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Ohhh Farts
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I did not realize until this episode that Kelly was a girl

2/19/2019 8:34:52 PM

All American
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So I just stopped watching this season. I can't bring myself to watch it but I'm still a little bit curious since I did dedicate eight years of my life to it. Can someone give me a paragraph summary, so I don't have to read the past few threads?

I don't normally advocate for people to indulge my laziness but feel this is a special exception.

2/20/2019 4:37:51 AM

All American
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2/20/2019 7:45:20 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I did not realize until this episode that Kelly was a girl"

lol me too

2/20/2019 9:03:50 AM

Duh, Winning
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If I said I had 2 hostages of yours, you just stare at me over the wall.
But I say one baby of ours is going to die, then everyone loses their heads

Its obvious how Alpha marks her territory on Lydia

Henry is in love, maybe he will find the beta to his alpha

2/25/2019 9:58:09 AM

All American
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^To be fair once she completely spelled out the trade to Daryl he immediately caved and was willing to give up the girl for their 2 people.

I also don't see how a baby works in this environment given what we know about the group. Babies cry, it's what they do, and no way she could be within earshot of a herd with it. Though smart of Alpha to bring the baby to prevent them from just shooting everyone.

2/25/2019 11:20:36 AM

All American
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^^given that were all aware you’ve read the comics and know what’s coming, do you find it to be worth your time to think of these ways to work in things we don’t know are going to happen in your posts?

2/26/2019 11:38:52 PM

All American
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So they are gonna seal up that secret entrance to Hilltop, right? Especially now that these mask people not only know where Hilltop is, but also have someone who has seen the inside, know about it's defenses, and know how to get in and out secretly. And has someone that trusts her.

2/27/2019 9:47:14 AM

All American
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^^Think he gets off on the spoiler word play.

My problem with "spoilers" for this show is that they have diverged quite a bit from the comics so it feels like even comic readers(like myself) are hard-pressed to really call a lot of what is coming given so many character changes. We have general ideas of "scenes" or big moments, but some of it is still a guessing game.

The line ^^^ he is jokingly spoiling isn't really a major spoiler. There is a well known actor that has was announced months ago that is joining the cast and they've revealed his character's name and about the time-frame he'd join the show, so it's not really even a big spoiler.

The biggest problem with spoilers for this show are the news and IMDB. They've already announced one major character is leaving the show(like they did with Rick last year) and they've hinted at another character potentially leaving(based on selling their house).

Tried to not actually post the spoilers in case you've been lucky enough to avoid the people coming on the show and the people supposedly leaving the show.

2/27/2019 9:58:20 AM

All American
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I don't really care about spoilers for the show, I'm aware it has and will continue to diverge from the comics and casting/outside news has already spoiled plenty. I just find the comments dumb I guess, maybe I'm just soured after the 20 million "bat" comments that were made. It's not cute or coy, it's annoying, that's all

2/27/2019 2:51:40 PM

All American
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I'm losing interest fast.

The core cast is basically non-existent at this point (other than Daryl).

2/28/2019 1:21:27 PM

All American
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I started losing interest 5 or 6 seasons ago, and totally lost interest and stopped watching it 2 or 3 seasons ago, and haven't really missed it.

Which sucks because I am a huge fan of old Romero and other zombie movies, and was really excited when this first started. Now I feel like they kind of tainted the genre. imo.

2/28/2019 2:32:46 PM

Duh, Winning
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well, speaking of lost head, but ill talk more on that later

Darryl definitely invaded her territory

I dont know if there will be no conflict now.

3/5/2019 1:14:34 AM

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can one of you book readers let me know if elpha dies soon?

3/5/2019 8:08:08 AM

All American
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^I sure hope so. Not a likeable villain at all. And I just don't see how she is a threat to the regular cast. Her gang doesn't even appear to have a single gun. Hilltop could have killed them all easily as soon as they returned Eugene and Alden. lol, if it were the Saviors vs. Alpha's gang, Negan would have steamrolled them in about 5 seconds without a second thought, then raised the baby as his own kid.

