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Save TWW
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"playing into his hands" means doing something he wants you to do so he can win a victory. But either way, let him try to "milk" his numerous obvious crimes being reported every day.

7/9/2019 1:11:21 PM

26632 Posts
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Nancy Pelosi on the possibility of investigating or impeaching Acosta: "It’s up to the president, it’s his cabinet. We have a great deal of work to do here for the good of the American people and we have to focus on that.”

what a fucking joke, the democratic party has no leadership

7/9/2019 1:40:04 PM

2001 Posts
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I'm glad people are finally start to come around on Pelosi to see who she is and has always been. The bar is rising slowly but its moving. Ideas I was called a troll about 5-10 years ago are now in the mainstream and I'm confident the left's disdain for democratic leadership will continue to gain traction.
Quote :
"A spokesman for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has thrown down the political gauntlet with a declaration that the “greatest threat to mankind” is the “cowardice of the Democratic Party.”"

The statement is strong but its not even hyperbole. Its quite literal. Getting these people out of party has to be our primary initiative. We can't control the far right. They are always going to be who they are but I'll be damned if we just sit by and let people like Pelosi capitulate to them on our behalf.

We need true leadership and it has be a litmus. Politics isn't a game. If theres only going to be 2 parties then we must defeat the democrats before we can take on the republicans. We are literally in a fight for our lives as well as the entire future of the planet and have to start acting like it.

7/9/2019 9:53:00 PM

50084 Posts
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Jesus Christ, quit posting horseshit long links that fuck up every mobile page. It makes it impossible to read and you are the only one who does it.

7/10/2019 8:32:04 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Deleting the question mark and everything after it in the URL should still leave you with a workable link:

7/10/2019 9:59:23 AM

All American
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Democrats need to pick their battles Better

This pelosi-AOC feud on Twitter is stupid

7/13/2019 10:28:34 AM

26632 Posts
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But I thought Pelosi said we needed party unity not tweets?!

7/13/2019 4:21:59 PM

2001 Posts
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^^^ Good to know.

Pelosi needs to be taken down and embarrassed publicly before she ends up being replaced with someone just like her or worse. She's the biggest opponent to progressive values because even if Trump and Republicans didn't exist, she'd still be a barrier to the entire progressive agenda. She opposes border humanity, the green new deal, and medicare for all. Let the donations floweth

[Edited on July 13, 2019 at 11:06 PM. Reason : k]

7/13/2019 11:02:42 PM

26632 Posts
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Lol, now they've got McCaskill attacking AOC too

7/14/2019 10:50:05 AM

All American
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Quote :
"I hope Dems see the 4-step Trump pulled here:

1. Rs smear prog. critics of Israel as antisemites; cowardly Ds help
2. Rs smear prog. critics of concentration camps as antisemites; Ds help
3. Trump attacks them w/ racism
4. Ds awkwardly defend ppl they helped smear as antisemites"

Dems have a bad habit of giving conservative and inch and then act surprised when they take a mile.

7/15/2019 8:00:12 PM

?? ????? ??
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75% of American Jews still support the Democratic party. And most of them still like Israel. It's the Christian right who gets all uppity about Israel and Holocaust references, while we all know it's faux outrage meant to serve their selfish causes.

7/16/2019 2:24:24 AM

50084 Posts
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Jesus fucking Christ is this the most Democrat thing ever.

7/16/2019 1:19:14 PM

26632 Posts
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giving a snippet of a poll without any background info or context for axios to publish, and attacking progressives by giving insulting comments to the press from "unnamed sources" is pretty peak centrist democrat

7/16/2019 1:46:03 PM

50084 Posts
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Hahahahah, Pelosi called Trumps tweets racist and the GOP moved to strike down the words and they’ll probably win so Pelosi won’t be able to speak on the floor the rest of the day.

God Congress is a complete freak show.

7/16/2019 3:56:28 PM

All American
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I don't think they'll win. I think she has a good argument the words weren't "maligning" since its just a fact.

7/16/2019 4:26:38 PM

Tom Joad
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We’re not quite there yet. We still need to get to someone nearly beating someone else to death with a cane.

