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 Message Boards » » So...who is, or is considering, voting for Trump? Page 1 ... 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 ... 40, Prev Next  
All American
11313 Posts
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I just feel like the "why is this even news?" crowd doesn't understand that there's a whole slew of links that they might like instead and that it is only "news" if they themselves look at it.

[Edited on February 28, 2017 at 5:44 PM. Reason : pagina 8teen]

2/28/2017 5:43:57 PM

50084 Posts
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A lot of the people saying that probably also religiously click Drudge links.

2/28/2017 6:27:52 PM

All American
11313 Posts
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But they also click on People, HuffPo, and other links through the various aggregators on the net with clickbait titles.

2/28/2017 9:05:27 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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No crazy-left response to POTUS' speech last night?

3/1/2017 11:13:18 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Why should there be? By and large is was an okay speech. Though, for me, listening to Trump stick to a script is like listening to a Middle Schooler reading aloud to their class.

That's all it was though, a speech.

Meanwhile the Right is patting themselves on the back for the President actually acting like a President for the first time in a month.

3/1/2017 11:18:57 AM

26632 Posts
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yeah, soooooo crazy
Quote :
I am Steve Beshear. I was Governor of Kentucky from 2007 to 2015. Now, I’m a private citizen. I’m here in Lexington, Kentucky, some 400 miles from Washington at a diner with some neighbors - Democrats and Republicans - where we just watched the president's address. I am a proud Democrat, but first and foremost, I am a proud Republican, and Democrat and mostly, American. And like many of you, I am worried about the future of this nation

Look, I grew up in Kentucky in a small town called Dawson Springs. My dad and granddad were Baptist preachers. My family owned a funeral home and my wife Jane and I have been married for almost 50 years. I became governor at the start of the global recession and after eight years, we left things a lot better than we found them.

By being fiscally responsible - I even cut my own pay - we balanced our budget and turned deficits into surpluses, without raising taxes. We cut our unemployment rate in half. We made huge gains in high school graduation rates and we found health coverage for over half a million Kentuckians.

We did that through trust and mutual respect. I listened. And I built partnerships with business leaders and with Republicans in our legislature. We put people first and politics second. The America I love allowed a small-town preacher's kid to be elected governor. And it taught me to embrace people who are different from me, not vilify them. The America I love has always been about looking forward, not backward, about working together to find solutions, regardless of party, instead of allowing our differences to divide us and hold us back.

And we Democrats are committed to creating the opportunity for every American to succeed by growing our economy with good paying jobs, educating and training our people to fill those jobs, giving our businesses the freedom to innovate, keeping our country safe and providing health care that families can afford and rely on.

Mr. President, as a candidate, you promised to be a champion for families struggling to make ends meet and I hope you live up to that promise. But one of your very first executive orders makes it harder for those families to even afford a mortgage.

Then you started rolling back rules that provide oversight of the financial industry and safeguard us against another national economic meltdown. And you picked a Cabinet of billionaires and Wall Street insiders who want to eviscerate the protections that most Americans count on and that help level the playing field.

That's not being our champion, that's being Wall Street's champion. And even more troubling, you and your Republican allies in Congress seem determined to rip affordable health insurance away from millions of Americans who most need it.

Does the Affordable Care Act needs some repairs? Sure it does. But so far, every Republican idea to replace the Affordable Care Act would reduce the number of Americans covered, despite your promises to the contrary.

Mr. President, folks here in in Kentucky expect you to keep your word, because this isn't a game, it’s life and death for people. These ideas promise access to care, but deny the importance of making care affordable and effective. They would charge families more for fewer benefits and put the insurance companies back in control.

Behind these ideas is the belief that folks at the lower end of the economic ladder just don't deserve health care. That it is somehow their fault that their employer doesn't offer insurance or that they can't afford to buy expensive health plans. But just who are these 22 million Americans, including 500,000 people right here in Kentucky, who now have health care that didn't have it before?

Look, they’re not aliens from some distant planet. They are our friends and neighbors. We sit in the bleachers with them on Friday night, we worship in the pews with them on Sunday morning. They’re farmers, restaurant workers, part-time teachers, nurses aides, construction workers and entrepreneurs working at high-tech startups. And before the Affordable Care Act, they woke up every morning and went to work, just hoping and praying they wouldn't get sick because they knew that they were just one bad diagnosis away from bankruptcy.

