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All American
38979 Posts
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Quote :
"I hardly ever talk about him, but there really isn't a person in politics I dislike more than that man. (Trump isn't in politics, yet)."

so the nominee for president by one of the two major political parties isn't a political figure?

10/31/2016 12:01:47 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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^ That HAS to be rjrumple. No fucking way it was anyone else.

10/31/2016 12:08:20 PM

All American
22931 Posts
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Sorry you are right, and I didn't even notice the other guy making fun of me.

It's been a pretty fowl morning for me so far.

^Trump is a political figure trying to break into politics. He's a reality TV star until he's the president.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 12:40 PM. Reason : And even after probably.]

10/31/2016 12:39:30 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Good. I'm tired of the Democrats just laying back and playing prevent defense while relying on demographics and the electoral college to win Presidential elections. It's time they went on offense and started playing dirty too. How many Benghazi hearings have their been? We can have a few on Comey being an unethical asshole.

Lmao @ the hack playing the victim card while defending the most corrupt, dirty DNC in history.

Democrats win with dependent demographics and the media, that's how such an unpopular candidate like Clinton has been propped up so far.

If you want to avoid Benghazi hearings... Then don't be incompetent, don't allow Americans to die, and don't lie about the cause for partisian politics before an election.

Also lol again at the party:
-in bed with the media
-deleting evidence under subpoena
- organizing and paying people to fight at Trump rallies

Talking about fighting "dirty".

Quote :
"The "hatch act" whiners are so fucking ridiculous."


You have a career politician doing pay for play, blatantly breaking the law and covering it up... Yet hacks thought this would be a good candidate, why? What the fuck were you thinking? Media brainwashing FTW.

It's such a typical leftist complaint... Corruption gets exposed, blame Putin. FBI investigates your boy sexting a child and finds more dirty shit, and you blame the FBI. At what point do you just stop doing crooked shit? At what point do DNC hacks actually care about ethics over partisian shit flinging?

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 12:52 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2016 12:44:06 PM

26632 Posts
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don't forget about lying about romney's taxes!

10/31/2016 12:47:17 PM

5608 Posts
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Or using the IRS to target political opponents

10/31/2016 12:53:28 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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In this scenario you have worked up in your head are you positing that Republicans care about ethics over partisan shit slinging?

10/31/2016 12:55:43 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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The fact that you have to lead with that scandal tells me all I need to know.

10/31/2016 12:56:11 PM

8379 Posts
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Republicans and Democrats both play the shit slinging game. Democrats just pretend to take the high road, and at this point it's incredibly transparent.

10/31/2016 1:05:02 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"In this scenario you have worked up in your head are you positing that Republicans care about ethics over partisan shit slinging?

If by "care about ethics" you mean not organize people to start fights at opponent's rallies, then yea.

When they go low, we go high.


10/31/2016 1:08:16 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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awww - project veritas triggered you.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 1:28 PM. Reason : ps please stick with hack or sjw - i don't appreciate you co-opting triggered]

10/31/2016 1:28:06 PM

All American
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I never really understood why people care so much about Benghazi. Yeah, it's terrible that Americans died, but so what? Have these people forgotten how many people died in Afghanistan and Iraq? You know, the two freaking wars we launched without having our facts straight, thanks to GWB and friends?

10/31/2016 1:33:59 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Remember all those special committees Democrats created going after the Bush administration for starting a war based on lies? Oh wait.......

10/31/2016 1:36:47 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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Wait what? They better not have cost millions of tax payer dollars!

10/31/2016 1:41:36 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Quote :
"If by "care about ethics" you mean not organize people to start fights at opponent's rallies, then yea. "

Gotcha. So organizing your supporters to go police voters 'in certain areas' at polling places is A-Okay.

10/31/2016 2:33:03 PM

8379 Posts
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Quote :
"President Barack Obama believes FBI Director James Comey is a man of integrity and is not trying to influence the U.S. presidential election by announcing scrutiny of additional emails linked to Democrat Hillary Clinton's private server, the White House said on Monday."

