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Jimmies: Unrustled
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These third tier candidates have no chance. They don't have widespread grassroots support, and the money is getting behind Romney.

The only reason I believe Ron Paul has a chance in hell is because there's a massive infrastructure in place dedicated to getting him elected. I also don't think Obama or Romney (who are essentially the same candidate) can compete on an intellectual level.

7/2/2011 4:53:17 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
"Why do people have the right to be discriminatory?"

personal property, maybe? I know, call me crazy!

Quote :
"It's past time for the ideologues on here and in government to realize that health insurance does not benefit from the free market."

No, it;s time for YOU to understand that health insurance is a TERRIBLE way to pay for routine health care.

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"I'm still failing to see how this is relevant."

of course you would say that after getting fucking OWNED. hahahaha

Quote :
"Obamacare will ruin private insurance."

Of course. that's the whole fucking point of it.

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"If they like it that much, there's a great deal more of it that they can take, why haven't they?"

Because we have guns and a somewhat democratic government.

Quote :
"That is what you are talking about, by implementing the direct patent-doctor transaction and individual insurance, you are implementing a health care system.

Oh look, Kris playing semantics. what a fucking shocker.

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"It is like suggesting that the Titanic go hit the iceberg again another 3-4 times all will be well."

No, you just need to drill some holes on the other side of the ship so the water will drain out. DUH!

Quote :
"I have asked the question "why have all of these governments done research and not arrived at the simplest and cheapest to implement system that you claim would work the best?"."


Quote :
"You know, for quite a few centuries we had health care similar to what you are descibing, I don't think it really impressed anyone."

1) Actually, it was quite good, given the technology. 2) sources, please.

Quote :
"Many of them are not relevant, government intervention did help lead to the system and the high costs we are in, that doesn't neccesarily mean that removing them will fix all of them like you want to immediately assume. "

So, removing what caused the problem won't... help remove the problem? wat?

Quote :
"Wrong. You would have to prove that those solutions are not better than nothing."

Costs skyrocketing out of control is a good thing? really? That's what you are arguing?

Quote :

See: History

Quote :
"You have to actually prove YOUR argument, that being that no regulation is good."

Speaking of logical fallacies, what we have here is a STRAWMAN! good work!

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"I would if it were nearby, cheap, nicer, etc. I'm not going to sacrifice money and convience for some larger moral argument."

Well, you are a scumbag. I guess no one in the history of mankind has gone out of their way to make a moral point. Yep, there's no organic food trend, there's no vegans. Nope.

Quote :
"I think that it is demonstrable that no government is generally worse for the general citizenry than some government (see Somalia and northern Mexico for examples)."

I don't think I've seen anyone here advocating for zero gov't. Just saying...

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"I can't think of any reason why people would have the right to be discriminatory"

That's because you aren't thinking. Should I have to let anyone and everyone into my house right now?

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"But my biggest beef with Ron is that he actually thinks (and asserts) the act had a net negative effect on race relations."

I'd like to see a source for this. Honestly.

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"you need some actual reasoning to support why your solution is better."

how about skyrocketing costs and worsening service introduced since the gov't "fixes"?

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"Why the hate on him?"

Because business know the gravy train would be over. So they are pumping money into whatever outlets they can find to attack him. It's no coincidence that FoxNews hates the hell out of Ron Paul.

Quote :
"He's not for getting the government out of people's business when it comes to abortion,"

And anyone who supports laws against murder and theft also isn't for "getting government out of people's business," right? There's a difference between telling two people they can't fuck each other and telling one guy he can't rob or kill another. I'm sorry that you are too fucking stupid to see the difference.

Quote :
"People should not be denied the civil rights that their neighbor's enjoy just because both people in the relationship have cocks and they live in a red state. "

I guess, then, that you are completely opposed to other forms of social engineering. Marriage, as far as the gov't is concerned, is just social engineering. "Hey, we want to support a man and a woman pledging their lives together."

Quote :
"I realize that you could make the argument that people who want to get married will just move to a blue state where gay marriage is legal but that is an unfair burden to place on people who have done nothing wrong. "

Actually, there's nothing stopping ANYONE in ANY STATE from getting married. Find me a law that says these two people can't be married" and I'll gladly wail against it.

Quote :
"my thought for now on that is that Obama is a bad negotiator and likely outlived any usefulness he may have had in that respect."

Obama was 100% inexperienced, and rational people knew that from the getgo. Everyone else just pasted their hopes and dreams upon his empty canvas.