You know, in 2010, this country made a commitment, that every American deserved health care they could afford and rely on, and we Democrats are going to do everything in our power to keep President Trump and the Republican Congress from reneging on that commitment. But we are going to need your help by speaking out.

Another commitment now being tested is to our national security. Look, make no mistake, I am a military veteran myself and I know that protecting America is a president's highest duty. Yet President Trump is ignoring serious threats to our national security from Russia, who is not our friend, while alienating our allies who fought with this side-by-side and are our friends in a dangerous world.

His approach makes us less safe and should worry every freedom-loving American. Instead, President Trump has all but declared war on refugees and immigrants. Look, the president can and should enforce our immigration laws, but we can protect America without abandoning our principles and our moral obligation to help those fleeing war and terror, without tearing families apart and without needlessly jeopardizing our military men and women fighting overseas.

You know, another Republican president, Ronald Reagan, once said "In America, our origins matter less than our destination" and that is what democracy is all about.

President Trump also needs to understand that people may disagree with him from time to time, but that doesn't make them his enemies. When the president attacks the loyalty and credibility of our intelligence agencies, the court system, the military, the free press, individual Americans, simply because he doesn't like what they say, he’s eroding our democracy and that’s reckless. Real leaders don't spread derision and division. Real leaders strengthen.

They unify, they partner, and they offer real solutions instead of ultimatums and blame. Look, I may be old-fashioned, but I still believe that dignity, compassion, honesty and accountability are basic American values.

And as a Democrat, I believe that if you work hard, you deserve the opportunity to realize the American dream, regardless of whether you are a coal miner in Kentucky, a teacher in Rhode Island, an autoworker in Detroit, or a software engineer in San Antonio.

Our political system is broken. It’s broken because too many of our leaders think it is all about them. They need to remember that they work for us and helping us is their work.

Kentucky made real progress while I was governor because we were motivated by one thing - helping families. Democrats are trying to bring that same focus back to Washington, D.C.

Americans are a diverse people and we may disagree on a lot of things, but we’ve always come together when we remember that we are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you."

3/1/2017 11:18:58 AM

50084 Posts
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Pretty low key tbh, but there was no real policy to respond to. He didn't go off the rails but also didn't further anyone's agenda.

3/1/2017 12:26:16 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
", I am a proud Republican, and Democrat and mostly, American"


Also please stop trying to be moral with other people's money, you attention seeking-hack

[Edited on March 1, 2017 at 1:53 PM. Reason : moral]

3/1/2017 1:48:09 PM

26632 Posts
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trying to be morale?

3/1/2017 1:49:03 PM

All American
3494 Posts
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some old white guy who said he was a republican and a democrat criticizing another old white guy who said he was a democrat and a republican

3/1/2017 8:37:36 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Con man who paid $25M fine for fraud a few weeks ago hires other con men to commit more cons.

3/1/2017 10:16:51 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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I'd lean towards calling that a successful raid.

3/2/2017 2:46:35 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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3/2/2017 2:50:36 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"The government is taking action to find and monitor these AQAP-linked individuals because of the threat they may pose to Europe, the officials added.
The fact that officials said they are actively pursuing leads uncovered from the raid indicates that the intelligence was indeed actionable despite some media reports to the contrary.
The terabyte's worth of intelligence gathered from computers and cell phones is now being reviewed at the National Media Exploitation Center outside Washington, which analyzes documents, electronic media, cell phones, video and audio tapes seized on overseas missions.
Defense officials have told CNN that information pertaining to the location of safe havens, explosives manufacturing, training and targets was acquired in the January ground operation."

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 3:02 PM. Reason : a]

3/2/2017 3:01:29 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd lean towards calling that a successful raid."

Quote :
"What followed was a tragedy:

The SEAL team’s cover was reportedly blown and its contingency plans failed.

The reported target, a senior al-Qaeda leader, was neither captured nor killed.

According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, nine children under he age of 13 were killed and at least five more were wounded in a fierce firefight.

While the overall cost of the raid is not known, a $70 million V-22 Osprey aircraft had to be destroyed.

Owens was killed and several of his comrades were wounded.

It is unclear if the raid yielded significant intelligence."

