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All American
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My attorney's associates got arrested

10/10/2019 1:37:54 PM

2001 Posts
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Also, can anyone confirm or disprove rumors that the whistleblower actually worked for a democratic candidate. That would be huge, if true, but I've only seen it spread on right wing sources and nym says I shouldn't fall for their talking points so easily so I'm trying to be careful.

10/10/2019 2:20:54 PM

50084 Posts
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I mean no one on here can prove or disprove anything. But we already know the whistleblower has worked as a CIA officer over multiple administrations in the White House so it would stand to reason they likely have had a working relationship with Biden (and Pence. And Trump. And Bolton. And Obama).

A quick search and here is a statement from his/her lawyer:

Also, a quick note on another RW conspiracy. This lawyer has represented Benghazi whistleblowers as well as the Daily Caller so save the “interned once for a Dem” nonsense.

10/10/2019 2:48:02 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"This is nuts.

Q: Were you ever aware that Ukraine aid was held up b/c of interest in probing Bidens?

Pence: "I ? what ? I never discussed the issue of ? the issue of the Bidens w/ President Zelensky and...."

Q: Were you aware tho?

Pence: "What I ? well, that’s your question.""

Via @jbendery and

10/10/2019 3:59:13 PM

4362 Posts
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[Edited on October 10, 2019 at 6:47 PM. Reason : Reminds me of^^]

10/10/2019 6:47:14 PM

All American
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Is Guiliani screwed or is he going to scrape by?

10/10/2019 11:26:18 PM

50084 Posts
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We’ll have to see!

10/11/2019 7:42:59 AM

All American
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Today to trump:
Quote :
" Q: Is Rudy Giuliani still your personal attorney?

Trump: "Well, I don't know. I haven't spoken to Rudy. I spoke to him yesterday briefly. He's a very good attorney, and he has been my attorney.""

10/11/2019 5:14:04 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Getting the Michael Cohen treatment.

"Rudy was my lawyer, one of many. People like to say he was my personal lawyer. Well I don't know if he was my personal lawyer."

10/11/2019 7:57:02 PM

All American
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Acting head of DHS steps down

This seems ominous... I’m guessing trump asked him to do something more heinous that he’s comfortable with and the next stooge isn’t going to have those reservations

10/11/2019 8:03:04 PM

6283 Posts
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This isn’t the Cabinet thread

10/11/2019 9:02:13 PM

All American
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^^ which is how he himself ended up in the job

10/11/2019 10:33:05 PM

play so hard
60908 Posts
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Your non-vote also helped him end up in the job.

10/12/2019 1:19:22 AM

All American
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Quote :
" The U.S. ambassador to the European Union, Gordon Sondland, intends to tell Congress this week that the content of a text message he wrote denying a quid pro quo with Ukraine was relayed to him directly by President Trump in a phone call, according to a person familiar with his testimony.
Sondland plans to tell lawmakers he has no knowledge of whether the president was telling him the truth at that moment. “It’s only true that the president said it, not that it was the truth,” said the person familiar with Sondland’s planned testimony, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters.

Sondland will hold out the possibility that Trump wasn’t truthful in his denial of a quid pro quo as well as an alternative scenario in which the president’s interest in the scheme soured at a time when his administration faced mounting scrutiny over why it was withholding about $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine and delaying a leader-level visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“Whether he’s deciding it’s getting too hot to handle and he backs off whatever his position really was a month earlier, I don’t know,” the person said of Sondland’s understanding.
Hours before Sondland called the president, he received a text message from the acting ambassador to Ukraine, William B. Taylor, raising questions about the aid holdup.

That’s when Sondland, according to the person’s understanding, called Trump, who then told him he didn’t “want a quid pro quo .?.?. didn’t want anything from Ukraine.” The call lasted less than five minutes, and Trump appeared to be in a foul mood, according to the person, who spoke to The Post with Sondland’s permission, an intermediary said.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment. Sondland declined to comment through his lawyers.
Sondland, who has emerged as a central actor in Trump’s efforts to persuade Ukraine to open investigations, will be deposed before House investigators on Thursday.
Sondland is expected to say that for months before the Sept. 9 message, he worked at the direction of Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, to secure what he would call in another text message the “deliverable” sought by Trump: a public statement from Ukraine that it would investigate corruption, including mentioning Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, by name. In exchange for the statement, the president would grant Ukraine’s new president a coveted White House audience.