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"I also don't think Obama or Romney (who are essentially the same candidate) can compete on an intellectual level."

Intellectually, no. But Obama would talk circles around Paul, there's no doubt about that. One of Paul's problems is that he can't get across his message to the average person. He's just a terrible speaker, in general, and he often comes across as mean-spirited. People just don't respond well to that. Obama's flowery love and unicorns approach works much better, even though it has zero substance.

7/3/2011 12:38:06 AM

Sup, B
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what the fuck was Santorum thinking the other day, saying the stimulus "lost jobs" on account of the WH adjusting the "jobs created" number on CNN yesterday. really? The host was a douchebag about it and you could tell he was trying to defend Team Obama, but it was still hilarious.

7/6/2011 4:02:03 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
Bachmann surging, signs of weakness for Romney

When PPP polled New Hampshire in April Michele Bachmann was stuck at 4%. She's gained 14 points over the last three months and now finds herself within single digits of Mitt Romney. Romney continues to lead the way in the state with 25% to 18% for Bachmann, 11% for Sarah Palin, 9% for Ron Paul, 7% for Rick Perry and Herman Cain, 6% for Jon Huntsman and Tim Pawlenty, and 4% for Newt Gingrich."


7/7/2011 1:11:01 AM

Garage Mod
12301 Posts
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if Bachmann wins the primaries there is no way Obama will loose the election

[Edited on July 12, 2011 at 10:17 AM. Reason : n]

7/12/2011 10:16:51 AM

All American
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You know, I was tempted to say that earlier, but that is exactly what Carter said about Reagan in 79-80 and LunaK was pointing out that Obama's poll numbers and political position are much like Bush 42s numbers in 1991.

With the right handlers, any telegenic, articulate, under-qualified, egomaniac can with the Presidency. I'm not saying it would be easy . . .

7/12/2011 11:40:45 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Pawlenty: Unfazed by low polls

(CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty said his campaign needs to "start showing progress" in national and state-wide polls, something he's confident will happen once voters become familiar with his record."

Things seem better for Bachmann:

Quote :
"3rd straight Iowa poll has Bachmann at top

(CNN) - Call it a polling hat trick. For the third time this week, a survey of likely Iowa GOP caucus goers has Republican presidential candidate and Rep. Michele Bachmann at the top.
According to a new poll from Mason Dixon Polling and Research, 32 percent of people questioned in the survey say they are backing the congresswoman from neighboring Minnesota for the GOP presidential nomination. At 29 percent is former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who's making his second bid for the White House. Bachmann's lead is well within the poll's sampling error."

Although this is mildly amusing:

"Michele Bachmann officially leaves her church"

Quote :
"The Bachmanns had been members of the church for more than 10 years, according to Joel Hochmuth... Bachmann had listed her membership in the church on her campaign site for congress in 2006... The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has come under criticism from some Catholics for its views on the papacy, an institution that the denomination calls the Antichrist.

"We identify the Antichrist as the Papacy," the denomination's website says. "This is an historical judgment based on Scripture.""

7/17/2011 9:54:59 PM

All American
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^ I wonder if they record their sermons? There's probably a few Jeremiah Wrights in there somewhere.

7/17/2011 11:19:44 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Cain: Romney can't win

(CNN) - Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain claimed Monday Mitt Romney cannot beat President Obama in the 2012 election.

The former Godfather's Pizza CEO said his prediction is based on "RomneyCare," the health care law Romney signed five years ago while governor of Massachusetts and his failure to explain his Mormon religion when competing in Southern states during his last presidential run.

"When he ran the first time, he did not do a good job of communicating his religion," Cain told the Washington Times editorial board. "Unfortunately, it doesn't bother me, but I do know that it's an issue with a lot of southerners.""

The RomneyCare is a fair point, but the mormon comment seems potentially underhanded.

I don't care that he's mormon, but I know others will, so lets just all talk about how mormon he is, in the national news spotlight, all the while not blaming me b/c I don't care that he's so very mormon.

7/19/2011 12:00:29 PM

Sup, B
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^^ and you can bet the media will actually cover this church story, unlike the Obama scandal that they glossed over

7/19/2011 3:25:06 PM

26647 Posts
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Michelle Bachmann has brain cancer!

7/21/2011 1:16:22 AM

37709 Posts
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sweet, maybe she won't run

or is this another one of your stupid baseless posts

what's the deal with her pill popping anyway

7/21/2011 8:13:46 AM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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"Huntsman campaign manager resigns"

Quote :
""Susie has served the campaign well and was vital in getting it off the ground in such a short time-frame," Senior Campaign Adviser John Weaver said in a statement. "Now the campaign is moving into phase two which will be more aggressive from a messaging and tactical standpoint and Matt is prepared to take that on.""

