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All American
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If nothing else the report is laying bare everything we knew were lies but didn’t have the direct proof of:
Quote :
"P. 288: "Sanders told the press after Comey's termination that the WH had heard from 'countless' FBI agents who had lost confidence in Comey. But the evidence does not support those claims ... Sanders acknowledged to investigators that her comments were not founded on anything.""

4/18/2019 1:57:02 PM

All American
1164 Posts
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That is translated to "if we could have indicted, we would have indicted" right?

[Edited on April 18, 2019 at 2:34 PM. Reason : p]

4/18/2019 2:15:04 PM

26632 Posts
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^ i think the preceding part of what you quoted makes it worse

it's saying they made a decision early on to only make decisions based on certain legal standards (i.e. not necessarily the way congress or everyone else might), and since we are using that standard we can't say necessarily that he reached that legal standard but otherwise they would have totally concluded he did it, that mother fucker obstructed justice

4/18/2019 2:34:01 PM

All American
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From what’s been released seems EXTREMELY obvious they thought Trump obstructed Justice.

4/18/2019 2:49:35 PM

26632 Posts
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[Edited on April 18, 2019 at 3:07 PM. Reason : Totally read that as can]

4/18/2019 2:55:10 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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That is the joke

4/18/2019 3:05:21 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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I'm failing to understand why the Special Counsel would have wrapped up the investigation with so many loose ends remaining untied.

4/18/2019 3:06:23 PM

26632 Posts
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He referred 14 investigations, we only know about 2 of them

4/18/2019 3:08:25 PM

26632 Posts
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Curious to see how Greenwald reacts to this

4/18/2019 3:12:30 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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Ha trump successfully ran out the clock on testifying by stringing mueller along too long.

Literally the same thing he did on releasing evidence Obama was Kenyan, releasing his taxes, releasing evidence he didn’t sexually assault those women, releasing info about melania working illegally, releasing his healthcare plan, releasing his plan for ISIS...

4/18/2019 3:26:39 PM

26632 Posts
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very surprised nunes isn't in the report

it's possible he is in a redacted portion, but there is not a corresponding redaction for his name in appendix b

4/18/2019 4:03:21 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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^It was Richard Burr? Surely Nunes was right there in the thick of it.

Quote :
"Burr apparently briefed White House on FBI election probe, Mueller report says



Holy shit, look at how wrong I (probably) was about Burr last year.

Quote :
All American
6081 Posts
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Can we take a minute to recognize Senator Burr? I don't agree with a lot of his stances on issues, but at a minimum he has atleast conducted himself, as Chairman of the Sen. Intel. Cmte., like an adult that is interested in conducting oversight rather than partisan hysterics and obfuscation.

I know that's a low bar, but when you compare him to some of the other folks that are in a similar position, He has been a way better representative for his constituents."

[Edited on April 18, 2019 at 5:13 PM. Reason : :-(]

4/18/2019 5:07:22 PM

26632 Posts
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Nunes I thought for sure would also have been involved in the obstruction, but he may just be a footlocker

Rohrabacher too

4/18/2019 5:42:04 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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I'm only on page 5 but god damn George Papadopoulos is a treasonous piece of human shit.

Quote :
"Spring 2016. Campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos made early contact with Joseph Mifsud, a London-based professor who had connections to Russia and traveled to Moscow in April 2016. Immediately upon his return to London from that trip, Mifsud told Papadopoulos that the Russian government had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton in the form of thousands of emails. One week later, in the first week of May 2016, Papadopoulos suggested to a representative of a foreign government that the Trump Campaign had received indications from the Russian government that it could assist the Campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to candidate Clinton. Throughout that period of time and for several months thereafter, Papadopoulos worked with Mifsud and two Russian nationals to arrange a meeting between the Campaign and the Russian government. No meeting took place."

4/18/2019 6:41:18 PM

All American
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This guy is running an organization where the staff outright defies the leader so as not to commit crimes, or to implicate him. How can that outfit continue to operate as a presidential administration? If we face something truly and immediately dangerous we are in a world of trouble....

4/18/2019 8:52:30 PM

All American
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Also, what criminal orders are they NOT ignoring?

Hard to believe the atrocities at the border aren’t the result of some sly manager following through on trump’s requests for cruelty.

4/18/2019 10:31:21 PM

All American
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This clip from Laura in graham is maybe unintentionally hilarious. I could see it being on Veep or something

4/18/2019 11:28:37 PM

All American
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^^ Oh the administration isn't in the clear because of them. Just not as bad as it could be...a low bar to be sure

More like, when it came to their own interest they didn't do the president's unlawful bidding. When it comes to the interests of brown people, well, they didn't give a shit about legality.

[Edited on April 19, 2019 at 9:24 AM. Reason : .]

