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All American
8264 Posts
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Traitors and cowards.

1/31/2020 3:53:05 PM

All American
846 Posts
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i wish i had a transcript of every conversation Murkowski had this week.

1/31/2020 6:27:17 PM

All American
25799 Posts
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I hope a moose fucks Lisa Murkovski to death

1/31/2020 6:27:27 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Can't single her out at all. There are 50 other people who betrayed their oath.

1/31/2020 7:09:48 PM

10230 Posts
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not surprised, but fuck what a disgrace

1/31/2020 8:20:50 PM

2001 Posts
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This thing should be over tonight. Schumer made a backroom deal to drag it out through Wednesday just to fuck up the iowa caucus and state of the union. Thats all they wanted anyway.

1/31/2020 9:37:18 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Murkowski saying congress has failed and she can’t support continuing a failed process

Who are Senators supposed to write when there’s a problem with government?

1/31/2020 10:18:49 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"Its like OF COURSE trump's an asshole. OF COURSE trump is inappropriate (pretty much all the time) and OF COURSE he wanted an investigation from Ukraine. OF COURSE he wanted an opportunity to damage Biden No one is debating any of that. The debate has always been if this is something so egregious that its worth impeachment. I already state from the beginning that I think Trump has committed impeachable offenses but I don't think this is anywhere close to being one of those. Democrats wouldn't impeach him over the real crimes because they know they are complicit.

It really seems like the democrats are more loyal to Ukraine and Joe Biden than they are to the American people. They lie and say Trump risked American national security but Ukraine has NOTHING to do with our national security. American people never demanded this aid to Ukraine. Some people care about it but for those who do, I'm sure it isn't a top priority.

Imagine typical Americans out in the midwest like "life was good until Trump withheld aid from Ukraine" or "Every morning I woke up afraid I may not be able to send millions of dollars to Ukraine anymore" or "hunter biden deserved that job and i will not tolerate the president picking on him" or "no presidential candidate or their family should ever be investigated". I'd bet most Americans strongly disagree with all of those statements."

Someone called this on November 19th.

1/31/2020 10:40:49 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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What do you guys think of this strategy?

Read the full thread because he responds to several objections that people bring up, and is totally gung ho about doing it again.

2/1/2020 12:08:09 PM

All American
2050 Posts
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^I didn't read the whole thread, my apologies if this was addressed and I missed it:

I know a president can be impeached multiple times. What I don't know: Can a president be impeached twice for the exact same thing? Would double jeopardy apply?

2/1/2020 7:13:39 PM

26632 Posts
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A senate trial is not a criminal trial

2/1/2020 9:08:14 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Fuck it...gather more evidence and impeach him some more. That's the silver lining of having that pussy narrow-scope impeachment the first time, I suppose.

2/2/2020 2:56:31 PM

2001 Posts
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Waste even more time on impeachment all while nothing gets done. God forbid the legislators actually....legislate.

2/2/2020 3:02:44 PM

Tom Joad
72761 Posts
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They have no business legislating jack shit.

2/2/2020 4:03:31 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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seriously. why would anyone want any of them to do anything? I wish we could double their salaries in exchange for them doing half as much.

The Democrats potentially self-immolating while knifing Trump while not fucking up anything else while making the complicit Republicans look bad...that sounds like a win-win-win-win.

2/2/2020 4:08:23 PM

All American
14123 Posts
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Quote :
" Waste even more time on impeachment all while nothing gets done. God forbid the legislators actually....legislate.

LOL at this disingenuous horseshit

2/2/2020 5:56:33 PM

2001 Posts
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Everyone talked about prison reform and improving our infrastructure when they were running. I'm sure there are a lot of things outside of increased military budgets that Republicans, Democrats, and the American people (yes those are 3 separate entities) could agree on and get Trump to sign.

2/2/2020 6:00:26 PM

All American
2050 Posts
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Quote :
"Waste even more time on impeachment all while nothing gets done. God forbid the legislators actually....legislate."

Until you propose a solution for getting past the McConnell legislative block, this comment is absolutely meaningless.

