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10/24/2019 3:41:32 PM

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First TV ads being released, and his wife Evelyn is making her first real public appearances

This past weekend there was a Basic Income March in 30 cities around the world. I attended the NYC March

more great videos being put out by the Yang Gang

[Edited on October 29, 2019 at 11:29 AM. Reason : .]

10/29/2019 11:03:57 AM

26632 Posts
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Yang has a $2k+ lunch if any of you libertarian techbois want to join, pairs well with super pac money

10/30/2019 11:30:09 PM

play so hard
60913 Posts
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Is Yang still surging in national polls or are his numbers on the retreat?

10/31/2019 12:27:18 AM

26632 Posts
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down a bit from his peak, about where he was a couple months ago

10/31/2019 8:32:04 AM

Save TWW
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Had a few 6% this month but the last 5 have been back at 3%

10/31/2019 8:38:43 AM

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his RCP national polling average has fallen off a bit, although it was skewed for a few weeks due to the 8% he got in an Emerson poll which was admittedly an outlier. still generally in the 3% range though. definitely would like to see some upward momentum on that but I'm not worried yet, we will peak at the right time.

many other relevant metrics are still moving in the right direction.

donations still coming in strong, campaign's finances are in a good position (we more than tripled our Q3 fundraising over Q2, whereas Harris and Biden raised less in Q3 than they did in Q2 and are spending more than they're taking in. Harris is cutting costs and realigning staff). we're running a very efficient campaign

we put out our first TV ads this week which will help us reach more people who aren't already super duper paying attention. big event in Iowa tomorrow. we're doing great in NH, most recent poll was 5%. Also had 4% in most recent SC poll. no recent Nevada polls but 5% in Arizona yesterday which is a reasonable proxy.

The media is slowly starting to take him seriously, and as the field narrows down to the last 5-6, he'll be well positioned to contrast himself to the Bernie/Warren and Biden/Buttigieg/Harris campaigns.

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 9:12 AM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 8:54:23 AM

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you work for the campaign?

10/31/2019 9:16:08 AM

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9 pages and i still don't understand why qntmfred supports yang over bernie or warren

also still don't understand what the core message of his campaign is

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 1:22 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 1:10:10 PM

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I like all 3 of those candidates, and I'd happily campaign/vote for any of them in the general.

I've previously contrasted my views on Yang vs Bernie here. I'm sure I've posted more details in the subsequent months, but this is a good start

and Warren here

as for the core message of Yang's campaign, I'll explain it for you if you want, but have you listened to his stump speech or watched any of his podcast appearances? I'd do that first if you haven't and let me know what you think

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 1:39 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 1:28:23 PM

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Quote :
"I've previously contrasted my views on Yang vs Bernie here. I'm sure I've posted more details in the subsequent months, but this is a good start"

Quote :
"One of my biggest gripes was that Bernie said UBI isn't feasible, and dismissed it. Well, Medicare for All was a go-nowhere idea 4 years ago, and look at the support now. Stand up for the right idea, the smart policy. Not just what is currently fashionable and pragmatic"

He's never said it isn't feasible. He just has a better idea. Jobs guarantee + strong social safety net.

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"Minimum wage hikes is a relatively pragmatic solution to our wage stagnation problems, but I'd MUCH rather have UBI and get rid of the minimum wage"


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"strengthening and reforming our broken hodgepodge of social welfare programs is pragmatic, but I'd MUCH rather have UBI and get rid of the bureaucracy and stigma"

I've asked this 100 times in this thread and don't think you've given a clear answer. Why do you think the free market can better handle social welfare than a strong, people-focused government? And why do you think UBI wouldn't be attacked, weakened, and means-testified just like all other social programs?

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"Another issue is that while yes, Americans should demand an equitable share of prosperity with Corporate America, but I didn't fully agree with Bernie's "Corporate America is abusing the American worker by sending jobs to China or Mexico" message

Well I say send the jobs abroad if companies want to. Who cares where the jobs go. We all like getting stuff for the cheapest price, and cost of labor is a huge component of that.

