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All American
33764 Posts
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LOL so people voted trump because their feelings were hurt when they were called out on their racism?

11/9/2016 6:32:04 PM

All American
6571 Posts
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Quote :
"SO michael moore has a plan."

All I can see in my mind's eye is:

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 6:37 PM. Reason : image too big]

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 6:38 PM. Reason : Michael Moore is Chunk]

11/9/2016 6:36:02 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"LOL so people voted trump because their feelings were hurt when they were called out on their racism?"

bruh, have you never met JCE or HUR? they are triggered hard!

11/9/2016 6:37:01 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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so back in august when demristocrats started accusing me of defending trump, I was talking about how you were helping him by being dishonest about the things he said. You were helping him win all that time.

11/9/2016 6:39:29 PM

All American
9594 Posts
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Quote :
"Good breakdown of what went wrong with state polls. Looks like just a very, very tiny 1% shift in voters collapsed the projected clinton firewall."

I'm down for 4 years of handing Republicans a taste of their own medicine, but I'd give him a honeymoon period. If he signals that he's going to play ball on stuff like infrastructure spending and not throw 20 million people off their health insurance plan, then work with him. If presents a laundry list of Bannon/Hannity/Limbaugh fantasies, then obstruct like hell.

11/9/2016 6:40:51 PM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"LOL so people voted trump because their feelings were hurt when they were called out on their racism?

No, people voted Trump because all of the SJW pussies were in a DESPERATE need of an ass kicking.

The level of pussification, "I'm a victim", "everything is offense" had to stop somewhere. Previously conservatives were too nice, too afraid of the media to call out the left for their race baiting. Trump didn't give a fuck and people loved him for it.

Now all the leftists can do is cry "isms! Phobias! Hate!" And all of their typical, non-argument crying. It doesn't work anymore. Wanting borders is not hate. Bragging about fucking bimbos is not rape. Calling some illegal immigrants rapists is not racist.

11/9/2016 6:50:04 PM

All American
4458 Posts
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^Ooohhhh.... This guy is tough. Isn't he tough?

He probably self identifies as a real alpha male. Probably needs his own restroom where betas aren't allowed.

What a bad boy. I'm sooo wet right now from his sexy toughness. Anyone else wet? I'm wet.

11/9/2016 7:24:06 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Now we get to spend the next three months listening to the same media that got everything wrong about this election predict how the Trump presidency that they were sure wouldn't happen is going to play out.

11/9/2016 7:29:50 PM

5608 Posts
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I identify as a pan gendered beta male pre-Op you bigot. Such insensitive assumptions just show your white Cis male privilege. It's 2016! We should celebrate me being me but you bigots are so hateful. But it's okay love trumps hate. Anything that you say that I don't like is hate sand love wins. Also youre hitler.

^Dave Rubin follower too?

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 7:34 PM. Reason : Triggered]

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 7:34 PM. Reason : TRIGGERED]

11/9/2016 7:33:24 PM

All American
31922 Posts
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Classic Trump supporter, gets triggered then yells at the other side for being triggered.

I don't know if Trump learned projection from them or they learned it from him.

11/9/2016 7:56:14 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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I wonder how many of these protesters in Chicago actually bothered to show up to vote?

11/9/2016 8:33:02 PM

All American
2254 Posts
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Protests have erupted in NYC, Chicago, Boston, Philly, Seattle, and many more cities. Oakland is sure to be violent a little later as they have one planned.

11/9/2016 8:37:47 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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hillary won big in all of the protest states

11/9/2016 8:52:30 PM

Forgetful Jones
147755 Posts
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Are they protesting for electoral college reform or something?

11/9/2016 8:56:56 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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Asian markets crash
american markets surge

who was tpp for again? trump batting 1.000 so far

11/9/2016 9:01:53 PM

8379 Posts
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[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 9:09 PM. Reason : never gets old]

11/9/2016 9:09:30 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ what the fuck are you on about? The Nikkei is up 6% and every Asian market open is positive.

How about you just stop posting about markets for good?

