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All American
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5/4/2022 9:27:26 AM

Burn it all down.
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I mean, my complaints are just of the people who don't realize the ramifications of the things they want or they don't understand the powers of the President. Like Biden doesn't have some button on his desk to make Manchin vote his way.

So lets play this out, Senate Dems somehow eliminate the filibuster and codify Roe into law without an amendment. Some Texas judge immediately forces an injunction to stay the law. It gets to the VERY conservative SCOTUS who go 'Well, Congress shouldn't even have the ability to regulate abortion anyways', so out goes things like FACE. But wait! If Congress doesn't have the ability to regulate abortion, maybe they don't have the ability to regulate any healthcare that they've been using the Commerce Clause for, lets throw those cases in front of SCOTUS too...and suddenly out goes the remaining bits of the ACA.

And that absolutely biggest gripe of mine, leftists who don't bother to vote. Like the whole student debt thing, Biden's already been expanding forgiveness, but there are loads of people saying 'Well, I'm not going to vote unless Biden forgives MY debt'.

Like holy shit, I'm sorry Biden isn't the perfect president, dude has a lot of flaws and was never my first pick, but I still show up and vote in every goddamn election. Midterms matter, but youth turnout is ABYSMAL for it. Show up and vote is by FAR the best thing one can do to hope to effect change.

5/4/2022 10:08:25 AM

All American
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Every time there's some issues that the Dem's lose on I think to myself "ok maybe now they'll show up to vote" only to be proven wrong.

5/4/2022 10:45:40 AM

All American
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The leak shouldn't have happened.

Having said that, WTF is SCOTUS thinking? WTF?? The Democrats are on track to get stomped in the midterms. Why would they even think about doing something that could mobilize almost every independent in the country? JFC. Striking down Roe v Wade will have absolutely zero impact on actual abortions - most states will have a state within driving distance that allows them. This is so some Christian conservative can go to sleep at night feeling good about themselves.

I realize that they weren't planning on pushing this until later, but that doesn't matter. Even entertaining such a repeal is political suicide.

5/4/2022 1:45:35 PM

All American
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Quote :
" Striking down Roe v Wade will have absolutely zero impact on actual abortions - most states will have a state within driving distance that allows them."

come on, man

also, leaks are great and more people should leak

5/4/2022 2:05:46 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
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Even odds the leak was from a conservative clerk who wanted to lock in the opinion or vote.

Quote :
"Having said that, WTF is SCOTUS thinking? WTF?? The Democrats are on track to get stomped in the midterms. Why would they even think about doing something that could mobilize almost every independent in the country?"

If by "WTF is SCOTUS thinking," you mean "WTF are the five justices on the majority thinking," I'm guessing the answer is something other than "Thinking about how to get Republicans to win the 2022 midterm elections." These are lifetime appointees, three of whom are young enough that they'll still be around for the 2042 midterms at least. They don't give a fuck if this saves the Dems' bacon this fall, even if we ignore the notion that the Supreme Court shouldn't give a fuck about politics, period.

Quote :
"Striking down Roe v Wade will have absolutely zero impact on actual abortions - most states will have a state within driving distance that allows them."

This is so profoundly stupid, so easily, demonstrably untrue, that I really do think you should punch yourself in the nuts twice for having typed it out. This decision, if allowed to stand, will have a staggering impact on the number of people who receive abortions - particularly safe and legal ones.

5/4/2022 2:12:18 PM

All American
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it’s one of the most blatantly ignorant things I’ve seen in a while

like, you have to go out of your way to be that ignorant in 2022

5/4/2022 2:27:34 PM

All American
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If anything, it will put more pressure on states to go blue.

5/4/2022 2:29:02 PM

Burn it all down.
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Also, many states have trigger laws in place to take effect when Roe is overturned, ie the laws are already on the books.

5/4/2022 2:29:19 PM

All American
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"hey guys all i was saying is planned parenthood can give out travel vouchers to poor people in oklahoma so they can go to california or canada to get an abortion. that way when christians die they dont have to explain to jesus anymore why they lived in a country that killed babies."

