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All American
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A Tanzarian for the motherfucking win

10/14/2016 12:59:25 AM

All American
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Quote :
"what security clearance does Clinton currently hold that would be taken away? Under what circumstance and by what mechanism would she lose her clearance in the foreseeable future? She's either going to be President, in which case the security clearance is a requirement of the job, or she's not and she won't have any likely need for a clearance in the first place. This is all just theater.

Edit: Just read a bit more about the status of her current clearance. And I guess that former cabinet secretaries often maintain a security clearance in order to advise future administrations or to reference their own files and work in the future. But in the case of Presidential candidates, no clearance is needed for the briefings that they receive and Presidents cannot have their clearances revoked because of the nature of the job.

Clinton was an original classification source too which i'm sure changes the nature of the regulations that apply (but I don't know for sure).

And considering how few classified emails were sent by clinton originally (like 1 or 2 IIRC), it's clear she was using the proper procedure for 99.9% of the classified communications. In the previous cases cited where people used the wrong email for classified content, there was specific intent to do so. It doesn't seem at all like Clinton was intending to leak classified info. And as secretary of state, and an original classification, i think she does get some prerogative in how the content is handled, that would be applied to anyone in her position. There's nothing wrong with the top dog having this privilege in the state department.

It's also worth considering the gov. email system was compromised for at least a year, so you can't argue merely using the gov. email was safer.

Quote :
"Federal law enforcement, intelligence and congressional officials briefed on the investigation say the hack of the State email system is the "worst ever" cyberattack intrusion against a federal agency. The attackers who breached State are also believed to be behind hacks on the White House's email system, and against several other federal agencies, the officials say.

Her intent, however foolish and misguided, was likely the same intent Colin Powell also advised her on, which was to skirt records laws, but this would have never worked unless the emails were between her and other people on the same email server, which doesn't seem to have any other critical state department or government staff anyway.

What she did was wrong, and should have some sanction, but I can't see how you can argue it was criminal or even that negligent. It was just a pointless waste of resources based on the flawed idea that emails worked like physical letters and destroying them on 1 end destroys them everywhere.

10/14/2016 1:17:37 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"what security clearance does Clinton currently hold that would be taken away? Under what circumstance and by what mechanism would she lose her clearance in the foreseeable future? She's either going to be President, in which case the security clearance is a requirement of the job, or she's not and she won't have any likely need for a clearance in the first place. This is all just theater."

I think the idea here is that if you are unable to get a security clearance you should not be eligible to run for President. People can debate all they want if what she did was illegal, but I don't think there is any argument if anyone else had done anything close to this they would have had their clearance revoked at a bare minimum.

10/14/2016 8:32:23 AM

26632 Posts
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reminding page 3 that goalilox thinks snowden and wikileaks are the same thing

10/14/2016 10:19:30 AM

All American
11252 Posts
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i don't think they are the same. i do believe that snowden was not acting in the best interests of our country and instead committed one of the biggest acts of treason and espionage since the fall of communism. and i believe snowden's interactions with wikileaks, wikileaks subsequent reveal to be operating in the interests of the kremlin, and his eventual safe haven in russia are not coincidental

[Edited on October 14, 2016 at 11:01 AM. Reason : ,]

10/14/2016 10:55:39 AM

50084 Posts
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The most bizarre thing is how so many people don't understand how investigative reporting works. Seen lots of green frogs on twitter up in arms about how the Times and Post reached out to Clinton campaign for comment before publishing stories... Or EXACTLY what they did to Trump and any other politician before publishing stories.

10/14/2016 12:19:03 PM

5608 Posts
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I find it troubling how none of the DNC hacks have a problem with the collusion between Loretta Lynch, Obama, Clinton, Comey, and the media elevating a politician above the law. She used her position as secretary to get bribes from foreign countries, then deleted evidence post subpoena, then gets away with it and somehow gets to be POTUS after the corrupt DNC stole the nomination and the media coordinated their tape release as an October surprise to finish off the GOP.