2/2/2020 6:01:55 PM

2001 Posts
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Of course Mcconnel is a big part of the problem. He needs to sit down with Schumer and Pelosi and get something done or all of them should just gtfo.

[Edited on February 2, 2020 at 6:05 PM. Reason : they aren't even sending things to the senate though]

2/2/2020 6:04:08 PM

6283 Posts
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Hopefully he loses senate race this year but i doubt it

2/2/2020 6:08:03 PM

2001 Posts
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Pelosi's primary is March 3rd and most people don't even know about it. I'm hoping the Bernie field teams are encouraging votes for the other progressives down the ticket. Thats the only way some improbable upset could happen.

2/2/2020 6:23:02 PM

2001 Posts
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LMAO right on que Trump just ran a criminal justice reform ad in the superbowl

2/2/2020 6:58:14 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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2/2/2020 7:15:27 PM

6283 Posts
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Screamed “i know a black person”

2/2/2020 7:37:50 PM

All American
9974 Posts
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Everyone thought it was Bloomberg at first and there was a running bet in who’s add would be on first.


2/2/2020 7:40:08 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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Quote :
" they aren't even sending things to the senate though"

yeah, just 400 or so

2/2/2020 8:04:23 PM

26632 Posts
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because of course horosho fell for that nonsense too

2/2/2020 8:18:32 PM

2001 Posts
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I didn't fall for it but many will. My posts came before that ad if you look at the timestamps. But of course the geniuses at the Trump campaign will take advantage of every situation and use it to paint him as a hero of criminal justice reform. They played it as he's the only one who delivers on the issue.

Dems could be pushing big ticket legislation and holding him to it then going to the media about how republicans are rejecting it even though trump and the people all want it and force him to ally against republicans or look like a hypocrite.

But of course, the dems have no idea how to play politics and rather just stick with a strategy that is guaranteed to fail.

[Edited on February 2, 2020 at 8:25 PM. Reason : that, i can tell you]

2/2/2020 8:24:54 PM

26632 Posts
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You said they're not sending things to the senate

Thats rightwing misinformation, and you fell for it

You fucking moron

2/2/2020 8:27:35 PM

2001 Posts
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Those aren't genuine because they know Trump won't support it while they are simultaneously trying to entrap him. Mcconnell said he would reject progressive bills and theres been a lot of progressive bills. Save that for when we have a progressive president. Right now, they don't get to make the rules so they should look for low hanging bipartisan fruit that they agree on instead of trying to impeach trump right before the election. Dems lost bad but never acted like it. Never BELIEVED it.

If you play by their rules, the failures will fall squarely on them and the successes will show that you bent over backwards to work with them in good faith for the benefit of the people. I know democrats know how to do bipartisan legislation because its all they did when they had control over everything. Its the Pelosi/Obama/Reid legacy.

2/2/2020 8:44:03 PM

Save TWW
37144 Posts
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Beat Trump by sending bills Trump wants, classic

2/2/2020 9:42:18 PM

26632 Posts
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2/2/2020 9:43:30 PM

2001 Posts
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Its not the job of the house to "beat Trump" by legislating him out of office. thats literally them not doing their job as intended and is some bullshit Mcconnell made famous.

Its the job of presidential campaigns and voters to win elections. Not the government.

2/2/2020 9:55:34 PM

Save TWW
37144 Posts
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It's also not their job to pass legislation Americans don't want

2/2/2020 9:59:02 PM

All American
14123 Posts
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A divided Congress is excellent

2/2/2020 10:17:41 PM

6283 Posts
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^^^i thought you liked the constitution?

2/2/2020 10:21:12 PM

50084 Posts
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Ok, we gave this Earl iteration a chance to prove he was arguing in good faith and not being a contrarian shithead. It’s passed. Time to ignore.

2/3/2020 6:31:02 AM

2001 Posts
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I wouldn't say what I'm about to say if it only applied to you just to call you out, but it applies to a growing number of people in this country and is the main reason for our division so I'm going to break it down.
Quote :
"Time to ignore."

