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All American
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^^ Haha, yes that's exactly what I'm saying. By campaigning against institutionalized racism I am therefore saying it's okay for crimes to occur based on skin color.

7/20/2010 4:29:17 PM

434 Posts
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Quote :
"A community that we shoveled off into projects and ghettos, tossed them malt liquor, drugs, and guns, and let them destroy themselves.

A community that we couldn't give a shit if they learn to read or have a good education."

Are you saying that blacks can only survive if we help them? They are incapable of self improvement or self control to resist drugs and alchohol? Are you implying that they are wild animals that can only make it if the white man tames them?

You are the racist, and its bc of people like you that they are stuck in a rut. You have no expectations of them nor think they are capable of self improvement or self responsibility.

7/20/2010 4:30:56 PM

All American
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I mention personal accountability and you respond with a goofy picture about how the white man is holding the black man down, what am I supposed to think your stance is?

A person that commits a violent crime is entirely responsible for it. Not his abusive or non-existent father, not his drug addiction, not his shitty housing. You blaming the system for the actions violent offenders is despicable.

Or are you suggesting that the disparity in violent crime statistics is being caused by people being wrongly convicted?

7/20/2010 4:32:33 PM

All American
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God's argument is essentially like this

Axiom: White people commit the same number of crimes as black people

Data: Police arrest more black people than white people

Conclusion: The police and justice system is obviously biased against black people

7/20/2010 4:36:04 PM

Forgetful Jones
147715 Posts
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Quote :
"God has had a bug up his ass about racism since his "get the rope" comment got WRAL calling him a racist"

7/20/2010 4:39:46 PM

All American
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Quote :
"In psychology, compensation is a strategy whereby one covers up, consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical inferiority. The compensation strategy, however does not truly address the source of this inferiority. Positive compensations may help one to overcome one’s difficulties. On the other hand, negative compensations do not, which results in a reinforced feeling of inferiority. There are two kinds of negative compensation:"

7/20/2010 4:44:48 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"Axiom: White people commit the same number of crimes as black people

Data: Police arrest more black people than white people

Conclusion: The police and justice system is obviously biased against black people"

Even if you believe the axiom is false, that doesn't necessarily make the conclusion false.

7/20/2010 4:52:08 PM

All American
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The point is that it doesn't make it true.

Quote :
"God has had a bug up his ass about racism since his "get the rope" comment got WRAL calling him a racist"

This explains a lot.

7/20/2010 5:14:59 PM

All American
18835 Posts
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Quote :
"Are you saying that blacks can only survive if we help them? They are incapable of self improvement or self control to resist drugs and alchohol? Are you implying that they are wild animals that can only make it if the white man tames them?

You are the racist, and its bc of people like you that they are stuck in a rut. You have no expectations of them nor think they are capable of self improvement or self responsibility."


7/20/2010 5:16:24 PM

All American
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so successful black people got lucky or what?

7/20/2010 5:51:38 PM

All American
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It seems that a lot of what it takes to be a successful black person has to do with their abilty to maintain individuality. Too often, it seems, blacks are expected to "be black". As if there's this culture that all black people need to belong to. To me, that's racist. (Same thing when white people are expected to "be white".) When a white person studies hard, gets good grades, stays out of trouble, and focuses on their career, I doubt any of their white friends or family calls them an "Uncle Tom" or race-traitor. Just sayin'.... Bill Cosby is right.

Quote :
"Come on People! Bill Cosby is Right
By Laura S. Washington

As a controversy, Bill Cosby’s Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors is hardly controversial. The new book, co-authored with Harvard psychiatrist Alvin F. Poussaint, is an old-fashioned, conservative cultural critique that offers an eat-your-vegetables, teach-your-children, pull-your-pants-up polemic.

In 2004, Cosby roiled the racial waters when he blasted the pathology of black failure at an NAACP dinner in Washington, D.C. The iconic comedian, known as the jolly JELL-O man and playful patriarch of The Cosby Show’s Huxtables, stunned the nation with a bitter diatribe against low-income African-American families.

He hung our dirty laundry out to dry.

Three years later, his words still sting: “The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal. These people are not parenting,” he ranted at the stone-faced crowd of America’s black elite. “They are buying things for their kids—$500 sneakers for what? And won’t spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics!