Now the DNC can get a few more million democrat voting peasants from Syria/Mexico and gain even more power, that should help out with the already corrupt situation.

But hey, some orange billionaire fucks bimbos. #UnawareAndCompliantCitizenry

[Edited on October 14, 2016 at 2:32 PM. Reason : hacks]

10/14/2016 2:31:56 PM

All American
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at what age did you decide to become a white supremacist?

10/14/2016 4:01:03 PM

5608 Posts
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Triggered Clinton voter?

10/14/2016 5:49:33 PM

All American
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at this point I want Clinton to win so we can get more butthurt JCE posts.

10/15/2016 7:52:53 AM

50084 Posts
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Disseminating some of the GS speeches. She should have released them as soon as she beat Sanders.

So politically stupid to hide those. Campaign has made some just baffling mistakes.

[Edited on October 15, 2016 at 3:21 PM. Reason : Very little we didn't already know/think about her ]

10/15/2016 3:21:12 PM

5608 Posts
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Don't read those, its Russian Propaganda for Trump! HRC would never lie

10/16/2016 2:56:04 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
4921 Posts
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Quote :
"the media coordinated their tape release as an October surprise to finish off the GOP."

Is this actually a widely held belief?

10/17/2016 6:33:42 AM

All American
52661 Posts
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^ hell yes...maybe near-universally held on the right.

^^^ yes, absolutely. The GS speeches that I've seen basically paint her as a more centrist pragmatist. I mean, they also paint her as a two-faced, Machiavellian lying-ass politician with something between disregard and contempt for the electorate, but that was priced in by pretty much everyone, anyway.

10/17/2016 11:40:01 AM

8379 Posts
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Here are summaries of the Podesta leaks so far, for anyone who is interested:






10/15/16 :


10/17/2016 11:59:42 AM

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Also shit is going down today.

10/17/2016 12:00:43 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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Is there anything to back up the 'state party' claim? Or even a description of what 'severed' means? Did someone trip over a cable during an Ecuador Embassy staff mixer?

Seems like Assange's connectivity problems could be solved with a cell phone.

10/17/2016 1:08:40 PM

8379 Posts
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Assange is an extremely talented programmer and cryptologist since the late 80s. Read his bio on Wikipedia. If they say it was a state actor, I'm inclined to believe them.

Lots of possibilities: they cut access to his VPN, cut access to the whole embassy, jammed his electronics, used whatever NSA/CIA/FBI tools we don't know about, etc.

[Edited on October 17, 2016 at 1:23 PM. Reason : .]

10/17/2016 1:20:48 PM

50084 Posts
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He also has a monetary reason to say these type of things. He has the entire GOP in the palm of his hands with all the DNC and Clinton stuff..

10/17/2016 1:41:30 PM

5608 Posts
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Wasn't it Clinton who suggested a drone strike on Assange?

10/17/2016 2:23:21 PM

8379 Posts
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They are saying it was Ecuador.

She made a joke asking if they could "drone him".

10/17/2016 4:20:19 PM

5608 Posts
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LOL @ DNC getting caught paying people to instigate violence at Trump rallies and paying hobos.

10/17/2016 5:17:51 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
10992 Posts
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I have to admit that "state party" sounds a lot more ominous than "Ecuador, whose embassy I've been living in for four years."

10/17/2016 5:26:50 PM

26632 Posts
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mom picked up the phone and started dialing and it kicked me off aol

10/17/2016 6:01:59 PM

All American
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He tweeted out three 256bit SHA tags just before losing internet, with one being labeled "Ecuador". The other two were "John Kerry" and "UK FCO". Maybe Ecuador had a moment of panic thinking one of the files was full of secrets about them?

[Edited on October 17, 2016 at 8:04 PM. Reason : or someone at the embassy unplugged the router by accident.]

[Edited on October 17, 2016 at 8:07 PM. Reason : or the US is forcing an extradition right now, and Assange is retaliating on the active parties.]

