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All American
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all I have learned about being white is that I have a far lesser chance at everything than a black person and this only part of a major fucking scheme by blacks to beat out the white man. Furthermore, with the existance of blacks, my utility is greatly limited because, well blacks zap the utility out of the system.

I hate white people.

6/19/2005 2:35:59 PM

All American
9317 Posts
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i wish i was more native american. then i could finally get money to somewhere other than campbell.

6/19/2005 2:40:39 PM

All American
6845 Posts
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im not white, im cream

6/19/2005 2:41:47 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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^^race has nothing to do with financial aid

6/19/2005 2:53:27 PM

4836 Posts
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I've never had a problem with being white. I can't say it's really held me back whatsoever.

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 3:14 PM. Reason : my grammar sucks lately]

6/19/2005 3:14:20 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"all I have learned about being white is that I have a far lesser chance at everything than a black person"

What about klan memebership?

6/19/2005 3:17:57 PM

60006 Posts
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jason, this argument is stupid...

there are more opportunities out there for minorities now than there are for white people

some people need the helping hand, but everyone deserves a fair chance, regardless of color

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 3:22 PM. Reason : no color is being held back anymore]

6/19/2005 3:20:05 PM

All American
1687 Posts
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6/19/2005 3:23:45 PM

All American
21806 Posts
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Quote :
"no color is being held back anymore"

Quote :
"there are more opportunities out there for minorities now than there are for white people"

6/19/2005 3:24:40 PM

60006 Posts
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Quote :
"this only part of a major fucking scheme by blacks to beat out the white man"

I'd say it's more apologist white people who feel that the majority still owes the minority something other than an equal opportunity

ps dick, I've not been hired for a gov't posistion because of being white...
they hired 20 applicants, 17 of which were minority
I was in the top 5 for every test they put me though

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 3:26 PM. Reason : sd]

6/19/2005 3:25:13 PM

All American
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affirmative blacktion at work

6/19/2005 3:27:18 PM

All American
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No one is owed anything at all by anyone unless they have earned it. Its that simple.

6/19/2005 3:31:11 PM

All American
33763 Posts
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^That's true... unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that.

6/19/2005 3:36:03 PM

Tom Joad
72762 Posts
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nepotism is my flavorite type of that

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 3:41 PM. Reason : .]

6/19/2005 3:39:55 PM

All American
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I'll be hosting a white people bitch-a-thon at my house if anyone is interested
the topics will be:

the black man is holding me down
heritage not hate
OJ was guilty
and affirmative action is why I don't get off my ass and look for a job

6/19/2005 4:00:11 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"some people need the helping hand, but everyone deserves a fair chance, regardless of color"

too bad there isn't a helping hand.

6/19/2005 4:00:38 PM

60006 Posts
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bullfuckingshit jason, the government offers all sorts of helping hands at the federal, state and local level

6/19/2005 4:03:46 PM

All American
21682 Posts
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Yeah, I can't even imagine all I've lost out on being a white American

6/19/2005 4:05:51 PM

60006 Posts
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no white people have "lost out" on anything like... govt programs(wica, etc etc), but plenty of white people are denied jobs (even when said white person is more qualified) due to affirmative action and apologist white people

6/19/2005 4:10:37 PM

All American
14415 Posts
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Quote :
"too bad there isn't a helping hand."

That's true to some extent I think. There are poor black/minority families who have good kids, do well in school, and want to go to college.

Problem is, most of the poorer families don't raise their children to have ambitions and do nothing to even have a shot at college.

I don't mind helping good minority kids who aren't fortunate enough to have the funding for college (Hell, even white people go through this), but most poor minorities, whites, blacks..whatever... don't have any college ambitions anyway.

I don't support giving handouts. I support giving help to those that will use it for good

6/19/2005 4:22:27 PM

60006 Posts
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my parents are scraping to get me through school

and when I applied for financial aid, they only gave me 100 bucks

I thought about send thing the check back with FUCK YOU written on it

6/19/2005 4:27:02 PM

Tom Joad
72762 Posts
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go go collegiate legacies

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 4:29 PM. Reason : POWER UP]

6/19/2005 4:27:48 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"the government offers all sorts of helping hands at the federal, state and local level"

I know we have all sorts of helping hands, like socialized medicare, day care...oh wait, no we don't.

financial aid has nothing to do with race.

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 4:32 PM. Reason : .]

6/19/2005 4:31:37 PM

203 Posts
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Quote :
"i wish i was more native american. then i could finally get money to somewhere other than campbell.


Not always true. I got ripped off b/c our reservation is in Canada. We do get Canadian money for school, but it depends on your tribe.

6/19/2005 4:32:38 PM

Tom Joad
72762 Posts
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Iraq's a big ol' welfare state.

6/19/2005 4:32:53 PM

All American
30098 Posts
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6/19/2005 4:36:44 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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legacy what what

6/19/2005 4:37:03 PM

Tom Joad
72762 Posts
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aha i was trying to figure out a way to include a Nazi reference in this thread and i think i just saw the bridge

6/19/2005 4:40:15 PM

60006 Posts
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Quote :
"I know we have all sorts of helping hands, like socialized medicare, day care...oh wait, no we don't."

there is already money and aid available to the people who need it

they aren't gonna get rich, but it's help

and there is money available from the govt so they can go to school and maybe make something of themselves

I know people on welfare that own 3-4 cars with fucking rims on them... nicer fucking cars than what I drive

but they live in a trailer and have a couple kids...

and get food stamps and handouts b/c they won't get off their asses and go to night school and improve their standard of living

what the fuck rock have you been living under to think that there is no govt help available to people who need it?