Is that normal to have an initial campaign manager and then a real campaign manager, or this just politician speak to put a nice spin on something bad happening?

7/21/2011 1:51:44 PM

All American
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7/22/2011 1:10:40 PM

26647 Posts
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I'd vote for Buddy Roemer.

7/25/2011 12:42:05 PM

23634 Posts
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Oh Mitt... i think it's funny that he thought he could get away with a $1M contribution from a sham organization.

8/4/2011 6:51:15 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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With each new bit of depressing economic news, it becomes more likely that Rick Perry will win not only the GOP nomination, but also the general election.

8/8/2011 11:19:26 PM

266 Posts
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^ and that is terrifying.

8/8/2011 11:21:15 PM

All American
5853 Posts
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Still holding out hope for Paul.

Unless Perry favors the fairtax or a flat tax without any deductions

8/8/2011 11:21:30 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Tax reform doesn't mean shit if we don't cut where it matters. Rick Perry is strongly socially conservative, staunchly imperialist, and is weak on economic issues that actually matter. I think he might actually be worse than Obama. At least Obama is limited to another 4 years.

[Edited on August 8, 2011 at 11:32 PM. Reason : ]

8/8/2011 11:31:41 PM

Prawn Star
All American
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Obviously he's worse than Obama. He's like GWB Jr.

His main selling point is that Texas has added a fuck-ton of jobs while the rest of the country is stagnant on job-growth, but the vast majority of those created are shitty, low wage jobs.

[Edited on August 8, 2011 at 11:39 PM. Reason : 2]

8/8/2011 11:39:08 PM

All American
11811 Posts
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You People need to be out there pushing Gary Johnson. Unless he has some secret kiddie porn stash, he's the kind of guy that even I could get behind. Perhaps that's why he isn't getting that much traction on the right since he doesn't espouse any radical views. I'd even vote for someone from the GOP field that would look at cutting all entitlements as well as military budgets without spewing vitriol towards the environment as if it's some obstacle that stands in the way of economic nirvana.

8/8/2011 11:56:27 PM

Wolfman Tim
All American
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He admitted he was pro-choice. DOA.

8/9/2011 12:02:21 AM

Prawn Star
All American
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I like Gary Johnson, but he's not very Presidential. I'm not sure he has full command of the issues, or the ability to convey his points on the fly.

[Edited on August 9, 2011 at 12:17 AM. Reason : 2]

8/9/2011 12:17:04 AM

All American
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I suppose you're right. I haven't heard him speak but only what I've gleamed from his campaign website and what I heard about him competing in Iron Mans and climbing Mt. Everest. America could use a modern day Andrew Jackson (minus the whole destruction of Native Americans thing) or Teddy Roosevelt.

8/9/2011 12:22:03 AM

All American
8503 Posts
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It scares me that with the economy and stock market crashing that people still aren't educated enough to vote for Ron Paul.

This country truly has become a circus. Just look at what people watch on tv. American Idol, The View, Judge Judy, the Bachelorette, etc

These are the same kind of people who voted for Barack Obama. How can we expect America to move forward when our society has been dumbed down to this level?

We can't even trust the public to spend 2 minutes looking at the issues so our politicians don't even bother running on issues! You know other than the pizza for lunch and vending machines in the break room type appeals like "free welfare, free prescription drugs, free retirement, free atm cards for the strip clubs in California"

They just try not to make offensive soundbytes and then say stuff like "Yes we can" or "I'm not the other guy" or "I own a shotgun" and then gauge whether that was popular enough for them to repeat over and over...

8/9/2011 1:33:29 AM

Sup, B
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haha, Mitt Romney just walked up on a reporter for FoxNews in Iowa and was like "what's up?" no, that wasn't contrived at all

8/10/2011 7:16:41 PM

All American
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^^ Minus the specific endorsement of Congressman Paul (though I am, to a large extent, aligned with his general ideology) or the specific maligning of President Obama, that exactly sums up my thoughts on America's political landscape.

That's why I pretty much don't vote...the politicians have pretty much given up on dealing with issues, and if they do, they don't convey any of the nuances of their positions. It's pretty much just what you said--don't say anything offensive, and find yourself a handful of popular sound bites to keep repeating.

