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Mr. Joshua
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i'm just curious, where did i say that anyoen deserved to die?

I was making an allusion to GWB almost dying due to a freedom hating pretzel several years ago.

8/8/2005 4:07:06 PM

All American
5832 Posts
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The Divided States of America.

it sucks.

8/8/2005 4:17:17 PM

392 Posts
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^^ sorry, I was talking to nerdboy

8/8/2005 4:19:49 PM

All American
22435 Posts
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Great leader we have eh.

8/8/2005 4:30:02 PM

All American
6462 Posts
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I think the Prez should speak to her - what with the manatory draft - oh wait.

8/8/2005 4:47:32 PM

All American
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If the president DID speak to her, what could he say? Would he be able to defend his decision?

8/8/2005 5:56:50 PM

All American
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Does he have to? Should he have to meet with me personally to defend his decision? Should he have to meet with every US citizen to defend his decision? Sure he owes everyone to be open about the situation, but demanding that she meet with him personally? Especially AFTER she already met with him once?

8/8/2005 6:46:59 PM

All American
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I'm not saying he has to, i'm saying IF he did, what could he say?

Also, in England, Tony Blair once a week (or is it once a month?) holds like a seminar with some of the citizens of England, where they get to yell at him, and he gets to yell back. Could you imagine Bush doing something like this? Isn't it kind of lame that we never see our president take any real questions? And when he does, he's allowed to give a terse political response, instead of something really substantial?

8/8/2005 6:51:09 PM

All American
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^ I think that's parliament... CSPAN on sunday evenings... it's actually quite hilarious to watch.

But it's not like he does this voluntarily... it's their system.

8/8/2005 7:02:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
" But it's not like he does this voluntarily... it's their system."

It would be great if it were part of our system. I bet more people would vote and take an interest in politics too.

8/8/2005 7:23:27 PM

All American
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Quote :

I know you were asking this to pryderi, but I was a volunteer firefighter (Alexis Fire Department), until getting hurt trying to help someone get out of a house. I broke my arm and had 2nd degree burns on my arms and legs. I knew the risks of doing that, but I did it anyway. We didn't have money offered to us, so there wasn't that incentive. We did it b/c we wanted to help people. I think that many go into the military b/c of the money. Don't get me wrong, there are many who go for the love of the country, but many see this as their only opportunity to have any kind of financial assistance. If you had no money whatsoever, and someone offered you money, you would probably take it, even without knowing the risks. Not everyone has money, and many have little. Whether you like it or not, some of the military aren't fighting for the red white and blue. Some are fighting for the green, whether they like it or not.

8/8/2005 10:05:48 PM

All American
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And that's why we pay them. I see no problem with this. You don't have money? We'll give you some money if you fight. Not a citizen? Go fight, you'll be one quicker.

You know the risks. You sign the contract. It's not my fault if you don't read it.

8/8/2005 10:52:35 PM

All American
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That still doesn't give the president the right to throw their lives away for no good reason.

Would it not be bullshit if the president just ordered soliders to shoot at each other? You would argue that the president can do whatever he wants, and the soliders knew the risk when they signed up.

8/8/2005 11:09:05 PM

All American
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In case anyone was wondering if Sheehan has some issues that go far beyond the death of her son…

It was really appalling yesterday to watch Wolf Blitzer let Sheehan get away with her horrid description of her meeting with Bush when CNN’s Washington bureau had The Reporter article in their hands Sunday morning.

The media is treating her as a sainted mother rather than as the hardcore leftist agitator she has become.

According to a Providence Journal article on July 27, 2005, Sheehan says she has stopped paying her taxes and is daring the government to come after her.

Also, in her speech Friday night at the Veterans for Peace conference, Sheehan is quoted by an attendee who posted a transcript of the speech over at DU that she is so full of rage that if she started hitting something she wouldn’t be able to stop until she killed it.

8/9/2005 11:24:00 AM

410 Posts
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so basically she's just going through the normal grieving process, except she had a bit of a nervous breakdown

cnn, nytimes, and other mslm are exploiting - wow

move along

8/9/2005 11:27:46 AM

All American
641 Posts
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she is an evil doer

8/9/2005 11:28:18 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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Quote :
"The media is treating her as a sainted mother rather than as the hardcore leftist agitator she has become."

waaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh. since when did republicans turn into such cry babies?

8/9/2005 11:31:33 AM

Mr. Joshua
43948 Posts
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Normal grieving process? Her son died over a year ago and now shes using his name as part of her campaign to attack the government.