11/9/2016 9:26:54 PM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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talking about last night

11/9/2016 9:32:11 PM

50084 Posts
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Our markets were down the same until morning. Once the results were in and people had a chance to breathe they turned but by that time the Asian markets were closed.

Sorry, by the way. I shouldn't jump on you like I did for a misunderstanding.

[Edited on November 9, 2016 at 9:34 PM. Reason : X]

11/9/2016 9:34:32 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Earl is always asking to get jumped on.

That's how trolling works.

11/9/2016 10:00:28 PM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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Quote :
"Hillary has a 65.8% chance of winning. But what about people lying in polls? Undecideds becoming decideds? A large number of supporters of either candidate don't bother to vote? A sudden wave of people not planning to vote decide they should? There's no way to factor all of that in. And in the end, either they get to say "WE WERE RIGHT!" even if it isn't close to that same margin or they get to say "here are the reasons we got it wrong beyond our control, so our number was still right based on what we knew""

Quote :
"Looks like just a very, very tiny 1% shift in voters collapsed the projected clinton firewall"

11/9/2016 10:04:24 PM

Sup, B
52733 Posts
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Quote :
"This morning I wonder who is more stunned, the Democrats who were all but certain this was in the bag for Hillary, or the Republicans who knew that this wackjob would run his course, go down in flames and then rebuild the party from the ashes. Instead they are in charge of it all?!?"

I'm in the "stunned Republican" category, even if I'm not a Republican any more.

11/9/2016 11:59:23 PM

Sup, B
52733 Posts
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Quote :
"Shrike: I don't care if they lost their effectiveness, or that hordes of non-college educated white voters aren't bothered by them. It's the truth, and honestly part of reason he won is because not enough people in the media and in leadership positions were willing to say it."

I can't speak for d357r0y3r, but I don't think you (or Democrats in general) are getting this. It's not that folks in the media didn't raise the alarm about Trump loud enough, or that they weren't willing to call him the bigoted piece of shit that he is. Instead, it's that Democrats and their media-surrogates have leveled this charge against EVERY Republican candidate, no matter who it is, over and over and over and over and over again. They've tried this tactic repeatedly against people to whom it really doesn't apply, such as Mitt Romney or John McCain, or hell, even George W Bush. Those candidates have failings, yes, but they aren't the supposed bigoted monsters that Democrats have repeatedly labeled them as. So when you have an actual threat such as Donald Trump come along, the alarm that Democrats have repeatedly rung fell on the deaf ears of otherwise rational-minded conservative voters. Those voters just ignored the alarm, because it sounded exactly like all the other times that Democrats have called a Republican candidate a bigot when it plainly wasn't so.

11/10/2016 12:14:55 AM

All American
6883 Posts
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^ I think it's more that people themselves are tired of being called racists for having different motivations and life circumstances than us $12 kale smoothie drinkers on the coasts.

11/10/2016 12:39:49 AM

All American
2051 Posts
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In light of Trump's pussy grabbing comment, I move that this historic electoral upset be henceforth known as...

Coup d'étwat

11/10/2016 12:43:27 AM

Sup, B
52733 Posts
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^^ You're right. It's probably both.

11/10/2016 12:46:30 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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the hillary hacks are the new tea party. we should call them the coffee party.

they will obstruct and do anything to undermine the president.

we have come full circle in i years.

11/10/2016 1:16:13 AM

5608 Posts
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Quote :
"because it sounded exactly like all the other times that Democrats have called a Republican candidate a bigot when it plainly wasn't so."


All of you SJW hacks can learn a thing or two. Trump is your fault, enjoy it.

11/10/2016 2:18:44 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"Oakland is sure to be violent a little later as they have one planned."

Yup. Hear the helicopters again. I'm pretty used it by now, but given that people now have more of a reason to be pissed than just the usual black dude being executed by the police, I'm actually a little more worried this time.

11/10/2016 3:02:03 AM

The E Man
15268 Posts
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yeah before it was just people being executed by police but now we might actually have had an election not go the way we wanted it to go shit is real now.

