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All American
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My observations:

1) I had no clue that they had [semi-]professional video and graphics editors on their payroll.

2) I was surprised to see the part at the end (after the burning) where they show a picture of each Jordanian pilot taking part in the airstrikes, full name and rank, GPS coordinates and satellite view of his residence/location, and additional info which in some cases is their FB page.

3) As for the burning (prepping process starts at 14:37), how did they convince him to do the acting that precedes the burning? For over 2 minutes, he acts as if he is in a suspense or psychological thriller movie. If I was going to be burnt anyway, I would refuse to comply with their demands of acting just so they can get a nice video. I would refuse because they are going to kill me in a gruesome way regardless, so why should I give them the suspense/horror movie effect they want? See 14:37-14:49, 15:34-15:52, 16:14-17:49 to see what I mean (that's all before the burning if you don't want to see the burning).

2/9/2015 4:46:42 AM

All American
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the short answer is: brainwashed and hopeless

the long answer is: wouldnt you be excited to receive all the rewards of the afterlife

2/9/2015 12:22:45 PM

15294 Posts
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Quote :
"1) I had no clue that they had [semi-]professional video and graphics editors on their payroll."

Then you haven't been following actual news sources. This has been incredibly obvious since the Foley vid.
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"2) I was surprised to see the part at the end"

Why? The whole point of ISIS's strategy is to scare Americans in the sense that they have access to technology, understand our culture and aren't some dudes in caves looking to drive big shit into other big shit.
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"If I was going to be burnt anyway, I would refuse to comply with their demands of acting just so they can get a nice video."

wanna bet? I've seen some gruesome shit on the internet and I couldn't even watch the short video that was released last week (what kind of sick fuk would look dat shit up anyways)

Leave it to Fox news to spread fear

I'm Krallum and I approved this message.

2/9/2015 12:24:18 PM

All American
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maybe he was waiting for them to say 'just playin bro'

[Edited on February 9, 2015 at 12:29 PM. Reason : -]

2/9/2015 12:29:11 PM

All American
43383 Posts
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Quote :
"Leave it to Fox news to spread fear"

What kind of bullshit comment is that? They wouldn't show it on air (probably nobody did), but I'm pretty sure just about every news outlet gave you access to that video online, not just Fox.

2/10/2015 8:48:13 AM

50084 Posts
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Actually none of them did. That's the point... though I don't see a huge distinction between posting a link of it and giving a running play by play of it a la cnn..

2/10/2015 10:21:19 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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kayla mueller is dead

probably been dead for months tho

2/10/2015 12:35:50 PM

All American
22926 Posts
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It still defies logic for me that Americans are going over there for humanitarian reasons. At this point, I think that is an extremely selfish move. Because all they're gonna do is get themselves caught, and then make our government look shitty when we don't fork out the ransom money required to keep their heads on their shoulders.

2/10/2015 12:54:08 PM

All American
27951 Posts
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Quote :
"A former German rapper known as "Deso Dogg" has been declared an international terrorist over alleged ties to ISIS and added to the U.S. terror blacklist.

According to the State Department, 39-year-old Denis Cuspert — who now goes by the name Abu Talha al-Almani — joined the group now known as ISIS in 2012, has pledged allegiance to its leader and appeared in numerous videos on behalf of the terror organization. In the most recent video, which was released in November, Cuspert "appears holding a severed head he claims belongs to a man executed for opposing" ISIS, the State Department said in a statement. "

2/10/2015 2:31:23 PM

All American
6672 Posts
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Quote :
"It still defies logic for me that Americans are going over there for humanitarian reasons. At this point, I think that is an extremely selfish move. Because all they're gonna do is get themselves caught, and then make our government look shitty when we don't fork out the ransom money required to keep their heads on their shoulders."

Yes. Just stop going to the countries our government tells us we should hate. So fucking selfish. I'm sure the only reason Kayle Mueller went to the region was so she could be rescued from the hands of terrorists by the A-team and then write a book about it.

Any humanitarian mission defies logic if you look at it from participant's level, you dumb fuck.

Stay in your mom's basement and pray that those brown people won't hate your country enough to invade one day.