Do you even know what a nervous breakdown is?

8/9/2005 11:31:58 AM

All American
4727 Posts
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I wonder if she had trouble cashing that combat death check that the government gave her when her son died. of course the likes of CNN, MSNBC, the NY Times are portraying her as the victim, it makes the War and the president look bad and advances their cause.

8/9/2005 11:58:50 AM

All American
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I bet that check more than paid for the price of her son's life.

8/9/2005 1:31:37 PM

All American
568 Posts
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^no shit, a $250,000 check, plus a free funeral.....that definitely replaces a son......oh, minus taxes of course........if i wasn't in the Army i could get a much better policy. but no one likes to insure soldiers, though your more likely to die in a car crash then on a battlefield.

I don't knock the woman because she's upset. I just ignore her and hope she comes to terms with her son's death and the decision HE MADE. She's probably more upset at herself for not stopping him from joining the military. I just wouldn't hold my breath if she thinks the prez. is going to justify himself to her.

8/9/2005 2:44:03 PM

Mr. Joshua
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She knows that he won't, so he'll look like the bad guy.

Its like in Roger and Me where Michael Moore shows up at a corporate building dressed like a bum hoping to interview auto execs. When they don't let him in the building he goes off on how they're avoiding him.

8/9/2005 2:47:48 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Dear Moorewatch people,

I’m not a member, but I try to stop by as much as I can. I’ve been following the Cindy Sheehan story fairly closely and I cannot get behind how arrogant this woman is. She’s obviously using the death of a family member for prestige and to espouse her political views. Like Jeremy Glick.

Hearing her say all the usual leftist talking points, watching her act as if she’s speaking for all the mothers of those who have fallen, listening to her demoralize our troops and their families. This all pissed me off. But then I noticed that her son’s name was Casey. I was reminded of this little item some months back…

“Dear Friends

26 years ago today, Casey was 6 hours and 49 minutes old. What a joyful day that day was. The birth of our firstborn. He was so wanted and his birth was so highly anticipated. A true bundle of joy. ..”

It was a letter, attributed to a woman named Cindy, that appeared on Moore’s site. JimK’s wife made a very convincing case that it was probably forged, and I showed it to my parents and they thought it was likely a forgery on Mikey’s part.

Okay, it’s too coincidental that there could be two women named Cindy who lost sons named Casey in Iraq and who are both ass-to-face with Michael Moore. These people were real, so Mikey couldn’t have pulled it DIRECTLY out of his ass.

And with this letter, Sheehan’s earlier praising of Bush, her present bleating, and her relationship with Moore, there are three scenarios here.

1) Cindy’s later account of Bush was true, and she only said what she said for the sake of other mothers of dead Iraq troops, but that the typical Mooreon talking points are just how she feels and Michael Moore is just taking advantage of her. She also simply has a similar writing style to Michael Moore and, if her son was a cop who died on a drug bust that turned out to be a false tip, would talk about the mayor, chief of police, etc. the same way. This means that she suddenly doesn’t care about the mothers of other dead troops and that she cares more about name calling than grieving.

2) She really did feel, about a year ago, that Bush was right and did the right thing, but somehow Michael Moore took her under his wing, as she believed him to be a kindly, concerned citizen. Helping her write her letter, he made her go out and say these things. It is possible. I mean, there are plenty of people who think Michael Moore is just a saintly elf who only wants to do good on this Earth.

3) She really doesn’t give a swimming shit about her son and when Bush grieved with her, she said all this warm and fuzzy stuff cuz--well--Bush is her celebrity connection. Later on, Moore either comes to her, or puts the word out that he’s looking for someone like her and they collaborate on said letter (actually, seeing this Sheehan on TV… I believe she could write something like this) and since her celebrity connection to Moore is bound to prove to be so much more fruitful, she dives head first into his pool of Bush bashing and anti-War Mongering.

Incidentally, her original account makes it seem, to me anyway, as if she and her husband were among many families at the gathering… her later statement makes it seem like it was just her, Bush, and if you remember her husband, him too. It could be significant, but maybe not.

What is significant is this: was appearantly off in its analysis of the letter. There really is a Cindy and there really is a Casey. On the other hand, Cindy either has a similar writing style to Michael Moore and is just as obsessed with name calling and the political aspect of the war as Moore is; or gave Michael Moore permission to write a politically-charged, vitriolic letter on her behalf and is now merrily on her way to a new life as a media darling."

