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All American
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Can this be the only ticket advice thread jackleg????

2/20/2006 2:12:45 AM

All American
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2/20/2006 2:16:03 AM

All American
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2/20/2006 2:18:02 AM

All American
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1st ticket: back in november/december of last year, dropped to 9 over
2nd ticket: today, really doing 52 in a 35 but the officer dropped it to 44 in a 35.

should i use my PJC?

5/2/2006 5:37:43 PM

All American
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yes. either that or hire a lawyer.

5/2/2006 5:41:51 PM

All American
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think i can get it dropped to a non-moving violation or completely dropped with a lawyer?

should i call the insurance agency and ask how much my rates would go up or is it not even worth it because it's gonna be much higher than the lawyer in the long-term?

good lawyers: James Crouch, Karl E. Knudsen
lawyers to avoid: Glenn E. Gray
that pretty much sums up all the recommendations from the past threads.

5/2/2006 5:46:38 PM

All American
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well, i couldn't tell you that. i've heard of lawyers getting it dropped to improper equipment or something like that, but i don't know.

5/2/2006 5:50:30 PM

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Today, I realized that my speedometer has calibration issues at high speeds.

according to it, my max speed was about 95 mph, but I just checked my GPS and it says 105mph.

Gotta be careful.

5/2/2006 5:54:03 PM

All American
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you're kidding, right? your speedometer is going to be a lot more accurate than your gps.

5/2/2006 6:08:08 PM

All American
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does it matter at all that the officer already dropped in from a 52 in a 35? like will that ruin my chances of bargaining?

if i plead not guilty and say the speed limit sign wasn't posted on that entire stretch where i was driving or that the officer was deliberately waiting at the bottom of the hill to catch me going just a COUPLE of miles over the limit?

will they call the officer in and have him explain it all and ask me if i really was going 52 in a 35 and all that?

5/2/2006 6:36:28 PM

All American
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speed traps aren't a defense.

and if you were in town and no limit was posted, you should have defaulted to 35 which is the assumed speed limit in unposted areas within Raleigh city limits.

5/2/2006 6:38:40 PM

All American
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i'm FUCKED. PJC it is.

that's 3 years though, man. fuckin a. don't they know how long 3 years is!

5/2/2006 6:40:55 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you're kidding, right? your speedometer is going to be a lot more accurate than your gps."

no way man, the gps is on point

5/2/2006 6:52:55 PM

273 Posts
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One outside of Winston Salem. The other in Virginia. Both of them state troopers (the real assholes). City police are much more polite and easier to deal with. The state trooper in Virginia was about to give me another ticket for having my work parking tag (designed to hang from your rear view mirror) hanging from my rear view mirror. Apparently it's against the law to hang anything from your rearview mirrors in VA.

My ultimate solution to these tickets? Escort Radar Detector.

5/2/2006 8:55:49 PM

All American
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radar detectors are illegal in virginia.

besides that, they are FAR from perfect.

5/2/2006 9:46:28 PM

All American
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for the future, do not speed.

5/2/2006 10:19:04 PM

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I guess I have been lucky...I have driven through VA about 3 times with a parking permit hanging and a deodorant hanging.

5/2/2006 10:25:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you're kidding, right? your speedometer is going to be a lot more accurate than your gps."

hell no. GPS is definitely better. of course, usually speedometers are optimistic/conservative. weird that you were going faster than indicated.

dFshadow: wake county doesn't do improper eq. call james crouch, but i doubt he can do much for you.

5/2/2006 10:28:19 PM

All American
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always get a lawyer

save the PFJ for something major


5/2/2006 10:29:20 PM

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Yeah I was taken by surprise...because it is kinda scary when the speedometer is off by 10 mph

5/2/2006 10:30:23 PM

All American
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i don't drink or do drugs or shit like that; what could be worse than a hike in insurance rates?

yeah, i'm gonna call crouch in the morning

5/2/2006 11:00:07 PM

Starting Lineup
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Just go to to the assistant DA and they will work it out so it's dropped to 7 over again and your insurance won't find out about it...125$ and out the door...That's how both of mine have gone and one was a 60 in a 35.