There are a whole lot more ignorant dumbasses than there are people who are informed, intelligent, and take a nuanced, carefully considered view of things...but all of our votes count the same. People complain about Washington, but we collectively are getting pretty damned close to what we ask for. People like me are so numerically overwhelmed by the idiocracy that (a) it's almost futile to vote anyway, and (b) even if you wanted to just on principle--which I personally am inclined to do--who the fuck are you going to vote for? They're all racing to the bottom to cater to the masses.

[Edited on August 10, 2011 at 7:54 PM. Reason : I vote "no confidence" a lot when there's a write-in available.]

8/10/2011 7:47:47 PM

All American
4279 Posts
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It's sad that somebody who's educated about issues, knows things about candidates and what they stand for -such as yourself duke- would choose to not vote. You'd have a lot more credibility in criticizing the masses if you voted, that way at least your position would be represented...

8/10/2011 9:32:13 PM

All American
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I mostly dislike them all, though. I voted in the '04 cycle, but I abstained from some of the races. I held my nose and voted for Michael Badnarik (L) for President. In '08, I voted for McCain in the GOP primary, and then got more and more frustrated with him as the race went on. By the time he chose Palin as a running mate, I'd had it with him. I sent in an absentee ballot from the Iraqi shipping container I was living in at the time. I voted for one or two local/state level Democrats, a handful of Republicans, and a hefty dose of "no confidence" write-ins. I didn't bother to vote in the 2010 midterm elections...I'm registered in FL, and it had been a few years since I'd lived there, so I wasn't adequately informed on all the local/state candidates down there. I could have spent a bunch of time researching them all, but I figured that it wasn't worth it since I'd probably turn around and abstain/write in no-confidence for most of them, anyway.

I'm not holding out for a nonexistent dream candidate, but I at least have to have a mildly positive view of him. I decided that continuing to vote for whomever I disliked the least was just affirming the bullshit. I'll go to the poll in the 2012 election cycle, but I'm not optimistic that my vote for President will be anything other than a write-in of "none of the above" or something.

In other words, my position is represented...I mostly do go to the polls just to formally say "I hate you all."

...but yes, it is sad.

8/10/2011 9:50:21 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Seems like Gary Johnson should appeal to you. I'd really like to see him gain popularity, it's just not happening.

8/10/2011 9:55:25 PM

All American
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Yeah, I could potentially get interested in voting for him. He's not perfect, but he might be good enough to get my vote. I'm still somewhat more moderate and pragmatically driven than him, but he's less of a loon than Ron Paul, and he's at least ideologically in the same general direction as I am.

8/10/2011 9:57:55 PM

All American
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In the Pac Never Got Shot timeline Tupac Shakur wasn't shot five times on the night of November 30, 1994. So he and Notorious B.I.G. stayed friends. December 1, 1994, Tupac was not found guilty of three counts of sexual abuse. He began studying politics at yale on September 14, 1995 and released his multi-platinum album Me Against the World. I. Marion "Suge" Knight, CEO of Death Row Records, offered to sign him up if Tupac would drop out of University. But Tupac refused. Instead he signed to Sean "Puff Daddy" Comb's Bad Boy Records. Biggie had convinced Puffy to Let Tupac study as well as sing music.

December 1, 1994: Tupac Shakur is found not guilty of three counts of sexual abuse.

September 4, 1995: Tupac begins studying politics at Yale

October 14, 1995: During his studies Pac signs to Bad Boy Records.

February 13, 1996: Pac releases his fourth solo album, The Golden Rule.

September 7, 1996: Sean "Puff Daddy" Combs is shot twice. He survives but loses his voice, ending his career as a rapper.

September 13, 1996:: Puffy's shooter gets arrested and is traced back to Marion "Suge" Knight.

November 9, 1996:: Suge is found guilty of conspiracy of murder.

December 11, 1996:: Suge begins serving his prison sentence.

June 30 1998: Tupac Graduates from Yale and announces he is leaving the music industry and announces he is running for Congress as a representative of New York on the republican ticket and a strict constitutional platform. During his political career he would be good friends with Ron Paul from Texas.

November 9 1998: Tupac defeats Sue Kelly by a slim margin for the 19th district of New york.