“I can’t even talk the way these people talk. ‘Why you ain’t?’ ‘Where you is?’ … Everybody knows it’s important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can’t be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.”

Back then, Cosby didn’t get a lot of “Amen, brothers!” from that crowd, nor from many others back in the ‘hood. At least, not out in the open.

Cosby’s critics excoriated him for delivering his rant from an elitist ivory tower without offering solutions. They argue that the black poor are the helpless victims of white supremacy and institutional racism. In other words, it’s not their fault—the deck is stacked just too high.

But he was right then. And he is right now.

Come on People has replaced Cosby’s vitriolic speechifying with firm but loving essays that urge blacks to eschew their pathological embrace of victimization, violence and despair.

The authors respond to their detractors. “Certain people tell us that we are picking on the poor. Many of those who accuse us are scholars and intellectuals, upset that we are not blaming everything on white people as they do. Well, blaming only the system keeps certain black people in the limelight, but it also keeps the black poor wallowing in victimhood.”

The mere act of putting our shortcomings on paper is revolutionary. Black folks ferociously cling to the age-old code of honor that pledges to keep the “race secrets”—for fear of having our own deeds turned against us. “Don’t tell ‘whitey,’ ” we whisper.

Few can object to the book’s core propositions: Cherish your children. Get an education. Speak standard English. Listen to the elders. Banish gun violence. No more excuses.

It’s a no-brainer.

As the scholars and intellectuals drone on from college campuses to legislatures to C-Span, their so-called “victims” are never in the room. The elites don’t ask the folks who are toiling, suffering and, yes, striving. Cosby, on the other hand, has been asking.

Come On People is packed with anecdotes gleaned from “Call Outs with Bill Cosby,” a series of public gatherings in cities and towns across the nation. Cosby’s town hall meetings convened blacks in cities from Compton, Calif., to Kansas City, Mo., to Washington, D.C., to respond to his call and come up with solutions.

One of the most enduring of African-American taboos is that we don’t acknowledge the out-of-the-box rates of infant mortality and teenage pregnancy in black communities.

The book quotes Xylina Bean, chief of neonatology at the King Drew Center in Compton, calling young women out on what she calls “incidental babies.”

“We all know you’ve got to do something in order to have one, OK?” she tells the crowd. “So it’s not accidental. It’s not incidental. And one of the things that I am really tired of is all of these incidental babies. They just ‘incidentally’ happen.”

Priority number one should be protecting the child, she says. “You get to decide who gets to be your baby’s daddy.”

It’s a conversation we should have had a long time ago. Come on, ladies. While African Americans have long treasured their children, we have grown far too casual, even cavalier, about making babies. We have heard all the excuses. I forgot to take my pill. I don’t want to marry the guy, anyway; I just want a baby. I don’t believe in abortion. I have low self-esteem.

Thanks to Bill Cosby, more of us are saying the excuses just don’t cut it anymore.

You know that old saying about what the truth can do? Come on, people—set yourselves free."

7/20/2010 6:17:16 PM

Forgetful Jones
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crabs in a pot, pulling each other down

7/20/2010 6:19:46 PM

40407 Posts
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krs-one itt

7/20/2010 6:43:20 PM

All American
28747 Posts
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Quote :
"so successful black people got lucky or what?"

Basically. I don't mean that as in they must have won the lottery, but it had to have been a very certain specific set of circumstances.

You realize you're literally talking about like less than one percent out of millions, right?

7/20/2010 7:06:10 PM

40407 Posts
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less than one percent of black americans manage to achieve success in their lives?

7/20/2010 7:25:37 PM

All American
16500 Posts
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^^ The most insidious type of racism ITT.

7/20/2010 7:34:43 PM

All American
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7/20/2010 7:37:17 PM

All American
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^^^ I was referring to multi-millionaires.

^^Yes, man. You're right. Advocating for the less-fortunate is so insidious. Instead, I should be campaigning to help the poor middle-class White man.

[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 7:50 PM. Reason : ]

7/20/2010 7:49:16 PM

All American
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Maybe neither ethnic group needs your help.

7/20/2010 7:54:00 PM

All American
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[Edited on July 20, 2010 at 7:59 PM. Reason : ]

7/20/2010 7:59:16 PM

All American
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God is really failing. Straw-men, blatant racism, flip-flopping...

