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 Message Boards » » CarZins response to trolling Page [1]  
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just so peeps know the deal and it isnt buried in the other thread:

Quote :
"I am generally tired of the general state of Sports talk when trollers are around. This is, first and foremost, a section for NC State fans to talk about school sports. It is not a place where fans of other schools can have their fun just to piss others off. I am going to start watching for abusive trolling, and begin suspending accounts I think cross the line. Everyone who does this, consider this your warning."

personally i think they should be left alone. if someone thinks someone else is trolling, do what your mother told you to do in 1rst grade and ignore them, i mean damn. you say this is for NC State fans, but user guidelines do not say that. if someone whines about something, sure play mother for them and delete whatever, but otherwise leave it alone. i have a mother already, i dont need another one.

i imagine this thread will get deleted, but whatever. this is my take on the subject

11/21/2005 6:51:54 PM

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im with carzin

11/21/2005 6:55:58 PM

Save TWW
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i think the problem is the "just to piss others off"

where is the line?

i think fans of other schools should be allowed to say whatever they want and support their schools, and i as a fan of state have a right to get into an argument or ignore them. i sometimes prefer an argument, but thats just me. i dont want some white bread board where the only voice you ever hear is ncstate.

and what about pro teams? he deleted me talking shit about the panthers losing the super bowl. are the panther nc state all of a sudden? i say fuck the panthers and i think others should be able to say fuck ncsu if they so choose. just b/c you go to school here doesnt mean you have to support the team.

11/21/2005 7:11:40 PM

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you're wrong

11/21/2005 7:22:34 PM

19558 Posts
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Quote :
"do what your mother told you to do in 1rst grade and ignore them, i mean damn. you say this is for NC State fans, but user guidelines do not say that. if someone whines about something, sure play mother for them and delete whatever, but otherwise leave it alone. i have a mother already, i dont need another one."

For starters, who listened to their mother in first grade in the first place?

Secondly, I addressed this, it is pretty hard to ignore this guy. If there is a thread about NCSU losing the game, the guy will troll whether he gets attention or not, it is lose lose. Either we reply back and forth and he is happy, or else he will just make post after post after post until he gets noticed. Someone (often times a non frequent Sports Talker) doesn't realize his reputation and will respond - all it takes is one person to start the spiral.

I will agree however that I am bothered by some of the regular users that can't implement an ignore behavior on this guy.

Lastly, it is quite a different thing for us to be disgruntled and talk some shit about the state of NCSU atheletics. You ever heard the saying "I can talk shit about my brother, but you better not talk shit about him?" It's kinda like that.

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"i sometimes prefer an argument, but thats just me. i dont want some white bread board where the only voice you ever hear is ncstate."

Wow, you really are retarded if you don't mind arguing with someone who has blatantly stated he is trolling. Also, I don't intend for this place to turn into another statefans and it won't. But to put up with this faggot and his incessant hate and misplaced anger at the world on a day to day basis is more than I care to see in sports talk.


[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 7:30 PM. Reason : x]

11/21/2005 7:26:34 PM

Save TWW
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i couldnt give two shits if somebody talks shit to me about state, i just come right back at them

if you can't handle somebody giving you shit, you should look at yourself, not them

that said, i consent to this threads deletion, cuz to be truthful i dont care. basically all i really wanted was to put the consequences out in the open so somebody doesnt get suspended out of the blue.

[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 7:33 PM. Reason : ^you completely took that second quote out of context, i never mentioned trolling, i ignore trolls]

11/21/2005 7:32:14 PM

All American
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i mean whats the difference between criticism that people might object to and pissing someone off?

my criticism probably pisses people off but im not trolling, I mean CarZin can do what he wants but im gonna continue doing me because im not being abrasive towards anything

i think this ambiguous and subjective type of statement is an improper warning, at least, plus when I grew up me and my peoples always talked shit to each other ITS FUCKIN SPORTS people either talk shit, hoot, holler, or place bets

bets are illegal, so i cant hoot, holler, and talk shit? o yea and CarZin should list the teams we arent allowed to talk shit about, im sure theres a Maryland fan or a Falcons fan who will be/is pissed off at the heckling

are they protected to?

11/21/2005 7:32:31 PM

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I mean you rank pretty high up there on the assinine meter in regards to sports talk. I figured I would start with him and then work my way towards you.

And woody, stay out of the argument if you don't know what is going on, did you even read the entire thread I made about him. The guy admits that the only reason he posts here is to rile people up and be a general dickhead.

You can make comments about another school in good fun. I mean its funny when tl makes a thread about Rivers getting PT only to kneel on the ball. It's all in good fun. When MacGyver does it its hate filled, and one upsmanship, and obnoxious, and incessant, and old, and (shall I continue?)...

It's no longer value added to this site, you remove him, and nothing is lost in this section, only gained.

