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All American
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With respect to the competition factor that someone mentioned above

I did last night's workout with 2 guys who lagged WAY behind me and weren't doing the full weight or not doing muscle ups...I was doing RX

I thought I was breezing through everything and pushing at a good pace...never failed on any rep...then I finished...29:57

Time was way worse than a few people I know I am about on par with. Competition is what drives Crossfit IMO. Without it, you're just doing alternative style workouts, but you're not pushing yourself the way you could be.

2/2/2010 11:35:16 AM

All American
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14:05 . . . not horrible but my running needs to improve.

Quote :
"Competition is what drives Crossfit IMO. Without it, you're just doing alternative style workouts, but you're not pushing yourself the way you could be."
Agreed, I try to push myself as hard as I can since I can rarely find people to w/o with me, but it only goes so far.

2/2/2010 11:35:54 AM

All American
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Today's WOD looks pretty cool. I love backwards running. It breaks the monotony.

That's a REALLY short workout though. Just 1.5 miles.

2/2/2010 11:55:49 AM

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I always read the comments section under a posted workout prior to executing. I am able to get a pretty good feel of the mean time it takes folks to complete the WOD. I keep that number in mind and push myself to beat the time if possible. This allows me to compete without having someone beside me.

I think Crossfit breeds self-awareness and honesty among other traits. Folks who commit and stick with Crossfit tend to be the ones who KNOW when they haven't given it their all and are willing to ADMIT to it and strive to produce more in the next WOD. These are the same people who make sure to go past parallel on all squats and dont count a rep that didn't get fully extended--no matter how close. There aren't always going to be coaches and competitors to push us or hold us accountable in Crossfit, or life for that matter, and it is up to each person to push himself beyond what he/she believes to be his/her threshold.

Griff should be good today.

^if you want a longer workout try CF endurance. The original CF focuses much more on sprints when it comes time to run.

[Edited on February 2, 2010 at 12:14 PM. Reason : diatribe]

2/2/2010 12:00:41 PM

All American
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I read the comments and have a good idea of time too, but without someone next to me it's just not the same. Maybe it's a lack of motivation on my part, and I'm fine with admitting that. I just know there's virtually no way for me to push myself as hard as I do when someone next to me is doing the same.

2/2/2010 1:37:01 PM

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2/2 WOD

So hard to get going on the second 800 meters. Legs would not comply

^Generally, I agree with you.

Today for example, I think I may have short-sighted myself. Based on the comments on CF-main, I surmised that sub 15:00 would be a pretty good time. I did 14:24 with the last couple minutes just focused on beating 15:00. If I had been focused on beating 14:00, I could have probably done it. So, to your point, a "rabbit" would have been nice in this situation.

2/2/2010 1:53:21 PM

All American
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How did you guys learn to do the hand stand pushup?

2/2/2010 7:29:58 PM

Save TWW
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personally, i'm still bridged on knees for higher reps.

Quote :
"So hard to get going on the second 800 meters. Legs would not comply"

This. 100% this.

griff: 18:08.

As for the competition thing, i disagree for a few reasons. I think competing with someone can occasionally make you push yourself harder but i think it is misguided to rely on it. My first reason is just personal, i have always been weaker, slower, less athletic than everyone and I dont need to constantly lose to someone to push me harder. i would just end up getting discouraged. This is after about 5 months of xfit, maybe in another year i'll change my tune.

second, and more importantly, i feel that if you are relying on competing with others to make your gains, you will eventually fail, b/c at some pt, that other person isnt going to be there. i find my motivation come solely from competing with myself, being able to do things i've never done before, making visible gains. The only times i have come away feeling like i could do more is in the case of weights that i might have been afraid of dropping, which really has nothing to do with competition. i am constantly near the pt of passing out in workouts, so i think this proves to me that i am pushing myself to my limits.

of course this is all just my opinion.

2/2/2010 8:37:59 PM

All American
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Griff: 14:29

Same thing on the second 800...was like, "Sweet I can go back to regular running n...oh wait, nevermind"

On the competition argument: To each his own I guess. After high school I worked out like all the regular people out there through college and for another couple years afterwards. When I first found out about Crossfit I did the workouts in a regular gym by myself for about a half a year until I finally went to an actual Crossfit gym to do a WOD. It was the first time since wrestling in highschool that I had felt that tired and awful after a workout. That's about 7 or 8 years of working out and failing to push myself as hard as I could.