8/10/2005 8:13:59 AM

All American
7755 Posts
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I KNOW that I shall meet my fate
Somewhere among the clouds above;
Those that I fight I do not hate
Those that I guard I do not love;
My country is Kiltartan Cross, 5
My countrymen Kiltartan’s poor,
No likely end could bring them loss
Or leave them happier than before.
Nor law, nor duty bade me fight,
Nor public man, nor cheering crowds, 10
A lonely impulse of delight
Drove to this tumult in the clouds;
I balanced all, brought all to mind,
The years to come seemed waste of breath,
A waste of breath the years behind 15
In balance with this life, this death.

8/10/2005 3:16:50 PM

All American
1450 Posts
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maybe if she protests enough. her son will come back to life!

8/10/2005 11:25:34 PM

All American
6462 Posts
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Only the left wing media would give this nut airtime.


8/11/2005 7:15:50 AM

All American
47925 Posts
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hahaha...and then he (^) makes a thread about an Ann Coulter article.


8/11/2005 8:38:55 AM

All American
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Quote :
"The family of American soldier Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, has broken its silence and spoken out against his mother Cindy Sheehan's anti-war vigil against George Bush held outside the president's Crawford, Texas ranch.

The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Cherie Quarterolo, Casey's aunt and godmother:

Our family has been so distressed by the recent activities of Cindy we are breaking our silence and we have collectively written a statement for release. Feel free to distribute it as you wish. Thanks Ð Cherie

In response to questions regarding the Cindy Sheehan/Crawford Texas issue: Sheehan Family Statement:

The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.


Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.


8/11/2005 2:58:34 PM

All American
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^because support for our country and our troops --> silence.

8/11/2005 3:06:21 PM

Mr. Joshua
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Do you want them to hold a war rally in their yard or what?

8/11/2005 3:14:55 PM

All American
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the letter seems to imply that activism is inherently unpatriotic and damaging to our troops and country.

8/11/2005 3:21:31 PM

All American
17913 Posts
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Let's all act like we understand this woman's grief...

8/11/2005 4:06:18 PM

All American
36908 Posts
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Quote :
"The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Cherie Quarterolo, Casey's aunt and godmother"

The aunt and god mother didn't experience nearly the same loss as the mother.

8/11/2005 4:23:22 PM

All American
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8/11/2005 10:18:17 PM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
" hdog16
New Recruit
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Quote :
"8/8/2005 1:19:35 PM

Ok that does it. I didn't want to attack a grieving mother, but fuck that bitch.

fuck her.


Fuck you guys for believing Matt Drudge.

Here's the original story, bitches.

Quote :
"Bush, Sheehans share moments
By David Henson/Staff Writer

Since learning in April that their son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, had been killed in Iraq, life has been everything but normal for the Sheehan family of Vacaville.

Casey's parents, Cindy and Patrick, as well as their three children, have attended event after event honoring the soldier both locally and abroad, received countless letters of support and fielded questions from reporters across the country.

"That's the way our whole lives have been since April 4," Patrick said. "It's been surreal."

But none of that prepared the family for the message left on their answering machine last week, inviting them to have a face-to-face meeting with President George W. Bush at Fort Lewis near Seattle.

Surreal soon seemed like an understatement, as the Sheehans - one of 17 families who met Thursday with Bush - were whisked in a matter of days to the Army post and given the VIP treatment from the military. But as their meeting with the president approached, the family was faced with a dilemma as to what to say when faced with Casey's commander-in-chief.

"We haven't been happy with the way the war has been handled," Cindy said. "The president has changed his reasons for being over there every time a reason is proven false or an objective reached."

The 10 minutes of face time with the president could have given the family a chance to vent their frustrations or ask Bush some of the difficult questions they have been asking themselves, such as whether Casey's sacrifice would make the world a safer place.

But in the end, the family decided against such talk, deferring to how they believed Casey would have wanted them to act. In addition, Pat noted that Bush wasn't stumping for votes or trying to gain a political edge for the upcoming election.

"We have a lot of respect for the office of the president, and I have a new respect for him because he was sincere and he didn't have to take the time to meet with us," Pat said.

Sincerity was something Cindy had hoped to find in the meeting. Shortly after Casey died, Bush sent the family a form letter expressing his condolences, and Cindy said she felt it was an impersonal gesture.

"I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith."

The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith.

While meeting with Bush, as well as Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, was an honor, it was almost a tangent benefit of the trip. The Sheehans said they enjoyed meeting the other families of fallen soldiers, sharing stories, contact information, grief and support.

