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All American
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Tonight at 8 on CW! Not really a fan of the costume but the trailers look fun.

Super long trailer --->

10/7/2014 10:21:04 AM

no u
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10/7/2014 10:33:01 AM

All American
4763 Posts
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pumped for this.

10/7/2014 11:39:28 AM

All American
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10/7/2014 12:12:02 PM

All American
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The start did not grab me, but the last 15-20 minutes have me looking forward to the next episode and opportunities for the show.


10/7/2014 9:29:41 PM

All American
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So it looks like this season is a retelling of "The Flash: Rebirth". Also they threw in Gorilla Grodd for good measure and alluded to Eddie Thawne possibly being Eobard Thawne a/k/a Professor Zoom. Interesting start to this show.

10/7/2014 11:27:47 PM

All American
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^Also also, one of the minor headlines in the future newspaper that the Star Labs guy was reading said "Waynetech and Queen Industries Merger Complete", so hinting at a possible Batman crossover in the future.

So how did Barry already know Green Arrow? I've never watched the Green Arrow show, was he featured in an episode of that? Obviously it wouldn't be that hard for him to track him down but the way that they were talking (and because Green Arrow wasn't wearing a mask) it seems like they are already friends.

10/8/2014 8:41:43 AM

5815 Posts
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^ Yes, Barry was introduced in Arrow.

Quote :
"Barry Allen appears in two episodes during the second season of Arrow, played by Grant Gustin. Barry is a Central City police scientist who comes to Starling City while investigating a crime which might be connected to his mother's murder, and discovers that Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is the Arrow after being recruited to save his life. Barry also becomes close to Oliver's IT support partner Felicity Smoak during his time in Starling City. Barry also creates a proper mask for Oliver that won't affect his aiming abilities. He returns to Central City where he is caught in a chemical explosion at a lab caused by a lightning strike during a storm. After his accident Barry falls into a coma. Felicity has visited him numerous times."

10/8/2014 10:04:03 AM

All American
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Gorilla Grodd will be interesting how/when they bring that in.


10/9/2014 10:08:56 PM

All American
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show was pretty good, I'll keep watching along with Arrow

[Edited on October 10, 2014 at 3:11 PM. Reason : w]

10/10/2014 3:11:15 PM

Ohhh Farts
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I also enjoyed it quite a bit

10/10/2014 5:07:58 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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I doubt they ever introduce grodd, it was an Easter egg for the nerds

10/11/2014 7:29:15 PM

35771 Posts
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I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Enjoyed the pilot quite a bit. At first I was skeptical of the actor chosen to play Barry especially in the backdoor introduction on Arrow last season. But he seems to have beefed up a little bit between then and now. I think he'll be fine.

10/12/2014 8:32:36 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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So cheesy.

10/14/2014 9:00:44 PM

All American
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It seems to me the Flash could have saved the guy who fell if he wanted to but he chose not to super speed for some reason.

10/14/2014 10:25:36 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Even if the flash caught him 5 feet from the ground, physics is still a bitch.

10/14/2014 10:29:00 PM

All American
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He doesn't have super strength. If a 200lb guy landed on him from 10 stories high he'd mess him up pretty badly. On top of that, I doubt the Flash could slow him down gently enough.

10/15/2014 9:20:20 AM

35771 Posts
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i had such a love for the flash as a kid but i'm just not rekindling the magic here...yet.

10/15/2014 7:01:26 PM

All American
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Enjoying this more than I thought I would. I really didn't think they would draw me in. I don't know much about the Orson fellow, but his story is interesting me.


10/15/2014 10:25:12 PM

All American
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Does this show have Arrow spoilers? Want to watch but I'm still catching up on Arrow

10/17/2014 5:58:14 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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^none yet, there are some crossover episodes coming (weeks 7-8 maybe?)

[Edited on October 17, 2014 at 6:06 PM. Reason : $$$]

10/17/2014 6:06:25 PM

All American
3661 Posts
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Quote :
"I doubt they ever introduce grodd, it was an Easter egg for the nerds"

Quote :
"During his sweeping new interview with Buzzfeed, DC Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns said a lot of pretty interesting things -- but a fairly small one stuck out as being worth calling attention to.