Now like I said before, maybe my motivation just sucks and I can't push myself. I'm not going to say that it's the same for everyone, and if I said that before than I take it back, but I think there are a lot of other people out there like this.

2/3/2010 9:48:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"How did you guys learn to do the hand stand pushup?"
The Crossfit website has good information on how to do progressions, I'd work on doing HSPUs with your feet elevated, increasing the angle until you can do the full hand stand. Obviously, if you're doing a WOD for reps you want an angle which will maintain the intensity of the workout. If you're just working on it by yourself, I wouldn't do an angle which let you get away with 5 - 8 reps. Pair that up with just holding yourself against the wall in a handstand position.

In about six months I've gone from being able to do just three to being able to do 10, all with a wall for balance.

2/3/2010 10:29:43 AM

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2/3 WOD


Five rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump, 24 inch box
30 40# thrusters (Rx was wall balls, but don't have a med ball yet)

Time: 33:51

Woops, did this in reverse--not sure how that would've affected my time, but I am guessing I would improve going in the right sequence. I don't know why, but I constantly find myself staring up into the heavens on my squats. That hiccup in the break of the spinal curvature definitely hurt my time, because my lower back was on fire, and I was limping around the track on the last couple 400 meters.

2/3/2010 1:52:20 PM

All American
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If I ever do become able to do a free standing hspu (when pigs fly), I will do that shit all the time in random places to show how baller I am.

2/3/2010 10:00:51 PM

All American
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^ I've been doing a lot of practicing trying to get that...I've made some decent progress through either repetition or by trying to do the Russian gymnastics warm up whenever possible.

I did a quick search to find on the interweb and only found a link to the Crossfit Journal, which you have to pay for. We have it written up on the board at our gym. If anyone is interested I'll copy it down and post it...but if not I won't waste my time.

2/4/2010 10:16:52 AM

All American
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I'm not completely sure what they want out of tomorrows WOD

[Edited on February 4, 2010 at 8:40 PM. Reason : n/m posted to comments]

2/4/2010 8:22:20 PM

All American
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^^I'd like to know what it is

2/4/2010 8:53:28 PM

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2/6 WOD

3550 Meter Run
12 Donuts
3550 Meter Run

For Time

1:07 -- Still didn't break the hour mark, but this year was different in that I did not puke. Came close a couple of times, but held it in. Took me entirely too long to eat though-- roughly 35 minutes. Next year, sub 1 hour. Saw some Crossfit shirts pass, and saw one of the North Raleigh Crossfit instructors on the side of the road.

2/8/2010 2:39:13 PM

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2/9 WOD

Resting 60 seconds between sets:
Back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2


Woops, only rested 30 seconds between sets.

On a side note, my kipping pullups are linking well now and getting pretty powerful.

2/9/2010 2:37:25 PM

All American
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For those interested in the Russian Gymnastic warmup (has helped me get much better a free handstands and the eventual free handstand pushup...also supposed to be great for ring work like muscleups and more difficult stuff. The idea here is you do this instead of the normal Crossfit workout of Samson Stretch, pullups, etc...

It's broken down into Basic, Intermediate Minus, Intermediate, and Advanced...idea being you progress once you feel comfortable with whatever level you are on. It works on an alternating day system. Also note I do not know 100% what everything is...I'll try to answer any questions I can but I just copied this off a board:


Day 1:
5 sets
Free Handstand Attempts (3)
Ring Pushups (5)
Tripod/Frog Stand (10 seconds)
3 Sets
Overhead Squat (10 - PVC to 45 lb max)
Kettlebell Deadlift (1.5 or 2 pd)

Day 2:
5 Sets
Kip Attempts from floor (3)
Strict Pullups (5)
3 Sets
Tuck L-hang (10 seconds)
Kettlebell Swings (10 - 1 or 1.5 pd)

Intermediate Minus

Day 1:
5 sets
Hand Stand Pushups (5)
Frog Stand (10 seconds)
3 Sets
Pistols (5 on each leg)
Hip Extensions (10)

Day 2:
3 Sets
Strict Pullups (5)
Muscle Up Rows (3)
3 Sets
Tuck L-sit on Rings (10 seconds)
Back Extensions (10)