For some, grief was still visceral and raw, while for others it had melted into the background of their lives, the pain as common as breathing. Cindy said she saw her reflection in the troubled eyes of each.

"It's hard to lose a son," she said. "But we (all) lost a son in the Iraqi war."

The trip had one benefit that none of the Sheehans expected.

For a moment, life returned to the way it was before Casey died. They laughed, joked and bickered playfully as they briefly toured Seattle.

For the first time in 11 weeks, they felt whole again.

"That was the gift the president gave us, the gift of happiness, of being together," Cindy said.

David Henson can be reached at "

The gift was the time the family spent together on the trip, not the time they spent with Bush. Dumbasses.

8/11/2005 11:36:17 PM

All American
2847 Posts
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She said she was happy with the president. Now, after talking with Michael Moore and several other left wingers, she is unhappy. Seems to me like they are using her to impose their political views and get their message out. It is funny though how the "fair and balanced" media (NY Times, LA Times) and several of the TV news channels failed to mention the fact that she was involved with MM, that she had already met with Bush before on the issue, and that she has completely changed her opinion.

8/12/2005 10:03:41 PM

All American
3174 Posts
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Quote :
"maybe if she protests enough. her son will come back to life!"

Or maybe she can get Bill Frist to watch a video of him and declare him alive.

8/13/2005 1:11:49 AM

26647 Posts
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Quote :
"She said she was happy with the president. Now, after talking with Michael Moore and several other left wingers, she is unhappy. Seems to me like they are using her to impose their political views and get their message out. It is funny though how the "fair and balanced" media (NY Times, LA Times) and several of the TV news channels failed to mention the fact that she was involved with MM, that she had already met with Bush before on the issue, and that she has completely changed her opinion.


When did she say she was happy with the president? Can you cite a source where she is directly quoted, or are you just listening to the Right Wing Sound Machine?

8/13/2005 1:33:41 AM

All American
8514 Posts
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Hard to let go when someone you love dies before their time. Parents shouldn't outlive their children.

8/13/2005 5:45:40 AM

All American
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He died fighting for freedom - not a "worthless" death.

8/13/2005 9:26:57 AM

All American
5613 Posts
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Is the right wing sound machine reporting that Mrs. Sheehan never met with President Bush still like CBS did for TWO STRAIGHT DAYS OF COVERAGE?

She's anti-bush, the media is anti-bush, her family has practically disowned this woman and sadly her grief is being used as political fodder by a bunch of leftwing nutjob opportunitists.

8/13/2005 9:47:48 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^And you just bought into it. Congratulations.

8/13/2005 10:13:31 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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Wlfpk4Life gets it.

8/13/2005 10:16:42 AM

All American
5613 Posts
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^^ When you have to hang your political hopes on the acts of a disillusioned woman then I guess you have to stoop to such levels. Congrats right back at ya.

8/13/2005 10:31:47 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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^What the fuck are you talking about? I hadn't said a word in this thread until I called you out for buying in. Not one fucking word. I'm not hanging my hopes on this woman. Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

8/13/2005 10:43:53 AM

All American
5613 Posts
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You called me out for not buying in. Get it straight.

8/13/2005 10:47:23 AM

All American
2847 Posts
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Quote :
"THE REPORTER of Vacaville, CA published an account of Cindy Sheehan's visit with the president at Fort Lewis near Seattle on June 24, 2004:

"'I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis,' Cindy said after their meeting. 'I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.'

"The meeting didn't last long, but in their time with Bush, Cindy spoke about Casey and asked the president to make her son's sacrifice count for something. They also spoke of their faith." as already posted once in this thread.

Hence I say, once she was happy with Bush, now she is un-happy.

8/13/2005 11:08:40 AM

26647 Posts
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She explicitly said she was "not happy".

Quote :
""We haven't been happy with the way the war has been handled," Cindy said. "The president has changed his reasons for being over there every time a reason is proven false or an objective reached.""

Also, alot of information has come out since her meeting with Bush. She has a right to be angry with that lying sack of shit.

8/13/2005 11:34:33 AM

All American
6462 Posts
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The left love a good flip-flop.

8/13/2005 11:44:00 AM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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Quote :
""I now know he's sincere about wanting freedom for the Iraqis," Cindy said after their meeting. "I know he's sorry and feels some pain for our loss. And I know he's a man of faith.""

Hmmm, that sure sounds markedly different from what she is saying today...

selective reading?

8/13/2005 11:55:36 AM

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