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Sup, B
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Quote :
"Saying they are obviously biased because they are run by the DNC is nothing more than an ad hominem statement."

no, i'd say they are obviously biased because of the wonderful timing.

btw, FoxNews, I'm really loving how you guys are bitching about MTV's show that jut so happens to compete with yours. be a little more obvious about it.

[Edited on January 22, 2011 at 8:33 PM. Reason : ]

1/22/2011 8:33:04 PM

13178 Posts
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Straws man. Straws...

If they were biased, then why did the first poll show FNC in the lead?

1/22/2011 8:49:13 PM

Sup, B
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because they did the work and couldn't waste it?

1/22/2011 8:50:51 PM

13178 Posts
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So why not lie? Not like anyone would have known beyond them?

Again. You're grasping at straws.

1/22/2011 10:04:41 PM

Sup, B
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because when someone asks for their data...

1/22/2011 10:08:07 PM

13178 Posts
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Forge data... It's a poll. Nobody is going to know one way or the other.

Again. Please go take a statistics class. To be considered a decent poll, randomization and your sample size is of utmost importance. It is important to random choose who you are polling (through a computer program that uses a algorithm that chooses people at "random" or just opening up a page of a telephone book and throwing a dart at it closed eyed). Additionally, a sample size that is representative of the population is important. Too big, and you might as well ask the entire population, too small, and you're not getting a good picture of how the population feels.

Unfortunately, ALL of this can be made up and forged. Shit, I can throw together some numbers and pass it off as a legitimate poll.

Now, I'm not saying that the current events haven't changed anything. After all, it is events that cause change. Whether it be a networks image being put in the trash by competitors, or a scandal of some kind. You can't dismiss a poll simply because you don't like the results. The argument from 2010 can be made that Fox's constant bashing of the Liberal media and Rush's constant offense against the liberal media "skewed" the 2010 results.

1/23/2011 12:46:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"btw, FoxNews, I'm really loving how you guys are bitching about MTV's show that jut so happens to compete with yours. be a little more obvious about it."

I wouldn't exactly call them competing shows

1/23/2011 7:22:08 PM

supple anteater
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1/24/2011 11:49:07 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
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Seeing that makes me hate Fox News much, much more. The "Fox News vote" has the potential to do a lot of damage, I'm afraid.

1/25/2011 12:29:05 AM

Sup, B
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i, too, can post the same thing in multiple threads

1/25/2011 8:09:52 AM


18617 Posts
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Sen. John Barasso (R, WY) just said on Fox News that under the new health care law people will have to get a prescription for any over the counter pain killer like Tylenol and Advil.

1/25/2011 9:50:53 AM

All American
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^if you want to use your HSA to pay for it you will. sadly

[Edited on January 25, 2011 at 10:16 AM. Reason : .]

1/25/2011 10:16:31 AM

All American
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who in the fuck uses a health care reimbursement account to pay for motherfucking ibuprofen or acetaminophen?

christalmighty i buy a jug of 1000 ibuprofen tabs for ten dollars.

don't you have some lenses to grind? it's almost been an hour, so get to work. welfare bums are counting on you to subsidize their carefree lifestyles.

1/25/2011 10:27:51 AM

All American
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But yes you could use your health savings account for anything medical including over the counter drugs, band aids, etc. before this reform bill. You could buy those items with tax free money. Now people will ask their doctors to write for them. So that adds to more time writing for bs, as we already have to write for OTC for medicaid patients who already need a rx to get OTC items for free.

Opticians grind lenses you ignorant ass.

[Edited on January 25, 2011 at 10:53 AM. Reason : .]

1/25/2011 10:50:52 AM

All American
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Quote :
"as we already have to write for OTC for "

And optometrists are not allowed to write pharmaceutical prescriptions outside of very limited eye diseases, you disingenuous fuck.

now quit acting so aggrieved about shit that doesn't affect you. go give some more free eye tests to people walking through the mall.

[Edited on January 25, 2011 at 11:03 AM. Reason : ]

1/25/2011 11:02:45 AM

All American
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^ as you have made it known you have no desire to learn of the facts before spouting off your misguided opinions. Ill leave you with your head firmly planted where you like it.

But you clearly know nothing about what the scope of optometry or our DEA license allows us to write for.

1/25/2011 11:07:48 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Taking more power away from the people and handing it over to business owners and regulatory bodies.