11/21/2005 7:39:06 PM

All American
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11/21/2005 7:40:45 PM

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Why don't you save the trolling and all the faggot pictures for chit chat man? When will you get that shit through your thick fucking skull that this isn't the place.

11/21/2005 7:43:22 PM

All American
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so much abrasive language, can you not speak civily?

11/21/2005 7:44:47 PM

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11/21/2005 7:46:19 PM

All American
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dude i fuckin win

11/21/2005 7:46:58 PM

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Thats wonderful, now take your stupidity back to Chit Chat and leave it in there.

11/21/2005 7:49:26 PM

All American
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Hey this is a message board about sports not about NC State sports only. Post whatever. Is it ok to troll about the bears a lot if no one really cares? Trolling is all over this board and the whole wesbite. fuck it

11/21/2005 7:54:27 PM

All American
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i agree with carzin and state409c

magyver has no place on this board

11/21/2005 7:56:12 PM

All American
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I don't care if people support other teams. There are several people on the board who cheer for other schools that add a lot of good discussion to Sports Talk.

But the trolls (and everyone knows who they are) get really old, really fast.

11/21/2005 8:16:35 PM

All American
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Macgyvers shit needs to stop. I dont mind shit talking, but there is an obvious difference between shit talking and trolling. Trolls do it constantly and have nothing to contribute other than their stupidity.

11/21/2005 8:16:49 PM

All American
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wolfAApack = the Anti-Troll

11/21/2005 8:32:09 PM

All American
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If you're implying that I troll you, you're wrong. I just comment on horse shit when I see it, and thats all you post.

11/21/2005 8:35:25 PM

All American
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i didn't imply anything

its spelled out right there plain as day

11/21/2005 8:37:21 PM

All American
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then yes, you're right...I do not appreciate trolls.

11/21/2005 8:46:44 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"And woody, stay out of the argument if you don't know what is going on, did you even read the entire thread I made about him. The guy admits that the only reason he posts here is to rile people up and be a general dickhead."

you are mistaken me as supporting macgyver, i have no feeling one way or the other on him. i'll even admit he is kinda annoying, bua anyway, the main purpose was to inform others of possible nazism so they dont get unfairly suspended

11/21/2005 10:47:35 PM

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Quote :
"I will agree however that I am bothered by some of the regular users that can't implement an ignore behavior on this guy.

Then why in the fuck do you respond to everything I say, and post in every thread about me. Hell, this thread didn't even mention my name until you brought it up.

Quote :
"Hey this is a message board about sports not about NC State sports only. Post whatever. Is it ok to troll about the bears a lot if no one really cares? Trolling is all over this board and the whole wesbite. fuck it


That pretty much sums up this thread.

And damn. I talk some shit, but like it says, its SPORTS TALK. Not NCSU SPORTS TALK. I could understand too if Rivers, or NCSU were kicking ass, but they aren't. And for years now I have said both aren't that good. The fact that I bring that up now shouldn't be an issue. The only reason you get mad about what I post is that your team and player can't back it up. Sure, I say a lot of stuff just kidding around to piss people off, I will admit it. Do you blame me?? This message board has gotten fucking boring lately. The only thing I will stand by is that Rivers is over rated. Sure NCSU is an OK team, and have won some good games. But I have to give them hell, everyone on here knows me as the anti NCSU guy. If I agree with you, then I am not being me. And everything on here is one sided. It would be even more boring if every person on here was for NCSU every week stalker style. "We are playing So Cal this week, OMG!! We are so gonna win this game! " In events like this people like me have to step in and bring you back to reality. By doing this, I create some excitement that makes those upsets even more exciting for you, like when you got lucky and beat FSU. Face it, sports talk needs me, so does TWW. If you are so damn bothered by me, track my ass down and kill me. Don't be a little bald girl and go tattle to someone with authority on a internet message board.

[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 11:05 PM. Reason : .]

[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 11:06 PM. Reason : .]

11/21/2005 10:56:59 PM

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Quote :
"Then why in the fuck do you respond to everything I say, and post in every thread about me. Hell, this thread didn't even mention my name until you brought it up."

This is a gross exageration that I come to expect out of someone of your intellectual caliber. I wouldn't even address the comment if I weren't going to address the other anyway.

Quote :
"The only reason you get mad about what I post is that your team and player can't back it up."

I get mad because its the same tired shit in every thread. You have made your pretty weak arguments rooted in poorly flawed logic over and over again. Your shit is so easy to pick apart that I don't even bother. I get a little bit pissed off that other people can't see it, and especially considering they are aruging with a dick tucking homosexual. I don't need you or anyone else to tell me what the State of NCSU atheletics is, and I certainly don't need you to continue in every god damned post you ever make on this site to mention it if I didn't see it in the first place.