May 13 1999: Tupac and Ron Paul propose the Sanctity of life act which would set a mandatory cooldown time for abortion counseling at least 24 hours before the operation alongside capping the time of abortions to a maximum time of 18 weeks into a pregnancy. The bill is passed by a unanimous majority in both the House and the Senate forcing Bill Clinton to sign it. Planned parenthood immediately goes to the supreme court saying it is unconstitutional.

August 24 1999: the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade by a Unanimous Majority saying in Planned Parenthood v Shakur and Paul that the Federal government has the right to regulate abortion. Massive protests occur which quickly subside when Tupac tells the crowds that he "never said abortion was made illegal, but there has to be something done about the massive rates of abortion in this country" as well as accusing them of hypocrisy by opposing the death sentence of murderers and rapists in one hand and on the other remaining silent on compulsory abortions in China adding that early feminists actually opposed abortion saying it is a symptom rather than a solution to sexism.

January 2000: Tupac proposes a bill that would repeal all gun control laws in the USA. That bill passes through the House and Senate, but is vetoed by Bill Clinton

June 16 2000 As a birthday present, Tupac receives a Harley Davidson motorcycle, which Pac uses everyday to gt to congress.

November 20 2000: George W Bush, on a ticket with Condoleeza Rice, wins the presidency by a very slim margin.

January 20 2001: Bill Clinton issues 142 presidential pardons on his last day in office. Controversy ensues when Tupac learns that Suge was also pardoned

February 21 2001: Tupac proposes the Airline Security Act alongside Ralph Nader and Ron Paul that would reinforce cockpit doors alongside allowing passengers to be armed. The bill is passed unanimously by Congress and the Senate.

May 3 2001 Japan, China, India, Pakistan and the USA sign the Asian-American space treaty that would enable them to cooperate on sending a crew to mars by 2009 and create a Missile defence shield. Shakur led the majority ratifying the treaty quoting Thomas Jefferson "peace commerce and honest friendship with all nations"

September 11 2001: 9/11 never happens because of the Airline Security Act and all the terrorists are apprehended after the planes make an emergency landing

January 3 2002: work begins on the Orion (which in TTL is designed to go to mars)

February 5 2002: Tupac announces a run for the senate, representing New York.

June 2 2002: On the way to Congress to propose a bill that would scrap the Federal Reserve, Tupac dies in a collision with a car.

8/11/2011 10:49:48 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"Corporations are people, my friend... of course they are."

-- Rick Perry

8/11/2011 7:18:24 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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^ I think you meant Mitt Romney.

Rick Perry said

Quote :
"My faith requires me to support Israel"

8/11/2011 8:04:37 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
"In a 1994 Senate debate with Ted Kennedy, Mitt Romney revealed a startling chapter from his past: A close relative had died many years earlier in a botched illegal abortion, shaping Romney's stance in favor of safe and legal access to abortion for all women. But in the many years since that revelation, even as Romney flipped his position and became an ardent opponent of legal abortion, the details of his young relative's story, including even her name, have never been reported.

The relative he was referring to back in '94, Salon has learned, was a Detroit woman named Ann Keenan. She was the sister of Romney's brother-in-law and died at the age of 21 in 1963, a full decade before Roe v. Wade. While much of what happened remains murky, an investigation by Salon has uncovered never-reported details about her life and death, including: how she died (an infection); that her grief-stricken parents asked for memorial donations to be made to Planned Parenthood; and that the family apparently wanted to keep the death quiet because Romney's politically ambitious father, George, was then governor of Michigan."

8/11/2011 8:06:27 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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really? they gave the name? what fucking scumbags. fuck salon with the longest dildo that can be found. fuck them long. fuck them hard. That's just dirty fucking journalism.

oh, and I liked seeing Gingrich get pissed off at the "moderators" who kept asking loaded questions

8/11/2011 11:57:42 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"My faith requires me to support Israel"

Wow, usually it takes a little prying to get that out of people. He just put that out there. Perry is the Huckabee of 2012 - he's going to pull the evangelical crowd with ease.

8/12/2011 1:13:09 AM

Sup, B
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so even CNN admits there are plants in the crowd at the Iowa straw poll for the DNC. so much for "grassroots," lol

8/12/2011 6:08:17 AM

All American
7436 Posts
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Quote :
"really? they gave the name? what fucking scumbags. fuck salon with the longest dildo that can be found. fuck them long. fuck them hard. That's just dirty fucking journalism.

It's dirty journalism to report accurate facts of a news story? weird.