2/12/2015 2:21:21 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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^ lol, trashing murdered humanitarian aid workers as being extremely selfish is totally a winning strategy for conservatives.

I'm assuming that got regurgitated here because he heard it on Limbaugh or something

2/12/2015 7:10:06 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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I don't listen to Limbaugh. Or Hannity. Or Beck - pick one.

How many times have we seen this played out? And how many heads have to roll? There's plenty of humanitarian work to be done here.

2/12/2015 8:19:15 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Oh so that is your own weird conclusion. That's a relief I guess.

So these people who literally sacrifice themselves to help where there is the most human suffering are selfish because short-sighted idiots think the U.S. looks bad when they die. That's your stance? Do you understand what "selfish" means?

2/12/2015 8:56:09 AM

All American
38977 Posts
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I just hope that every time he gets called out it actually makes him think a bit

2/12/2015 11:00:49 AM

45908 Posts
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the first and only reply in this thread should have been:

[in a donkey's butthole]

2/12/2015 11:01:44 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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the only response of course is to kill 10,000 of them (or so) for every one of our people dead

i mean whats the total body count over there versus our own in the past 20 years or so?

what was the margain in vietnam? 350k american dead/wounded versus 1.7 million north vietnam dead/wounded?

of course that means we won-


2/12/2015 11:31:58 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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[/quote]So these people who literally sacrifice themselves to help where there is the most human suffering are selfish because short-sighted idiots think the U.S. looks bad when they die. That's your stance? Do you understand what "selfish" means?

No, that isn't what I said at all. When these people get captured, ISIS is going to parade them on youtube and demand ransom money, or release of gitmo detainees, or whatever other demand they think they need. It is then up to our government - our president, to decide how to deal with them. Since we have a blanket "no negotiation with terrorists (except for Bowe Bergdahl sp?)" rule, then or course we have to let them die. But I'm sure Obama or whoever makes that decision might have trouble sleeping at night knowing that he could've met the demands and maybe that hostage wouldn't have died.

Am I selfish for thinking these people ought to stay here and help their fellow Americans? Yup. Do I care? Nope. Again, how many more aid workers and journalists have to die before they get the picture that they should've stayed home.

2/12/2015 1:06:37 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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i herd dey were gon com get me if i talk shit bout dem on fb

dey kno where i live an stuf

2/12/2015 1:22:03 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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Here is what you said (I'll use as many of your words as possible): Americans going over there for humanitarian reasons are making an extremely selfish move, because they'll get caught and make our government look shitty.

I was adding context for you on what a person "going over there for humanitarian reasons" actually is. It is a person who is so selfless that they voluntarily serve overseas in a place where they feel are most needed. They risk their lives and never see their family and friends from back home. They've heard the stories of people getting their heads chopped off, getting raped and tortured, etc (and now we can add being burned alive) and they go anyway.

In a world where everyone is constantly out for themselves, here are a group of people who give everything they have just to help other people. You just called these people "extremely selfish", because they weren't considering how the U.S. might be perceived by some, nor were they looking out for Obama's feelings/lost sleep.

I'm guessing you did that because you are ignorant. I was (kind of) giving you the benefit of the doubt that you weren't being willfully ignorant, until...

Quote :
"Am I selfish for thinking these people ought to stay here and help their fellow Americans? Yup. Do I care? Nope."

That makes you a lot more than just selfish.

Also, the fact that it somehow makes a difference to you if they serve Americans at home vs others, as if staying home would then make them "not selfish" is so bizarre I don't even know how to address it.

Edit: Whenever you decide to open your mind up to a little education, here is a short, easily digestible article on that selfish bitch Kayla Mueller

[Edited on February 12, 2015 at 2:05 PM. Reason : .]

2/12/2015 1:58:50 PM

All American
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So has anybody found out how Kayla Mueller died?

IS says she died in the shelling/bombing by Jordanian fighters when they leveled a building. Jordan says no.

IS is not afraid of anything, they have killed many people on camera in brutal ways. So, I tend to believe them because had they killed her, they wouldn't be afraid to show that to the world.