Expressing his excitement about The Flash on The CW, Johns said, "We want to inspire people with this stuff. And we want to get it out there. Like, I can’t believe Gorilla Grodd’s gonna be in a Flash TV show. That’s insane. Like, I say it out loud and I still think it’s insane. But that’s what we want to do; we want to break new ground."

While the existence of Grodd in-universe was established with the pilot and various people connected to the show have answered questions about that moment with things like "We don't tease for nothing," Johns's comment is -- unless we're mistaken -- the first official, direct comment that says without qualification, "Gorilla Grodd is going to be on television."

It will be the character's first live-action appearance, although he's appeared in numerous animated projects, both on TV and in direct-to-video feature films."

10/23/2014 9:35:02 PM

All American
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I will believe it when I see a CGI gorilla on the TV

10/24/2014 1:36:22 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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i'm glad they introduced time travel right out the gate to ease everyone into detective pretty boy murdering barry's mom

10/27/2014 8:11:17 AM

All American
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^I was thinking it was Ronny who did it. Regardless I don't think Ronny is dead.

10/28/2014 3:51:40 PM

All American
3260 Posts
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best part of yesterdays show:

followed by the Prison Break dude.

10/29/2014 1:13:36 PM

All American
27946 Posts
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I'm really digging the theme song

10/29/2014 2:32:04 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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captain cold was awesome

I was going to be upset if Felicity abandoned Arrow for The Flash

10/29/2014 5:37:50 PM

All American
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^I do like this show and I thought that he was a good villain. But some parts just make you say "What???"

Okay so The Flash is fast enough to where you can't even see him coming obviously. Why would he just run onto the train and be like "hahaha you have nowhere to run now!" ? Why not just run up behind him and punch that cold gun out of his hand? The Flash has more kinetic energy in his fists than a bullet so he would destroy that gun with one hit. Captain Cold is nothing without his gun. Or very lightly just tap the guy on the back of the head -- for someone as fast as the Flash that would render the guy unconscious (out cold har har har) effortlessly. And you see him pointing the gun at people, if he is fast enough to move the people out of the way, why isn't he fast enough to just grab the gun?

Also at the end when they let Captain Cold go -- wtf? This guy is dangerous, he has a weapon that can get him just about anywhere, he just stole a giant diamond worth millions of dollars, he has killed and tried to kill innocent people multiple times with no problem and you are just gonna let him walk away?

[Edited on November 3, 2014 at 9:30 AM. Reason : ]

11/3/2014 9:29:19 AM

35771 Posts
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eh i understand where you are coming from with those frustrations. I kind of chalk it up to the fact that Barry doesn't really know the true potential of his abilities. I mean he still gets beaten up pretty easily and I don't think he's had a real conflict yet where he's had to take someone's life. So I can see this early version of The Flash letting someone walk away because he doesn't really know the true potential for danger.

And the way this show already has a lighter tone, I don't know if we'll ever get a version of The Flash that will take a life with his own hands. I expect it to be like later seasons of Arrow, but instead of arrows to the knees it'll be a lot of knockout punches and things like that. I just don't see this Barry being able to deal with killing.

11/3/2014 9:39:04 AM

All American
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Well I didn't necessarily mean killing him. He could just slap the guy in the face at like 50mph and it would knock him out. That would give him plenty of time to break his gun and deliver him to the police station with a bow around him. Its already showed him just running by real quick and saving people from random stuff, then disappearing before they even knew he was there. He could do the same thing with the cold gun.

11/3/2014 9:48:08 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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And then every episode would be 30 seconds long

11/3/2014 10:02:23 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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holy fuck, grodd.

11/11/2014 9:00:51 PM

All American
3661 Posts
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That. Was. Awesome.