11/10/2016 3:04:35 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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I don't think some of you on TWW get how pissed the rest of the country is right now. If you're living in red state, you'll be just fine. It's going to get pretty damn ugly if you're in any major city that leans hard to the left. The only way I was really able to talk to my students today and keep them from freaking the fuck out was to go over all the ballot initiatives that passed in CA. Even then, I really didn't have much to tell them other than they're probably safer here than other parts of the country.

11/10/2016 3:16:53 AM

50084 Posts
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No it won't. It'll pass in a few days because those people most taken aback by this are those who already have the most (urban and suburban educated).

The people who will be angry eventually are all the rural and low educated people who have been conned and whose lives will be just as shitty until we as a people decide it's time to really address their actual problems and not just feed them bullshit like coal and manufacturing will come back (Trump) or just completely ignore them (Republicans and Democrats).

[Edited on November 10, 2016 at 6:17 AM. Reason : X]

11/10/2016 6:15:28 AM

26632 Posts
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We don't allow dissent in this country, we violently shutdown marches and demonstrations way before they are big enough to he a threat to anything. As long as you don't seek out a demonstration you are not in Kore danger than any other day

11/10/2016 6:56:29 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Honestly, I think both major parties need to take a good hard look at themselves and begin rebuilding from the ground up. The Republicans are not vindicated by a Trump win. They were carried by the rise of the alt-right which found a voice with Trump and STILL brought Republicans up short of 2012 vote counts. Obviously the DNC doubled-down on a totally unlikable, untrustworthy, and unpopular candidate, and hoped that the 'Hey she's a woman, and look at the big orange bigoted, chauvinist pig' line would work. Which, in the end, it obviously didn't since around 5 million fewer votes were logged for Clinton.

11/10/2016 9:09:27 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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It begins. I just don't get how people can dismiss Trumps links to Russia while simultaneously KNOWING that Hillary deleted that smoking gun email that proves she cut Chris Stevens' throat.

This is just the first crack in Trumps least transparent campaign in history. Let's hope, as more cracks begin to appear, that it gets a little less treasonous.

11/10/2016 9:40:51 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"No it won't. It'll pass in a few days because those people most taken aback by this are those who already have the most (urban and suburban educated).

Apparently, I suck as at making predictions about anything in 2016, so maybe you're right. I fear the magnitude of electing someone as outspokenly racist and sexist as his isn't just something people will get over in a few days though. I see a lot of people in this thread making excuses for what he said/did during his campaign, but I don't think they quite get the level of terror he's instilled among people of color, LGTB folk, Muslims, and immigrants. He has forty days until he's even in office, so there's plenty of time for all this to reach more of a breaking point.

11/10/2016 10:58:08 AM

50084 Posts
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He's a despicable human being but he isn't a tyrant. Even if he did want to implement some awful things congress still has a broad constituency they are held accountable to that wouldn't tolerate it.

11/10/2016 11:01:23 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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ALL moderate republicans in congress are cowards, they won't do shot to stand up to Trump. Hell, most would barely speak up against him during the campaign. The rest of congressional republicans are safely gerrymandered into their tea party districts and are close to as nuts as Trump. No one is gonna stand in his way

11/10/2016 11:11:42 AM

All American
3288 Posts
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Quote :
The people who will be angry eventually are all the rural and low educated people who have been conned and whose lives will be just as shitty until we as a people decide it's time to really address their actual problems and not just feed them bullshit like coal and manufacturing will come back (Trump) or just completely ignore them (Republicans and Democrats)."

To be frank, I dont believe much will change. Yes Obamacare may get repealed (depends on the alternative proposed), but rural and uneducated whites will still struggle to find jobs and remain left behind as the economy continues to move to high-tech. Hell, even service jobs are going to become harder and harder to find thanks to automation. This isnt the fault of any politician, its economic Darwinism. Doesnt matter if you stop unskilled immigration because jobs are slowly going away anyways. These people are angry and they blame the government. What better way to stick it to the "man" by electing this guy. In a couple of years they will realize that he cant do anything either. At that point it will be interesting to see who these white people blame and how they express their frustration.

[Edited on November 10, 2016 at 11:18 AM. Reason : a]

11/10/2016 11:18:02 AM

Jimmies: Unrustled
8198 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't think they quite get the level of terror he's instilled among people of color, LGTB folk, Muslims, and immigrants."

