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play so hard
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^^ Try to follow these instructions as closely as possible. And I'd try the service option too...that's what normally works best.

7/15/2008 7:21:38 AM

play so hard
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Support Cancer Research and the NCSU Wolfpack With Your Computer's Idle Time!

What Is It?
Essentially Folding@Home uses your unused CPU cycles to model how proteins fold in the human body. The misfolding of proteins is often involved in well known diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow (BSE), CJD, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease. Because this endeavor requires massive amounts of computing power, their project uses spare CPU time on computers that would otherwise sit idle in homes and businesses across the world. Here at North Carolina State University, we have formed this team in order to donate our spare CPU time to help this important endeavor.

The North Carolina State University Folding@Home Team (Team # 59) was one of the first teams to join the Folding@Home project, and was the very first University-based team to join. We are currently ranked in the Top 100 teams in the world and are ramping up production in an effort to make it into the Top 50. We are all dedicated to doing our part to help end some of these terrible diseases, and we would appreciate the support of anyone who would like to help.

All it takes is the installation of a small piece of software and your computer will start completing Work Units for the project and the team. The Folding@Home process runs at the lowest possible priority so you can run it 24X7 without slowing down your computer or interfering with your everyday computing tasks. If you have a Sony PS3 Game Console you can also run Folding@Home on it with great results.

How can I Help?
Download and install the software appropriate for your OS (Windows/Linux/Mac). For dual/quad core computers, be sure you install the SMP client. It will get you and the NCSU team far more points than the traditional client. Whichever client you choose, we recommend running the Folding@Home client as a service. The client will run in the background without notification, and will release CPU resources as needed since it runs at the lowest priority. The NCSU Team Number is 59.

Visit the team homepage for detailed installation instructions

Windows Computers
We recommend using the "text-only console” client for most windows computers. If you have a dual/quad core processor, be sure to install and run the SMP client to get you and the team far more points than the standard console client In general, its best to stay away from the graphical clients. If you have a Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading, its best to turn off Hyperthreading in the BIOS if you know how. Feel free to post in this thread with any questions.

Mac and Linux Computers
There are both "text-only" consoles and SMP clients for Linux and Macintosh computers too! If you have a dual/quad/etc core processor be sure to run the SMP client as you'll get far more points than the text-only client. But the regular console clients also help out too if you only have single-core processors.

Playstation 3
PS3s currently provide over 60% of the processing power in the Folding@home network and are capable of producing many points for the team. If you have PS3 system version 1.6 or later, you will see a Folding@Home icon in the Network column of the XMB (PS3 Networking menu). Just click on the icon and that's it. If you don't have 1.6 or later, perform a system upgrade. Make sure to use Team #59!

The more computers and PS3s you run the clients on, the more points your username and the NCSU team earns! Install as many clients as you can and watch your username/team progress at the stats page


Team Links
Official NCSU F@H Team Website - Tell your friends people. It's
NCSU F@H Team Discussion - This page.
NCSU F@H Team Facebook Group - Join our facebook group!

F@H Links
F@H Project Homepage - Official Stanford project webpage
F@H Official Forums - Official Project forums. Full of great information about the project and the computer/ps3 clients
F@H Wikipedia Article - General information about the F@H project
F@H Wiki Site - Excellent Wiki site with tons of helpful information about the project. Geared towards F@H users like us.

Extreme Overclocking NCSU Team Stats Page - The best F@H stats site
Stanford Stats Page - Official Stanford stats site
Monitor your production - Extremely useful little utility. Monitor the point production of local/network F@H clients
Compare your production with other users - Use information from above to compare your points production with other folders

7/15/2008 7:22:06 AM

All American
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I joined last night but I can't get Fahmon to run - I keep getting a /.config/ error when I try to load it

7/15/2008 10:01:34 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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What OS? Can you include the exact error?

7/15/2008 10:52:22 AM

All American
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ahhh nvm - got it to work

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 11:07 AM. Reason : ]

7/15/2008 11:01:31 AM

All American
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oh and since I'm new to this - I dont think my ppd is looking right - I'm only getting 98-100 ppd on a AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-62 2.10 Ghz, nVidia GeForce 7150M, 4Gig DDR2 on Vista Home premium

shouldn't my ppd be A LOT higher?