3/2/2017 3:09:23 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"The SEAL team’s cover was reportedly blown and its contingency plans failed."

Almost happened in Abbottabad and to some extent did. I am, however, curious as to why all of their contingencies failed.

Quote :
"The reported target, a senior al-Qaeda leader, was neither captured nor killed."

A secondary mission is always to collect any intelligence on the premises. This happens far more often than you think (that is, the primary target not being there).

Quote :
"According to the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, nine children under he age of 13 were killed and at least five more were wounded in a fierce firefight."

Maybe terrorists should stop hiding behind women and children. I don't have too much sympathy here, honestly. It does suck, but it really isn't our fault.

Quote :
"While the overall cost of the raid is not known, a $70 million V-22 Osprey aircraft had to be destroyed"

We lost one of two advanced helo's in the Pakistan raid. This does not concern me. Again, shit gets destroyed in war.

Quote :
"Owens was killed and several of his comrades were wounded."

This is what happens when you're a member of SF - you get involved in the most dangerous missions. We can't expect zero casualties.

Quote :
"It is unclear if the raid yielded significant intelligence.""

This last point is really what I was referring to. Sounds like initial reports are that there may have been some significant intel. Then again, it depends on what you define as significant.

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 3:20 PM. Reason : a]

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 3:21 PM. Reason : a]

3/2/2017 3:19:30 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
"Maybe terrorists should stop hiding behind women and children. I don't have too much sympathy here, honestly. It does suck, but it really isn't our fault."

why are you assuming that this is what happened?

3/2/2017 3:28:38 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"why are you assuming that this is what happened?"

That is a valid question. I'm presuming we had the correct (that is, accurate) target and that based on precedent (the fact that they always hide in hospitals, behind civilians and based on what happened when Iraq retook Fallujah and Mosul), any women/children there were being used by them and if they weren't, at least the wives were complicit and the children were going to grow up to be terrorists themselves.

So if either of my assumptions are wrong (the first being more likely to be wrong if either of them are) then I would rethink my statements.

3/2/2017 3:41:41 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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So we should just ahead and jail the children of criminals, because they're going to grow up to be criminals themselves.

3/2/2017 3:48:18 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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You know, from a historical perspective there is a case to be made for that and it isn't weak and is strongly supported by socioeconomic and psychological research.

EDIT - Sorry, I meant a historical perspective from the standpoint of dealing with an insurgency. In terms of just normal criminals, like in the United States for instance, I'd absolutely not be for jailing the children of criminals.

I don't personally believe that, no, because we, as the United States, should strive for a higher standard than that. Even if that means having the harder fight. But in the context of a mission like this, I 100% err on the side of our operators defending themselves. In fact, I will bet whenever the final reports are made you'll find that they took more casualties as a result of trying to avoid women/children.

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 3:53 PM. Reason : a]

3/2/2017 3:51:49 PM

5608 Posts
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lol @ thegoodlife3 posting a link from leftist tabloid The Atlantic.

So in 2017, when 1 SEAL dies, it is Trump's fault and a complete disaster, anything else is "propaganda".

Yet in 2011, when 30 Americans (22 SEALs) die, it mentions Obama nowhere, and suggests "strategic decisionmakers" rethink their strategy.

You hacks need to stop reading #FakeNews

3/2/2017 3:58:13 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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lol it's doing that thing where it calls every link fake news, but refuses to show sources it deems reputable

3/2/2017 4:03:29 PM

5608 Posts
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^ I'll give you a hint, Gawker isn't on the list.

1 SEAL dies = blame Trump!

22 SEALs die = *crickets*

I know you hacks love your narratives, but please stop spamming links to #FakeNews

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 4:33 PM. Reason : lol gawker]

3/2/2017 4:10:28 PM

26632 Posts
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i like how you are making up fake news again by saying there was a crickets response

stop spreading fake news

why are you lying

fake narratives

3/2/2017 4:33:40 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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I think there is context you're ignoring there.... but you know that already, I'm sure. The real issue surrounding the 1 seals death was whether or not Trump gave enough thought to OKing the mission. This would be the mission that Obama held off on executing due to the riskiness, yet somehow became a priority a few weeks into Trumps presidency. It at least appears that this was a hastily reached decision which resulted in a clown shoes operation causing a seals death.

