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All American
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Pandemic has really opened a lot of cracks in our society.

School funding shouldn’t be tied to property taxes. Rich people’s schools are going to easily be able to deploy ppe and other measures. While poorer schools continue to struggle.

7/7/2020 8:41:03 PM

Save TWW
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Re covid recovery bills, Pelosi and the filibuster
Quote :
".@brianbeutler nails it. The filibuster will be a major impediment to economic recovery. "

7/10/2020 12:33:31 PM

Save TWW
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It's wildly frustrating that the party left a void that the Lincoln Project seems to be filling: produce frequent and relevant ads attacking Trump.

LP will now be flush with cash and, if Biden wins, ready to return back to normal ol republicans in November. I'd set the O/U at time it takes to go from "elect Biden" to "remove Biden" at about 6 months from inauguration.

7/14/2020 2:28:13 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I'm not convinced those ads would be just as effective coming from the DNC or a left-leaning PAC.

7/14/2020 4:17:59 PM

Save TWW
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When viewing the ads do you think most people know that is a right leaning pact?

But I guess we'll never know

7/14/2020 4:29:34 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Being from a right-leaning PAC gives those ads an audience they wouldn't otherwise have and offers some insulation against using attack-the-messenger to write off the content of the ads.

7/14/2020 6:18:41 PM

Save TWW
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That's all purely a guess though and also semi avoids the point. The democrats/Dem PACS should have been pounding ads like this long ago. If LP wanted to come along and bring more ads and maybe even more effectiveness, great for them. However, my hypothesis is that Dem partisans would likely feel much less desire to fund LP and RT their ads if equivalent content existed from the left.

Im not mad that LP exists, I'm mad that there was such a gaping hole to feel and that funds are being diverted that will almost def be thrown back in their face in a year.

7/14/2020 6:35:55 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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How much are Dem partisans donating to LP?

7/14/2020 7:35:25 PM

Burn it all down.
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I immensely enjoy those ads from LP. I think they are more effective coming Republicans. That said, I won't give them a single penny and I don't see many dems giving to them either.

The wing of the Republican party behind LP will be fighting for control of the party from the Jim Jordan/Matt Gaetz/Tucker Carlson wing. Personally I'd much rather the LP/Romney/Kasich people be in control of it, so them being flush with cash isn't a huge issue for me

7/14/2020 7:50:22 PM

Save TWW
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^^I suppose you have me there, I don't have proof of donors just assuming with how many Dems interact, there are surely some also donating. I can't backup that claim at all, however.

And the main point is still that Dems should have been running attack ads on trump for years instead of being worried about focusing on "issues"

^I don't care who runs the republican party I just want them to lose every election they can

[Edited on July 14, 2020 at 8:20 PM. Reason : E]

7/14/2020 8:08:18 PM

All American
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Yes, the dems should be pumping out ads like this. No, most people don't know which PAC pushes ads, nor that those ads come from a right leaning group. Those of us who do are exceptions and not the rule.

Yes, the LP wing of the party will fight for control and I think we're all hoping they get it (left and right leaning on this site alike). I think it is funny because Romney was a boogie man at one point and if he ran now I'd cry tears of joy. Funny enough he could have run as a democrat this cycle and probably won- slight hyperbole.

7/15/2020 11:39:21 AM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"^I don't care who runs the republican party I just want them to lose every election they can"

all republicans are bad. imperialism & institutional racism are still bad under a veneer of "respectability"

7/15/2020 11:45:23 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"#NeverTrump @ProjectLincoln raised $16.8M in Q2, drawing several six and seven figure checks from a handful of Democratic megadonors, spent $4.6M on independent expenditures, $2.28M on operating expenditures, and ended the quarter with $10.8M on hand."

Quote :
"Improving from Q1 when Lincoln Project faced accusations of being a ScamPAC on account of 90% of their expenditures being paid out to Lincoln Project members and their firms, only ~86% of its operating expenditures/IEs went through Lincoln Project members and their firms in Q2."

Also some stuff later about hiring democrat staff but I still contend thia group will pivot next year is Biden wins.

7/15/2020 4:11:14 PM

Burn it all down.
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I'm not sure why you wouldn't care which direction the Republican party is going and who is leading it. There would be a vast difference between a President Kasich and a President Carlson. Even at lower levels there are stark differences between the more centrist Republicans and the tea party ones

7/15/2020 9:23:30 PM

Save TWW
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Let me rephrase that a tad. I don't care enough to think its at all worthwhile to give them a single dime at the national level.

Essentially the entire republican party has shown their colors, I'm not really interested in Romney or kasich rehabilitating Graham or mcconnel or somebody. The republican party is a party of cruelty regardless of who is in charge, at least in my adult life.