4/19/2019 9:21:11 AM

26632 Posts
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Nadler says they are preparing a subpoena for the full unredacted report and supporting materials which will be issued in the next couple hours

4/19/2019 9:27:00 AM

All American
8264 Posts
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I'm 103 pages in. My conclusions thus far:

1) George Papadopolous should be in prison
2) Carter Page should be in prison
3) Everyone else is just a dumb business person that spent years lying about perfectly legal activity (lying which brought Mueller on board to begin with)

I'll update as I get further through this.

[Edited on April 19, 2019 at 2:38 PM. Reason : page]

4/19/2019 2:37:08 PM

All American
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I'm in volume two now. Trump committed a fuck ton of obstruction and it looks like he may actually be prosecuted upon leaving office.

Quote :
"Second, while the OLC opinion concludes that a sitting President may not be prosecuted, it recognizes that a criminal investigation during the President's term is permissible. The OLC opinion also recognizes that a President does not have immunity after he leaves office. And if individuals other than the President committed an obstruction offense, they may be prosecuted at this time. Given tho se considerations, the facts known to us, and the strong public interest in safeguarding the integrity of the criminal justice system , we conducted a thorough factual investigation in order to preserve the evidence when memories were fresh and documentary materials were available. "

Though, probably unlikely.

[Edited on April 19, 2019 at 4:43 PM. Reason : unlikely]

4/19/2019 4:41:04 PM

All American
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Papadopolous = traitor
Page = traitor
Manafort and Stone are absolutely still under investigation for crimes not yet indicted
Flynn got the best deal out of anyone
Trump is a complete idiot

Trump committed a shitload of obstruction, lied about pretty much everything that's ever come across his plate and may actually still be prosecuted for it after he leaves office. DOJ pretty much gave Congress everything they need to impeach on obstruction.

All of the other stuff, is either just a case of retarded business people lying about perfectly legal activity or is included in the 14-16 other ongoing investigations referred to other jurisdictions. I suspect Trump Organization is part of that due to the wording in a few spots in Volume One, with respect to Donald Trump signing documents "on behalf of Trump Organization." If there's a "money for sanctions relief" angle to this then I suspect it's either part of the Trump Organization investigation or is one of the other 14-16 referrals.

I doubt Congress will impeach this late in his term but I've never seen a more clear basis for doing it.

Aside from this, I am incredibly thankful for Mueller's service. Barr absolutely was trying to provide cover for Trump. Absolutely no clue why he is so obsessed with a President being able to do anything he wants but whatever. We'll see what happens.

I actually don't see a need for Congress to subpoena an unredacted version of this at all. The redactions were very minimal, and the fact they coded them based on why they were redacted was more than could be expected and very helpful.

I dread hearing about this over and over and over for the next 2-6 years from Democrats who will refuse to move on (outside of impeachment for obstruction which is 1000% warranted) and from Republicans who will claim that because Donald wasn't part of the hack and leak, nothing else matters.

Side note, one thing that I had never considered prior to this report was that all of the peripheral outreach from Russians to Trump friends was due to the fact that we elected a mentally challenged president who hired nothing but criminals who never did anything in government before. Russia literally had no clue how to get in touch with the administration or Trump himself. More importantly they had no clue how to infer or read signs based on statements and actions from those very people. Makes a lot of sense now and makes it that much more insane that all of these idiots lied so much.

4/19/2019 5:49:33 PM

All American
38984 Posts
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Taibbi has out-Taibbi’d himself:

4/24/2019 1:31:00 PM

50084 Posts
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In terms of the many different “bombshells” an astounding number of them were confirmed by the Mueller report. Sure, there were some gaffes like those Taibbi wrote about but most were pretty accurate.

I don’t know about Taibbi but anti-anti-Trumpers like Greenwald and Tracey got the entire Russia interference story wrong deep in to 2018 and still are out there taking odd victory laps.

4/24/2019 1:51:07 PM

All American
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4/25/2019 12:37:19 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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Very good analysis here. Barr is as much of a disgrace as Trump. Hopefully Congress is getting smart people to question and subsequently indict him

4/29/2019 7:20:10 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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What could they indict Barr for?

4/29/2019 7:45:20 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4922 Posts
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I'm not sure that Attorney General Barr could be indicted; however, if he could, I assume that he would be charged with obstruction of justice.

[Edited on April 30, 2019 at 10:39 AM. Reason : ]

4/30/2019 10:38:25 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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PLZ JESUS PLZ let Erik Prince finally be caught. Even if all our justice system can muster a slap on the wrist for him, ANYTHING that discredits him or makes him radioactive politically is a step in the right direction for this country. We are literally safer if this man isn’t able to whisper in ears anymore.

4/30/2019 6:20:13 PM

26632 Posts
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He's involved in China's Muslim concentration camps right?