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"But I have to give them hell, everyone on here knows me as the anti NCSU guy"

Get the fuck off the board. My team lead at work is a UNC grad. I work with Clemson, UMd, FSU, and VTech guys and I certainly don't feel like punching any of them in the face every time the topic of NCSU atheletics comes up. Mainly because they aren't idiots or hide behind a computer screen like your punk ass does.

Quote :
"It would be even more boring if every person on here was for NCSU every week stalker style. "We are playing So Cal this week, OMG!! We are so gonna win this game! "

As you already mentioned, this site isn't limited to NCSU atheletics. This place gets plenty of action on game days. Also, a very small majority of the regular posters are the initially delusional ones about big games which can be expected coming from a "fan" (I'm not sure you know what this is), and even calling them delusional is arguable in many situations.

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"In events like this people like me have to step in and bring you back to reality."

Plenty of people do this without being a faggot and a nusiance.
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"By doing this, I create some excitement that makes those upsets even more exciting for you, like when you got lucky and beat FSU. Face it, sports talk needs me, so does TWW"

Create excitement? What was I just saying about delusional? And...lucky against FSU? You don't know when to stop. You're so adamant about being "that guy" that its just a joke anyone replies to you. I hope after someone finishes reading this post that maybe they'll man up and ignore your ass if CarZin doesn't come through in the clutch and suspend you. Christ you are an idiot.

Quote :
"Don't be a little bald girl and go tattle to someone with authority on a internet message board. "

I have no problems looking like a bitch to anyone on this site. I'm not held accountable by anyone, drill deep so you can get this tidbit implanted into the pea embedded deep inside your rock for a head.

11/21/2005 11:21:39 PM

6745 Posts
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edit post just responded to me again

11/21/2005 11:26:58 PM

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Like I said. I give you a shot at a serious post and thats the reply I get.

You just keep adding fuel to the fire that is you not deserving of the privelege to post on this board.

You need to grow up kid. Get some attention. Do something and do it quick. Your life is miserable.

11/21/2005 11:28:55 PM

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Quote :
"Quote :
"Then why in the fuck do you respond to everything I say, and post in every thread about me. Hell, this thread didn't even mention my name until you brought it up."

This is a gross exageration that I come to expect out of someone of your intellectual caliber. I wouldn't even address the comment if I weren't going to address the other anyway.

You replied to me....AGAIN

And the fact that you did all THAT^^^ Is actually kind of scary. I have never had a stalker before

Quote :
"You're so adamant about being "that guy" that its just a joke anyone replies to you."

Then why do YOU keep replying to me?? STFU and let this thread die already. Im actually tired of dealing with this.

[Edited on November 21, 2005 at 11:32 PM. Reason : .]

11/21/2005 11:30:37 PM

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I'm pretty sure if CarZin lets it slide that I can get sparky to suspend you for awhile, how do you like them apples?

11/21/2005 11:34:01 PM

56200 Posts
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The trolls show that I am not a troll, but yes, they do get old, but just ignore them, dont feed them and they will get bored and stop...

and by the way, there are just as many pro-nc state trolls as there are anti-nc state trolls...both are equally bad

11/21/2005 11:52:59 PM

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^^Quit replying, and this thread will die.

^Oh damn, this was about you....not me. My bad. Carry on

[Edited on November 22, 2005 at 12:12 AM. Reason : .]

11/22/2005 12:12:18 AM

56200 Posts
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ummmm, what?

11/22/2005 12:16:18 AM

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11/22/2005 12:27:41 AM

56200 Posts
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sweet, I can do that too...

exactly, exactly what I was saying

11/22/2005 12:29:23 AM

patent pending
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First of all, for things that happen in this section, especially for something which is on the fence, whatever I decide is what will happen. No one is going to suspend over me if I dont want it. Second of all, I expect a big improvement from all parties involved. I am sick of hearing about this shit now, so its best to move on.

11/22/2005 12:31:07 AM

All American
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11/22/2005 12:58:11 AM

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thanks carzin way to come through when everybody and their fucking brother can see this douche needs to go, AGAIN.

[Edited on November 22, 2005 at 9:54 AM. Reason : *]

11/22/2005 9:48:42 AM

68205 Posts
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Quote :
"No one is going to suspend over me if I dont want it"

so are you the supreme moderator????

the wolf web nor sports talk need you macguyver

we need you as much as we need gargs around and see how much TWW has improved w/ his suspension

i wish you were next or you could at least come up w/ some shitty trolling attempts are lame and thats all you bring to the board.

you dont bring anything funny, no interesting content only shitty attempts to piss off the state fans

i think state409c said it best
Quote :
"dick tucking homosexual"

[Edited on November 22, 2005 at 9:57 AM. Reason : lsjkdf]

11/22/2005 9:57:27 AM

All American
7333 Posts
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State409c & MacGyver

11/22/2005 10:33:30 AM

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