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:49 PM. Reason : ]

7/15/2008 3:45:11 PM

play so hard
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I bet you're using the standard client. For multi-core processors like yours, you need to be using the SMP client...and you'll get WAY more points.

You can download it here:

and follow the instructions here: to install

7/15/2008 3:48:30 PM

All American
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yeah I can't get SMP to run - thats why I downloaded the standard client

during installation I get:

OpenSCManager failed:
Access is denied (error 5)
Unable to remove the previous installation
account (domain\user)

So I type in my user and password and get

Unable to connect to 'Threewingedfury:8676'
sock error: generic socket falure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1228): unable to connect to Threewingedfury on port 8676
exhausted all endpoints (errno -1)
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1275): unable to connect to Threewingedfury on por 8676
No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it (errno 10061)

[Edited on July 15, 2008 at 3:58 PM. Reason : ]

7/15/2008 3:50:14 PM

All American
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damn Vista - had to change settings on command prompt

7/15/2008 6:46:41 PM

All American
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Synapse, i HAD followed the instructions up to the part where I run it as a service. I ran it as a service and restarted the computer and it seems to be running, however only one of the four processes was using any of the CPU...

I'll check it tonight and see if it's made any progress.

7/15/2008 8:07:50 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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^^ did you get the SMP working then?
^yeah you should see 4 processes in the task manager, working together to comsume 100% cpu cycles. let us know if thats not the case

7/16/2008 8:28:04 AM

32613 Posts
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k i'm back in

7/16/2008 9:17:55 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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uh o

alexzogh hasn't turned in any points in the last 12 hours. This could hurt

7/16/2008 10:51:04 AM

All American
575 Posts
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alexzogh probably had the wrong team number... hopefully not !

7/16/2008 12:48:41 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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i thought that might be the case, but that name isn't turning in workunits under any other team currently. maybe he changed names too...

7/16/2008 12:58:07 PM

All American
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well I got the SMP to run - but its not working correctly - it stays at 0%, I left it on for quite some time and there was not movement whatsoever

7/16/2008 9:17:24 PM

All American
575 Posts
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well alexzogh is producing again, hope it lasts

7/17/2008 8:43:52 AM

All American
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FahMon Revamp in the works....looking for donations
Quote :
"I don't know how many of you use FahMon, I know I do! It's a great little program that monitors your folding progress on local and/or remote machines.

Anyhow, this is the email I got from Mitsimonsta of team OCAU and I thought I would pass it along:

We are trying to scrape together some cash for Uncle Fungus to put some big time development into FahMon. I was chatting to him earlier on MSN and he told me that he is going to basically re-write the core monitoring code which is about 70% of the code, and is what he inherited when he took over the project.

If you use the program and really like it, you might want to consider throwing a few bucks his way for all the hard work, there is a PayPal & Google Checkout link on his site. Same goes for any FAH program that you guys might use. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to keep these 3rd party projects going and supported.

7/17/2008 9:23:40 AM

356 Posts
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Wow...Last time I checked the donations for fahmon on 7/8/08 he had less than 50 pounds and now its 5 times that much.

7/17/2008 11:41:06 AM

356 Posts
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Well I finally found out what was causing my ppd to drop steadily. The IT guy at work changed the universal admin password and that was keeping the service from starting. So monday, I hope he will give me the password again so that I dont have to log in and launch fah.exe for each computer on the server farm.

7/18/2008 2:39:40 PM

356 Posts
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Well this is annoying. This is the error I got on my smp client earlier.