You can surround yourself with like-minded people and ignore people who don't think like you for the rest of the life but its going to make you less smart and lead to more frustration amongst everyone in the long run.

Eventually, you become so ideologically isolated that you start to actually believe anyone who doesn't think the way you and the people you've surrounded yourself with think is mean-spirited and thinking differently just to annoy YOU, even if the opinion they hold is of the majority.

Sure, its the convenient thing to do, we've all done it to some degree because its a lot easier to have discussions with people who are like-minded, but we need to teach more of our people to see the value in diversity of opinion, even towards opinions we see as harmful. If we don't teach our people how to engage in discussion with people who don't think like them (and keep their cool), they will push them away and everyone will diverge further and further away from each other leading to increased animosity in a time when we need to be bringing people together.

[Edited on February 3, 2020 at 10:53 AM. Reason : k]

2/3/2020 10:52:23 AM

All American
27962 Posts
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Seriously. He's a troll. He's been a troll on this board for years and years.

2/3/2020 10:53:01 AM

10230 Posts
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Quote :
"Ok, we gave this Earl iteration a chance to prove he was arguing in good faith and not being a contrarian shithead. It’s passed. Time to ignore."

2/4/2020 9:28:28 AM

4362 Posts
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I have been skipping over his bullshit for months now, you guys gave him too much rope.

2/4/2020 1:34:37 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Everyone has a hysterical friend that has been convinced that Trump would be removed from the office soon. You could take any two week period of time, and it would always be something. Russia, Pissgate, Stormy Daniels, grab 'em by the pussy, whatever. This time was different - Trump was finally finished.

Let's just grant that all of that stuff is awful and makes Trump worthy of removal. Let's take that off the table.

What I want to know is: did anyone actually believe Trump would be removed? Was it just wishful thinking? When people talk about Trump Derangement Syndrome, this is what they're talking about. It's a total detachment from reality, resulting in a warped ability to anticipate likely outcomes.

It's like Bernie supporters. You have to know that he isn't going to be allowed to win. He already got railroaded once by the DNC, but at the end of the day, he was a coward and backed down from the Hillary machine. The same thing will happen this time. Bloomberg, Biden, or whoever will just pay the price of admission and Bernie will be left out in the cold. The guy is just the perfect specimen to get rolled by the establishment.

[Edited on February 4, 2020 at 5:25 PM. Reason : ]

2/4/2020 5:23:56 PM

26632 Posts
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Weren't you one of the "no evidence" people?

2/4/2020 6:18:28 PM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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I don't know what that means, but it doesn't actually matter. I'm not going to argue about whether he should be removed, I'm just saying that there was never any chance of him being removed and anyone who thought otherwise was delusional.

2/4/2020 7:50:55 PM

26632 Posts
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So probably yes, and look how far you've moved those goalposts

2/4/2020 8:34:26 PM

All American
33759 Posts
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Collins said trump did a bad thing and he’s sorry and won’t do it again. Asked about this trump said he did nothing wrong and it was a Perfect phone call

GOP are a bunch of idiots who can’t accept the reality they’re enabling a mortal cancer on the American government.

2/4/2020 9:12:33 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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they know exactly why they’re doing what they’re doing

2/4/2020 9:36:55 PM

All American
8264 Posts
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Quote :
"Collins said trump did a bad thing and he’s sorry and won’t do it again."

If she actually said this, then fuck Susan Collins and the other 51 traitors.

[Edited on February 4, 2020 at 11:19 PM. Reason : a]

2/4/2020 11:18:41 PM

50084 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm just saying that there was never any chance of him being removed and anyone who thought otherwise was delusional."

This... this isn’t a contested opinion. Literally no one on here thought he’d be removed by a Republican Senate. I’m sure there was but I also don’t recall anyone in any position of power claiming he would be.

2/5/2020 8:42:51 AM

All American
8264 Posts
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Correct. The issue was we at least hoped for more of the truth to come out.

2/5/2020 12:33:20 PM

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