10/31/2016 2:45:06 PM

26632 Posts
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Shrike when he read that:

10/31/2016 2:46:28 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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so much co-opting

is anyone surprised? reid was the attack dog. white house stays above the fray on a guy who they appointed. ho hum

10/31/2016 2:50:13 PM

All American
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Obama appointed him and was at one point considering him as Souter's replacement, of course he's going to say that.

And I don't know who's sadder, JCE the alt-right meme generator, or the butt hurt liberals who can't get over the fact that more people wanted Hillary to be President than Bernie.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2016 2:59:12 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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I mean, you are a quintessential democrat hack. You're pretty bot-like yourself.

10/31/2016 3:08:32 PM

8379 Posts
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Alright trying to keep up here. So Obama is lying to protect Comey? Or to protect himself bc he appointed Comey?

10/31/2016 3:08:57 PM

26632 Posts
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how about people seriously discussing investigating him for violating the hatch act?

10/31/2016 3:10:20 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean, you are a quintessential democrat hack. You're pretty bot-like yourself."

Yes, and? Care to address the substance of a single post I've made and point out where I was wrong? I'll wait.

^For the record, I don't actually think he violated the Hatch act, but I do think he deserves to get fried for bowing to GOP pressure and prematurely releasing that letter. He's not an idiot. He knew how it would play in the media and used by the Trump campaign.

10/31/2016 3:20:13 PM

8379 Posts
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So what does Obama gain by breaking with the Hillary camp and defending Comey?

10/31/2016 3:22:02 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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He gets to appear "bipartisan"

It's the exact same reason he appointed Comey to begin with.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 3:25 PM. Reason : How many times has Obama tried to throw the GOP a bone only to have them spit in his face?]

10/31/2016 3:24:52 PM

50084 Posts
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Have I missed the Clinton camp saying Comey did this to DELIBERATELY influence the election?

Maybe they did but this seems more of an un-hinged apologist thing than an official position.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 3:26 PM. Reason : Crazy Harry doesn't count]

10/31/2016 3:25:50 PM

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10/31/2016 3:32:34 PM

All American
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^^They've definitely taken thinly veiled shots at him for being motivated by partisanship, but no, the real fire and brimstone has come from outside the campaign.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 3:33 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2016 3:32:50 PM

8379 Posts
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Appear bipartisan by breaking with Democrats 8 days before election day?

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 3:34 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2016 3:33:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Yes, and? Care to address the substance of a single post I've made and point out where I was wrong? I'll wait. "

How much time do you have?

10/31/2016 3:35:05 PM

All American
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Quote :


This will significantly change the narrative now. Poor guy, letting Jason Chaffetz ruin your career.

^Glug glug glug

10/31/2016 3:41:35 PM

50084 Posts
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It's one anonymous source and frankly just doesn't make sense.

Why would Russia's meddling change impact the election anyway unless one candidate was collaborating with them? Not even the most ardent Trump haters like myself actually believe that.

10/31/2016 3:44:01 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Quote :
"Appear bipartisan by breaking with Democrats 8 days before election day?"

its not what I would do either, but Obama has repeatedly shown he has some kind of deep need to appear bipartisan. I think he has some weird complex that makes him believe he can "heal" the nation. Instead the GOP just spits in his face every time, this time will be the same.

10/31/2016 3:52:08 PM

8379 Posts
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Or maybe he believes what he said???

10/31/2016 3:58:02 PM

26632 Posts
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does anyone here think he was trying to influence the election?

10/31/2016 4:02:27 PM

8379 Posts
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idk why else people would be re-interpreting what obama said

10/31/2016 4:31:12 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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^^^oh I'm sure he does actually believe it, but that doesn't mean he's right about it.

^^what are the other likely explanations?

1. Comey just had no idea this would be a shit storm, had no idea of precedents related to investigations around election time, and wanted to keep oversight Cmte informed, even though he really had zero new evidence of any kind.