10/17/2016 8:01:58 PM

All American
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No clear answers yet. The only source saying Assange had internet cut is Wikileaks. The only source saying it was a state actor is Wikileaks. To my understanding, they are controlling this story. It could all be true, or they could just be posturing again. Based on previous experience, it could be either.

That being said, part of Assange's arrangement with Ecuador is that he doesn't stir the pot too much or pick sides. Wikileaks is definitely working against Clinton/DNC recently, going so far as to provide the Trump team with early access to the information they are dumping.

10/18/2016 2:24:23 PM

50084 Posts
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Is there any proof of that (aside from one nutty guy claiming it -- Roger Stone)? Just asking because I haven't heard that.

10/18/2016 2:59:56 PM

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10/18/2016 3:09:17 PM

All American
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Quote :
"So much for the #FirstAmendment. #Ecuador cut off #Assange’s internet at U.S. request, #WikiLeaks says"


(from James Asher, whoever he is)

[Edited on October 18, 2016 at 9:47 PM. Reason : verified on twitter, though]

10/18/2016 9:46:12 PM

All American
42526 Posts
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Nice short video on how wikileaks has changed the world

10/18/2016 11:08:45 PM

Sup, B
52724 Posts
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Quote :
"What she did was wrong, and should have some sanction, but I can't see how you can argue it was criminal or even that negligent."

Other than the fact that the FBI director spelled out the exact elements of an existing statute that she broke, before he pointed out that she missed one element of another statute, sure.

Quote :
"i don't think they are the same. i do believe that snowden was not acting in the best interests of our country and instead committed one of the biggest acts of treason and espionage since the fall of communism. and i believe snowden's interactions with wikileaks, wikileaks subsequent reveal to be operating in the interests of the kremlin, and his eventual safe haven in russia are not coincidental "

Keep on drinking that establishment Kool-aid. Snowden revealed grossly unConstitutional behavior on the part of the NSA. He's a fucking hero. The NSA is the one committing treason.

10/19/2016 12:18:13 AM

26632 Posts
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If they actually have anything bad it would be in Russia's interest to release it after the election. Before the election it's probably not enough to get trump elected but after the election it.might be enough to have her administration stuck in a quagmire of scandal, investigation and impeachment.

(I don't think they have anything bad, I think they would have released it earlier, but at this point if they have something I wouldn't expect it until after the election)

10/19/2016 6:53:37 AM

All American
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Yeah I guess that is possible. At this point there isn't much that could come out that would get a Trump win unless it was direct evidence she did something criminal but at this point they probably assume that wouldn't even have an effect based on what has already happened.

Man we sure did fuck this one up royally hope we manage to survive for 4 years so we can hit the reset button.

10/19/2016 8:43:57 AM

8379 Posts
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The people trying to frame Assange as a pedophile are linked to the Center for American Progress/Podesta.

They've also been making threats against his lawyer (his previous lawyer was killed by a train).

[Edited on October 19, 2016 at 11:39 AM. Reason : .]

10/19/2016 11:35:57 AM

50084 Posts
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^^ did we survive the last 40? Because Clinton is basically an extension of that. Not sure why you continuously act like she is some bomb ready to explode like Trump.

Now, a vast group of Americans want change which is why they really didn't want Clinton to win... not that she will do something catastrophic.

[Edited on October 19, 2016 at 11:39 AM. Reason : ^ I mean that is pretty conspiratorial but would explain his Trump helping more]

10/19/2016 11:38:43 AM

8379 Posts
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It reads like conspiracy because it's a developing investigation. It all seems to add up, though. Wikileaks tweeted the link, however much credibility you give them:

I don't think it's about helping Trump for Assange, it's about taking down Clinton. And he seems to have good reason to do so.

[Edited on October 19, 2016 at 11:46 AM. Reason : .]