Probably only a matter of time til someone waves around a gun, tho.

7/16/2019 5:40:37 PM

All American
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^^ they lost.



7/16/2019 5:43:31 PM

Save TWW
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Ugh someone is trying to force a vote on articles of impeachment that will probably lose. HOLD HEARINGS. DRAW IT OUT!!

7/16/2019 5:50:42 PM

26632 Posts
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When dem leadership refuses to do that, what other options do you have than trying to force a vote?

7/16/2019 8:23:40 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
".@SpeakerPelosi clarified today she is not calling Trump a racist, she is calling Trump's words racist"

Democrat leadership is just not able to deal with Trump, they have no idea what they're doing

This is just embarrassing, they've learned nothing, they have no plan

7/17/2019 2:14:02 PM

50084 Posts
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The President being a felon isn’t impeachment worthy to Nancy.

(seriously, the fact a sitting POTUS can’t be indicted is literally the reason to use impeachment. It’s the only way to hold the position accountable.

7/18/2019 7:13:04 PM

All American
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^^ agreed. It was dumb to call it racist, since that conversation goes nowhere (zero common ground to be found in that claim). Call it something else: ignorant/hateful/hypocritical/unAmerican/ironic/whatever.

She did the Dems zero favors, and played right into his hand. She's playing chicken with about a 50% success rate these days.

7/18/2019 8:05:50 PM

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The problem was backing down from it

7/19/2019 6:11:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"So before explaining what the Dems are doing wrong right now, a little history...In 1990, white supremacist David Duke ran for U.S. Senate in LA, and in 1991 for Governor. He lost both times but both times he won the majority of the white vote (60 and 55% respectively)...

7/21/2019 4:26:40 PM

26632 Posts
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great twitter thread

7/22/2019 8:27:24 AM

Save TWW
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Jesus christ, they are discussing extending the debt ceiling to July 2021

Geniuses of bipartisanship over here.

7/22/2019 2:46:49 PM

26632 Posts
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i mean it's not like they would have any clue how to take advantage of a debt ceiling debate anyways

7/22/2019 3:19:04 PM

50084 Posts
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Actually, providing no opposition to Trump and allowing him to break all norms and laws with no repercussions isn’t good for Dems 2020 prospects.

It’s crazy that Pelosi doesn’t realize that impeachment proceedings would make Trump go absolutely mental and turn off so many needed voters in 2020.

7/22/2019 3:56:43 PM

All American
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Is her concern that will rally the base? Like that wasn't going to happen anyway? Between all the dirty laundry an impeachment would air out and his imploding, I can't imagine anybody who was on the fence would be like "yeah I'm convinced he should get another four years".

What am I missing that makes impeachment not a bad idea?

7/23/2019 12:24:35 AM

26632 Posts
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it's not a bad idea because it will energize democratic voters who have lost faith in the party, who see everything bad that trump and his party represent and see no one holding them accountable

it will also hurt trump and cause some republicans to stay home when his crimes are front and center every day. trump's popularity also falls when he goes on rants, and impeachment is a major trigger for his unhinged rants.

7/23/2019 9:17:37 AM

All American
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At this point I know very few democrats who would be more likely to vote for a dem candidate if impeachment happened.

If you're a democrat and not already dedicated to voting for any of our 20 options rather than Trump, then there is something wrong.

I know you and I went back and forth about this before and we disagree, so I'm not trying to rehas that, but what I am saying is if you have dems who should vote dem no matter what then impeachment has no upside there. But I do see potential downside that could impact electoral college odds.

7/23/2019 10:20:15 AM

26632 Posts
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you live in a bubble

Quote :
"If you're a democrat and not already dedicated to voting for any of our 20 options rather than Trump, then there is something wrong.

2016 happened, democratic turnout was down, this is a fact that "moderates" have forgotten. we need democratic turnout to go up - not holding trump accountable doesn't do that.

[Edited on July 23, 2019 at 10:26 AM. Reason : not calling trump a racist also doesn't do that]

7/23/2019 10:24:02 AM

All American
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I believe there are two facts missing from your statement.