Quote :
"[19:30:47] Completed 70000 out of 250000 steps (28 percent)
[19:54:12] Writing local files
[19:54:12] Completed 72500 out of 250000 steps (29 percent)
[20:00:57] Warning: long 1-4 interactions
[20:00:59] Gromacs cannot continue further.
[20:00:59] Going to send back what have done.
[20:00:59] logfile size: 50285
[20:00:59] - Writing 50821 bytes of core data to disk...
[20:00:59] ... Done.
[20:00:59] - Failed to delete work/wudata_07.arc
[20:00:59] Warning: check for stray files
[20:02:59] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[20:02:59] Folding@home Core Shutdown: EARLY_UNIT_END
[20:03:03] CoreStatus = 7B (123)
[20:03:03] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x7b
[20:03:03] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[20:05:07] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[20:05:07] + Attempting to get work packet
[20:05:07] - Connecting to assignment server
[20:05:08] - Successful: assigned to (***.**.**.**).
[20:05:08] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[20:05:08] Loaded queue successfully.
[20:05:55] + Closed connections
[20:06:00] + Processing work unit
[20:06:00] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[20:06:00] Core found.
[20:06:00] Working on Unit 08 [July 21 20:06:00]
[20:06:00] + Working ...
[20:06:00] *------------------------------*
[20:06:00] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[20:06:00] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007)
[20:06:00] Preparing to commence simulation
[20:06:00] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[20:06:07] - Starting from initial work packet
[20:06:07] Project: 2665 (Run 0, Clone 600, Gen 31)
[20:06:07] Assembly optimizations on if available.
[20:06:07] Entering M.D.
[20:06:28] al work packet
[20:06:28] Project: 2665 (Run 0, Clone 600, Gen 31)
[20:06:31] Entering M.D.
[20:06:34] ne 600, Gen 31)
[20:06:37] Entering M.D.
[20:06:45] GG in water
[20:06:45] in water
[20:06:45] Writing local files
[20:06:47] Extra SSE boost OK.
[20:06:57] cal files
[20:06:57] Completed 0 out of 250000 steps (0 percent)

Any Ideas

7/21/2008 4:28:18 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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Unknown, but mostly due to overclocking or running NOD32. I had this error (among others) for 6 months because of NOD32 Antivirus

7/21/2008 4:31:12 PM

play so hard
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holy crap alexzogh is going nuts...almost 40K points yesterday plz to continue

gg to Matt_Timmons for almost hitting 10k yesterday!

7/23/2008 11:32:10 AM

New Recruit
47 Posts
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Thank you, thank you...

If I added my third system (currently folding for TeAm Anandtech instead) I could hit nearly 13k ppd.

Note: the results you see under Matt_Timmons are from two GPU clients only, being run on C2D boxes, one with an 8800GS (384MB) and the other with an 8800GT (256MB), both overclocked (650/900 GS and 700/900 GT) to maximize point production. The results speak for themselves.

7/23/2008 7:29:08 PM

32613 Posts
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jesus, I just got 2 servers running on it again and am barely getting shit out of them..

I'll ask for help tomorrow. I should be getting a lot more PPD

7/23/2008 7:31:08 PM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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Quote :
"If I added my third system (currently folding for TeAm Anandtech instead) I could hit nearly 13k ppd."

PLZ TO ADD!!!!! We need the points more than them you know

Hey how many points did you get out of your 8800GT before and after the overclock?

Quote :
"jesus, I just got 2 servers running on it again and am barely getting shit out of them..

1) What processors are in each server
2) What OS on each?
3) What client are you using?

If you have multi-core processors you need to be using the SMP client found here (I run the 5.91)

7/23/2008 9:42:40 PM

New Recruit
47 Posts
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I get roughly 4300 ppd on stock 8800GT and nearly 5000 ppd when overclocked.

Note that the amount of VRAM makes no difference for F@H ppd so find a good deal on a 256MB card and you're good to go (cheaper because no one wants them for gaming, the low frame buffer hurts for game resolutions 1600x1200 and higher).

After rebates, I got these cards for:
EVGA 8800GS #1: $80 ($110 - $30MIR + FS)
Gigabyte 8800GT: $78 ($100 - $30MIR + $8 shipping)
EVGA 8800GS #2: $64 ($110 - $15IR - $30MIR + $9 shipping)

7/23/2008 11:25:40 PM

play so hard
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i've got an 8800GT on the way

that said, i've got an 8600GTS I'll sell if anyone is interested. It currently puts out about 1700-1800PPD

7/24/2008 12:37:49 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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i presume this one

7/24/2008 12:49:05 PM

All American
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are the new 200 series supported?

7/24/2008 8:58:42 PM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"I get roughly 4300 ppd on stock 8800GT and nearly 5000 ppd when overclocked.

why the hell am i only getting 200PPD and the most I ever got was 800PPD between too relatively decent servers that weren't doing shit else most of the time..?