“It was a quid pro quo, but not a corrupt one,” the person familiar with Sondland’s testimony said.
Sondland appears poised to say that he and other diplomats did not know that the request to mention Burisma was really an effort to impugn the reputations of Biden and his son Hunter, who had served as a Burisma board member. Sondland contends that he didn’t know about the Biden connection until a whistleblower complaint and transcript surfaced in late September.
To trust Sondland’s testimony, members of Congress will have to believe Sondland had not seen televised appearances by Giuliani over the spring and summer, or numerous newspaper and magazine articles questioning whether Hunter Biden’s role at Burisma could prove to be a drag on his father’s presidential campaign.

“If people find that incredulous, it strikes me that the incredulity is hindsight bias,” said the person familiar with Sondland’s testimony. “The things that seem so clear to people now didn’t seem so clear in real time.”

For months, Sondland’s deep involvement in issues related to Ukraine struck diplomats in Brussels and Washington as highly unusual, given his role as envoy to the European Union, a large trade bloc that does not include Ukraine. Former U.S. officials have said Sondland viewed the Ukraine assignment as critical to winning Trump’s favor and auditioning for a more senior job in the administration.
In Sondland’s account, he describes an assignment that begins with excitement and enthusiasm and ends with concern about how the Trump administration was pressing Ukraine, a country fending off Russian-backed separatists that relies heavily on the United States for economic and military support.
Besides working with Giuliani, Sondland also partnered with Kurt Volker, special envoy to Ukraine, and Energy Secretary Rick Perry. The three men were all part of the U.S. delegation to Zelensky’s inauguration in May and left that ceremony excited about the prospects for a vibrant new American partner in Ukraine, according to Sondland’s perspective.
The three returned to Washington intent on pressing Trump to meet quickly with Zelensky. But instead of receiving a positive reception, the idea was met with a “buzz saw” in the Oval Office, the person said. Trump was disgruntled about Ukraine, blaming opponents in the country for attempting to undermine his 2016 victory.


[Edited on October 12, 2019 at 9:42 PM. Reason : ]

10/12/2019 9:41:59 PM

All American
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10/14/2019 12:12:35 AM

All American
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Testimony today says Bolton was trying to stop the Ukraine quid pro quo

Quote :
" Breaking: Bolton instructed aide to report Giuliani pressure campaign to White House lawyer. “I am not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up,” Bolton said, according to testimony to House investigators. "

Interesting they’re trying to set up mulvaney to be the patsy

[Edited on October 14, 2019 at 11:21 PM. Reason : ]

10/14/2019 11:01:21 PM

All American
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10/14/2019 11:24:12 PM

All American
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Also brilliant move by Schiff not to call the whistleblower after trump spent the last few weeks attacking him/her

Would be a little twist too if Bolton was the whistleblower all along...

10/14/2019 11:33:48 PM

6283 Posts
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^ I thought possibly bolton since the beginning. It is definitely a him, though. That part has been reported already.(at least first whistleblower)

10/15/2019 12:00:02 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Wouldn't Bolton have first person knowledge of the call (not hearsay)? On the other hand, he would be someone a lot of people would talk to...

I don't think it's Bolton but holy shit that would be hilarious.

10/15/2019 12:04:33 AM

6283 Posts
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I just thought (MAYBE) him cause time line kind of matches up and i can see him as the type of republican that would even find this sort of action by Trump to be unkosher.

10/15/2019 12:13:34 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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^^ I think that it was previously reported that John Bolton wasn’t present for the Ukraine call.

10/15/2019 12:28:57 AM

All American
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Reading this just makes my head explode. It doesn't sound like anything strictly illegal took place, but man, the ethical lines here are so blurred.

10/15/2019 10:11:42 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Quote :
"It doesn't sound like anything strictly illegal took place"

That sound is Giuliani saying everything was legit. I wouldn't hang anything on it.

10/15/2019 10:32:56 AM

26632 Posts
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it's definitely less legal than what Hunter Biden was doing

10/15/2019 10:35:36 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Hunter Biden is rapidly becoming the next Hillary's emails in that he'll receive way more media attention than is actually warranted.

10/15/2019 12:07:25 PM

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when the national security advisor has to tell someone to notify the NSC chief lawyer that giuliani was working with mulvaney on sketchy stuff that's not a good thing

Quote :
"I am not part of whatever drug deal Rudy and Mulvaney are cooking up"


[Edited on October 15, 2019 at 12:30 PM. Reason : .]