(Plausible, but still a stretch that Comey is that aloof, especially now that we are getting reports that the issue was discussed before he sent the letter)

2. Comey was under immense pressure from GOP congressmen, and they somehow forced his hand

(This is worse case scenario IMO, would be clear evidence of Comey's intent to influence)

3. Comey genuinely thought he was doing the right thing by informing voters due to these extraordinary circumstances

(Ok, but that would be a clear intent to influence the election, even if it was with the best intentions.)

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 4:42 PM. Reason : Arrers]

10/31/2016 4:41:52 PM

All American
6788 Posts
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If his goal was to influence the election why wouldn't he have just announced that he recommended pressing charges against Clinton originally? Even if the charges didn't stick or Lynch told him to GTFO it would have been incredibly damaging. Much moreso than this.

10/31/2016 4:45:49 PM

26632 Posts
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Come painted himself into a corner, he didn't have a good option. Because he made everything public it would have been bad to not say anything if it turned out there was anything there. I don't see any reason to believe he was trying to influence the election, especially considering that he already had a better option to do so.

We're the emails really in a folder called "life insurance" or was the guy at the store making it up.

[Edited on October 31, 2016 at 5:20 PM. Reason : Auto corrected ]

10/31/2016 5:19:18 PM

8379 Posts
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I haven't seen a legit source for the life insurance thing

10/31/2016 5:30:40 PM

5608 Posts
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Lol @ " Hillaryforprision" trending on Twitter because they censored the correct spelling.

10/31/2016 6:30:44 PM

All American
6570 Posts
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Quote :
If his goal was to influence the election why wouldn't he have just announced that he recommended pressing charges against Clinton originally"

Comey thought he was influencing it by calling her "extremely careless." Most republican candidates would have capitalized on that, that would have been enough. the bar is that fucking low at this point.

I am sympathetic that Comey was in a super tight spot, regardless of what he did. I don't like it, but that's basically a part of the game if you're a political appointee. You are going to be scrutinized, you are going to FOIAed to death. Your head will roll for meaningless shit.

10/31/2016 7:26:49 PM

26632 Posts
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he wasn't in a tight spot because he is a political appointment, he was in a tight spot because he started this path of making his report public and briefing congress and telling congress the investigation was over

11/1/2016 9:31:41 AM

50084 Posts
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Which was an initial move to appease Chaffetz and the GOP.

Lol, I bet he thought this would get some off his back but now you have Trump going full retard and saying he must find criminality or he is corrupt.

He can't win at this point and the leaks all around might mean he has irreparably lost control of his FBI.

11/1/2016 9:57:19 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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Quote :
"Lol @ " Hillaryforprision" trending on Twitter because they censored the correct spelling."

or, that's how the illiterate trumpkins actually started the hashtag and then it was corrected by the ones who figured out how to use a dictionary


[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 1:44 PM. Reason : .]

11/1/2016 1:42:29 PM

5608 Posts
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Yea, people accidentally misspelled the same word the exact same way thousands of times because they are dumb trump rednecks.

Apparently the prision trended more because it was new to the system and the algorithm favors novelty. I wouldn't put it past Twitter to do some shady political censorship though

11/1/2016 2:47:24 PM

All American
11252 Posts
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sweet walkback bro

but sure, twitter is going to censor the trumpkins precious little hashtag and not the racist, antisemitic, xenophobic, hate speech bullshit they churn out on a daily basis, you fucking hack.

[Edited on November 1, 2016 at 2:58 PM. Reason : co-opting is fun]

11/1/2016 2:52:59 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Dude, Twitter's censorship activities is pretty well documented. And this is not just censorship of non-liberal posting. Lets not pretend Twitter is a bastion of free thought. Its basically becoming the "safe space" of the internet.

11/1/2016 3:16:22 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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That's weird. I could have sworn I've read tons of nasty, hateful comments directed towards women, Jews, Muslims, gays, parents/family of sexual assault victims, black people, Hispanics, and even celebrities...

11/1/2016 3:21:10 PM

All American
3895 Posts
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Nah, that was just Trump's twitter.

11/1/2016 3:44:41 PM

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