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All American
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...and people posting on page 2

11/14/2007 10:55:30 AM

(\/) (;,,,;) (\/)
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People who don't understand how to operate a thermostat. It should be set once and ever touched again.

11/14/2007 10:57:03 AM

All American
3645 Posts
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You seriously don't know how to spell 'hot'?

11/14/2007 10:59:32 AM

1587 Posts
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-people who are getting in the left turn lane to turn left, except take 1 hour to shift over to that lane while they are slowing down.

-people in easy majors complaining about work load.

-girls who complain about always being screwed over by a certain type of guys, yet keeps dating the same type of guys.

-people who complain about stuff yet take no measures to fix it.

-during rush hour on avent ferry, the buses that stop on the right side of the road, fucking over everyone in the right lane and an almost accident occurs from people trying to change lanes. (i always drive in the left till i hit gorman now).

-people who slam on their brakes for animals.

-people who make fun of my music, and say that there's is dominant/better/cool.

11/14/2007 12:31:50 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"people who are getting in the left turn lane to turn left, except take 1 hour to shift over to that lane while they are slowing down."

yeah, i almost rear-ended someone b.c of this on Avent Ferry last week.

Quote :
"girls who complain about always being screwed over by a certain type of guys, yet keeps dating the same type of guys."

I would qualify this as a Major annoyance especially when it is the SAME guy. I do not care if your boyfriend sleeps with the entire
cheerleading squad but do not bitch to me about it when you two get back together and he fucks another girl the very next week.

11/14/2007 1:13:43 PM

All American
12790 Posts
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Quote :
"Roommates leaving the AC on because "it's hot in here" when it it's 65º or less outside."

My personal favorite are the people that need to crank the AC waaaaaay down in the summer and then wrap up in blankets.

11/14/2007 1:19:40 PM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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"People still watch [some show]?" -No you arrogant fucktard it's being funded by the charity People Who Love Shows Nobody Watches. Oh my god, you're so witty!

11/14/2007 1:20:17 PM

All American
10000 Posts
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when people misuse/overuse trying:
"ask what are you 'trying' to do."

"what are you trying to get into tonight?"
"are we trying to go to that show?"
"when are we trying to leave?"

I'm trying to do my homework.

11/14/2007 1:22:33 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"-girls who complain about always being screwed over by a certain type of guys, yet keeps dating the same type of guys."

speaking of which; i had a buddy that was railing this sorostitue over the course of a year. Since i came from the same home town as the girl she felt like she could bitch about all her problems with my buddy and how he hooked up and dated other girls. yet whenever my buddy would finish dating/sleeping w/ the new girl she was more than happy to run back over to be with my friend. I finally got fed up about hearing " why won't [xxx] be my boyfriend" and blew her off.

I think in her psychotic mind she still thinks that her and my friend will get married even though neither of us have talked to this chick since summer time.

11/14/2007 1:25:47 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I hate that too

"You trying to get something to eat?"

I wanna say "You trying to suck my dick?" to some girl just to see her reaction

11/14/2007 1:26:42 PM

1587 Posts
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lol yeah dont you hate when youre friends with a girl, and basically you talk her through all her problems with her guy, solve them for her, all's well and done and she runs back to do whatever with him. So basically you're her emotional support that she should be getting from her bf, but hey it doesn't matter to her right as long as she gets it from somewhere.

11/14/2007 1:28:53 PM

All American
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part of having female friends and pivots is having to hear their drama; but i did not want to get stuck in the crossfire since the guy was MY friend first.

I must give off the "nice" guy vibe or something b.c the current girlfriend (real relationship, no other girls) always makes bitches about random shit, or wants advice. She's a nice girl, but i have only known her like 4 months and do not why she see's me as one of the "girls" as far as relationship talk goes. I end up just supplying the proper "wingman" answer and reporting back to my boy on the interrogation/complaint session i received.

11/14/2007 1:41:52 PM

New Recruit
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Quote :
"she see's me as one of the "girls""


11/14/2007 1:46:39 PM

All American
26690 Posts
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Quote :
"Roommates leaving the AC on because "it's hot in here" when it it's 65º or less outside.


Nevermind solar gain, or the fact you can't always open a window.