10/15/2019 12:11:34 PM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
"Hunter Biden is rapidly becoming the next Hillary's emails in that he'll receive way more media attention than is actually warranted."

the media is doing a terrible job perpetuating this story

10/15/2019 12:12:36 PM

4362 Posts
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Fraud Guarantee. what a name

10/15/2019 1:15:40 PM

2001 Posts
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I'm sure they had early access to this and its the real reason for the phone call drama.

10/17/2019 10:15:36 AM

All American
1164 Posts
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Nailed it

10/17/2019 12:11:46 PM

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I guess Earl is repeating the RNC talking point (shocking, I know) that they are only impeaching because they can’t beat him in 2020?

But regardless, why would anyone need “early access” to a freely available election model that has easily changed macro inputs? It’s not like they hacked internal polling to get this.

Also, I saw this like three days ago or more.

10/17/2019 12:30:13 PM

Save TWW
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It was on tww 2 days ago

10/17/2019 12:46:56 PM

All American
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The WH now seems to be admitting that their was a quid pro quo... no big deal

Quote :
"Mulvaney was asked whether it was a quid-pro-quo for the White House to condition a meeting between Trump and Ukraine's president on an agreement by Ukraine to launch an investigation that might help Trump politically.

"Get over it. There's going to be political influence in foreign policy," he said, adding that "elections have consequences.""

10/17/2019 3:12:43 PM

All American
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^The Narcissist's Prayer:

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did...
You deserved it.

Each issue/lie is at a various stage of the prayer.

10/17/2019 5:16:37 PM

All American
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Good overview of Taylor’s testimony here

10/22/2019 10:23:35 PM

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Taylor's testimony was pretty damning and it really gives us a lot to think about. So Taylor and Sondland both said that the Ukraine aid was conditioned on investigating the Bidens but we also have Mulvaney, Giuiani and Trump saying that Ukraine aid was conditioned on investigating the Bidens so who knows

Also, lol at Sondland checking to make sure no one was transcribing or monitoring the call with Zelensky


Shenanigans going down today, republican house members stormed the closed door hearing and refused to leave. Schiff had to postpone the hearing so they could search and re-secure the SCIFF since cell phones were brought in.

[Edited on October 23, 2019 at 11:59 AM. Reason : .]

10/23/2019 11:58:17 AM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Friendly reminder that Republican committee members have been present for all testimony and are able to ask questions.

10/23/2019 12:38:45 PM

All American
2253 Posts
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The Republicans invading the SCIF is just desperation after the Chief of Staff confession and Taylor testimony.

10/23/2019 1:00:48 PM

Save TWW
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And with cell phones. Cue outrage about mishandling of clearances, right??

10/23/2019 1:03:51 PM

All American
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Kind of amazing at how brazen the gop is.

I guess when the electoral college and districts are biased in your favor you get really bold...

10/23/2019 1:27:50 PM

All American
38980 Posts
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it’s also wild how a lot of them are as dumb as their constituents

really, really dumb

10/23/2019 1:39:38 PM

All American
1164 Posts
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You get what you pay for

10/23/2019 4:31:35 PM

Sup, B
52725 Posts
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I hope Pelosi arrests those fuckes if they try that again.

10/23/2019 8:44:21 PM

All American
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I don't understand how they weren't arrested...

Pretty sure trying to record testimony that's purposely kept from the public (for the same reasons they police interrogate suspects in isolation and isolate witnesses) is a colossal national security problem, but I guess laws and facts and precedents and common sense no longer matter.

10/23/2019 9:20:03 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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I read an article that claimed the committee discussed arrests but decided against it so as not to make martyrs of the invading horde (their obvious game plan).

Isn't Congress immune to arrests while in session?

10/23/2019 10:05:14 PM

26632 Posts
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time for a mugshot update

10/23/2019 11:31:02 PM

All American
52661 Posts
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Quote :
"I don't understand how they weren't arrested..."

No shit. I cannot imagine not arresting a bunch of non-cleared people who force their way into a SCIF, while active intelligence is being presented, with their fucking cell phones!

10/24/2019 12:00:25 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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pretty handsome guy for 36. Dayum.

10/24/2019 1:59:27 AM

All American
846 Posts
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a hot take for the ages.

10/24/2019 8:46:39 AM

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