3/2/2017 4:40:07 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"the children were going to grow up to be terrorists themselves"

I'm glad to learn that we've found a way to justify killing children.

3/2/2017 5:14:17 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
"but refuses to show sources it deems reputable"

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 5:26 PM. Reason : that must be some tricky programming!]

3/2/2017 5:26:14 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"The real issue surrounding the 1 seals death was whether or not Trump gave enough thought to OKing the mission."

Absolutely an important point.

Quote :
"I'm glad to learn that we've found a way to justify killing children."

That's slightly out of context, but an important point nonetheless.

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 5:42 PM. Reason : a ]

3/2/2017 5:41:44 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"The real issue surrounding the 1 seals death was whether or not Trump gave enough thought to OKing the mission"

It's only an "issue" when Trump OKs a mission.

Honestly, this is as clear cut of an example of blatant leftist spin/framing/narrative crafting as there is. The kicker is it is 1 death to 30, and the leftists still find a way to have a blatant double standard.

3/2/2017 6:28:26 PM

26632 Posts
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3/2/2017 6:42:53 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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Nah, lets go with what I said instead. You know.... because your logic gets all

Look, we can all agree that even 1 death is too many, let alone 30. Which is why the POTUS is charged with giving the OK for these missions the required thought and analysis. Fact of the matter is EVERYONE characterized Obama as being someone to stay up late reading, analyzing, calculating, and gathering intelligence on important decisions. By contrast, Trump stays up late tweeting and can't even be bothered to be in the situation room when that work is being put in.
Soldiers die all the time. The reason Trump is getting flak over this is because it appears that he half-assed his way through the decision making process, and it cost someone their life.

3/2/2017 6:52:37 PM

All American
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3/2/2017 7:14:05 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"This happens far more often than you think (that is, the primary target not being there)."

Happens, but I think much less so in top-tier black spec tops. The ISR and targeting assets they have are good, and extensive.

3/2/2017 7:27:40 PM

All American
13206 Posts
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Quote :
That's slightly out of context, but an important point nonetheless.

What context is missing, did you not literally say
Quote :
"at least the wives were complicit and the children were going to grow up to be terrorists themselves"
? So because women in an area where they are second class citizens, and children who are well children, are by your reckoning either complicit or going to become terrorists some day, it's not a big deal that they died in the raid?

Quote :
"Private Joker: How can you shoot women or children?
Door Gunner: Easy! Ya just don't lead 'em so much! Ain't war hell?"

3/2/2017 7:33:50 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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I'm going out on a limb here, but I think theDuke866 knows more about these types of operations than the dude who is calling the mission a success

3/2/2017 10:03:51 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"What context is missing, did you not literally say"

The response to me about "justifying the murder of children" made it sound (to me) like he was presuming I was just saying children should be hunted down and murdered. I clearly mentioned that in the context of an SF raid, you can't get bent out of shape that a bunch of children died, particularly when:

1) they are living with terrorists
2) they are being raised by terrorists
3) they have zero chance of being educated under anything other than terrorist doctrine
4) a military operation happens at lightning speed and we should not expect SF to go in there and spend an inordinate amount of time and effort trying not to hurt individuals who are highly likely to become nothing more than future terrorists or future child suicide bombers

Quote :
"So because women in an area where they are second class citizens, and children who are well children, are by your reckoning either complicit or going to become terrorists some day, it's not a big deal that they died in the raid? "

what would you do differently?

^quite possibly. i'm simply offering an opinion. what i was really getting at is that people jumped off saying it was an unsuccessful mission before we had any feedback at all as to what type of intel was collected. for all we know, we end up capturing 50 people who were in the final stages of some major attack. we will likely never know for sure but blankly calling it unsuccessful is a bit disingenuous without knowing


This one goes into a bit more detail regarding the fact the mission was approved without good intel.

Quote :
"Several female militants ran to planned fighting positions and opened fire on the SEALs, U.S. military officials said."

Sound innocent to me.
[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 10:16 PM. Reason : a]

[Edited on March 2, 2017 at 10:19 PM. Reason : A]

3/2/2017 10:04:53 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"Fact of the matter is EVERYONE characterized Obama as being someone to stay up late reading, analyzing, calculating, and gathering intelligence on important decisions."