3/5/2019 9:40:22 AM

All American
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For ^^ and ^, In the comics, Alpha and her band of costume freaks are a HUGE threat, at least on the scale of Negan and superior to The Governor.

^I think Lydia pointed out that Hilltop was running low on ammo/guns these days, but obviously that could have been a lie. The strength of Alpha's crew isn't that they can blend in and catch you by surprise, or that they're great warriors, it's that they've perfected steering herds. Huge herds have been the most destructive thing on the show thus far but everyone who has previously tried to steer them or control them has had issues.

Also have to factor in now that the communities have been living in peace for a few years now with Negan behind bars, so they're a little rusty and they're focused on having a fair. The Kingdom is hurting for food/resources, Hilltop has been in isolation for a while, and there is no clear leadership among the groups.

3/5/2019 9:58:30 AM

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did i miss something when that guy challenged elpha? he got called out and said he challenged her but then just stood there and let her cut off the girls head and stab him, why didn't he stab elpha first?

3/5/2019 11:37:07 AM

All American
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^That scene implied to me that she's essentially become a dictator of their group. They once had a system in place where you could challenge the leadership and take over, but clearly that is no longer in place since everyone just stood by while she killed them for attempting to challenge her.

3/5/2019 1:23:46 PM

Save TWW
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^^ wasn't he being held in place by beta?

alpha is creeping as hell, especially when she was talking to lydia

3/5/2019 7:43:38 PM

All American
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^^^Didn't Alpha essentially call out the guy's wife as the mastermind behind the challenge? Thought she pointed out she saw them plotting and knew the woman was trying to get her man to fight Alpha on her behalf.

But yeah, like ^^ said, Alpha has changed the rules up and is now a dictator and Beta is her muscle. She's already changed up some of their group's rules to benefit herself in regards to Lydia so not surprising she isn't going to give someone else the opportunity to take over and steal her power.

3/5/2019 7:52:56 PM

All American
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I'm guessing the whole point of wearing masks is to disguise yourself from other humans? Because it looks like if you just stagger around quietly the dead don't seem to notice that you're alive (at least based on the last 1-2 episodes).

The timeline has advanced years forward (obviously), so can someone please tell me why none of the settlements have better defenses against hordes? You know, like MOATS. That seems pretty simple. And whenever they fill up just empty them out by fire.

And whatever happened to the factory where Eugene was going to build bullets? I feel like there's been nothing to prevent that from having occurred.

3/6/2019 9:08:47 AM

All American
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Building a moat without heavy duty digging tools is not easy. You'd essentially need a bunch of people out there with shovels and wheelbarrows all day, every day, for like a year. And that is just for moving the dirt alone. If you have large rocks and boulders in there, you either would have to blow them up with explosives (loud, dangerous, and explosives are likely a rare resource), or just go at it with a pick axe. Some of them could be dragged by horses/oxen I guess.

So then you have to fill it with water, which, I don't even know how you could do unless you had a natural body of water nearby that you could divert. If you want to empty it with fire, you'd also have to be able to drain the moat, wait for it to dry out completely, then use some kind of valuable fuel to get the fire going. Then also, your entire residence is surrounded by a wall of fire until it burns out.

You may ask, "Okay, so how did they do it in medieval times without access to this technology?". Simple answer there is I don't know. I doubt the survivors would know either though. Unless you happen to find a book on medieval architecture, it would be a lot of trial and error that they really don't have the time/resources to look into. I'd guess in medieval times, they had rich lords that could pay peasants a few pennies a day to do the work. Those peasants weren't under constant threat from zombies/bandits though, and they didn't have other priorities. Castles and moats took years to build.

3/6/2019 12:22:04 PM

All American
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Who said anything about water, hehe. They can just be empty holes.