Her letter to her family says she was treated kindly and had even put on weight. And that she was teaching the guards how to make "peace cranes" using origami.

At the end, I guess we will never really no.

2/12/2015 2:13:16 PM

All American
38977 Posts
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first it was the doctors and nurses who went to Africa to help Ebola patients who were deemed selfish

now it's humanitarian workers who go into third world countries to help poverty-stricken children who are deemed selfish

who's next? military personnel?

2/12/2015 2:39:15 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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we need everyone at home in fortress america

2/12/2015 2:49:27 PM

50084 Posts
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^^ infantry is fine but fuck the medics. Selfish assholes should be saving people in hospitals and not in the middle east

2/12/2015 6:27:41 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"So, I tend to believe them because had they killed her, they wouldn't be afraid to show that to the world."

It's not about what they are or are not afraid to do; clearly they wouldn't have any problem with killing her. It's about what can be of the most utility to them from a propaganda perspective.

I don't know that it even matters all that much if a Jordanian airstrike killed her, and if so, if she was being used as a human shield and deliberately put into danger...or if they just executed her, or what. They're going to claim what they want to claim, and I think it'll fall pretty flat, at least in most audiences. They certainly aren't going to be able to drive a wedge between Jordan and the U.S./West with this, no matter how she died.

2/12/2015 6:54:39 PM

All American
3118 Posts
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yeah, fuck all those refugees, am i right?

2/12/2015 7:00:17 PM

All American
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2/13/2015 3:37:08 PM

All American
9053 Posts
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Long, but good read about what these guys are all about and the quandary they present. I learned, among many other things, that ISIS (and I assume various other sects of islam) expects jesus to come back much like christians do, except he's on their side.

2/17/2015 2:23:24 PM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Quote :
"I tend to believe them because had they killed her, they wouldn't be afraid to show that to the world"

I tend to believe them for that reason, and because there was a story about an escaped (maybe ransomed?) ISIS hostage who said that from what he could tell, the female hostages were treated relatively well -- more freedom of movement, less beatings, etc. I'm not sure why ISIS should be inclined to be nicer to female hostages. Certainly the west is already maxed out on how evil they think ISIS is. Maybe butchering a woman on camera would be bad for domestic/Arab world propaganda?

Quote :
"It still defies logic for me that Americans are going over there for humanitarian reasons. At this point, I think that is an extremely selfish move. Because all they're gonna do is get themselves caught"

Well, no. The vast majority of aid workers in Syria and elsewhere are not kidnapped or killed. The vast majority of them come home just fine. A journalist or humanitarian going over to Syria is not walking into anything like a certainty of a bad outcome. Given crime rates in the parts of America that need humanitarian help, working stateside isn't a guarantee of safety, either.

Quote :
"Am I selfish for thinking these people ought to stay here and help their fellow Americans? "

It's not just selfish, it's intellectually stupid and morally wrong. America has a wide range of humanitarian, charitable, and aid agencies serving it. Many places don't, or they wouldn't without foreign aid workers. The most AIDS-ridden, cracked-out, homeless nut in America has better chances than millions of people who are extremely poor, trapped in conflict zones, or both. That's because the unfortunate American has a lot of aid options. They may not take advantage of those options, but they're there. Meanwhile, I live in Benin. By third world standards, Benin is doing pretty well. No violence, stable government, economy isn't totally in the shitter. And there are parts of this country where Benin has -no- homegrown aid, where the only help for medical problems or food shortages comes from outside aid groups. Things only get worse, much worse, in places like Syria.

Of course, when you come down to it, your line of argument here is really just bullshit in the purest sense. Even if every American were happy, employed, financially stable and medically well-tended -- in short, even if America didn't need one iota of humanitarian help -- you'd still be opposed to American aid workers going abroad. It's sad, and it's incomprehensible.

2/18/2015 6:15:14 AM

All American
1801 Posts
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^^ Just finished the Atlantic piece. Definitely worth the time.

2/18/2015 7:29:43 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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No, I have no problem with aid workers going abroad. To active war zones? Sure, it's just too dangerous in my book.

And just so you people who came saying my opinion is incomprehensible, I actually put my name in the hat to go to Haiti after the quake, but they already had too many people for the trip I signed up.