11/14/2007 2:09:58 PM

All American
5755 Posts
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Quote :
"roommates leaving their nasty dishes in the sink when the dishwasher is less than a foot away. then after the dishwasher has been run they open it to take out one dish but don't put up the rest of the dishes so then your can't tell if they are clean or dirty."

This too! Hate it hate it hate it. And also when the sink fills up with THEIR dishes (I work too much and never have time to cook and eat at home--and when I do it's paper plates and cups), but yet they allow them to accumulate. Gets soo bad you can't even get to the actual faucet to get water to wash your hands or whatever. And she says "I don't have time." but yet you find time to do OTHER SHIT?!?!?!? C'mon now. [/rant] Grrrr.

11/14/2007 2:15:51 PM

1587 Posts
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best solution for that = stack the dirty dishes outside her door.

11/14/2007 2:16:55 PM

All American
15758 Posts
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^Coming home to dirty dishes/pots in your desk chair and on your bed will improve one's habits in a hurry. I speak from experience.

11/14/2007 2:21:51 PM

All American
1521 Posts
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man ya'll need to learn how to not sweat the small stuff. lifes too short to let these stupid things get under your skin.

11/14/2007 2:24:40 PM

All American
6307 Posts
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stubbing my toe

11/14/2007 2:27:52 PM

422 Posts
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i actually did put her trash in front of her door that she left laying around last year.

as far as im concerned if you have time to come home and make lunch you have time to clean up your crap mess...

...another one that gets me is when said roommate doesn't know how to wipe off the stove after they are done cooking. I refuse to eat out of a dirty kitchen so i end up cleaning it up before I can eat.

11/14/2007 2:28:05 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"It makes me madder when my roommate turns on the heat to 78* because it's "chilly."

try living with someone who "likes it warm enough so that they are almost sweating"

fuck that shit

11/14/2007 2:29:12 PM

1587 Posts
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its not something you can control. Psychological studies have shown that minor annoyances cause more stress than any other situation (PSY 200). These minor events automatically trigger you to become angry.

11/14/2007 2:29:18 PM

422 Posts
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they can put more clothes on...hoodies...etc....

you can't just walk around with nothing on...when you have to live co-ed...

11/14/2007 2:30:39 PM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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People who don't do phone number rhythm right

11/14/2007 2:31:01 PM

32613 Posts
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EXACTLY... i finally had to buy a seperate AC unit for my room because i was tired of fighting over the temperature. the highest powerbill we ever had when I was in control of the AC and kept it at like 65 (they werent home one summer..) $120. The highest we had after I bought this thing and they decided it was best to turn it up and down all day, $180.

11/14/2007 2:32:00 PM

All American
9134 Posts
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OMG katy. you sound just like my mom.....and my mom is crazy

May god help the soul that gets married to you.

[Edited on November 14, 2007 at 2:33 PM. Reason : x]

11/14/2007 2:33:18 PM

422 Posts
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why do i sound crazy?

11/14/2007 2:35:59 PM

37709 Posts
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Quote :
"Psychological studies have shown that minor annoyances cause more stress than any other situation (PSY 200). "

Describes my semester! Nothing but minor annoyances up here

11/14/2007 2:37:01 PM

503 Posts
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People who don't turn their windsheild wipers off when it stops raining

11/14/2007 2:55:03 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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Quote :
"we ever had when I was in control of the AC and kept it at like 65"

65 WTF. are you like 300lbs. my theroy is i should not have to shiver in my apt wearing gym shorts and a T. Below 70 is too cold

11/14/2007 3:09:42 PM

All American
5755 Posts
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Quote :
"as far as im concerned if you have time to come home and make lunch you have time to clean up your crap mess...

...another one that gets me is when said roommate doesn't know how to wipe off the stove after they are done cooking. I refuse to eat out of a dirty kitchen so i end up cleaning it up before I can eat."

Sooooooo true! My said roommate does the same thing too. She'll leave all the dishes in the sink andddd a ton of huge spots of food/sauce/grease on the counter and stove tops. Also, I swear I sweep the kitchen like EVERY day. I hate walking in there and feeling crumbs sticking to my feet! And who wants to spend 20-30 minutes cleaning BEFORE cooking only to have to CLEAN again afterwards!?!? I sure don't. Plus, if there are CRUMBS IN THE CARPET, that is a TRUE SIGN you need to vacuum! Ugh!