What will he not do in the name of white guilt?

7/20/2010 8:04:25 PM

All American
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White guilt is the excuse White people give for why they can continue to subjugate minorities.

7/20/2010 8:22:19 PM

All American
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Quote :
Why did you capitalize "white"?"

Wait, actually, I don't care why. You've obviously gone off your rocker.
If I truly believed some of the stuff you say, I'd be upset, too.
You really are approaching being a liberal version of salisburyboy.

7/20/2010 8:32:40 PM

All American
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Contrary to common belief, I don't feel guilty. I have never held any slaves. I've never chained a black person down so I could reach a ledge.

There are plenty of people that have had better and easier opportunities than myself. There are plenty of people that have had worse and fewer opportunities than myself.

What do I have to feel bad about? At least, why should I care more about poor black people than poor anyone?

7/20/2010 8:44:11 PM

All American
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New Video Bolsters Ousted USDA Official's Claims Obama Administration Overreacted
(original title as indexed by Google news)

I like how Fox news is playing both sides of this against Obama… first it was OBama admin official admits to racist behavior, now it’s Obama admin over reacted to allegedly racist behavior.

I also like how as several people have been saying all along, contrary to hooksaw’s blatant knee-jerk partisan hack reaction, the video clip was taken grossly out of context.

So far in this thread NAACP > Tea Party

7/21/2010 1:40:25 AM

All American
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There is no "clarification" necessary from me. If I got "snookered," as the NAACP put it, then so did the aforementioned organization, the Obama administration, and a great many others.

This was never really about Shirley Sherrod for me. It's about getting folks to realize that the NAACP, many on the left, and a number of leftists here continually beat conservatives about the head and shoulders with the "RACIST!!!1" charge. And I've had it!

I'm fed up with leftists and their organizations demagoguing the race issue and using overwhelmingly false charges of racism as a club to bash conservatives. I'm not going to stand for it any longer and I call on all conservatives who do not harbor hate in their hearts (meaning the vast majority) to rise up and stand with me.

Conservatives, the "racism" bludgeon currently wielded by activist leftists is nothing more than a tool used by them to diminish us--take it away from them.

Quote :
"Pick one of Obama's conservative critics, [Spencer] Ackerman wrote, 'Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.'"

Quote :
"What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically."

--Spencer Ackerman

Quote :
"Tainting the tea party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There is no evidence that tea party adherents are any more racist than other Republicans, and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging their ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats win in November. Having one's opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing joblessness."

--Mary Frances Berry, Geraldine R. Segal Professor of American Social Thought and Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, where she teaches history and law. Former Chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.

And there's this:

Obama Administration Stands By Decision to Fire Sherrod
6hrs 40mins ago

Undoubtedly, the Obama administration will flip-flop on Sherrod's firing--just as it has done on almost every other issue it has come in contact with. If Obama does this, I can simply add it to the already depressingly long list in my "Obama Flip-Flops" thread.

7/21/2010 4:28:50 AM

All American
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Tea party's Mark Williams defends Shirley Sherrod
July 21, 2010

Quote :
"After getting expelled by the Tea Party Federation for his own controversial racial statements, conservative radio host Mark Williams on Wednesday said the Department of Agriculture should reinstate Shirley Sherrod.

'Guilty until proven innocent is the standard set for witch hunts, show trials and morally bankrupt administrations and media,' Williams said in a statement. 'Just ask me, I'm in the middle of one of those storms.'"

This story continues to evolve and it is fascinating.

7/21/2010 10:49:57 AM

All American
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conservatives want obama to reinstate sherrod because tactically it makes him look weak and waffling

he comes across as a weak willed man who's basically just reacting on a day to day basis

7/21/2010 10:55:20 AM

All American
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^ Our enemies, too, have noted well Obama's weakness and they have become emboldened.

7/21/2010 11:01:07 AM

All American
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Ahh, yes. The man who wrote the colored people massa massa high definition television rant and stood around with a "NIGGARS" sign was a victim of a witch hunt. My heart bleeds for him .

7/21/2010 11:02:10 AM

All American
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^ I would imagine your heart bleeds anyway. But Williams didn't have to show support for Sherrod, who is, as we all now know, a black woman (Gasp!).

