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Quote :
"Korea would be similar to Japan had SU/China not messed with it. But, they did. Because they did and because they previously invaded South Korea, a US defense of and permanent presence in South Korea was inevitable. "

Again, you treat US interference as a natural thing and seem naive to the fact that the same can be said about it. I could say Korea would be great had the US not messed with it. Your bias completely prevents you from looking at this from multiple perspectives.

Who knows what would have happend though? I personally think there would have been a revolution/civil war if China/SU "stayed out" and that would have drawn their support and you would've had something similar to Vietnam.

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"Now, North Korea spends its time worried the US is going to invade and topple it so it continuously escalates the situation by developing nuclear weapons and making threats while also launching ballistic missiles over US allies."

How many countries have ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons?

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"US involvement isn't by default some nefarious or bad thing. Our involvement in Germany/France and the rest of Europe as well as Japan after World War 2 was an entirely positive thing"

You cherrypicked the 2 countries that were postive out of several dozen. Japan and Germany were obviously already pretty powerful economically, and industrially before the US came in and "built them up". They also benefited from a lot of wealth plundered from Asia (for Japan) and Eastern Europe (for West Germany).

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"Funny how when the US is occupying a nation and attempting to build up a stable government, things generally go well and when Russia and China get involved suddenly concentration camps start going up like Starbucks' expansions."

Well the US sabotaged every single country you are talking about and also supported brutal governments in all of south america, central america, africa, the middle east and southeast asia. Basically the whole world except France and Germany.

Anytime a people decided to become communist, you could count on the US to install a brutal dictator or come in and murder everyone.

9/4/2017 4:01:52 AM

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9/4/2017 7:13:25 PM

All American
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I'm ok with being the bad guy.

9/4/2017 11:29:09 PM

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American media intentionally left out all of the details and acted like they just randomly fired this missile over Japan.
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"Imagine if Russia engaged in a similar operation over the border in Mexico while the Russian fleet conducted “live fire” drills three miles outside of San Francisco Bay. What do you think Trump’s reaction would be?

He’d blow those boats out of the water faster than you could say “Jackie Robinson”, right?

So why the double standard when it comes to North Korea? Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

North Korea should be applauded for showing that it won’t be intimidated by the schoolyard bully. Kim knows that any confrontation with the US will end badly for the North, even so, he hasn’t caved in or allowed himself to be pushed around by the blustering, browbeating thugs in the White House. Booyah, Kim."

Pretty awesome how he shot the missile precisely over where the aggresive drills took place.

[Edited on September 6, 2017 at 11:46 AM. Reason : they also acted like the missile put japanese people in danger. as if they shot it at tokyo]

9/6/2017 11:45:23 AM

All American
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What does Jackie Robinson have to do with anything?

9/6/2017 11:58:05 AM

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^Blowing balls out of ballparks. Also to further annoy white supremacists.

Quote :
"In the rural town of Seongju, thousands of police officers in riot gear swarmed some 400 protesters who since Wednesday night had been occupying a road leading to a former golf course where the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense System is installed.

The officers also broke the windows of several cars the protesters were using to block the road and towed the vehicles away. A fire department official in Seongju said 38 people, including six police officers, were injured, none seriously. The official spoke on condition of anonymity, citing office rules."
Media silence because they don't want you know that South Koreans don't want this war.

9/7/2017 9:06:20 PM

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Hot take alert

9/8/2017 6:32:52 AM

All American
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Stop the presses!

9/8/2017 9:19:32 AM

All American
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Except Mexico doesn't have a despot who believes our entire country belongs to them and constantly threatens war/nuclear annihilation, and has the means to back that up.

Maybe S. Korea is poking the bear, but with the Kim Jongs in charge for so long, do you blame them?

9/8/2017 9:33:21 AM

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^Mexico was South Korea in that analogy. We were North Korea.

Besides, it was never meant to be a perfect analogy. No one came in after our civil war, re-established the confederacy, and turned the mason dixon line into a DMZ.

9/8/2017 11:57:32 AM

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Interesting to watch the North Korean special on CNN the other night. They refer to all news in the country as propaganda yet can't understand how people can afford all of the nice stuff they are buying based on the South Korean numbers and all of the propaganda they have heard about the people having such shitty lives.

Everything we believe about North Korea really is true about the US.

9/18/2017 10:59:34 PM

50084 Posts
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In before Earl posts an out of context Obama quote to justify Trump's ridiculous NK statements in his UN speech.