In your echo chamber, yes, EVERYONE praised Obama for everything, and criticized him for nothing. That is my point.

When you are reading #FakeNews like The Atlantic, 1 SEAL death from Trump is a total disaster, but 28 SEAL deaths from Obama and it was *insert scapegoat*.

If you can't see the blatant media bias by comparing those 2 articles, maybe you should stick to spamming parrot emojis.

3/2/2017 10:48:20 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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I feel like I'm really learning a lot from your posts
Go eat a dick, you intellectually lazy wingnut.

3/3/2017 5:42:18 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Ben Rhodes on Trump's claim he was wiretapped by a "sick" Obama:

Quote :
"No President can order a wiretap. Those restrictions were put in place to protect citizens from people like you."

3/4/2017 1:05:38 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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^I love that quote.

3/4/2017 1:10:21 PM

All American
10673 Posts
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obama couldnt have broken the law because its illegal

3/4/2017 1:38:16 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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^does not compute

3/4/2017 1:45:34 PM

balls deep
89698 Posts
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^^ seriously? Obama has a spotless record, and gave you 8 years of a scandal free white house. By contrast, Trump's history is literally littered with lawsuits, bankruptcies, scandals, divorces, reports of rape and sexual harassment, etc... And his first month in office as President has been full of chaos. Yet, you're willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt here? Still? That doesn't sound at all ridiculous to you?

[Edited on March 4, 2017 at 1:46 PM. Reason : carat]

3/4/2017 1:45:44 PM

26632 Posts
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Trump removed Obamas ethics rule so he can hire a lobbyist anytime for any job without disclosing it

Lol, you trump supporters got cuckolded hardcore

#draintheswamp #maga

3/4/2017 2:07:18 PM

All American
1673 Posts
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[user][user]bettroffdead[/user][/abuser] told me he votd for turmp

3/4/2017 2:48:09 PM

All American
10673 Posts
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Quote :
"^^ seriously? Obama has a spotless record, and gave you 8 years of a scandal free white house"

spotless seems to be a pretty big leap. here's another opinion:

Quote :
"Under the Obama administration’s watch, the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies from the BATF to the NLRB were illegally used to target and harass the president’s political enemies.

Federal investigations and congressional oversight were obstructed, and investigators were lied to outright — a serious crime. The administration protected the wrongdoers and saw to it that they retired with generous federal pensions rather than serving federal sentences for their crimes

. The Obama administration oversaw the illegal sale of arms to Mexican traffickers for purposes that to this date have not been adequately explained, and those guns have been used to murder American law-enforcement officers.

President Obama’s secretary of state was involved in a high-profile case in which she improperly set up a private e-mail system to evade ordinary governmental oversight; she and her associates routinely misled investigators, obstructed investigations, and hid or destroyed evidence. These are all serious crimes.

The Obama administration made ransom payments to the Iranian government and lied about having done so.

Under the Obama administration, the Secret Service has been a one-agency scandal factory, from drunk agents driving their cars into White House barriers to getting mixed up with hookers in Cartagena.

Under the guise of developing “green” energy projects, the Obama administration shunted money to politically connected cronies at Solyndra and elsewhere.

Obama’s men at the Veterans Administration oversaw a system in which our servicemen lost their lives to bureaucratic incompetence and medical neglect, and then falsified records to cover it up.

Under the flimsiest of national-security pretexts, the Obama administration used the Department of Justice to spy on Fox News reporter James Rosen. It also spied on the Associated Press.

The Obama administration’s attorney general, Eric Holder, left office while being held in contempt of Congress for inhibiting the investigation of other Obama administration scandals.

source Kevin D. Williamson

plus he had secret kill lists of people. bombed a 16 year old american citizen and his father that was also a citizen.

the point of my post was saying something couldnt have happened because its illegal is an odd response when the charge is clearly an illegal act

[Edited on March 5, 2017 at 10:36 AM. Reason : ;]

3/5/2017 10:29:58 AM

All American
8595 Posts
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3/5/2017 10:34:34 AM

26632 Posts
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sweet brietbart paste

3/5/2017 10:34:39 AM

All American
10673 Posts
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^thanks. national review actually tho

3/5/2017 10:36:19 AM

All American
3494 Posts
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Obama set 'em up

3/5/2017 7:54:31 PM

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