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All American
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Generally, from my own and others' opinions I've heard so far, people that liked TFA don't like this one nearly as much and people that didn't like TFA liked this one a lot more. Could partly be due to expectations though, if you didn't like TFA you'll have lower expectations.

12/17/2017 12:22:31 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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I wouldn't say I didn't like TFA, but I thought R1 was way, way better. Going to see this today, so hopefully won't be too disappointed.

12/17/2017 12:28:48 PM

All American
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I really enjoyed the first half of TFA, but was severely disappointed in the second half of the movie. I'll be interested to see which side I end up on when I watch The Last Jedi. that likely won't happen until after Christmas when I have a sitter.

12/17/2017 1:07:36 PM

Forgetful Jones
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TFA was just a remake of ANH. R1 was just a deleted scene from ANH.

12/17/2017 1:23:48 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Well, why did they delete the best scene then?

12/17/2017 4:10:39 PM

All American
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Ouch, down to 56% audience review on Rotten Tomatoes. 93% critic's review though. Normally it is the other way around.

12/18/2017 8:39:03 AM

197 Posts
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Indeed. Been hearing some talk of intentional targeting via bots/false accounts to lower score. I can't say I'd be surprised (TWW poll skews anyone?!). However I'm more inclined to believe that for whatever reason this movie has really struck a nerve to many fans.

Most of those I have talked to enjoyed it overall but each person seems to have a different specific gripe.

12/18/2017 9:05:20 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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I enjoyed it.

It's not a 93% the critics gave, but it's also not 53% either. I felt there were a lot of elements from both ESB and RotJ, but in the end it still managed to be much more original that TFA. Overall the story diverged from where I thought this was going. I laughed, I cringed, I cheered, and I had several WTF moments. Money well spent, and really pumped to see how they close out this trilogy.

12/18/2017 9:15:37 AM

All American
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I still enjoyed a lot but i also groaned at quite a bit. Fairly flat feeling leaving the theater.

12/18/2017 9:20:10 AM

All American
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Look, people have been waiting 2 years to see this, and everyone was extremely hyped - there's no way it could live up to its hype.

TFA was hyped up a lot too, and initial views were met with what star wars fans wanted.

12/18/2017 9:44:19 AM

All American
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I fell asleep during once during TFA and twice when I saw this yesterday, despite the fact I found it the more entertaining of the two films. I mostly blame it on comfy adjustable movie theater seats.

12/18/2017 11:55:11 AM

All American
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I have a question, and I would prefer no spoilers, other than a yes or a no

But does this particular movie address the strange lack of force ghosts? They were pretty prevalent in 4, 5, and 6, and there's no reason they should have just disappeared.

12/18/2017 12:15:36 PM

Eyes up here ^^
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12/18/2017 12:30:29 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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12/18/2017 1:34:17 PM

?? ????? ??
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The Last Jedi is a pure fiddle-finger to TFA and in some ways to to the rest of the franchise. I'll wait until we get into spoiler territory to say why.

It was a good enough movie if you look at it as a stand-alone film. It was a terrible Star Wars episode.

12/18/2017 2:16:00 PM

All American
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I'm not a raging Star Wars fanboy, so my perspective is that of someone who grew up watching them as a kid thinking they were cool, but not worth going nuts over.

If you want to watch a movie with Star Wars elements and semi-entertaining plot, you should go and see it and keep your expectations in check. The acting was fine and it's set in the Star Wars universe, so I don't know what else people should be freaking out about.

I mean the original Star Wars came out like forty freaking years ago. It's 2017 and I'm not sure what people can expect out of these movies anymore. It's mostly middle aged Gen Xers I see crying about how bad the movie is on FB, but if you're over the age of 35 and you're that much of a Star Wars nerd, I don't know why you're disappointed by something that's catered to the masses, not the nerd version of yourself 40 years ago. [/hot take]

12/18/2017 4:09:43 PM

All American
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rjrumfel, there isn't really a way to answer that without spoiling it, haha.