[Edited on July 15, 2020 at 10:25 PM. Reason : E]

7/15/2020 10:22:52 PM

All American
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they’re the party of “fuck you, I got mine” and no amount of cordiality will be able to paint over that

their mask is off and it ain’t going back on

7/16/2020 12:44:14 AM

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[Edited on July 16, 2020 at 9:50 AM. Reason : Oops; wrong thread]

7/16/2020 9:50:18 AM

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58% of Democrats just voted against reducing Pentagon spending by 10%

7/21/2020 7:49:32 PM

6274 Posts
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You say that like it is a bad thing.

7/21/2020 7:56:59 PM

1331 Posts
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Yes, StTexan, it is a bad thing, considering the amount of actual good that money could do.

7/21/2020 8:42:15 PM

All American
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At the very least I'd prefer they tackle the fucking waste problem.

7/21/2020 8:53:11 PM

6274 Posts
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^^ fair enough. But 10% is really a drop in the bucket anyways. Could raise everyones taxes 1% and probably make up that money. Shit prob could make it up just taxing the top 1% that much

7/21/2020 9:22:21 PM

Save TWW
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^I thini you've find a position that nobody from any party would agree with nice!

"sure it's wasteful, but just raise taxes!"

7/21/2020 9:49:39 PM

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Can't see anything wrong here!

7/21/2020 9:54:26 PM

2001 Posts
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Why would the democrat party do something that wasn't in their platform and wasn't what they ran on? Sure there are dozens of exceptions to this within the party but those are well represented in the vote tally. The vast majority of democratic voters consistently vote against cutting military spending so this is on brand.

7/21/2020 10:00:37 PM

All American
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^^Ignoring the massive portion of military spending that is abject waste along with entirely unconstitutional and ridiculous wars like Iraq, I have absolutely no problem with spending significantly more than anyone else on the planet on the military.

Conservatives don't want to touch the waste and want to wage ridiculous wars such as Iraq.

Liberals think if we reduce our spending to the level of the U.K. that somehow we'll still remain on top and that China, Russia and any other combination of enemy nations won't eclipse us in capability and technology.

Focus on the insane waste and inefficiencies on the military side of things. Then direct your attention to the tax situation.

But to do any of that - gerrymandering, campaign finance and lobbying all have to be tackled. Until then, not a single thing will change.

7/21/2020 10:29:00 PM

6274 Posts
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Quote :
" ^I thini you've find a position that nobody from any party would agree with nice!

"sure it's wasteful, but just raise taxes!"

Oh please your liberal ass would have a policy worse than mine. Just saying

7/22/2020 2:06:18 AM

Save TWW
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Hey relax I didn't judge the value of your policy just the popularity

[Edited on July 22, 2020 at 7:45 AM. Reason : You seem to be a liberal too, hate to break it to you! ]

7/22/2020 7:40:54 AM

All American
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I think the party is on a very wrong way now or on the wrong side of history and needs a long time to recover, since Yang and Sanders left the race.

7/22/2020 10:29:48 AM

All American
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AOC is exactly what I want in an elected official and I hope there is a wave of more people like her

7/23/2020 1:58:29 PM

Save TWW
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123-36 against MFA in the midst of the prime evidence that MFA is needed

7/27/2020 7:40:09 PM

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They also voted against marijuana legalization by a similar margin. Useless party. Can’t wait to vote for Gloria La Riva again.

7/27/2020 11:58:27 PM

All American
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it was super dumb to vote against it, but it wasn’t by a similar margin

[Edited on July 28, 2020 at 1:20 AM. Reason : .]

7/28/2020 1:19:27 AM

2001 Posts
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Well democratic progressives have no idea about how to negotiate. This is what happens when you get in line and guarantee your vote before getting any concessions. Why wouldn't they move the platform as far to the right as possible when everyone on the left has pledged their vote? Your vote is your only power. Without that to dangle, you mean nothing. Bluffing means nothing. There has to be a real threat to get anything you won't. Otherwise, you just get walked over repeatedly. Republicans understand this so prepare to see this watered down ass administration get worked even further to the right by a republican minority just like 08-10.

[Edited on July 28, 2020 at 12:48 PM. Reason : learn to game]

7/28/2020 12:47:14 PM

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It’s totally fair to argue that the Democrat platform hasn’t moved far enough left to your liking.

But it’s blatant revisionism and outright lying to say it’s lurched right under any metric available.

7/28/2020 5:12:10 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says Democrats are willing to agree to a new coronavirus stimulus package that doesn't include an extension of an extra $600 in weekly unemployment benefits, saying the party's position is not "$600 or bust.""

7/28/2020 5:14:40 PM

All American
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Biden choosing a running mate next week

My opinion is it’ll be Kamala. She’s put the work in with the party and the dnc loves to reward loyalty.

[Edited on July 28, 2020 at 10:30 PM. Reason : ]

7/28/2020 10:18:26 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Biden/Cornpop 2020

7/28/2020 10:29:54 PM

All American
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Collapse in Florida seems like

For some dumb reason the most conservative democratic candidate was painted as a socialist

11/3/2020 8:16:19 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Never count on Florida to do anything good.

11/3/2020 8:28:50 PM

Save TWW
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11/3/2020 11:02:43 PM

oh we back
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Quote :
" Never count on Florida to do anything good."

