himself.

And I know what you're going to say to that, that Artoo stores the plans himself just fine, but that doesn't mean the Tantive IV had the media for him to write additional copies.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 9:22 AM. Reason : ///]

12/21/2016 9:21:48 AM

All American
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Do we really want to try to compare Rogue one Vader to New Hope Vader?

If they had the ability to re-shoot Vader's scene it would be completely different. Its just an old movie with old ideas on what the duel would look like. No need to try to somehow force it to make sense.

12/21/2016 9:26:30 AM

All American
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You don't have to force it. It makes perfect sense as it is. You've got two master Force users squaring off versus one master Force user and a bunch of victims. Of course the sword work is going to be different.

12/21/2016 9:29:46 AM

All American
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^^But for me it is hard not to, because in the cinematic universe, they are the same Vader.

I can swallow Frankenvader awkwardly asking about Padme - that was 30 years ago and he's had time to become the villain we see in A New Hope. But Rogue's Vader is literally the same character.

But that will be my biggest nitpick I'm sure. With all the spoilers I've already read, sounds like it is a great addition to the Star Wars universe.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 9:30 AM. Reason : ^]

12/21/2016 9:30:11 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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Thanks guys for reminding me no matter how big a nerd I think I am there are always Power Level 9000 nerds like you.

It's heavily implied at the end or RO that EPIV dovetails pretty solidly into that ending, give or take a couple hours for the Star Destroyer to catch up.

As for the lightsaber hall/duel issue. We're talking about a 1 week old movie (with all the advances in cinemagraphics) doing some fan service compared to an almost 40 year old movie with low expectations/funding, probably no such thing as real fight choreography, not to mention burgeoning SFX technology.


12/21/2016 9:44:27 AM

All American
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I think you don't understand how hyperspace travel works. The little Rebel ship that the nice lady is on got a chance to go a really long way really fast. It will be very hard for the scary man in black to find her. Imagine you are playing hide and seek but have to count to a million before you shout ready or not.

12/21/2016 9:50:37 AM

All American
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also shut the fuck up and get the fuck out of the thread if you're gonna be mr. no fun allowed about it you shithead

12/21/2016 9:51:59 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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You're kind of the one draining the fun out of it. It's a god damn Star Wars movie, not a dissertation on Einsteinian space travel theory.

But whatever gets your rocks off man.

12/21/2016 9:54:49 AM

All American
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As I get older, I've come to appreciate everyone's own hobbies, and how each one of us dumps our time where it enjoys us the most. I feel like we shouldn't begrudge each other a hobby, as long as that hobby doesn't harm others, as with the case with geniusxboy.

So if Frosh wants to dive into the Star Wars universe and explore it, that's ok. What's your hobby?

12/21/2016 9:57:09 AM

All American
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I see that in trying to condescend to you, I inadvertently came across as "Einsteinian." I'm sorry the idea that someone with a massive lead will be difficult to catch is so hard for you, but I'm very proud of you for being able to use such a relatively big word to convey your level of confusion.

12/21/2016 9:57:22 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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Anyway. Still a solid flick, and I keep coming back to this thread just to see that Vader gif.

12/21/2016 10:00:03 AM

All American
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Special shout out for TheSoilderThatHasThePlansInTheHallway's voice. Really good sounding voice. Works really well over the noise of the fight behind him. Same with the solider that yells 'LAUNCH!'

No generic voices. They R Lame

12/21/2016 11:19:23 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Quote :
"There are some people that hold all the originals as untouchable in how it affected their childhood. But if you rewatch Jedi as an adult, everything on Endor gets worse and worse."

Those people are dumb. Dumber than ewoks.

12/21/2016 11:36:00 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If they had the ability to re-shoot Vader's scene it would be completely different. Its just an old movie with old ideas on what the duel would look like. No need to try to somehow force it to make sense.

The significance of the the Vader vs Obi-Wan duel in A New Hope comes from the dialogue and tension that builds between the two, and not so much from the dance choreography that we see in most modern duels. It is a lost art, but what we get is a dialogue that ends up laying the foundation for the entire series.