12/18/2017 4:21:06 PM

All American
11993 Posts
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It's great.


[Edited on December 18, 2017 at 6:44 PM. Reason : .]

12/18/2017 6:44:00 PM

2953 Posts
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^^^can we hope for something special? The entire creative industry is dying and star wars didn't even need to "cater to the masses". I wish we could go back to making art for the sake of art.

These movies mean a lot more to us than something to look at while we eat our popcorn. It wasn't supposed to be a superhero series.

12/18/2017 7:45:28 PM

All American
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Don't know where I read this so I could be wrong but I think the main episodes are planned to "cater to the masses" while the spin offs (like rogue one/the han solo movie) are supposed to be more experimental.

12/19/2017 8:30:44 AM

?? ????? ??
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Rogue One was far more fan service than The Last Jedi. I didn't enjoy Ep8 but I have to give them credit for taking a lot of new risks.

12/19/2017 4:52:02 PM

All American
4031 Posts
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Really bad.

12/21/2017 6:56:02 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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Honestly i was fine with the "fan service" in TLJ. I went into it fearing the worst, that it would be a remake of ESB just like TFA. I was pleasantly surprised on that front.

12/21/2017 6:58:05 PM

Forgetful Jones
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R1 added nothing new to the SW galaxy. It was the definition of fan service by just revisiting ANH and not doing anything new. It was a good movie that I enjoy, but it was the most fanboy SW movie yet.

12/21/2017 7:03:56 PM

2953 Posts
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We had no idea why the death stars were so weak. In fact, that was a major criticism of ANH and ROTJ. R1 addressed it. We also got more understanding of the politics at the top of the empire as well as rebellion.

The prequels also added a lot but they were just horribly done. If the makers of R1 redid the prequals, you'd probably get the best trilogy of all time.

12/21/2017 7:30:28 PM

All American
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^I agree I think. Lucas really botched the prequels by relying too much on galactic politics. It would have been good to see what got all of the mess leading up to the rebellion started, but I think it could have been done much better.

In R1, sure it is fan service, but we get insight into how ruthless the Empire could be. We see other planets and how they relate to the empire, and it gives us insight as to how thread-bare the rebellion actually was.

There are things you can pick apart from R1, like how they can beam the plans from the planet to the rebels' battleship but can't beam it from ship to ship, but overall, it was an outstanding move.

12/21/2017 8:44:58 PM

All American
33746 Posts
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Just saw it, thought it was awesome.

I saw a bit of grumbling on twitter about it, and I think this explains that best:
Quote :
"It's mostly middle aged Gen Xers I see crying about how bad the movie is on FB, but if you're over the age of 35 and you're that much of a Star Wars nerd, I don't know why you're disappointed by something that's catered to the masses, not the nerd version of yourself 40 years ago. [/hot take]

12/22/2017 1:02:59 AM

Forgetful Jones
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identity politics. Sad!

12/22/2017 1:15:55 AM

11055 Posts
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Saw it last night with my 5 year old. I loved it. Enjoyed it more than TFA. There were a few cheesy parts but it didn't bother me too much.

I also agree with the comment about the comfy reclining seats. My son almost fell asleep because he was laid back but he made it.

12/22/2017 9:20:47 AM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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finally saw this tonight. it was ok.

2/4/2018 9:24:49 PM

Forgetful Jones
147700 Posts
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Luke's food gathering and eating habits were similar to that of NRR

2/4/2018 10:07:14 PM

hello Mr. NSA!
35376 Posts
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walrus milk is best straight from the teat

2/4/2018 10:20:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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2/16/2018 5:23:43 PM

37776 Posts
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That would have made TLJ the bestest movie of all time. I’m going to choose those events as my TLJ reality.

2/17/2018 8:39:39 AM

2953 Posts
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No one has mentioned that ole prophecy. whos bringing balance to the force? whose the chosen one? Anakin? Luke? Rae?????