5/3/2006 10:40:32 AM

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Quote :
"hell no. GPS is definitely better. of course, usually speedometers are optimistic/conservative. weird that you were going faster than indicated."

gps is better as long as you aren't using consumer gps - which you can bet he's using - otherwise a speedometer's measurements that haven't been effected by changing tire size or something alone those lines will be better

5/3/2006 11:00:00 AM

All American
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^^ i can't get a point on my insurance or it'll increase by 25%
according to NCSU Legal Services' FAQs

you get a point for anything below 10
i have to get it dropped completely or to a non-moving violation

5/3/2006 11:07:07 AM

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Quote :
"gps is better as long as you aren't using consumer gps "

What's the difference between a consumer and a non-consumer GPS?

My GPS uses WAAS technology, and I have generally found it accurate enough to reflect even a 2mph speed. IMO, it's the most accurate "consumer" GPS.

5/3/2006 11:34:14 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I guess I have been lucky...I have driven through VA about 3 times with a parking permit hanging and a deodorant hanging."

what does this have to do with a radar detector?

5/3/2006 7:31:27 PM

New Recruit
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I got my first ticket the other day on western doing 62 in a 45. Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows of any good lawyers in the area please let me know. Thanks.

5/3/2006 7:43:22 PM

All American
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Why would you waste a PJC on that? the officer already dropped it to 44 in a 35. Thats nine over... wont affect your insurance rate unless its a school zone or something. You dont need to do crap. Just show up in court. and no it doesn't matter what you were really doing...just what the officer put on the citation.

I forgot to ask what county you got it in, and I missed the part where you said you got a ticket back in november. pay 200 and get a lawyer if you want. you'll be fine.

[Edited on May 4, 2006 at 3:33 AM. Reason : cuz]

5/4/2006 3:06:52 AM

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What's the verdict on "following traffic"?

I never speed on my own, and am always at the posted speed limit, but there are times when peopel start overtaking me or the car in front is clearly moving faster than the speed limit. What should I do in that case? Should I just keep up with the traffic, or keep on going at the speed limit.

For example, when i was going at the speeds I posted, I wasn't just blatantly speeding, but rather keeping up with the traffic around me. Is that still speeding? If yes, who catches the blame? IMO, it would be more dangerous to drive slow when everyone is going at 100mph on a two lane highway.


5/4/2006 3:24:22 AM

All American
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yea you can still get pulled. There are many times when a couple of troopers will pull a whole line of cars.

but generally, if you are following the general flow of traffic (not just a couple of speed demons) you will be alright.

5/4/2006 4:22:24 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I got my first ticket the other day on western doing 62 in a 45. Any advice on what to do would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows of any good lawyers in the area please let me know. Thanks."

good lawyers: James Crouch, Karl E. Knudsen
lawyers to avoid: Glenn E. Gray

if it's your first just get it dropped down to 9 when you go to court and plead guilty. no insurance rate hikes, no nothing. unless you wanna get a lawyer and get it dropped completely, but that may not be so necessary for the first one.

5/4/2006 6:31:42 AM

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isn't the whole system flawed if all it takes is a lawyer to drop speeding charges?

I mean, why even enforce speed laws?

5/4/2006 11:03:26 AM

All American
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you pay a premium to drive fast.

5/4/2006 11:13:58 AM

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so basically, the way it works is that people who wanna spend $$$ for some lawyer are given premium customer treatment, but the people who genuinely make mistakes/break the law once in a while are penalized heavily?

I thought we weren't living in China.

5/4/2006 11:25:40 AM

147487 Posts
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dont speed

[Edited on May 4, 2006 at 11:33 AM. Reason : is my advice for this thread]

[Edited on May 4, 2006 at 11:34 AM. Reason : ^that logic is flawed]

5/4/2006 11:33:31 AM

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That logic isn't flawed because I didn't propose a logic. I raised an objection to the logic that lawyers are just a way to pay premium for speeding rights.