ANDDDDD, said roommate has a white fan in her bedroom and I'd swear up and down that's it's black (b/c it's COVERED in dust) and she has spiderwebs in the corners of her room (that have accumulated for a YEAR). I'm sooo tired of coming home and lighting candles and incense just to enjoy living at home.

[Edited on November 14, 2007 at 3:20 PM. Reason : .]

11/14/2007 3:18:44 PM

All American
5543 Posts
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One of my roommates has two theories for doing the dishes, neither of which go together.

1: Do your own dishes.
2: Just do the dishes if they need to be done whether they're yours or not.

Amazingly enough, he doesn't really eat here any more (producing no dirty dishes) yet never does the dishes if there are some in the sink. He'll conveniently use either excuse, whenever it is applicable. But, they just don't go together.

11/14/2007 5:19:29 PM

1587 Posts
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make this rule when living with ppl...

clean up your own shit, so no one else has to clean up after someone else.

11/14/2007 5:25:13 PM

431 Posts
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^^ It's always been clean up your own goddamn dishes. Unfortunately, your lazy ass can't find time between classes and sitting in front of a computer jacking off to scuba forums to get anything done.

11/15/2007 11:08:30 AM

Zinc Saucier
18944 Posts
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oh snnnnnap

11/15/2007 11:31:32 AM

228 Posts
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The table manners of Chinese people. Head in bowl. Slurping shit up like there's no tomorrow.

11/15/2007 11:32:07 AM

147487 Posts
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haha i bet thats his roomate that doesnt eat there

seriously i have no sympathy for the people that get upset at the people that never use dishes and therefore dont clean them

i wouldnt clean up some nasty ass dishes if you were too lazy to do them

11/15/2007 11:33:32 AM

All American
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Yeah, my roommate just sits in front of her TWO computers and plays Final Fantasy XXI when she's not in class or working (which isn't very often). Grrrr...but yet she has "NO TIME." NO TIME MY ASS!! Ugh! I've never seen her sweep in the 2 years she's been there. I MEAN NEVER! She's never dusted. Never mopped. Never ANYTHING.

11/15/2007 11:35:54 AM

431 Posts
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^^ The reason why I don't eat there is because his dirty dishes are always in the sink. I just got tired of cleaning up his shit if I wanted to eat.

[Edited on November 15, 2007 at 11:37 AM. Reason : ^^]

11/15/2007 11:37:20 AM

147487 Posts
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dude let me be the first to say

i'm sitting butt ass naked no homo...i live by myself which means naked time all the time...and i clean up my own mess, and my own fucking dishes...and its fucking grand

i'd get a one bedroom if i were least then you know when you are cleaning its your mess

and no one drinks your milk etc

11/15/2007 11:38:50 AM

41738 Posts
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I have roomates and still walk around naked.

11/15/2007 11:42:22 AM

All American
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11/15/2007 11:44:25 AM

All American
1128 Posts
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People who use the phrase "that being said."

11/15/2007 11:47:06 AM

179 Posts
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thats a good one, also the people who feel the need to add "if you will" to the end of any off the wall comment they make

drives me CRAZY!!!

11/15/2007 11:50:44 AM

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i like people that put "what not" in a post and use it good

everytime i try i fail at making it sound natural

11/15/2007 11:53:10 AM

All American
12790 Posts
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I got a kick out of reading a lot of these replies. That being said, I found several of the ones dealing with the use of certain phrases to be rather tripe... if you will. I'd prefer to see posts that deal with heating and air conditioning and what not.

[Edited on November 15, 2007 at 12:01 PM. Reason : -]

11/15/2007 11:59:26 AM

422 Posts
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i would get a one bedroom apt if i could afford it...but since my fam owns the condo i live in and my other roommate's rent basically pays for me to live here....i guess i will shut up for now...

11/15/2007 12:06:16 PM

322 Posts
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Charles, it's Cleetus who touches the thermostat. Throw on a f'n sweater, its 80 + degrees up here and my window is open. You can sleep with more clothes on, but I can only take so many clothes off...

(In before "haha, his roommate is a TWW noob," I usually discuss things face to face...)

11/15/2007 4:09:43 PM

322 Posts
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and i just did the dishes , no harm no foul.

11/15/2007 4:47:37 PM

41738 Posts
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set em up


11/15/2007 5:08:00 PM

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