4/30/2019 6:48:39 PM

26632 Posts
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Lol, Mueller said Barrs summary failed to capture “context, nature, and substance” of the special counsel probe

4/30/2019 7:29:01 PM

All American
38984 Posts
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lol @ Glenn Greenwald

4/30/2019 8:06:17 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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Mueller seemed pretty upset about Barr’s handling

4/30/2019 8:06:36 PM

50084 Posts
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They are tripling down, in case you were wondering.

4/30/2019 8:15:41 PM

26632 Posts
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I'm curious if adultswim is still taking the Glenn Greenwald/far left position on everything Russia related

4/30/2019 8:18:27 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Is it too late to update my assumption from obstruction of justice to perjury?

4/30/2019 8:49:43 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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Rosenstein is a piece of garbage for his role in this too

I wonder if he’s going to start leaking to try and redeem himself. He definitely seems like the type to do that

4/30/2019 9:14:32 PM

26632 Posts
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I've read reports that Mueller is happy to testify but the justice department is making timing a problem, but why can't Mueller just do what he wants?

5/1/2019 8:36:10 AM

All American
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5/1/2019 10:54:13 AM

All American
33763 Posts
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Holy crap that’s pretty damning of Barr.

If I were a congress I’d be furious. It’s shameful the gop isn’t outraged at this, the special counsel was appointed specifically to be credible and impartial and Barr threw all that out the window

[Edited on May 1, 2019 at 11:53 AM. Reason : ]

5/1/2019 11:52:36 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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GOP’s conduct in these hearings (both senate Judiciary and House Judiciary) is disgusting.

It’s impossible for me to understand how anyone could vote for these traitors.

5/1/2019 12:08:08 PM

26632 Posts
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it's because they have been so radicalized by conservative media, conservative talk radio, their insular conservative social media, and other forms of propaganda that they think anything is okay as long as it keeps democrats out of office. Receiving and using information from Russia - okay, Russia interfering in our election - okay, disenfranchising voters - okay, obstruction justice - okay, perjury - okay... they have been radicalized to believe that the threat that democrats pose is so great that it is better to destroy everything than let democrats control the government.

and this radicalization is something that constitutional checks and balances, and even the 4th estate, are unable to answer or prevent. in fact because one side is so afraid to appear uncivil, these things are actually used and manipulated by those same radicalized people to strengthen their power instead of serving as a challenge to it.

5/1/2019 12:47:13 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Barr plans to be a no-show tomorrow.

Constitutional crisis, here we come!

5/1/2019 7:59:50 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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^^could not possibly be said any better this

[Edited on May 1, 2019 at 11:39 PM. Reason : a]

5/1/2019 11:38:57 PM

26632 Posts
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Reminder that democrats Joe Manchin, Doug Jones, and Kyrsten Sinema voted to confirm Barr.

5/2/2019 7:08:24 AM

2001 Posts
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So now we can clearly see the updated democrat programming and instead of accepting that Hillary lost, and accepting that the investigation found no collusion, they back their quest to defend Hillary’s honor by sticking to the notion that Hillary didn’t lose because she was a bad candidate (and they were a bad party that stands for nothing) but she only lost because of Russia.

After wasting 2 years on Russia, they have now shifted 100% of their attention to Barr. This distraction has lasted so long that we are in the next election cycle and all they have to run on is defeating Trump. They are literally quadrupling down on the same strategy that has failed twice already.

I’m no CS but its probably something like this

Quote :


If electionresults = win
Then print(‘acceptelectionresults’)

Else if electionresults = loss
Then get.endlessinvestigation

If enlessinvestigation = collusion
Then print(‘impeachtrump’)

Else if electionresults = nocollusion
Then print(‘ourjusticesystemisworkingfortrump’)"

[Edited on May 2, 2019 at 8:11 PM. Reason : 75 pages and nothing]

5/2/2019 8:05:40 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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somebody terminate this idiot already.

5/2/2019 8:38:39 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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^^ you forgot the k in your name. nice try.

5/2/2019 9:40:15 PM

50084 Posts
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I’m still at a complete loss to the theory that the Obama FBI spied on the Trump campaign to thwart his election chances. Someone explain to me why they would do that secretly, keep it as quiet as possible throughout the entire campaign, literally find a bullshit reason to reopen an investigation into his opponent within a month of Election Day and do nothing to prevent him from winning.

It’s just an utterly bizarre theory. Occam’s razor suggests the FBI was legitimately worried Trumps campaign was infiltrated by a foreign power, did good investigative work and despite having every chance to politicize it, did not.

5/3/2019 8:30:57 AM

50084 Posts
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I, for one, am quite interested to hear Putin’s opinion on congressional oversight.

Also, I can’t believe that this actually happened. I’m guessing NBC transcribed it’s incorrectly. It’s preposterous.

5/3/2019 1:31:03 PM

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