11/12/2014 7:36:57 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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Quote :
All American
4101 Posts
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I doubt they ever introduce grodd, it was an Easter egg for the nerds

10/11/2014 7:29:15 PM

11/12/2014 9:37:12 PM

All American
4518 Posts
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Blowing their load too soon

11/13/2014 12:11:47 AM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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No, just following Arrow's proven formula- tease something awesome that the fans want to see, then don't make them wait forever to actually see it

11/13/2014 7:16:37 AM

All American
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This show is cheesy but I like it. I'm pleased with the way they handled him running up the building and over water -- I figured that it would look pretty bad on a TV budget but it looked quite good.

11/13/2014 9:17:53 AM

Ohhh Farts
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Yeah, I believe I read an interview with the creators that's said even just a year or two ago the technology wasn't quite good enough to be able to do the effects for this show within the budget and time frame they needed, but now it is, although there was one close up shot of him running across the water that looked pretty cheesy-bad.

11/13/2014 9:26:35 AM

35771 Posts
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Great episode last night with a ton of nods to the future. Really interested to see which way they go with Reverse Flash/Professor Zoom. Will it be Wells, will it be Thawne? Could it be them working together?

Also cool seeing the 2024 news paper headline of Wayne Industries/Queen Corp. Merger.

11/26/2014 9:52:02 AM

All American
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^I mentioned the Wayne/Queen merger thing earlier in the thread and nobody noticed .

So anyone in law enforcement or that knows anything about this -- why would Eddie just shoot the Clock King once in that hostage situation? Clock King had already killed like two cops so I'd think trying to get him alive would not be a priority. He could have easily shot him dead but he instead just fired off one then waited. I know they probably wanted to keep him alive as a villain for the future but still -- kinda meh how they handled it.

Also -- was Clock King ever a villain for the other DC heroes? I remember there was a villain called Tempus Fugit in the Batman animated series that had some kind of invention that could slow down time. He seems too similar to this guy though.

[Edited on December 1, 2014 at 1:18 PM. Reason : ]

12/1/2014 1:15:31 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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Standard procedure is 2 center mass and then keeping your weapon trained on the target until you can verify he's down.

And yes, Clock King was a villain for other DC heros (Batman, Green Arrow) Temple Fugit was just a reimagining of the Clock King for TAS.

12/1/2014 1:36:44 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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Clock King was in an episode during season 2 of Arrow.

12/1/2014 1:51:24 PM

35771 Posts
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^i think he meant in other forms of DC media. But yes, Clock King was definitely a member of Batman's rogues gallery.

12/1/2014 2:34:08 PM

All American
15213 Posts
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Oh yeah I know but that was answered already and Wraith said he had never seen Arrow earlier in the thread so I was just pointing it out.

12/1/2014 2:44:59 PM

All American
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I guess it is just a case of them needing to keep Clock King alive for future episodes and hoping nobody would notice. Thanks for the wisdom on the DC background too!

12/1/2014 3:59:58 PM

35771 Posts
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ah ok, shocked Wraith isn't/wasn't an Arrow watcher.

I think the inclusion of Clock King this past episode was also used as a quick reminder (as if that's even needed) that Arrow/Flash universes are shared. Especially with the 2-night Arrow vs. Flash feature this week.

12/1/2014 4:37:09 PM

All American
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Yeah I enjoyed the portrayal of Green Arrow in Smallville but I wasn't enough of a fan to get too invested in a standalone show and when it first aired I had about 15 other shows I was watching that were clogging my DVR. I'm sure I'll start watching it soon enough due to all the crossovers with the Flash.

12/1/2014 5:15:11 PM

All American
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Really good episode tonight!

lol at everyone being so surprised that Dr. Wells figured out that Oliver Queen is the Arrow though -- all he had to do was sit outside in the hallway and listen in on literally ANY conversation between Barry and Felicity.

12/2/2014 10:05:51 PM

35771 Posts
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^LOL that was my first thought as well. That was some terrible editing.

this episode kind of turned me off of Barry (and not just the possessed part). Overall he's almost too much like an angsty-teenager at this point and the over-pining for Iris is really annoying.

also...glad we are finally going to see Firestorm (who is played by Arrow's IRL brother Robbie Amell). I suspected that with Iris pulling away they might turn to some Barry/Caitlin emotional angle but with Ronnie back in the picture any time we'll just have to see.

12/3/2014 8:19:19 AM

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