[Edited on May 4, 2022 at 2:31 PM. Reason : hey guys maybe it will stop the blue to red state migration ]

5/4/2022 2:30:44 PM

All American
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Hey, personally I think trying to overturn Roe v Wade is stupid, and not just politically. I'm pro-choice all the way. But abortions are going to happen whether the feds or the states control how.

I was listening to something on the way home from lunch - Texas is already planning to go after organizations that assist those who go out-of-state for abortions. I think these types of laws are going to be unpopular for the majority of folks.

5/4/2022 2:42:07 PM

All American
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a case study in how years and years of poisoning your brain is hard to reverse

5/4/2022 2:57:18 PM

All American
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Who has been doing the poisoning, because I'm not one that ingests conservative media.

I'm pro-choice, anti-abortion, if that's a thing. I think abortion is the wrong choice to make, but everybody has the right to make whatever choice they want. That sounds more libertarian than anything else.

5/4/2022 3:47:47 PM

All American
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for starters, you fell as hard as one could fall for those deceptive Project Veritas undercover videos a few years ago

between that and your first post on this page, you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to abortion

5/4/2022 3:53:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
" So lets play this out, Senate Dems somehow eliminate the filibuster and codify Roe into law without an amendment. Some Texas judge immediately forces an injunction to stay the law. It gets to the VERY conservative SCOTUS who go 'Well, Congress shouldn't even have the ability to regulate abortion anyways'"

I don’t think democrats have the leverage to eliminate the filibuster without pulling a house of cards move and going after manchin and sinema personally like the gop is doing to cawthorne— I don’t doubt the leverage could exist but I question If democrats have the conviction.

But if they do pass a law, I don’t see SCOTUS overturning it— if they did Biden would be entirely justified in expanding the courts to resolve it.

5/5/2022 12:35:06 AM

All American
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they don't have the leverage then, either. Manchin would go GOP, or tell the Dems to get fucked and either survive their onslaught, or not...and if not, he'd be replaced by a Republican.

The Dems cannot hammer Joe Manchin into being a party-line Democrat. It is not desirable or smart to even try. Just be fucking ecstatic to hold a centrist seat in one of the reddest of states that would otherwise have a hard-line right winger.

Quote :
" Texas is already planning to go after organizations that assist those who go out-of-state for abortions. I think these types of laws are going to be unpopular for the majority of folks."

The Texas law is absolutely mind-bindingly stupid. I don't even mean in terms of abortion or whatever. I mean in terms of its conflict with the notion that money is protected speech, and opening the door to blue states making laws so that their constituents can be legal vigilantes via civil lawsuit, too.

[Edited on May 5, 2022 at 1:05 AM. Reason : ]

5/5/2022 1:00:10 AM

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Quote :
" But if they do pass a law, I don’t see SCOTUS overturning it— if they did Biden would be entirely justified in expanding the courts to resolve it."

Why even entertain this?

5/5/2022 1:33:49 AM

Burn it all down.
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Of course they don't have the votes to eliminate the filibuster, it's why it's so insane to try to promise the electorate impossible things to get them to vote.

5/5/2022 7:21:58 AM

All American
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I guess I worded what I was trying to say extremely poorly - what I was trying to say was that abortions will continue to happen whether they overturn Roe v Wade or not - legally in other states, or illegally and dangerously in states that have banned it. My apologies for sounding like an idiot.

5/5/2022 9:40:12 AM

Save TWW
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5/5/2022 10:01:46 AM

Burn it all down.
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Democrats don't have the votes to expand the court or anything else that opinion piece suggests, so it's all a moot point.

As Duke mentioned, Manchin can't be 'shamed' by Biden, so what would you like to happen?