Day 1:
5 sets
Hand Stand Pushups (5)
Frog Stand (10 seconds)
3 Sets
Pistols (5 on each leg)
Back & Hip Extensions (10)

Day 2:
5 Sets
Weighted Strict Pullups (3)
Muscle Up Rows w/ turnout at start (2)
3 Sets
Tuck L-sit on Rings (10 seconds)
Tuck/Straddle Press to Headstand (3)


Day 1:
5 sets
Hand Stand Pushups (3)
Advanced Frog Stand/Tuck Planche (10-15 seconds)
3 Sets
Pistols (5 on each leg, weighted if possible)
Glute-ham raises (5)

Day 2:
5 Sets
L Pullups (5)
Wide Grip Muscle Up Rows (2) OR Butterfly Kip practice
Tuck Back Lever (10 seconds)
3 Sets
Tuck L-sit on Rings / Straddle low L-sit on parallettes (10 seconds)
Reverse Leg Lift Headstand (3-5)

2/9/2010 3:58:56 PM

All American
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thanks for that!

2/9/2010 5:53:22 PM

All American
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no problem...the real victory here is I did all that html bolding and underlining without having to edit!

2/9/2010 6:22:49 PM

All American
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First time battling Murph today... it didn't go too well. 42 mins. I think Betty White could have run that second mile faster than I did. Not to mention the huge blood blister I now have under my right pinky.

2/16/2010 2:40:44 PM

AC Slater
All American
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that last mile is so damn brutal

legs dont want to move at all

2/16/2010 4:48:13 PM

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Haven't posted in a while. Been traveling a bit. Here are some highlights...or maybe lowlights based on the results:

Fran (rx): 13:46 (crap this was disappointing -- anyone have a similar score for their first fully weighted fran)

Tabata This: score=32--5 row, 12 squat, 4 pullup, 5 pushup, 6 situp (hard to do this while continuously looking at watch, probably can increase this to 40 pretty quickly with someone there to time me)

Linda: 34:41 Bodyweight bench (rx), 3/4 bw power clean (rx is squat clean), bw deadlift (rx is 1.5 bw) -some globo doof took my bench weights off while i was deadlifting and i forgot to stop the watch while i was rearranging- so take a minute off that time maybe...ha

How's everyone hanging in there? Have to put my plans to join the crossfit affiliate on the backburner for now, but it's all good. 3-2-1 go

2/18/2010 3:58:56 PM

All American
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My first fran time was worse than that, around 17:15. I did it about two months later and got it down to 13:30 or so, that was in December. I'm sure it would be even lower now if I did it today, the pull-ups are what slow me down. Any cardio workout that involves pull-ups is always tough for me.

Which affiliate are you thinking about joining?

2/19/2010 1:48:01 PM

All American
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I didn't do my first full weighted Fran until about 9 months after I joined Crossfit...just for reference it was 6:23 and I haven't done it since.

I've been sick for a bit and just getting back in to do some workouts. On that one from Monday I did it RX and paid for it big time...time ended up being 47 minutes and some amount of seconds that are irrelevant since it took me so long.

Did Tabata This last night and got a 46 overall (7 calories, 20 squats, 5 pullups, 6 pushups, 8 situps)

2/19/2010 2:24:39 PM

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^^Forged Fitness Cary

2/19/2010 4:11:08 PM

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5k row


2/22/2010 4:16:36 PM

All American
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I might just get a chance to work out tomorrow for the first time in over two weeks

2/22/2010 4:38:26 PM

Save TWW
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3k row
1k run
1k row


2/22/2010 9:25:04 PM

All American
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We did something called "man breakers" last night and they were hella tough. You start with a renegade row to both sides, then a push up, jump into a squat position between the weights, up into a dumbbell clean, from that into a thruster, keep the weights overhead and finish with two lunges. Five sets of five of those along with a few other things. Not a fun workout.

2/23/2010 8:35:51 AM

All American
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ok, so they're "man makers" not breakers, here's a good video of them

2/23/2010 9:17:29 AM

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From 2/23

WOD: Crossfit Total

Backsquat: 215
Press: 130
Deadlift: 270

Total: 615

2/24/2010 5:56:29 PM

AC Slater
All American
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i had

squat: 205
Shoulder press: 125
Deadlift: 255
Total: 585

for reference i weigh 170 lbs

Gonna try and shoot for 600 next time. Ive done 135 for shoulder press before, just couldnt muster it up today.