Also it's been years so i don't think some sort of defensive ditch/hole/moat system is being unrealistic, especially for the weakest areas of the perimeter. And obtaining some construction equipment wouldn't be terribly difficult.

3/7/2019 9:09:26 AM

All American
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What does a moat really buy you though?

At this point, I'm sure they get a few that wander in each week or so, and herds would probably be fairly rare. So why would you spend time building a moat outside of your community for a rare problem?

You're going to focus on the infrastructure and advancement much more than you're going to focus on defenses given the landscape they've painted. You know the communities near you, you've been there long enough to cleared out a large chunk of the population, so the number of threats would have to be quite low.

Up until this point no one would have really thought a weaponized herd was a realistic threat, obviously now that has changed and if they wrap this up I'd imagine they'll adjust. To add to that, the odds of a random herd are even lower given how much space you've likely cleared surrounding your community and the lack of noise drawing them in. Ideally you'd go out some reasonable amount of space and build some defenses, but the walls in place now were there when Rick and Co first got there.

3/7/2019 2:43:53 PM

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if they're going to spend their time digging anything it should be latrines

3/7/2019 3:30:14 PM

All American
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Construction equipment is loud and requires a lot of valuable fuel to operate. It's also been sitting dormant for like 7 years at this point without any maintenance. Gasoline has long expired, so any fuel they do have has to be made, which means it is not used often. You have to transport it to the site too. Its just not practical when their current walls seem to be doing fine.

I think a shit load of barbed wire would probably be just as effective as it would significantly slow down anyone and zombies would just get tangled up in it.

So question for anyone who knows -- how long does it take for a human body to decompose to the point where muscles just wouldn't allow you to walk anymore? How many large herds can there really be left?

3/7/2019 5:27:53 PM

5815 Posts
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a little over a week if left unburied based on factors, which with it being hot etc in the show would be fast, twice as fast if in water.

in a coffin is about 8 years preserved.

This is based on we are talking about The Walking Dead zombies.

[Edited on March 8, 2019 at 8:22 AM. Reason : dead people ]

3/8/2019 8:21:54 AM

Save TWW
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the fight scene with darryl and connie was suspenseful. Although didn't Beta leave someone downstairs to make sure they didn't escape?

and I guess the highway men previously had issues with alexandria (michonne and darryl's scars plus the look the main guy shared with tara).

shit is going to go down at this fair, but I guess we will have to wait 3 more episodes to see what that is.

3/10/2019 11:38:39 PM

Save TWW
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ok, went back and looked at Michonne and Darryl's scars, just simple Xs (not the same logo as the highwaymen). I guess I am just anxious to know what the hell is up with those scars.

3/11/2019 11:09:35 PM

All American
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I feel like Beta still being alive is kinda silly. There is no way Darryl would have just walked away assuming he died without checking first. He's too careful a character for something like that.

3/12/2019 1:35:39 PM

All American
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^You think Daryl is climbing down the elevator shaft and checking for a pulse? Dude was probably knocked out so he probably appeared to be dead when Daryl looked down.

3/13/2019 9:45:59 AM

All American
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^No, but I do think he'd put an arrow in his skull for good measure. Or if he doesn't want to waste an arrow, just go back with one of the guns that the other people in his group had.

3/13/2019 9:48:34 AM

All American
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I mean there's no power so Darryl probably couldn't see that far down the elevator shaft to see Beta laid out. Could've probably tossed some construction equipment down there though.

3/13/2019 12:56:33 PM

Duh, Winning
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Yeah, he should have checked to see if he was dead, but now Beta is going to lose his head and go crazy for revenge

The highwaymen just want to see a movie, and then they won't mark their territory

3/13/2019 4:54:16 PM

All American
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Why doesn't anyone here assume Beta is fucked? He's stuck in an elevator shaft, and probably severely wounded.

3/14/2019 8:31:45 AM

All American
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When Beta woke up on top of the elevator there was [somehow] enough light for him to look around and grimace at the camera, so there would have been enough light for Darryl to see him.