If they're scared, it's because they've believed lies repeated by social media/celebrities/etc. There aren't going to be death squads. Where on this page is "summarily execute all non-white people":

I have no sympathy for liberals that couldn't be bothered to leave their echo chamber and have now become hysterical. Absolutely none. You're living in a land of delusion, and now reality is crashing down. Hey, Trump may have even won because liberals convinced themselves that it was going to be a landslide victory for Clinton. Just go back 3 days in this very thread and you'll find several pages full of people predicting not if Clinton was going to win, but by how much.

11/10/2016 11:18:18 AM

8379 Posts
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It really is disgusting what the media has done and is still doing.

11/10/2016 11:23:49 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"If they're scared, it's because they've believed lies repeated by social media/celebrities/etc. There aren't going to be death squads. Where on this page is "summarily execute all non-white people":"

No, they are scared because they have personally experienced discrimination, racing profiling/abusive policing, and or stereotyping in their own lives and Trump's campaign centered on ramping up those fears. Y'all white males should probably chill with all the brosplaining about how minorities are supposed to feel right now.

Quote :
"He's a despicable human being but he isn't a tyrant. Even if he did want to implement some awful things congress still has a broad constituency they are held accountable to that wouldn't tolerate it"

He's not? He's treated his employers fairly, paid them all for their work, and not abused his power? I get that you think it's more productive to give him a chance right now, but that's completely out of the question for a ton of people, just like for some people who refused to give a Obama a shot when he won. The difference is that Obama didn't run a campaign on fear- it was the antithesis actually: Hope and Change.

[Edited on November 10, 2016 at 11:39 AM. Reason : .]

11/10/2016 11:35:50 AM

8379 Posts
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I didn't say their feelings weren't justified. All I said was the media played up this scenario and incited strong feelings on both sides.

It's going to die back down. And white allies spreading panic doesn't help.

[Edited on November 10, 2016 at 11:40 AM. Reason : .]

11/10/2016 11:39:42 AM

All American
6571 Posts
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Maybe it'll die down after the KKK rally being planned in NC for early december

11/10/2016 11:41:49 AM

8379 Posts
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The KKK has rallies every year

11/10/2016 11:42:54 AM

50084 Posts
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1) not everyone who supports Trump policy is racist or bigots

2) many people in this country have suffered and will suffer from discrimination

11/10/2016 11:43:36 AM

All American
25799 Posts
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Quote :
"I didn't say their feelings weren't justified. All I said was the media played up this scenario and incited strong feelings on both sides.

It's going to die back down. And white allies spreading panic doesn't help."

Again, I'm going to try and chill with making any real predictions right now. I just see a bunch of people acting like everything is going to be fine, when none of us really know what's going to happen yet. People are allowed to feel whatever they want right now, and it's a little patronizing to suggest to those who are afraid need to calm down- as if they have some crystal ball and know what's next.

[Edited on November 10, 2016 at 11:50 AM. Reason : .]

11/10/2016 11:50:19 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Quote :
"1) not everyone who supports Trump policy is racist or bigots

2) many people in this country have suffered and will suffer from discrimination"

1) But they were okay voting for one, and there's an argument to be made about how that's at least the definition of privilege and at most complicit racism.

2) Just because they do suffer doesn't mean they have to. We should strive for better.

11/10/2016 11:59:01 AM

All American
17452 Posts
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Saw someone post this online and thought it was too good to not share:

Quote :
"He said what he needed to say in order to get votes. He knew he could never compete by using logic or experience (of which he has neither); his entire political campaign was an agonizingly long infomercial. (Tired of being persecuted because you're white? uneducated? Christian? straight? Tired of the liberal agenda? Tired of Obama ruining your life? Don't want Clinton to murder babies? CALL NOW!! BUT WAIT!! There's more!!! Tired of women "forgetting their place"? Show the world who's really in charge!!)"

11/10/2016 1:55:35 PM

26632 Posts
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so some enlightened little flower just learned what campaigning is?

11/10/2016 1:59:55 PM

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