And Grumpy of course you're going to have the opinion you do - you're a frickin humanitarian worker abroad.

2/18/2015 8:49:04 AM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Quote :
" I actually put my name in the hat to go to Haiti after the quake,"

Do you also have plenty of black friends?

2/18/2015 12:08:57 PM

All American
8383 Posts
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That GrumpyGOP sure is a selfish prick.

2/18/2015 1:56:18 PM

All American
11307 Posts
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Aww yeah!!! Wolfpack shout out!

weird, the report != URL

Quote :
"But Erick Thomas, a professor of acoustics and dialects at North Carolina State University, says it's unclear whether the mysterious, shrouded figure in the video released on Sunday is from the U.S."

[Edited on February 18, 2015 at 5:10 PM. Reason : ]

2/18/2015 5:10:19 PM

All American
22926 Posts
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Quote :
"Do you also have plenty of black friends?"

I don't know why but you're always a prick to me.

No, actually I don't have many black friends. I don't go to church, so there are no black people there to befriend, I don't work with very many black people, so there isn't much opportunity there, and I'm pretty much a homebody, so not many opportunities to get out.

2/18/2015 5:44:37 PM

All American
7863 Posts
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back on topic:

goatfuckers amirite

2/18/2015 6:48:58 PM

All American
22926 Posts
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Apparently we need to fight ISIS with economics. Because you know, they fight because they're bored and unemployed.

But forget about me, that argument is too nuanced and above my head.

2/18/2015 7:59:51 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Apparently these motherfuckers are harvesting organs and selling them on the black market.

2/18/2015 10:20:28 PM

All American
2049 Posts
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Quote :
"Apparently we need to fight ISIS with economics. Because you know, they fight because they're bored and unemployed.

But forget about me, that argument is too nuanced and above my head."

Are you seriously saying you don't see a valid point being made here? What about when a conservative says the same thing:

Quote :
"We fight against poverty because hope is an answer to terror.
We will challenge the poverty and hopelessness and lack of education and failed governments that too often allow conditions that terrorists can seize and try to turn to their advantage. "

-George W Bush

Do you seriously not understand that desperate economic environments can be a catalyst for radicalisation?

2/19/2015 2:06:57 AM

All American
42526 Posts
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Quote :
"I learned, among many other things, that ISIS (and I assume various other sects of islam) expects jesus to come back much like christians do, except he's on their side."

That's an orthodox Islamic concept that is universally accepted by all Muslims. It says that he will come down in Syria, lead the Muslim prayer in a mosque there, break the cross, kill a swine, slay the anti-Christ.

2/19/2015 5:23:05 AM

All American
93277 Posts
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hope someone brings a pig cooker so it doesn't go to waste... a pig pickin' tends to unite people.

2/19/2015 7:47:44 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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It's really sickening how much media attention this is getting. It's way too reminiscent of the drumbeats to invade Iraq after 9/11. The media wants a war, the GOP wants a war, and you better believe that if a major domestic terrorist attack does happen in the next 2 years, Obama's "complacency" towards ISIS will be blamed. Meanwhile, we've launched thousands of airstrikes killing scores of their fighters while allowing global outrage towards the group to reach a boiling point. ISIS is a regional threat that could easily be quashed by any well trained/equipped army, of which there are several in the Middle East. Let them deal with it and stop giving attention to terrorists using Final Cut Pro.

2/19/2015 9:23:06 AM

All American
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If a person on the right besides GW would have said what she said, you know what I'd hear? "Typical right-wing thinking...throw some captialism at the problem and it'll go away. Captialism solves all the world's problems."

Ok fine, I agree that if you can get to these youts before they're radicalized, then yea, you might be able to prevent them from becoming Islamic terrorists. But instead of giving me lip service and just simply stating "fight with economics," don't tell me it is too nuanced for me to understand....tell me your fucking plan.