3/12/2018 3:31:31 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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^I think everyone is pretending that didn't happen

3/12/2018 2:37:15 PM

37776 Posts
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Lucas films pretends it didn’t happen.

3/12/2018 2:41:28 PM

Forgetful Jones
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who is Rae? Is she that girl that flys around with Hon and Chuy?

3/12/2018 9:32:24 PM

All American
1505 Posts
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"chosen one" stories aret't in Vogue anymore. They Just a YA fiction narcissistic fantasy trope

3/12/2018 10:23:50 PM

Forgetful Jones
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3/13/2018 2:46:47 AM

All American
31922 Posts
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Quote :
"No one has mentioned that ole prophecy. whos bringing balance to the force? whose the chosen one? Anakin? Luke? Rae?????"

Luke did, but balance doesn't last forever.

3/15/2018 5:31:24 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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Quote :
"No one has mentioned that ole prophecy. whos bringing balance to the force? whose the chosen one? Anakin? Luke? Rae?????"

Anakin did at the end of Episode 3. The Jedi had proliferated to large numbers putting Light (Yin) and Dark (Yang) sides out of balance. They were so blinded by their own power and success that they could only interpret the "balance" prophesy to mean fully snuffing out the Yang. They were punished by their own hubris thusly.

3/16/2018 9:48:42 AM

2953 Posts
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I just rewatched it and got even more mad during the first half but the second half was a lot better. The entire first half of the movie was full of jokes even in serious situations that should not have had comedic relief. We watched rey walk up all those steps and got a literal two year cliff-hanger for this

and that gif is symbolic of the whole storyline and really Jar Jar abrams style in general. "Fuck star wars, this is be a popcorn movie. "

I gained a lot more appreciation for the snook scenes. Those were dope. They were serious and involved high-risk action.

The whole problem with this movie was the rose-finn plotline. a dumb sub-plotline to force minority screen time instead of actually incorporating them. they followed the best scene up by flipping back to finn and rose who had somehow landed far away from all the storm troopers they were in the middle of and now phasma (who was right next to them a second ago) is marching towards them. Woops.

Maz better be in the next movie because that "union disputes" excuse was pathetic.

Even if I forget the first half of the movie happened, the storyline advanced very little and it ended with the falcon jumping to lightspeed where it will be tracked again.

It ended just like it started and Bo the pilot was the scariest villain in the whole movie.

[Edited on April 5, 2018 at 9:39 PM. Reason : i also realize the bombers were just zeppelins. they moved and crashed like zeppelins. lazy]

4/5/2018 9:13:39 PM

All American
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God you're so wrong about this film. I love the Finn storyline side quest. I loved angsty Luke, and I loved the humor. Great film.

4/5/2018 10:18:18 PM

Zinc Saucier
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According to Lucas, Anakin was supposed to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, which he does when he's redeemed by Luke. If you go to 12:40 here he talks about it:

4/5/2018 11:07:44 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Lucas sold everything though. I'm looking forward to the Greedo backstory.

4/6/2018 2:40:06 AM

All American
4518 Posts
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Saw this yesterday, ruins the entire throne fight now. The second blade literally disappears as it should be slicing Rey in two

4/6/2018 9:09:46 AM

All American
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I noticed it when I watched it the second time around, but just brushed it off as the guard dropping one.

I felt like it was much better the second time around. I'm still irritated by the humor - I felt like all of the humor was out of place, especially the banter between Poe and Hux.

But the theme of the entire film was letting go of the old guard, and accepting the new. Rian Johnson tried to work that theme into everything it seems.

4/6/2018 10:19:51 AM

2953 Posts
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LOL plot twist rae is still on the island

4/6/2018 11:35:51 AM

?? ????? ??
14957 Posts
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If Rian Johnson was making a stand alone film, or had written the entire trilogy to build around this idea, then it would have been more appropriate to do it the way he did. I don't care that he changed the rules of the original series, it's a new set of stories inspired by the old ones, change is fine. But he ruined all the setups of Ep VII, which I don't have that much affinity for but I care about cohesive storytelling (especially when one episode picks up in the exact moment the previous one ends)

4/6/2018 2:32:56 PM

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