1/25/2011 11:09:18 AM


15145 Posts
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How can anyone in Fox News refer to the "mainstream media"? In what world are they not mainstream media???

1/25/2011 11:33:07 AM

All American
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1/25/2011 7:36:14 PM

All American
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^^ it's the same way apple paints themselves as being the underdog.

It's part of their marketing (and it works...).

1/25/2011 7:56:40 PM

3125 Posts
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And similar to the idea that christians are attacked and persecuted in this country

1/25/2011 8:15:32 PM

All American
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i've had middle class white men tell me that they are systematically discriminated against by the system.

1/26/2011 1:20:17 AM

All American
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1/28/2011 3:58:54 PM

Sup, B
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you clearly didn't see what the fuck he was talking about, nor did you see the selective editing of TDS's clip. do a little more research

1/28/2011 4:08:40 PM

All American
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I'll let you explain how you see it

1/28/2011 4:16:23 PM

All American
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still waiting....

1/28/2011 11:54:20 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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i, too, am interested in hearing how the nazi thing was edited to make it look bad instead of good

1/31/2011 11:11:20 AM


15145 Posts
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lol, the nazi thing...

Fox News, please keep digging.

the smartest thing for them is to drop it. They're going to just keep going deeper and deeper.

1/31/2011 11:43:22 AM

All American
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^^ I don't think burro knows what he's talking about.

1/31/2011 12:19:08 PM

All American
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of course he doesn't

1/31/2011 1:54:07 PM

All American
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not as good as the old days, but it's a sniff

1/31/2011 3:14:24 PM

All American
3901 Posts
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Quote :
"lol, the nazi thing...

Fox News, please keep digging.

the smartest thing for them is to drop it. They're going to just keep going deeper and deeper."

Don't you see it doesn't matter. Just so long as they have idiots like burro believing everything that they say you will still see idiotic statements like these:
Quote :
"you clearly didn't see what the fuck he was talking about, nor did you see the selective editing of TDS's clip. do a little more research"

1/31/2011 3:39:29 PM

All American
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^ i don't think burro believes those things.

I think he has a girlfriend or parent that loves Fox News and just feels the need to defend them out of love.

1/31/2011 11:52:08 PM

2953 Posts
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I finally found some common ground with the fox news readers after reading the comment section of this story.

2/1/2011 9:49:15 AM

3125 Posts
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haha, burro having a girlfriend? yeah right.

2/1/2011 10:55:04 AM

Sup, B
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funny how you accuse me of taking everything out of O'Reilly's mouth as gospel, when many of you do the same with Stewart. Still, there is a difference in this situation. Just do a little research and find the full context.

2/1/2011 6:06:25 PM

All American
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please feel free to explain the context here and how this situation is so different

transcript from the O'reilly show, italic parts are the parts that have been selectively edited out of TDS
Quote :
"BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Personal Story" segment tonight: another round with our pal Jon Stewart. Earlier this week, Stewart took on the Congressman Steve Cohen-Nazi controversy. You may remember this:


REP. STEVE COHEN, D-TENN.: They say it's a government takeover of health care, a big lie. Just like Goebbels, you say it enough, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, you repeat the lie, and eventually people believe it. The Germans said enough about the Jews, and people believed it, and you had the Holocaust.


O'REILLY: Well, Cohen was roundly criticized for that statement for two reasons. First, because he compared those who opposed Obamacare as spreading Nazi-like propaganda, a falsehood. And second, he did that just days after President Obama called for civility in the national debate in a speech in Arizona.

Congressman Cohen made a huge mistake, no question. But Jon Stewart sees it a bit differently. He did not defend Cohen. He didn't defend the man. But he believes there's hypocrisy in play and that I, your humble correspondent, am a part of it.


O'REILLY: If you look back at what happened in Germany, you cannot escape the similarities between what Hitler and his cutthroats did back then and the hate-filled blogs, what they're doing now.


O'REILLY: That clip was from February 28, 2008, and it was edited by the Stewart folks. They played it on the broadcast. Here's the whole thing:


O'REILLY: Israel Gobstein, Silver Spring, Maryland: "Mr. O'Reilly, I'm surprised at your lapse of judgment, comparing the tactics of the Nazis to The Huffington Post. I lost many members of my family to the Holocaust, and the meaning of their deaths means more than a comparison to a meaningless blog."