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 4:44 PM. Reason : d]

6/19/2005 4:42:03 PM

All American
554 Posts
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same with unemployment pay

some people work part time and still draw unemployment . . . making just as much as i did when i worked two jobs and 60 hrs/wk

they figure, if the government's going to give it to them, why bother finding full-time work?

6/19/2005 4:49:01 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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Quote :
"what the fuck rock have you been living under to think that there is no govt help available to people who need it?"

There is help, but that help is insufficient.

I don't understand the hatred towards socialized medicare

6/19/2005 4:49:15 PM

60006 Posts
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I don't hate it

I just feel that I have my own responsibilities I have to take care of

It is not my responsibility to carry anyones burden more than I already do as a taxpayer

it's not my fault you chose the path you have chosen

6/19/2005 4:53:40 PM

All American
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the thing is, with socialized medicine, individuals end up having a lesser burden. because in paying 280 some odd dollars a month for a medical plan through work for their family, plus the copays, and the hidden costs, then a flex plan, then a dental plan, eyecare plan etc. it is covered by a tax.

6/19/2005 4:56:04 PM

203 Posts
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seriously, do you know how many people can't afford to pay for health insurance. Mine would be over $200 a month because I am a female of child bearing age. Now, that is bullshit.
Of course, if you have a health plan through your work, you won't be in favor of a socialized health plan, but that is a lot of cheddar to shell out.

6/19/2005 5:10:32 PM

60006 Posts
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don't bitch to me about the price of health insurance

mine is 350/month now

and I CANNOT get insurance from anywhere else due to the fact that I racked up a couple hundred thousand in medical bills last july

6/19/2005 5:15:39 PM

All American
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^^If you ahve a health plan from work, you still pay for your health plan.

6/19/2005 5:18:56 PM

203 Posts
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certainly, but it isn't as expensive as getting it from say BCBS.

6/19/2005 5:20:01 PM

All American
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but we're talking about socialize medicare, which is still cheaper in the long run.

6/19/2005 5:22:09 PM

60006 Posts
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mine was from work, but after my wreck, they made me pay the whole monthly cost

but I'm not bitching I'm glad they paid for everything until then... including a helicopter ride that costs as much as my expedition

6/19/2005 5:24:23 PM

All American
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I like my current healthplan where I have to call in for permission for a helicopter ride.

6/19/2005 5:25:41 PM

60006 Posts
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they did too, they were like "yo, this nigga is gonna die on the side of this mountain if we don't get him outta there"

so they called

6/19/2005 5:27:09 PM

All American
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and ambulance rides over 50 miles I also have to call for permission. Complete and utter bullshit.

6/19/2005 5:29:38 PM

60006 Posts
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where the fuck are you that you would need a 50 mile ambulance ride?

6/19/2005 5:32:11 PM

All American
46641 Posts
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middle of nowhere I guess

6/19/2005 5:33:06 PM

39171 Posts
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Quote :
"my parents are scraping to get me through school

and when I applied for financial aid, they only gave me 100 bucks

I thought about send thing the check back with FUCK YOU written on i"

thats because youre white

i mean jesus christ you replaced your f250 with a expedition. you obviously werent in that bad of a financial situation.
it also appears you have a bike and atv. why dont you sell those and pay tuition with that money.

Quote :
"I know people on welfare that own 3-4 cars with fucking rims on them... nicer fucking cars than what I drive"

no you dont

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 6:30 PM. Reason : .]

6/19/2005 6:20:08 PM

60006 Posts
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it has nothing to do with me being white, they only offered me that amount of money because of what I MADE...( i had bills to pay also)
as for my 250, it was a 36K truck, I replaced it with a vehicle that was half that price...

bitch, who the fuck are you to tell me who I know and who I don't know

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 6:52 PM. Reason : s]

6/19/2005 6:52:32 PM

39171 Posts
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you cant own 3-4 nice cars on welfare
they might have gotten some nice cars by getting lying to get shitty loans but the bank will take them back soon enough

Quote :
"as for my 250, it was a 36K truck, I replaced it with a vehicle that was half that price.."

so then you should be able to pay tuition
or if thats not enough just sell the bike

also when you finance a car that you cant afford you give up the right to complain about bills

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 7:00 PM. Reason : .]

6/19/2005 6:57:43 PM

60006 Posts
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^ I'm not complaining about any of my bills, I've worked for the stuff I bought, things which I enjoy owning

as for the welfare thing, drive through a trailer park or the hood...

I know someone really well, who is on welfare, gets their food stamps, lives in a trailer, and has 3 nice cars, 2 of which have fucking DVD's in the headrests...

while their kids get shit on because they waste all the money they get on stupid shit they cannot afford

[Edited on June 19, 2005 at 7:14 PM. Reason : ps, I can afford my toys actually]

6/19/2005 7:13:54 PM

All American
2859 Posts
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Its really quite simple.

Europeans have always been smarter then the rest of the world, and still are today. While africans were seeing who could throw a spear the farthest, europeans were inventing things and exploring. Africans and african americans are still behind europeans in many ways, however, the liberal whites do not agree because they think along the lines of race. They think in terms of proportions. For example, if blacks are 30% of the population, they make up 30% of each economic class (upper, middle, and lower). Its really a load of BS because the smart people out of each race will advance up in class, just like the stupid people of the upper class will eventually fall to lower class status.

6/19/2005 9:27:13 PM

39171 Posts
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what the fuck did you just say
i hope i just misunderstood you

6/19/2005 9:31:34 PM

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