9/19/2017 11:41:03 AM

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I'm not sure which statement you're referring to from the speech but I thought the whole thing was ridiculous. Nothing I heard was a pivot from the ridiculous position the US has held towards Korea for ~70 years so please fill me in on the Obama quotes you are thinking about.

Nothing can justify US aggression.

9/19/2017 12:05:27 PM

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If you ever wondered why socialist states don't work in practice, look no further than what Trump did today. He just escalated sanctions. What does that mean?

No financial entity is allowed to do business with individuals, companies, or financial entities that do business with North Korea. This type of action would tank any economy. Chinas central bank has just announced it will cut off all business with North Korea and order small institutions to do the same. Its a miracle that North Korea has made it this far and is as prosperous as they are but this will probably be the end.

9/21/2017 2:13:01 PM

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I know the US is hypocritical and all but I can't wrap my head around the level at which the media and government are responding to the potential of a nuclear test over the ocean. They are acting like it would be the worst thing ever. They are pretending the Marshall islands never happened. The US tested over a thousand nuclear weapons.

Mind boggling level of hypocrisy.

9/22/2017 7:07:42 PM

All American
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^ there hasn't been an above ground nuclear weapons test since 1980 IIRC.

It's a massive regression in world stability and nuclear proliferation is NK conducts one.

The solution isn't nuclear war or preemptive attack, but this isn't a trivial issue.

9/23/2017 2:09:29 AM

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but lets not be so dramatic about something weve done a thousand times. dont act like one nk bomb is going to ruin the planet.

9/23/2017 5:11:06 AM

All American
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^I would argue every bomb test that exceeds zero further ruins the planet. Just because we did it doesn't mean we (humans) should continue to do it. Hypocritical or not, this isn't a parent telling their kid not to drink and then stepping into the garage to chug beer. I could care less if it's hypocritical or not. We don't need anymore. If they do this I'm honestly all for taking them the fuck out.

9/23/2017 10:08:01 PM

All American
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I think a lot of people underestimate how much NK absolutely HATES the US. By some estimates, over a million people died during the entire Korean War. We bombed the everliving fuck out of them.

Not really a good time to aggravate the situation just so we can flex our muscles imo.

9/23/2017 10:36:43 PM

All American
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so tbard ok with nuclear bomb testing now?


[Edited on September 23, 2017 at 11:04 PM. Reason : Fun]

9/23/2017 11:03:59 PM

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I'm not for it but maybe this will help give you some perspective.

None of those countries are in any position to tell North Korea they can't test a weapon especially not the US. Nations that have nuclear stockpiles have no right to come together and decide that no one else can get them. Its ridiculous to hear about environmental health concerns from the leading producer of carbon emissions and global weapons sales.

Anything North Korea does in negligible in comparison. If the US hates nuclear weapons so much, it could start by getting rid of its own. If it hates instability and weapons proliferation, it could stop spreading weapons around the world and if it cares about the environment, it could stop polluting at such a high rate but that isn't what any of this is about. This is about advancing an agenda of regime change.

[Edited on September 23, 2017 at 11:46 PM. Reason : another manifestation of white supremacy being pushed by people who may or may not be aware]

9/23/2017 11:27:47 PM

All American
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9/24/2017 6:38:03 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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What happened in 1959?

9/24/2017 1:56:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
""Bozo the Clown" live children's show premieres on TV"

9/24/2017 2:00:36 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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And he later went on to become president.

9/24/2017 3:36:17 PM

All American
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9/24/2017 4:08:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What happened in 1959?"


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"Cherokee: If they do this I'm honestly all for taking them the fuck out."

WTF? If they conduct a nuclear test, you all for the killings of tens of thousands of humans? But that's OK as it would all be slant-eyed people in NK, SK, and China, right???

9/24/2017 6:43:53 PM

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Remember that time I was flamed for comparing us prisons to nk prisons?
vindication since this example came up. Torture in US prisons is well documented while aa lot of the alleged dprk torture ends up being propoganda

9/28/2017 8:56:51 PM

All American
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Quote :
"WTF? If they conduct a nuclear test, you all for the killings of tens of thousands of humans? But that's OK as it would all be slant-eyed people in NK, SK, and China, right???"

I don't mean nuking North Korea, I mean engaging militarily to decimate their capacity to wage war and eliminate their nuclear weapons.

The killing of thousands of humans (by this I presume you mean members of the North Korean government and military) to prevent them from mastering the mechanics behind a weapon that can kill tens of millions is an acceptable trade off.

[Edited on September 28, 2017 at 9:24 PM. Reason : a]

9/28/2017 9:23:20 PM

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I question the legitimacy of this so-called hack. Trump's goal seems to be to let everyone know the military option is on the table but most people think he is bluffing.