2/24/2010 8:23:26 PM

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Five rounds for reps of:
1 min Wall ball shots, 20 pound -- subbing 40# thrusters
1 min 15 foot rope climb ---Subbing pullups
Run 400m

Start each round exactly six minutes apart. Your rest period is whatever remains after the run.


170 total reps

2/25/2010 1:57:33 PM

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February 27, 2010
Saturday 100227
For time:
25 Squats
25 Push-ups
25 Pull-ups
25 Sit-ups
50 Squats
50 Push-ups
50 Pull-ups
50 Sit-ups
75 Squats
75 Push-ups
75 Pull-ups
75 Sit-ups


March 2, 201
Tuesday 100302
8 rounds of:
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds


3/3/2010 9:06:41 AM

All American
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Did a Crossfit Football workout yesterday

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of 135 lb cleans and strict pullups


Awesome workout

3/3/2010 10:20:18 AM

Save TWW
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8 rounds of: 26:05
Run 400 meters
Rest 90 seconds

prob should have pushed harded on this, last lap was one of my fastest


shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

45 65 75 95 95 105 105

havent really done much shoulder stuff other than thrusters, so i'm still getting used to having that weight above my head while standing

3/3/2010 10:47:44 PM

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March 3, 2010
shoulder press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps



Weighted pullups
4 @ 45#
2@ 50#
Fail 55#

3/4/2010 10:24:12 AM

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March 5, 2010

21-15-9 reps of:
225 pound Deadlift (Subbed 175#)
135 pound Overhead squat (Subbed 95#)


Even with the subs this workout was a beast. Any 155 pounder who can do this as Rxd in less than 45 minutes is a freaking animal.

3/5/2010 2:22:26 PM

AC Slater
All American
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^you weigh 155?


3/5/2010 3:52:05 PM

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Not sure how to take the "damn", but technically, I'm 153.

3/5/2010 4:49:03 PM

AC Slater
All American
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you're throwing that weight up at 153.

pretty damn good.

Im at 170ish and you've got me by a few pounds on most of the exercises it looks like.

so yea, good job

3/6/2010 10:04:03 AM

All American
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Starting back on the CFSB after my triathlon next excited

3/6/2010 10:18:10 AM

All American
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Spotted a rather large group doing a Crossfit style workout at Lake Johnson yesterday. They even had some Concept 2 rowers set up. Anyone know anything about this group?

3/9/2010 11:05:36 AM

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^^^Didn't mean to fish, but I appreciate the compliment.

Suffering from a sinus infection the past 4 days, so didn't do yesterday's WOD as it included some aerobic stuff

Subbed a weighted pullup workout

5 - bw
5- 10#
5- 25#
5- 35#
5 - 45#
1 - 70# (fail)

3/10/2010 8:46:11 AM

All American
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The Ohio Sectionals was at the Arnold last weekend. That's pretty huge.

3/12/2010 12:41:01 AM

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Yea, I'm pretty sure that within a couple of years, Crossfit will replace the strongman competitions on ESPN. THis thing is blowing up, and it is a much more exciting spectator sport.

Yesterday I did Wednesday's (3/10) WOD:

Ten rounds for time of:
135# deadlift, 15 reps
15 push-ups


3/12/2010 9:24:03 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Spotted a rather large group doing a Crossfit style workout at Lake Johnson yesterday. They even had some Concept 2 rowers set up. Anyone know anything about this group?"

Tried google and the Raleigh RecLink site, but no luck.
I might try to head out there Monday around the same time and see if they're back. I wish I had taken the time to talk to one of the trainers the day I saw them out there. It would be nice to grab a quick outdoor workout a mile from the house.

3/12/2010 11:04:09 AM

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Just got done doing Helen for the first time.

3 rounds for time:
400 meter run
21 x 1.5 pood (53#) kettlebell swing (subbed 1.1 pood (40#))
12 pullups


3/12/2010 2:30:22 PM

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Yesterday's WOD

AMRAP in 20 minutes:

15 Back extensions
15 knees to elbows
15 95# overhead squats

4.5 rounds, but should have had 5 or 6 (had to wait for people to clear off the squat rack so i could do squats/k2e)

3/16/2010 8:52:11 AM

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