Now, first of all, I appreciate your letter very much, sir, and I've thought about it. If you look back at what happened in Germany, you cannot escape the similarities between what Hitler and his cutthroats did back then and the hate-filled blogs, what they're doing now.


O'REILLY: And here is the context to that letter and that statement. On February 17, 2008, Nancy Reagan fell, fell down and had to be taken to the hospital. Shortly after that, this appeared on The Huffington Post: "Like her evil husband, she has lived far too long. Here's hoping the hag suffers for several weeks, then croaks in the tub."

I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that my comparison to the vile Nazi propaganda machine is dead-on. You can make the call on that.

Jon Stewart didn't mention Nancy Reagan or the context of my remarks. He just used a short clip of a much longer statement, no setup whatsoever.

If Stewart were a journalist, I would pound him into pudding. But he's not; he's a comedian, and as such, has license to take things out of context for entertainment purposes.

[Edited on February 1, 2011 at 7:29 PM. Reason : .]

2/1/2011 7:26:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I submit to you, ladies and gentlemen, that my comparison to the vile Nazi propaganda machine is dead-on. You can make the call on that.

It’s not dead on.

The people who comment on news articles online are absolutely in no way comparable to the Nazi machine.

O’Reilly is being both a douche bag and a disingenuous asshole by making this comparison. With the full context, TDS was dead-on with their characterization.

There’s no redemption for O’Reilly in this, and it’s sad that burro has allowed himself to be fooled by him.

[Edited on February 1, 2011 at 7:45 PM. Reason : ]

2/1/2011 7:44:02 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"The people who comment on news articles online are absolutely in no way comparable to the Nazi machine."

The blogger, however, was doing FAR MORE than just commenting on a news article. She was personally attacking Nancy Reagan for her views and beliefs, AND WISHING SHE WOULD DIE. That's a far cry from simply opposing a healthcare bill. Moreover, O'Reilly was blasting the guy for the inappropriateness of the Nazi reference to the situation, not just for usin a Nazi reference.

2/1/2011 8:25:14 PM

3125 Posts
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not really a lot of similarities

2/1/2011 9:04:18 PM

Sup, B
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let's see... wishing death upon those with whom you disagree... hmmm...

2/1/2011 9:05:46 PM

3125 Posts
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well i would call it hyperbole, but no... even wishing death upon someone isn't very similar

2/1/2011 9:08:08 PM


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2/4/2011 9:46:31 AM


15145 Posts
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Owwwwww! My brain! Bill, surely some kitten is dying right now because of your lack of understanding of science. Every time someone plays that youtube video.

2/4/2011 10:41:07 AM

All American
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Hey Bill, how did God get there?

2/4/2011 11:26:36 AM

2953 Posts
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yeah, bill loves to pepper his listeners with condescending rhetorical questions. its annoying above all. i never see his guests using the same tactic back on him (not that i watch the show) but in this case fighting fire with fire is the most direct way to poke through his arguments.

2/4/2011 11:35:17 AM

All American
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He fucking knows exactly how the moon got there, he's just pandering to his retarded viewers.

2/4/2011 12:07:07 PM


15145 Posts
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i understand the attitude of his 'tactics', but these are not new and the real amazing thing about it is that Fox News has somehow managed to foster a environment within national opinion where this works.

tactics this stupid only work if you've created an in-group who feels committed enough to a message and to a community that they want to believe, and there is not another party effective enough to challenge the method.

I concur with

Quote :
"in this case fighting fire with fire is the most direct way to poke through his arguments."

Quote :
"Hey Bill, how did God get there?"

For what it's worth, science has argued well-enough for the claim "Hydrogen, given sufficient time, turns into people". The rest is philosophy, which is what Bill struggles with. The focus on reliability of the universe is amazing(ly unoriginal). I would like to take this as a Deist, "God as the creator" argument, but I've already given him a million times more credit than he deserves.

[Edited on February 4, 2011 at 12:16 PM. Reason : ]

2/4/2011 12:15:40 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"For what it's worth, science has argued well-enough for the claim "Hydrogen, given sufficient time, turns into people". "

no, it really hasn't

2/4/2011 12:56:51 PM

All American
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I have to agree with aaronburro, again (yikes). However, the implied "and therefore a religious explanation is feasible" is bullshit.

2/4/2011 12:59:09 PM

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