5/5/2022 10:40:06 AM

All American
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Not sure there is much Biden can do immediately, but he can grease the rails for a future solution (which I hope is more of a near or medium term schedule). Biden should just start trashing the SCOTUS majority and delegitimize it as much as possible. There is a lot of material to work with here since they are all garbage human beings. Dems need to be grooming public opinion now so that when an actual solution presents itself, you can strike without having to build support first.

The other key is to go all in on swing state legislatures and start campaigning hard to grab some seats. We need state houses moving to protect privacy freedoms.

5/5/2022 2:37:19 PM

Burn it all down.
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Biden is getting judges confirmed at a record pace, I simply don't see how him trashing SCOTUS helps, leave that to his surrogates. Dude is fulfilling his promise to get much needed diversity on the bench, but you simply don't hear about it because the Circuit court isn't sexy.

5/5/2022 2:58:28 PM

All American
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Circuit court judges don’t mean shit if every legal opinion or precedent they craft, no matter how airtight, can just be jettisoned for the Supreme Court majorities’ partisan preferences.

5/5/2022 3:14:56 PM

Burn it all down.
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SCOTUS docket is only so big, so it's a hell of a lot better than nothing.

Do you really want Biden actively calling SCOTUS illegitimate? Or attacking Justices personally? I don't understand what you want here.

5/5/2022 3:26:39 PM

All American
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Pretty much. I want Biden to walk in front of a camera on National TV and wonder aloud if Ginni Thomas has cashed her checks from [insert forced birth advocacy org here] yet. I want him to joke in interviews about floating six digits on his credit card for his buddies’ baseball tickets. I want him to remind the court what Catholicism says about lying and bearing false witness. I want him to openly call the Gorsuch seat stolen. I want him to call the federalist society a big donor slush fund designed to buy the Court. And on and on, there is a lot of material here.

The Court majority hides behind the decorum of the court. Tear the decorum down and make SCOTUS the partisan entity the majority already treats it as. Once the rails are greased even MAGA smooth brains will be on board for ethics reforms. If it gets bad enough the court could even have to institute the reforms on themselves. From ethics reforms it’s a direct line to term limits, which are already pretty popular. Hopefully that’s enough to right the ship b/c I kinda doubt any of the other efforts I’ve read about would be successful.

[Edited on May 5, 2022 at 4:08 PM. Reason : Autocorrect is horrible]

5/5/2022 4:07:34 PM

All American
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just met with Christian Smalls

that’s a very good thing

5/5/2022 4:25:06 PM

Burn it all down.
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So you want Biden to be more like Trump?

I am ABSOLUTELY fine with DoJ investigating Thomas independently. I am ABSOLUTELY fine with Congress investigating the Justices as part of their oversight.

However Biden getting on camera doing what you're describing feels wrong to me. Let his surrogates do that. Let's members of Congess do that.

5/5/2022 4:25:07 PM

All American
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Biden met with the ALU peeps

5/5/2022 4:28:15 PM

Burn it all down.
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^ Fantastic news

5/5/2022 4:31:29 PM

Save TWW
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^^he must have seen your post gg

5/5/2022 4:36:34 PM

All American
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fucking rules

5/5/2022 4:37:09 PM

All American
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Quote :
" So you want Biden to be more like Trump?

I am ABSOLUTELY fine with DoJ investigating Thomas independently. I am ABSOLUTELY fine with Congress investigating the Justices as part of their oversight.

However Biden getting on camera doing what you're describing feels wrong to me. "

5/6/2022 10:15:41 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Missed this yesterday, but Gavin Newsom is ripping Democrats in D.C. & arguing they’re getting smoked by GOP on abortion.

“Where the hell is my party?”

“This is a concerted, coordinated effort and yes, they’re winning. Where’s the counter-offensive?""

Gavin Newsome starting his primary campaign? One of the Dems i would like LESS in the white house than Biden or Harris, hopefully they shut him up.

5/6/2022 12:17:21 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Who WOULD you like?

5/6/2022 6:52:26 PM

Burn it all down.
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I'd guess AOC

5/6/2022 6:55:50 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Who WOULD you like?"