7/21/2010 11:05:10 AM

All American
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He's just doing it to help himself, that's all.

7/21/2010 11:05:39 AM

All American
16957 Posts
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well yea... altruism is a myth

anything anyone does is ultimately self-centered

7/21/2010 11:18:01 AM

All American
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do you really think a racist shithead like that would actually care about the welfare of a "colored" person like her?

7/21/2010 12:00:07 PM

40407 Posts
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look guys, hooksaw has had it!

7/21/2010 12:05:44 PM

All American
7551 Posts
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Quote :
"Contrary to common belief, I don't feel guilty. I have never held any slaves. I've never chained a black person down so I could reach a ledge.

There are plenty of people that have had better and easier opportunities than myself. There are plenty of people that have had worse and fewer opportunities than myself.

What do I have to feel bad about? At least, why should I care more about poor black people than poor anyone?"


7/21/2010 12:07:24 PM

All American
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7/21/2010 12:08:46 PM

All American
7436 Posts
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I'm not a fucking cartoon and you don't know shit about my family history. The fact that you presume that because I'm white I must have somehow trampled on a black person to make it where I am today is sickening.

You are a god-damned racist.

7/21/2010 12:21:39 PM

All American
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That's the thing, though. You don't have to have actively trampled on someone. That's what you don't understand. Your very act of being here means that you benefit from institutionalized racism.

It's hard to realize, because I know you want to think that you got everything on your own merit. You didn't. It's a tough pill to swallow, but... you didn't.

Along the line, you received a benefit for being a White male. You may have not realized it, hell... the person who gave you that benefit may have not even realized it, but it happened.

Someone may have decided that you deserved the promotion over a minority.

Someone may have decided not to pull you over that night because you didn't "look suspicious."

Someone may have decided to give you a passing grade because you seemed like the "right kind" of person.

And the thing is that the farther back in history you go, the more entrenched this kind of behavior is. And you don't have to own slaves or oppress Blacks to be a beneficiary. Families who continually benefited from this kind of institutionalized racism developed wealth and prosperity.

Do you ever wonder why your family is financially stable? Why they were able to get the house in the nice area? Why they were able to send you to a nice school? Why they were able to afford to buy you things?

What about their parents? How were their parents able to afford such amenities?

See, it builds over time. You're in your comfy chair now because your parents benefited from a system that catered to them. Just as their parents did. And your children will continue.

Now, imagine a Black family.

Their parents had to deal with the civil rights issues of the 60s.

Their parents had to deal with Jim crow laws of the 20s.

Their parents had to deal with lynchings of a newly joined country.

And their parents were slaves.

Seems a bit tougher for them to succeed just as well as you did, doesn't it?

7/21/2010 12:31:20 PM

supple anteater
21831 Posts
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Quote :
"In critical race theory, white privilege is a way of conceptualizing racial inequalities that focuses as much on the advantages that white people accrue from society as on the disadvantages that people of color experience. Most such theories focus on American and European societal condition, since inequality between whites and non-whites is a long-standing feature of these academic areas. White privilege differs from conditions of overt racism or prejudice, in which a dominant group actively seeks to oppress or suppress other racial groups for its own advantage. Instead, theories of white privilege suggest that whites view their social, cultural, and economic experiences as a norm that everyone should experience, rather than as an advantaged position that must be maintained at the expense of others. This normative assumption implicitly constrains discussions of racial inequality within the dominant discourse: such explanations are limited to factors specific to disadvantaged racial groups - who are viewed as having failed to achieve the norm - and solutions focus on what can be done to help those groups achieve the 'normal' standards experienced by whites.

In essence, theories of white privilege assert that discourses on racial inequality do not truly discuss differences between white and non-white social status, but only discuss the failure of non-white groups to achieve normal social status, effectively turning race into an issue that does not involve whites. In this sense it is similar to confirmation biases and the fundamental attribution error in social psychology.

The general claim of theories of white privilege is that racial inequity cannot be resolved solely by looking at the life conditions of disadvantaged groups. They suggest that solutions to problems of racial inequality can only be achieved by explicitly discussing the implicit advantages that whites as a group hold in society."