1) people thought dems had it in the bag, 95% chance of winning. Turn out was low because the stakes weren't seen as very high.

2) in 2016, we were moving off of 8 years of Obama. Being on the 'winning side' for so long has a tendency to drive complacency, which results in low turn out. Think 2008 elections here. Democrats came out in full force. It dropped in 2012. It dropped in 2016. The thing here is that Bush is a walk in the park as compared to Trump. I'd expect the similar sort of drive and motivation in this election cycle to restore order.

7/23/2019 10:54:19 AM

26632 Posts
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so we shouldn't care that this is a great rallying issue because trump is so bad that people will show up anyway even though they didn't last time?

great strategy

7/23/2019 11:15:57 AM

All American
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While I get your question was sarcastic, the answer is actually a yes.

7/23/2019 11:39:11 AM

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"trump is bad, hillary is going to win, we don't need so many field offices"

"trump is bad, any democrat will win, we don't need to worry about mobilizing voters"

7/23/2019 11:50:50 AM

All American
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I haven't advocated in any way not to mobilize voters, only that impeaching Trump doesn't mobilize voters in a significant way. I also haven't said that democrats are destined to win, but that democrats are already primed to vote for their candidates. Again, it's independents who typically sway elections.

7/23/2019 12:12:18 PM

26632 Posts
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it's not independents who sway elections, it's who mobilizes their base. independents who don't lean towards a party are not very politically active.

[Edited on July 23, 2019 at 12:22 PM. Reason : .]

7/23/2019 12:21:04 PM

All American
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I'd take millions and millions of dollars spent by smart individuals, with heavy analytics to court these voters as a sign to the contrary.

7/23/2019 1:06:32 PM

Save TWW
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Which "smart people" are you referring to?

7/23/2019 1:13:27 PM

26632 Posts
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the democratic strategists who have lost 1000+ seats nationwide

indpendents who don't lean towards a party make up less than 10% and they vote at a rate that's half of what other people vote, it's a fools errand to court them.

[Edited on July 23, 2019 at 1:19 PM. Reason : .]

7/23/2019 1:17:11 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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Quote :
"I'd take millions and millions of dollars spent by smart individuals, with heavy analytics to court these voters as a sign to the contrary."

what a hilariously empty statement to make in 2019

7/23/2019 1:36:31 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"it's who mobilizes their base"

This is true, and we live in a world where people are more inspired by personality than policy. They'd rather vote on who is most entertaining rather than who is best for the country.

7/23/2019 2:22:36 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What am I missing that makes impeachment not a bad good idea?"


7/23/2019 3:47:17 PM

Save TWW
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Naacp unanimously calls for impeachment

7/23/2019 5:29:55 PM

Save TWW
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The case for a more fighting democratic party

7/23/2019 10:25:29 PM

26632 Posts
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Gepetto is reading that with a silly hat and a cup of coffee in a burning room wondering what the fuss is about, everything is fine

7/23/2019 10:42:48 PM

All American
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^I'm not sure why you'd describe a gif instead of posting it.

But my principles are pretty straight forward and seem to be the same that the party leadership is currently following. It's not good to be entirely passive and let situations topple you, but it is likewise not good to be too strongly on the offensive. Sometimes you have to play the subtle long game and that is the strategy I view as the best.

I get some of you disagree, but I have as of yet to see a well thought out, sound description of how impeachment would be so much better (no compare and contrasts in outcomes). What I continue to see are one to two liners that either over simplify or hyperbolize any conflicting narrative into something that no longer represents the original comments.

The more I think about it, it's that sort of response that reinforces my belief that those begging for impeachment are being rash instead of well thought out.

7/24/2019 8:45:03 AM

26632 Posts
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if you read that and still don't see an argument for impeachment that's a you problem, not an issue with the argument

7/24/2019 8:46:34 AM

All American
6092 Posts
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You seem like a real pain in the ass malcontent who has no depth. SRSLY.

7/24/2019 9:12:54 AM

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