I think the us put the plans in a place where north korea could steal them to deliver the message that they can take kim out and have a plan in place. Its a way to ratchet up threats without actually shooting.

10/11/2017 2:14:39 PM

All American
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I don't.

Quote :
"No one is laughing at North Korea’s cyber prowess. From the NYT: “When North Korean hackers tried to steal $1 billion from the New York Federal Reserve last year, only a spelling error stopped them. They were digitally looting an account of the Bangladesh Central Bank, when bankers grew suspicious about a withdrawal request that had misspelled ‘foundation’ as ‘fandation.’ Even so, Kim Jong-un’s minions still got away with $81 million in that heist.”"

10/16/2017 10:36:32 AM

50084 Posts
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But that would mean it wasn’t yet another master stroke by Earls guy Don. Impossible.

[Edited on October 16, 2017 at 11:20 AM. Reason : Greatest politician ever... that’s why the he got his guys to pass the ACA repeal so easily.]

10/16/2017 11:19:16 AM

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hard to take that article seriously when its racist and calls the hackers minions

10/16/2017 11:21:34 AM

All American
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Definition of minion:
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"a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one."

How is that racist?

10/16/2017 12:15:26 PM

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Nice try but in today's context, that word is never used to refer to "henchmen" "followers" or "agents" like you would see NY times use for other countries. Minion is only used in the context of the movie characters.

Find me a NYTimes article where they call the Russian or American counterparts "minions" and I'll admit I'm wrong.

10/17/2017 1:22:10 PM

50084 Posts
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Colin Powell called out Clinton for dragging him into email-gate by saying her “minions” did it. Was reported all over. Pretty sure no one called him racist for it because it wasn’t racist.

10/17/2017 1:40:56 PM

All American
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Moving along, though, I enjoyed seeing this a headline today that said "North Korean official: Take our bomb threat 'literally'."

Amazing that I feel I can trust what a North Korean government official says but can't trust what my own President says.

10/25/2017 11:14:56 AM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"ind me a NYTimes article where they call the Russian or American counterparts "minions" and I'll admit I'm wrong."

Colin Powell using the word doesn't count as the NYTimes using it.

In that context, if Colin used it again, I wouldn't consider it racist because he uses it, but where has the NYTimes used it before?

10/25/2017 7:12:53 PM

All American
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Ok, for real though:

10/25/2017 7:14:48 PM

2953 Posts
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alright thats good enough. Since I was wrong about the racism, I'll go back and read the article.

10/25/2017 7:26:50 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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This seems notable:

10/31/2017 2:42:38 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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New 007 movie?

10/31/2017 7:18:43 PM

All American
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North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth, and its neighbors want in

Quote :
"Below the nation’s mostly mountainous surface are vast mineral reserves, including iron, gold, magnesite, zinc, copper, limestone, molybdenum, graphite, and more—all told about 200 kinds of minerals. Also present are large amounts of rare earth metals, which factories in nearby countries need to make smartphones and other high-tech products.

Estimates as to the value of the nation’s mineral resources have varied greatly over the years, made difficult by secrecy and lack of access. North Korea itself has made what are likely exaggerated claims about them. According to one estimate from a South Korean state-owned mining company, they’re worth over $6 trillion. Another from a South Korean research institute puts the amount closer to $10 trillion."

11/4/2017 11:26:00 PM

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thats all us foreign policy has ever been about

11/4/2017 11:44:32 PM

All American
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Makes you wonder why China hasn't just annexed them.

11/5/2017 12:15:44 AM

All American
33759 Posts
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^ china is huge and has their own vast resources.

11/5/2017 1:57:32 AM

2953 Posts
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Quote :
"The U.S. should not impudently style itself as a 'human rights judge' but mind its own poor human rights records in its land where racial discrimination, gun-related crimes and all other social crimes prevail.""

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""The U.S. must oust the lunatic old man from power and withdraw the hostile policy towards [North Korea] at once in order to get rid of the abyss of doom,” the statement read. “The U.S. had better make a decisive choice…if it does not want a horrible nuclear disaster and tragic doom.” "

DPRK dropping facts today

11/8/2017 7:05:08 PM

2953 Posts
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Seems to me like the master plan is to keep poking north korea to provoke them to test a nuke on the pacific so we can justify attacking them.

11/12/2017 3:00:08 PM

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A side of DPRK you won't see through Western media/propaganda.

11/12/2017 10:00:32 PM

All American
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11/12/2017 11:12:16 PM

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