10/19/2016 11:44:08 AM

26632 Posts
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also explains why they went after podesta emails

10/19/2016 11:54:27 AM

All American
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Quote :
"If they actually have anything bad it would be in Russia's interest to release it after the election. Before the election it's probably not enough to get trump elected but after the election it.might be enough to have her administration stuck in a quagmire of scandal, investigation and impeachment.

I got mocked for saying that two weeks ago. Amazing how opinions change so quickly over things like this. An estimated 45% of votes in this election are anticipated to be via absentee and early voting, so continuing to dribble out information now has everything to do with hurting the Clintons and little to do with supporting Trump.

10/19/2016 12:07:45 PM

50084 Posts
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What's the difference?

Only a few out there people have said (on here at least) that he was actively working with trump, no? At some point out to get Clinton equals helping Trump and vice versa.

I'm not claiming anything sinister though I do think there is a Russian connection but it has always seemed like a good old fashioned grudge.

10/19/2016 12:13:53 PM

8379 Posts
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I think it's a little more than a grudge. Clinton wants him dead or in prison. They're making threats against his lawyers (seriously read that second link I posted, scary shit). It's possible they had his previous one killed.

But on top of that, he founded Wikileaks because he believes in transparency and making the world a better place. I think he still has that in mind, whether you agree with his actions or not.

10/19/2016 12:27:05 PM

50084 Posts
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He lost the plot a long time ago in my opinion. Who wouldn't after being in isolation for so long?

I sound like a broken record but even Snowden was highly critical of his complete and utter lack of curation recently.

[Edited on October 19, 2016 at 12:41 PM. Reason : X]

10/19/2016 12:38:26 PM

All American
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Another interesting take I heard is that if they prove the source of the documents is Russian, it opens state-condoned espionage charges against Ecuador. Right now Assange is definitely breaking his agreement with Ecuador, and the only thing keeping him possibly safe is the information in the document dump they are sitting on.

10/19/2016 4:27:18 PM

8379 Posts
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Their Twitter is getting increasingly bizarre.

And one of their ally organizations posted this:


10/21/2016 12:41:40 PM

50084 Posts
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The timeline reads like an oppo research search dump at this point.

Not sure how anyone can claim that Assange's goal is anything but some sort of vengeance at this point.

(Though I still believe that anything that comes from WikiLeaks is fair game to cover and judge)

[Edited on October 21, 2016 at 12:59 PM. Reason : X]

10/21/2016 12:59:07 PM

All American
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what's wrong with Assange's goal being revenge at this point? Hillary tried to have him framed as a Russian plant and a pedophile in the last few weeks, and did an incredibly shitty job of covering her tracks.

10/21/2016 1:21:41 PM

26632 Posts
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twitter isn't loading for me

10/21/2016 1:45:06 PM

All American
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it's been down for over an hour

10/21/2016 1:55:07 PM

5608 Posts
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The way the democrats try and frame the wikileaks issue is always entertaining.

Evil Russian hackers manipulating our election or Assange seeking revenge is the story, not an exposure of corruption!

Its like getting caught cheating on your wife, but instead of admitting it and fixing it you try and play the victim card because she violated your privacy in the first place.

10/21/2016 1:55:07 PM

8379 Posts
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It's a DDOS attack against various DNS providers. I haven't had any issues in Denver.

10/21/2016 2:20:52 PM

All American
18474 Posts
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Quote :
"The way the democrats try and frame the wikileaks issue is always entertaining.

Evil Russian hackers manipulating our election or Assange seeking revenge is the story, not an exposure of corruption!

Its like getting caught cheating on your wife, but instead of admitting it and fixing it you try and play the victim card because she violated your privacy in the first place.


It should be looked as two seperate things. Sure there is proof of tons of corruption which once the info is available should be followed up on. You can be happy that corruption is being exposed but also upset at the way it was done. In the end someone is still hacking into a whole lot of stuff in this country and if its actually foreign states that is a huge problem even if its exposing this sort of stuff.

10/21/2016 2:47:35 PM

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