I don't know, all the people I like are prob either too old or too young. And probably a pipe dream at least for the next 6-10 years.

5/6/2022 8:47:56 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Drop a few names, because so far, I only know who you don't like.

5/6/2022 9:03:03 PM

Save TWW
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During the primary I was a big Warren fan. I like Bernie but think he can be to harsh, Warren seems more likely to get stuff done. I think most of the more center candidates are for marginal change and maintaining status quo but huge problems like climate change, Healthcare, widening gaps bw rich and poor, and now the right to choose, all require radical change. That will be extremely difficult but the first step is someone at the highest level advocating for that radical change. I think one of a presidents first jobs is selling their vision to the public, if they can do that the rest gets a tiny bit easier. I think the candidates I've like have been fighting an uphill battle against party establishment media and ingrained American individualism, but in the long run I guess they haven't done good enough yet selling their vision.

If I had pick a more center candidate, Pete is better than Biden/Harris. Younger than Biden and seems to have a bit more policy than Harris. I liked what Harris had to say early in the campaign but she saw the winds blowing and shifted to better position herself.

I don't know maybe this all is makes me loony/stupid/unrealistic but I think we're fucked if we don't change things.

And maybe not even me! Ill probably be fine, I am indeed very privileged in many ways, but people I care about, those less fortunate, and future generations will be fucked.

5/6/2022 10:03:40 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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5/7/2022 7:06:49 AM

All American
43383 Posts
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^^we're fucked right now. But alright

5/11/2022 8:51:04 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Why does Biden keep raising my gas prices?! Don't y'all know the President sets the price of gasoline each morning? Why does he hate America and the freedom to pollute we so cherish?!

5/11/2022 9:29:32 AM

All American
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back to somalia we go

5/17/2022 6:06:34 AM

All American
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Seems like Biden admin is not trying to restore Iran deal

Biden was my last choice of the Dems, but I had hoped hed do at least these things
X Undo trumps immigration policy
X Keep Covid transmission low
X Significantly expand green energy
? Restore Iran nuclear deal
? Hold leaders of 1/6 accountable
? Restore Cuba relations

He’s gotten ukraine mostly right, he’s reassured international allies, he’s publicly expressed support for unions, but I can’t think of any other major accomplishments

He’s kept most of trumps tariffs and immigration policies, he’s been slow and incompetent in responding to crises like trump, he’s done exactly what trump would have done on Covid

I really feel hugely disappointed in him

5/20/2022 11:42:40 PM

All American
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^I know there was also disappointment surrounding both of these bills, but the American Rescue Plan (COVID relief) and the infrastructure bill were significant pieces of legislation that absolutely helped the country.

For me, that monthly child credit in the Rescue Plan was a big deal, even though I didn’t have kids. It was America dipping her toe into what real middle class economic relief might look like. Of course I’m disappointed it was not renewed by Manchin and the GOP.

The infrastructure bill will be paying the country dividends for years. I can tell you that a lot of hard infrastructure design criteria is already incorporating climate change resiliency planning. The bill also spent billions on things like electric car charger installs all over the country. Of course there is a disappointment that hangs around the infrastructure bill as Build Back Better was decoupled from and eventually defeated by Manchin and the GOP.

5/21/2022 7:43:20 AM

Save TWW
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Not really a thread on this, so I'll just keep it here. Relevant again with the embarrassing display in Texas
Quote :
"Reminder of what this phrase means."

5/27/2022 1:51:19 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services invoked the Defense Production Act for a third time in less than a week — moving to ensure Cargill Inc. can deliver the raw materials needed to maximize production of infant formula."

White house twitter

5/28/2022 3:11:35 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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^Are you suggesting that this adds to or detracts from credibility?

5/29/2022 7:28:17 AM

Save TWW
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5/29/2022 10:31:21 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Thx! But Trump never would have let something like this happen in the first place! He would have cut the regulations and red tape and allowed Abbott to poison babies.

5/29/2022 1:00:25 PM

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