I don't agree with this, but then I come from a country which legally does not enforce speed limits.

5/4/2006 11:36:32 AM

Blue Jay
All American
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Don't speed.

If you do speed, and are caught, don't bitch, pay your fine, and get over it. Its not the end of the world. It happens.

5/4/2006 11:42:38 AM

All American
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my 16 year old sister got her first ticket yesterday, 72 in a 55. Her best friends dad is a lawyer, he is fixing it for court cost.

5/4/2006 7:44:42 PM

All American
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just wondering

if you use your PJC, do you still pay court costs for showing up?

5/4/2006 8:48:13 PM

All American
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yes. you pay the fine as well.

5/4/2006 8:56:14 PM

324 Posts
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One of my good friends from school is now a traffic lawyer in Raleigh. He knows all the right people to deal with to get you a good result. PM if you're interested.

5/5/2006 12:31:00 AM

All American
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5/5/2006 6:56:24 AM

All American
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I got pulled over for the very first time near Clemson today on my way to a conference. It was a tiny 2-lane highway with a speed limit of 55mph. I'm pretty sure I had my cruise control set on 59 or 60, and some dude passed me. A cop passes us, turns around and pulls over the guy who passed me. He then pulled me over saying that I was speeding b/c the guy who passed me claimed I sped up as he was passing me.

Either way I got cited for going 64 in a 55, court date in Clemson is in mid-July. He said I could mail in a certified check for $80 instead of going to court, and would get 2 license points. I have a NC license and the car/insurance is in my parent's name.

Is this shit gonna affect their rates? Should I just mail in the money and accept the points? I don't really want to drive back up there to go to court b/c I'm supposed to be in NY at a conference on that date.

From reading some info here, it appears that because I was <10mph over the limit that I will be OK just by mailing them some money, as it probably will not affect the insurance. It doesn't look like SC has the PJC.

Quote :
"North Carolina License - South Carolina Ticket Special warning to North Carolina drivers with a South Carolina speeding ticket. The officer will probably tell you should just pay the ticket. This can be very bad advice. North Carolina will suspend your drivers license for a 15+mph violation and any violation over 10mph can increase your insurance premiums. Hiring a South Carolina speeding ticket attorney or appearing in court may save you a lot of trouble and money down the road. We get calls constantly from North Carolina drivers who have paid their South Carolina speeding ticket and then find out their license is suspended. After you pay the ticket it is too late."

6/6/2006 6:42:07 PM

All American
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I don't know if this applies everywhere or in NC only but going 9 over doesn't affect your insurance rates. I got a ticket earlier this year going 15 over and at court they dropped it to 9 over and I paid the court fees.

6/6/2006 6:45:42 PM

All American
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^^ too bad you don't proof that the cop only gave you the ticket on the word of the other driver. Then you could fight it (well you could fight it anyway but would have much better ground if you did)

6/6/2006 6:48:26 PM

All American
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^ yea, kinda sucks, but I was speeding (59/60 in a 55), and he clocked me at 64. If the paragraph I found on that website and quoted above is true, I'll just pay the $80 and be on my way. 1 infraction in 8 years isn't bad

6/6/2006 7:17:27 PM

All American
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6/7/2006 12:28:52 AM

All American
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Is there any way you can chack how many points to have on your license, short of goin to the DMV. I don't want to ask my insurance company because i dont think they know of all of them, and since they are all in different states and all, i was just wondering.

6/7/2006 12:30:33 AM

All American
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I called the insurance company, and they said since it was under 10mph and was my first offense ever, that it wouldn't affect the rates as long as i don't get a ticket in the next 3 years, and just to pay the $80. I'm gonna go to the bank and get a certified check, or a money order from the USPS and mail it on in...

6/7/2006 12:16:27 PM

All American
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bump to next page

6/14/2006 12:51:35 PM

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