And yes, Beta should be wounded after falling for what looks like at least two stories. You'd think he'd at least have a broken bone. He was unconscious for a while too, so maybe a concussion. But we all know he's just gonna climb out of the shaft and go after Darryl.

3/14/2019 11:39:31 AM

Duh, Winning
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Tara made those kids lose their heads and go all killer and all

I guess they wanted to mark their territory on their backs

3/17/2019 10:20:34 PM

All American
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^lol, I'm glad her lip wasn't quivering the whole damn time.

I liked this episode though. Showed a little more of the messed up side of things rather than standard "Villain is intimidating, zombies are gory" episode.

3/18/2019 9:18:03 AM

All American
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3/24/2019 10:57:00 PM

Save TWW
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damn, youtube tv didn't record the whole episode

hopefully it updates overnight so I can watch the whole thing. The last thing I saw was alpha sitting next to lydia in the movie theater.

3/25/2019 12:07:54 AM

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3/25/2019 8:27:41 AM

All American
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A little disappointed on the characters they chose for the "big scene", but it made sense.

Once again, hate that one of the bigger reveals was leaked a couple of months ago.

Some probably haven't seen the episode so I'll refrain from mentioning the rumor that gave one away.

3/25/2019 10:28:41 AM

Duh, Winning
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if you haven't seen the episode, dont click this thread, I just watched it, and I avoided spoilers till now

this changes everything, I think Carol will go back into lady Rambo mode, and so will the king
but another war could be devastating, and the effects could destroy everything
with so much anger and sadness, who knows who could lead the march to war

I just hope they think it over, and not send the wrong person, right off the bat

3/26/2019 6:28:39 PM

All American
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That many zombies in that enclosed area would smell so bad.

3/26/2019 6:33:28 PM

All American
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So the guy who’s read the comics and knows what might be coming is hinting that Negan might be playing a pivotal role in the upcoming fight with the whisperers

I don’t feel like getting into a semantic discussion about whether it’s a spoiler or not. For all I know it could be, and that’s fucking annoying. I want to watch the show without someone who might know what’s coming providing commentary about the future

3/26/2019 8:00:57 PM

Save TWW
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show is doing an excellent job at making the deaths meaningful and something you actually feel, even if it is characters introduced earlier this season or just a couple episodes ago.

looking forward to watching carol get her revenge.

The actress playing Lydia is also doing an excellent job.

3/26/2019 11:17:18 PM

All American
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^^I haven't read any of the comics, but I kinda got the feeling it was going in that direction anyway. What will prob happen (once again, this is all speculation) is that the Whisperers will attack Alexandria. In the mayhem, Negan will escape, then end up saving the day somehow in a final act of redemption before being killed. He'll prob directly save the life of Michonne, Judith, or Rick/Michonne's little boy since Michonne hates him so much. Or maybe Maggie's life she hates him too.

3/27/2019 9:44:06 AM

All American
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Since most should have seen the thread by now, I'll touch on the annoying rumors that keep cropping up.

So there was a news deal a couple of months ago that the actress who plays Enid was selling her house and relocating to LA for her career, so everyone speculated her time was coming to an end on TWD. So wasn't remotely surprised to see her head on the spike, particularly when they kept pointing out during the episode that her BF was caught up preparing to sing for her.

It's also what took away from the whole Rick deal last year and Khorl before that. Knowing that the characters would be leaving the show really takes away from the suspense/story and the loss of characters. They've already announced one person is leaving the show next season as well.

3/27/2019 9:54:54 AM

All American
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^^ I have no problem with people who haven't read the comic commenting on what they think might happen, your theorizing is totally valid and welcome.

3/27/2019 10:02:25 AM

Duh, Winning
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They did what they had to do, but if it is found out they went through the border they could end up in a situation that could destroy everything

and perhaps there is a path to redemption for anyone

3/31/2019 10:11:19 PM

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