"We meet again at last"

"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"

For two relatively straight forward sentences, they carry a ton of emotional heft. For starters, Vader is brilliantly depicted as the ultimate badass at the beginning of the film, so when it is revealed that he has a decade's long grudge against Obi-Wan, it directly confirms to the viewer that Obi-Wan is indeed a character of great power and influence.

Then, when Obi-Wan warns Darth of the consequences that he will face upon striking him down, he is giving him a very realistic threat of the power that he shall inherit as a martyr and inspiration to the aspiring young Jedi, Luke.

These two themes, martyrdom and confronting old enemies, are incredibly prevalent throughout the entire Star Wars universe.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 11:59 AM. Reason : a]

12/21/2016 11:57:10 AM

All American
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Quote :
"You're kind of the one draining the fun out of it. It's a god damn Star Wars movie, not a dissertation on Einsteinian space travel theory."

for some people determining plausibility, overanalyzing and drawing parallels to scientific theories IS the fun

12/21/2016 1:17:03 PM

All American
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In Exiled's tiny mind, you can't appreciate a movie by talking about its plot or setting. All cinematic discourse consists solely of simple statements of "I liked it" and "I did not like it."

Because he's an idiot, and fuck him.

12/21/2016 5:13:59 PM

All American
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It's always nice to see that froshkiller is as much of a douche canoe as ever. Much like a Darth Vader duel from 40 years ago he's not aged well.

Quote :
"I think you don't understand how hyperspace travel works"

please, explain it to us.

[Edited on December 21, 2016 at 8:36 PM. Reason : Holy fuck, what a cock holster ]

12/21/2016 8:25:01 PM

Burn it all down.
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I mean, there's nothing indicating whether or not it takes place 5 minutes or 5 weeks before A New Hope, if the one guy likes it more because in his head canon, it does, fuck it, not sure why Frosh is trying to shit on his parade.

12/21/2016 8:42:11 PM

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12/21/2016 8:47:10 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I still don't understand why this movie "didn't need to be"

12/21/2016 9:32:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
"My favorite moment in the entire movie may have been Krennic's first scene with Vader. Krennic is such an evil bad ass for the hour or so leading up this where now he's basically about to shit his pants the moment he enters the room for their chat. They do a great job representing what a fucking terrifying experience it is just to be in the same room as Vader. "

Very similar to the scene in A New Hope where Vader is all BA chasing the MF into the asteroid field bombing the asteroids until the Emperor says he doesn't have enough bars to make a phone call and BAM! "Move us out of the asteroid field so we can have a clear channel to the Emperor."

12/21/2016 11:55:12 PM

All American
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Also, to continue the Vader vs. Obi Wan conflict...Lucas did Vader an injustice to hire Christensen for Anakin. He was such a whiner in 2 and 3 that it's hard to understand how much he matured between 3 and 4 (or 3 and Rogue One), considering the Dark Side doesn't appeal to logic to help one mature.

Man...such a lost potential.

12/21/2016 11:57:47 PM

All American
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One probably tends to have a different perspective on life when one loses all four limbs.

But Christensen wasn't the only one who turned in a wooden performance in those movies. Portman is almost unwatchable, and she's a good actress. I think they just had awful material to begin with, and Lucas would allow no improvisation or anything - for the prequels, it was either 100% his way or the highway.

12/22/2016 7:36:44 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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Still wish they would've all chosen the Highway.

12/22/2016 8:29:19 AM

All American
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The people vs George Lucas

I'm still impressed this conversation is still going on

[Edited on December 22, 2016 at 10:12 AM. Reason : CAUSE LANGUAGE]

12/22/2016 9:55:44 AM

All American
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^That shit's an hour an a half long.

And I'm probably going to watch it.

12/22/2016 10:08:53 AM

All American
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Info on early alternate ending. Gives some insight into the workings between Directors and Disney big wigs.



12/22/2016 10:18:14 AM

All American
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I would hardly say that gif is a spoiler. Then again, why is anyone in this thread talking about a movie they haven't seen if they fully intend to see the film.

Go see it.

12/22/2016 11:22:46 AM

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