And yet they also voted to approve $15 min wage. Maybe It’s how the Dems are campaigning and what they are (or are not) campaigning on that hurts them.

My point is, no matter how moderate or liberal a dem runs they will be labeled a communist, socialist, baby killer. But if they pick and choose certain issues that really resonate with voters...that’s how they may have a chance win in places they haven’t been winning. I’m no poli sci expert or anything. It’s just my opinion. Liberal ideas and the overall Democratic platform probably isn’t why they lost FL.

[Edited on November 4, 2020 at 12:39 PM. Reason : G]

11/4/2020 12:35:26 PM

2001 Posts
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The party is on its last leg anyway. It took biblical circumstances just to keep them from getting landslided. ACB freed up a lot of republicans to vote for Biden on red tickets. Once COVID and Trump are gone, the democrats literally have nothing left.

11/4/2020 1:15:57 PM

Tom Joad
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11/11/2020 2:27:19 PM

All American
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^^ What is your supporting evidence there? Looking at the long record of democrats netting the plurality or majority of votes since 1992 (only one loss, and that was to a sitting president during a war in response to an attack on American soil) would suggest otherwise.

The majority of Americans moving left on issues such as climate, racial relations, and economic equality (Pew Research) would also suggest otherwise.

Just curious what you're seeing to support your point of view.

11/12/2020 9:26:44 AM

2001 Posts
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So many stars aligned in this election for Biden to barely win. The senate still indicates which party the country more aligns with.
Quote :
"democrats netting the plurality or majority of votes since 1992"

This is an arbitrary metric. How many times do I have to say the popular vote is not even a thing. I'll look past it.

1. Times were different in the 90s.

You are combining completely different eras. Obama is the Michael Jordan of public speaking and really put magical hope into the hearts of people that he could take us to prosperity. He flipped the senate and the house as well. After 8 years, a lot of people realized that was false hope and the political landscape completely changed. The democratic party still has good messaging but social media has allowed the truth about them prioritizing corporate donor interests to proliferate. That is why we got Trump. People didn't like Trump but he was unknown enough and things were so bad across the board that they figured "why not let him shake things up". Tolerance of Trump's nonsense was more of a "fuck you" to both parties than anything else. GOP understood the popular movement and let it take off. The democrats crushed theirs.

2. COVID was a saving grace. So many people vote on just the economy which was great before COVID The democrats were able to convince a lot of people that Trump essentially killed 230,000 people. No one could survive that. If you believe that, theres no way you could possibly vote for Trump. And things were really bad at the time so it checked out in a lot of minds.

3. Trump's verbal temperament is uniquely distasteful. This caused a lot of people not to be able to vote for him. He said quiet things out loud. Things that most politicians could easily avoid saying. Pence projected the same political message in a nice way. That is the kind of thing that would get those votes back.

What do you think republicans who voted for Biden because they couldn't stand Trump or followed the advice of leaders like Mccain, Bush, Romney, and Kasich will do when a different republican is at the top of the ticket?

4. Bleeding from the left
Quote :
"The majority of Americans moving left on issues such as climate, racial relations, and economic equality (Pew Research) would also suggest otherwise."

This is why they will be completely devastated. They are leaking out of both ends. People know that the democratic party is weak on these issues but vote for them as a matter of harm reduction. Once the GOP cleans up their image with a more clever candidate, this idea of harm reduction will be alleviated. That will allow people who value these things the freedom to oppose the democratic party from the left. What happens to all the people who felt pressured to vote Biden to stop trump? What happens to all the people who voted for the first time on these issues? What happens when the Biden administration doesn't address these problems adequately?

5. A level of voter suppression that won't be replicated
The libertarian being on the ballot took votes from Trump while the democrats hired expensive lawyers to find technicalities to get the green party off of the ballot. Greens took shortcuts but had no idea there was an entity with this much disdain for democracy. With the already slim margins, imagine how that would have been affected if democrats weren't able to effectively suppress the left vote.

11/12/2020 1:14:02 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"The senate still indicates which party the country more aligns with."

No. That would be the House. The Senate indicates geography-based political leanings.

11/12/2020 2:17:35 PM

2001 Posts
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The United districts of America.

11/12/2020 2:41:44 PM

All American
27962 Posts
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I wonder how Earl spent his time during the TWW lockdown?

11/12/2020 2:42:34 PM

Save TWW
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If horosho wants to be Dems may find it impossible to hold the senate or presidency again in the near future, that's an argument.

To act like it's not the majority party is nonsense. The popular vote IS something. The fact that it doesn't matter sucks ass and should be changed but you have to be republican to act like it should be ignored. The Dem party has been the majority party almost uninterrupted for a decades but bc of artifacts of how state borders were drawn, they are frequently the minority party in the US govt. The senate is wildly undemocratic, by design, but even then the largest state was 12x the population of the smallest. California is 66x larger than Wyoming by population. State senators in CA got a more votes than the entire state of Wyoming.

11/12/2020 4:12:26 PM

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