Quote :

Scholars within the legal studies field of critical race theory, such as Cheryl Harris[1] and George Lipsitz,[2] have argued that "whiteness" has historically been treated more as a form of property than as a racial characteristic: In other words, as an object which has intrinsic value that must be protected by social and legal institutions. Laws and mores concerning race (from apartheid and Jim Crow constructions that legally separate different races to social prejudices against interracial relationships or mixed communities) serve the purpose of retaining certain advantages and privileges for whites. Because of this, academic and societal ideas about race have tended to focus solely on the disadvantages suffered by racial minorities, overlooking the advantageous effects that accrue to whites.[3]

Within an educational context, Dan J. Pence and J. Arthur Fields observe resistance to the idea that white privilege of this type exists, and suggest this resistance stems from a tendency to see inequality as a black or Latino issue. One report noted that white students often react to in-class discussions about white privilege with a continuum of behaviors ranging from outright hostility to a "wall of silence."[4] A pair of studies on a broader population by Branscombe et al. found that framing racial issues in terms of white privilege as opposed to non-white disadvantages can produce a greater degree of racially biased responses from whites who have higher levels of racial identification. Branscombe et al. demonstrate that framing racial inequality in terms of the privileges of whites increased levels of guilt among white respondents. Those with high racial identification were more likely to give responses which concurred with modern racist attitudes than those with low racial identification.[5] According to the studies' authors, these findings suggest that representing inequality in terms of outgroup disadvantage allows privileged group members to avoid the negative implications of inequality.[6]"

7/21/2010 12:44:15 PM

All American
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Sorry bud. I don't feel guilty about my lot in life. There are plenty of people that are way more successful than me with way less effort. Should I be pissed that their parents and grandparents etc. gave them better opportunities than me?

Quote :
"Someone may have decided that you deserved the promotion over a minority.

Someone may have decided not to pull you over that night because you didn't "look suspicious."

Someone may have decided to give you a passing grade because you seemed like the "right kind" of person."

Or maybe they didn't. The fact that you automatically assume that they did is racist as fuck.

Also, should I be pissed at people who got scholarships to go to NC State because they were black? I never had that opportunity and I'm still paying back all of my college loans that my wonderfully benefited parents couldn't contribute a cent of all the money they stole from black people.

7/21/2010 12:50:36 PM

All American
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God is mother fucking racist idiot.

[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 12:54 PM. Reason : ]

7/21/2010 12:54:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"I'm not a fucking cartoon and you don't know shit about my family history. The fact that you presume that because I'm white I must have somehow trampled on a black person to make it where I am today is sickening factual."

History's a bitch I guess we'd better start ignoring and rewriting it ASAP

7/21/2010 1:03:08 PM

All American
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McDanger is mother fucking racist idiot.

7/21/2010 1:06:36 PM

All American
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White people have historically stepped on a lot of other groups, but at the same time, there's little point in punishing a group of people for the actions of their ancestors.

In a lot of ways, historically stepped-on minorities do deserve some sort of reparations, but at the same time, policies that favor any one skin color over another focus too heavily on the differences between people and thus serve to perpetuate racism and discrimination.

The attitudes our society needs are no longer those that specifically target one group of people over another. This can refer to things like affirmative action or more social concepts like celebration of one's cultural heritage (I'll elaborate on that in a bit). To end racism (or at least lessen it... I doubt it will ever 100% end), children need to be raised in a society that views people as fellow humans first and foremost, and judges people as individuals on their own merits. The most powerful solution to the whole issue will not be any action of any group, it will be the passage of time. As the older and more racially conscious ruling generations retire and die off, the younger and more race-neutral generations will gain power, and that cycle will continue. If we want to do what small bit we can to speed up that process, we should avoid drawing attention to the differences between ourselves and others. Don't say "the black community is suffering", even with good intentions, when you can instead say "our fellow people are suffering", because the distinction shouldn't matter.

On a personal level, we should live our own independent lives as much as possible. In simple terms, if part of your identity is tied to your own skin color any more than it is your own hair or eye color, you're probably doing it wrong. Becoming a caricature of some specific cultural or political identity takes away from a person's humanity; they portray themselves as a concept and a symbol rather than a living and thinking person. That's not to say that a person's past struggles are meaningless, but that they should define you as someone who has struggled to overcome an obstacle, not as someone of one particular color or culture or social group. I've said it before about religion and it fits well into this issue too: Group-thought is the single most socially destructive aspect of human nature. Group-thought causes wars, group-thought causes hatred and racism, and group-thought encourages people to avoid thinking for themselves. It is the closest thing to a "root of all evil" that exists. If they want this to be a better world, people should avoid categorizing and labeling themselves and avoid categorizing and labeling others.