8/12/2011 10:25:15 AM

All American
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Quote :

oh, and I liked seeing Gingrich get pissed off at the "moderators" who kept asking loaded questions"

That was totally scripted, same old vague populist whining about the MSM as usual. It was also a really nice way to avoid saying anything of substance about himself or his politics. Hollow crowd-pleaser bullshit, playing maverick or whatever.

[Edited on August 12, 2011 at 10:39 AM. Reason : .]

8/12/2011 10:38:14 AM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"It's dirty journalism to report accurate facts of a news story? weird."

So I suppose rape victims should have their names printed in the paper, too, when they come forward, right?

^ he even said as much. But still, some of the questions were just plain wrong. Newt was right to point it out

8/12/2011 1:02:04 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I'm sure you realize Ann Keenan died 48 years ago and wasn't raped.

8/12/2011 1:22:07 PM

Sup, B
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and I'm sure you realize that there was literally zero reason to bring her name up now, except dirty fucking journalism. What new and amazing insight has it offered to the discussion? How has it improved public discourse whatsoever? It hasn't. It was simple dirt digging. and fuck the worthless scumbag that dug it up

[Edited on August 12, 2011 at 1:52 PM. Reason : ]

8/12/2011 1:52:22 PM

All American
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But how does the name specifically provide any more dirt than otherwise? It doesn't. You're just latching onto something that you thought everyone would agree was despicable, but no one cares. The only thing offensive to the girl's name or memory is Mitt Romney flip-flopping on the cause that would have prevented her death in the first place. (and of course this happened before he had any political power so I'm not suggesting that Mitt Romney ever could have prevented her death, but the cause that he subsequently supported could have).

But rah rah, dirty journalism right?

[Edited on August 12, 2011 at 2:30 PM. Reason : clarification for mouth-breathers.]

8/12/2011 2:29:38 PM


18617 Posts
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Quote :
"One of the weirdest moments of last night's Republican debate probably slipped completely under the radar for most viewers. This moment occurred in Herman Cain's closing statement, when the former pizza-chain CEO recited a favorite inspirational quote:

"A poet once said, 'life can be a challenge, life can seem impossible, but it's never easy when there's so much on the line.'"

Nothing strange about that on the surface, until you Google the quote and you realize that these words of wisdom were uttered not by a poet, but by disco queen Donna Summer in her song "The Power of One." Even more bizarre, this isn't even one of Summer's classic hits — she recorded it just over a decade ago as the theme song for Pokémon: The Movie 2000."

8/12/2011 2:54:35 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Quote :
" It was simple dirt digging."


Once upon a time, Mitt Romney said:

Quote :
"On the idea of 'multiple-choice,' I have to respond. I have my own beliefs, and those beliefs are very dear to me. One of them is that I do not impose my beliefs on other people. Many, many years ago, I had a dear, close family relative that was very close to me who passed away from an illegal abortion. It is since that time that my mother and my family have been committed to the belief that we can believe as we want, but we will not force our beliefs on others on that matter. And you will not see me wavering on that."

A politician relates an experience that highly influenced his views. Journalists investigate the story.

aaronburro declares it dirt-digging.

I'm guessing this is yet another example of your inability or unwillingness to read.

8/12/2011 4:45:38 PM

Sup, B
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Quote :
"A politician relates an experience that highly influenced his views. Journalists investigate the story. they found out it's true, but then throw salt on the wound by violating his privacy and releasing the name of a person with no bearing on the matters of today

aaronburro declares it dirt-digging."

FTFY. it's fucking disgusting.

I again ask you, why was the name relevant? Why was it necessary to use it? All they needed to say was "wee traced this down and confirmed it and won't release the name out of respect to the family."

Funny, though, that we've got all this focus on a republican candidate's cousin yet the press can't seem to be bothered to press Obama for his college records.

[Edited on August 12, 2011 at 7:48 PM. Reason : ]

8/12/2011 7:45:38 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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You're seriously trying to defend Romney's privacy in a situation where he (a public persona) made a public statement?

Are there any contortions you won't perform to 'defend' a 'position'?

[Edited on August 12, 2011 at 7:57 PM. Reason : With all your faux pussy-aching, you'd think they put the poor woman in the ground yesterday.]

8/12/2011 7:49:47 PM

Sup, B
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So if he talked about someone who was raped, the press should hunt that person down and blast their name all over the news, too? After all, it was said in public, right?

I'm, AGAIN, asking you, what did the country gain by knowing the victim's name? What good was accomplished by that? Exactly, nothing.

8/12/2011 7:57:28 PM

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