Don't John Madden it and give me the obvious. How are you going to bolster the economy of much of the Middle East??? Are you going to convince Saudi Arabia to funnel some of their billions into the poorer areas of the ME to generate economic activity? No, they're too busy trying to fund legitimate terrorists. Why not put an Apple factory somewhere in Syria? What level of economic "success" do you think a 20 something would have to reach in order to keep him from thinking about heading to ISIS to change the world for his religion?

No. What will end up happening is that any money, aid, or materiel that gets sent to help will end up in the hands of ISIS.

On the bright side, if you're liver starts to fail, maybe they'll sell you one for cheap.

[Edited on February 19, 2015 at 10:03 AM. Reason : youts]

2/19/2015 10:02:41 AM

yovo yovo bonsoir
18117 Posts
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Quote :
"No, I have no problem with aid workers going abroad."

Great, but that's not what you said. What you said was that people should stay home and help their fellow Americans.

Quote :
"I actually put my name in the hat to go to Haiti after the quake"

Well god damn, I hope you at least got the Presidential Medal of Freedom for your heroic efforts.

Quote :
"And Grumpy of course you're going to have the opinion you do - you're a frickin humanitarian worker abroad."

There you're wrong. My latest stint in that field has made me very, very cynical about aid work. A huge portion of it is grade-A bullshit designed to soak up grant money. Out of the people who do actually prioritize "helping people," a huge portion go about it all wrong and make things worse. I think these kinds of issues are particularly acute in place like Benin, where the problems dealt with are chronic and congenital, so to speak.

In that sense, Syria has an advantage in the whole "aid work" field. There are problems there that are immediate, visible, solvable. A kid comes into your field hospital bleeding from wounds sustained in a mortar attack, you stop the bleeding and patch him up. A village doesn't have food because it's been cut off by fighting, you drive food to it. A refugee camp is drowning in its own shit, you dig latrines. The aid workers there have narrow, achievable goals like that. They're not trying to end the civil war, because they can't. This as opposed to, say, the organization I work with in Benin. Their goal -- to the extent they have a goal -- is "make Benin not be poor anymore." With the result that there are a bunch of muddled projects that are often shoehorned into place to draw more government money.

2/19/2015 10:03:13 AM

All American
22926 Posts
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Quote :
"Well god damn, I hope you at least got the Presidential Medal of Freedom for your heroic efforts.

That wasn't said for a cookie. I was just trying to illustrate that I'm not against all aid work abroad.

2/19/2015 10:32:51 AM

All American
2049 Posts
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Quote :
"If a person on the right besides GW would have said what she said, you know what I'd hear? "Typical right-wing thinking...throw some captialism at the problem and it'll go away. Captialism solves all the world's problems.""

Yeah, I'm gonna have to call bullshit on that. The typical right wing response to terrorist threats consists of "Kill 'Em All!" rhetoric (remember when McCain sang "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran"?) I think most left wingers would find it very refreshing to hear conservatives suggest capitalism as an alternate approach.

Quote :
"Ok fine, I agree that if you can get to these youts before they're radicalized, then yea, you might be able to prevent them from becoming Islamic terrorists. But instead of giving me lip service and just simply stating "fight with economics," don't tell me it is too nuanced for me to understand....tell me your fucking plan."

I don't have a fucking plan. I didn't post in here to propose a fucking plan. My only purpose was to convince you that Harf made a valid point, which I managed to do. Nice try at moving the goal posts, however.

2/20/2015 3:38:35 AM

All American
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You must think yourself pretty important to think that was being directed at you. I'm asking the administration to give me a plan.

Speaking of which, what does our leadership do when one of their own makes a statement they want the country to forget? Redirect! Focus on evil whitey.

2/20/2015 8:18:49 AM

26632 Posts
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domestic terrorism is actually a much greater threat

2/20/2015 8:33:20 AM

All American
9594 Posts
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Plus I think this administration's track record on stopping domestic terrorist attacks by foreign groups is pretty spotless, no?

2/20/2015 9:02:31 AM

26632 Posts
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domestic threats by foreign groups is a very small, insignificant threat - so probably

2/20/2015 9:46:17 AM

All American
7863 Posts
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Quote :
"domestic terrorism is actually a much greater threat"

Not disagreeing, but please elaborate.

2/20/2015 9:52:27 AM

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