If we want some kind of practical policy or application of these ideas, because often that's all that people on TSB care about...
Help all the poor. All the poor, of any color, with no preconceived judgments. If someone proves that they aren't willing to make a better life for themselves using this aid, discontinue aid for that individual (obviously this is an oversimplification, but I really don't want to go on about the specifics of when welfare should and should not be stopped. I'm making a broader point here, and that sort of thing is beside the point). The way I see it, a poor white man could have been fucked by the established system just as easily as a poor black man. Nevermind the fact that there might be, proportionately, more poor black men, because if you're aiding all these people equally, the proportions shouldn't matter.

Eh, well, there I went making a speech about race relations.
In conclusion, to all close-minded and racially-motivated assholes on TSB who feel like drawing distinctions between people and posting crime statistics grouped by skin color: Fuck you, piss off.

[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 2:00 PM. Reason : .]

7/21/2010 1:45:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Or maybe they didn't. The fact that you automatically assume that they did is racist as fuck."


The problem is that most of the time this happens, and it has been proven time and time again in various studies. I've linked many in this thread already.

Do you deny that Women do not get paid and promoted enough for the same work as well, or does your prejudice end solely at minorities?

Quote :
"Also, should I be pissed at people who got scholarships to go to NC State because they were black? I never had that opportunity and I'm still paying back all of my college loans that my wonderfully benefited parents couldn't contribute a cent of all the money they stole from black people."

No. You shouldn't. You should realize that you have more advantages in life than those less fortunate than you. And despite what you don't want to admit, most of the people less fortunate than you are Black.

Children under 18 living in poverty by race:

White - 10.8%

Black - 33.9%

Hispanic - 30.6%

For every one White child struggling to go to school, there are six minorities, three Black children and three Hispanic children.

That's not racism. That's fact. Don't deny it.

[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 1:50 PM. Reason : ]

7/21/2010 1:49:09 PM

All American
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You retard.

That's not a percentage of all poor children. It's a percentage of their race. Look at the numbers.

4,364 Whites
4,202 Blacks
5,010 Hispanics
494 Asians

What the fuck kind of math are you doing to take these numbers and say
Quote :
"For every one White child struggling to go to school, there are six minorities, three Black children and three Hispanic children.

That's not racism. That's fact. Don't deny it."

For every white kid, there's less than 1 black kid and slightly more than 1 Hispanic.

7/21/2010 2:16:34 PM

All American
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So can any of you guys then explain to me how the white man ruined the black family?

100 years ago, blacks had a higher employment rate, higher marriage rate, lower divorce rate, and 1/10 the out-of-wedlock birth rate they have now. Even the crime rate (eh em, or "arrest rate" if you're GOD) was nothing unique at all. They actually compared quite favorably to other races in the early 1900s in those respects.

Today, all of that is long, long gone. Why? It wasn't slavery or Jim Crow or institutional racism, because I think you'll all admit that was worse back then than today.

Illegitimacy and a loss of the stable family has done far more to ensure crime, poverty, and a lack of education in the black community than anything else. Where did that come from?

[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 2:27 PM. Reason : a]

7/21/2010 2:23:26 PM

All American
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Quote :
"there's little point in punishing a group of people for the actions of their ancestors.

In a lot of ways, historically stepped-on minorities do deserve some sort of reparations, but at the same time, policies that favor any one skin color over another focus too heavily on the differences between people and thus serve to perpetuate racism and discrimination."


[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 2:37 PM. Reason : \/ It's the thesis, right? ]

7/21/2010 2:28:27 PM

All American
9667 Posts
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^I kind of figured you'd grab the bit you liked most out of that and use it.

One piece of that whole mess I posted is worthless and potentially harmful without the rest of the viewpoint to back it up.

[Edited on July 21, 2010 at 2:31 PM. Reason : CONTEXT]

7/21/2010 2:30:35 PM

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