7/24/2008 9:00:18 PM

play so hard
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^ answers the questions i asked you above

7/24/2008 10:41:30 PM

play so hard
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naw it was this one:
I got it since I really wanted COD4 anyway and was about to pay $40 for it.

Is my 256MB card going to produce less points than a 512MB card?

7/25/2008 8:16:12 AM

All American
1056 Posts
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^ I can't imagine that it would being the same processor and all. How ridiculous would this be at folding

7/25/2008 8:49:06 AM

All American
1106 Posts
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hellz yeah, up over 100K ppd

great job guys, let's keep it up

7/25/2008 10:12:01 AM

play so hard
60912 Posts
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chemp is making me nervous

7/25/2008 10:18:18 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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no worries, i'll pick up the 5,500 ppd in with my GTX260

7/25/2008 2:33:25 PM

play so hard
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and i should be adding about 3000 or so with the 8800gt (after losing the 1700-1800 i'm currently producing with the 8600gts)

7/25/2008 2:38:23 PM

New Recruit
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Synapse: VRAM has no noticeable impact on ppd. My 8800GT 256MB cranks out just as many ppd as several people over at who turned in results using the 512MB cards. More, actually, since mine is factory clocked to 700mhz core.

7/25/2008 3:01:53 PM

play so hard
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so the 8800GT has turned in a few workunits, but i guess it takes a white for FahMon to catch's still showing 1800PPD with an asterisk next to it

7/26/2008 6:58:59 AM

All American
11662 Posts
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i don't think fahmon reports right, my 8800GTS constantly shows 900-1800 ppd with an asterick next to it, yet it turns in a WU every 2-3 hours, which is about 3200 ppd

7/26/2008 10:52:57 AM

32613 Posts
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Quote :
"^ answers the questions i asked you above"

oops, didn't read before i wrote haha.. but yea i'm running the SMP client on both and it's still not doing much. all cores are at 100% usage all the time

i'll give more details when i get back to work monday

7/26/2008 1:09:44 PM

play so hard
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7/30/2008 12:49:36 AM

New Recruit
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You guys should check out the Distributed Computing forum over at Anandtech ( for lots of good reading. I can also suggest my thread comparing ppd for different video cards (

7/30/2008 4:21:47 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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i'll be able to give you a 260 (actually a GTX260 SC) ppd number in the next week or so... i got company in town and won't be able to install the card til early next week (not to mention i'm not sure if my 500w will power it, gotta find the modular power cables for my PSU first)

we also have our own website: so if you want to contribute to it i can hook you up as an author

[Edited on July 30, 2008 at 4:32 PM. Reason : /]

7/30/2008 4:30:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"alexzogh said

am July 31 2008 @ 12:00 am · Edit

The new GPU beta (beta2 actually) is doing very well for me.

FahMon tells me I’m pushing ~40k PPD.

machine 1
Gtx 280 (X 2) ~ 14000 ppd
Q9590 @ 4mhz ~ 1700 ppd (limiting it)

Machine 2
8800Gt OC - 4822 ppd
Q6600 w / 2 vmware linux clients ~3000 ppd

machine 3
9800 gtx OC - 6098 ppd
Core 2 quad 2.13 (single core) ~100 ppd

machine 4
8800gt oc - 4712 ppd

machine 5
8800 gt oc - 4822 ppd

Had a bunch of other computers (about 5) running the single core instance, but they were all so pathetic (< 100 ppd) I turned most of them off."

7/31/2008 10:39:00 AM

All American
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7/31/2008 11:32:37 AM

32613 Posts
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holy shiiit ^^

7/31/2008 1:29:23 PM

356 Posts
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So the average gtx 280s put out ~7000ppd.......thats just sick nasty. And the fact he has two is just

7/31/2008 1:41:41 PM

All American
11662 Posts
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so now i'm in a predicament

i have a GTX260 Superclocked & a 9800GX2 (only going to keep one)

the GTX260 apparently may get 6000 ppd, but the 9800GX2 only 5500ppd.... but the 9800GX2 is better for gaming....

7/31/2008 3:42:42 PM

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