Plus people all over the globe need jobs too. Global poverty has declined enormously in the last few generations, in no small part due to the expanding global supply chain. Let's keep the progress going!

Don't turn Americans against the people of other countries just because we want Corporate America to share with all Americans the proceeds from their profitable operations in this country.

So yeah, Bernie is America First in a lot of ways. And for most politicians that's a softball stance to take. But I'm done with nationalism. It's stupid. I LOVE that Yang is Humanity First."

On poverty:

The idea that Bernie is America First because he opposes corporate-minded trade deals is absolutely stunning to hear. Bernie is one of (if not the only) national politicians who continuously shows solidarity to working class movements throughout the world, from Chile, to Ecuador, to Sudan, and so on. His goal is to lift up workers throughout the world through internationally-backed labor reform, not by allowing corporations to move from country to country exploiting the poor.

See also:

Quote :
"and then there's Bernie's insistence on being labelled a Democratic Socialist without sufficiently rebuffing the "so you're a socialist" attacks, or even just simple proactive marketing and positioning of the Democratic Socialist brand"

This one is confusing because he's defined and defended the label over and over again.

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"It's possible to get through a national campaign by yourself on the strength of your message and character, but it wouldn't hurt to have the full-throated support of the machine too"

Man this is incredibly naive. What left-populist movement has ever had the full-throated support of the machine? It's literally impossible because there is a diametric opposition between the two. Any reforms supported by big business will not be enough. The healthcare industry will not allow itself to be nationalized. The school voucher lobby will fight to the death to privatize our schools. The defense industry will not willingly allow itself to be de-funded.

Quote :
"as for the core message of Yang's campaign, I'll explain it for you if you want, but have you listened to his stump speech or watched any of his podcast appearances? I'd do that first if you haven't and let me know what you think"

I'm more interested in your view of it.

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 1:59 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 1:56:45 PM

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Quote :
"He's never said it isn't feasible."

well he's certainly dismissed it, says it's "a step too far for the United States"

well if Bernie agrees that the world is going to need to move in the direction of UBI, why wait? it's like saying 20 years ago that climate change wasn't here yet, so no need to make changes until later.

what's the downside if we make this change too early vs doing it too late?

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" I'd MUCH rather have UBI and get rid of the minimum wage"

to be clear, I'm not in favor of getting RID of the minimum wage. I am happy with individual states and municipalities enacting minimum wage laws that are appropriate for their own contexts.

I've covered in detail why UBI is better than minimum wage increases. it helps EVERY SINGLE American, whereas minimum wage increases helps a fraction of Americans while at the same time potentially hurting small businesses or incentivizing large companies to look for opportunities to automate those jobs. so why not just give every American a $6/hr raise instead.

as for a strong social safety net, let's get real. the safety net we have now is an absolute disaster, as I've covered in this thread many times as well. yes, many millions depend on it. but that's no reason to keep an awful system in place when we could put in place a far superior one.

as for FJG, I am sympathetic to Bernie's point that there is much work to be done in this country, and we can employ people to do that work while providing them a living wage. and Yang's platform calls for investing trillions of dollars in infrastructure, renewable energy, green economy and climate change adaptation programs. those are largely the same jobs that Bernie is talking about. But FJG as a means to eliminating poverty or fostering an effective government is pretty flawed.

and that on the record article is 1) from 2016 and 2) written by Scott Santens who is an expert on Basic Income and all you have to do is look at the years of Scott pleading with Bernie on twitter to know how seriously Bernie is taking this issue

Meanwhile, he's also written this article describing in detail how the Freedom Dividend will do MUCH MORE for all Americans and especially the working class Bernie is trying to serve. And frankly it blows my mind that Bernie isn't supporting UBI. I 100% trust his intentions of helping normal Americans, so it's frustrating that he doesn't see how UBI will have MULTIPLE times the impact on reducing income inequality that his proposals will. I hate to say it, but I feel like he's doing the politician thing where he's painted himself into a corner and has to keep pretending rather than just come out and say he was wrong, is grateful for those who have shown him a better way, and looks forward to enthusiastically supporting the Freedom Dividend. I would LOVE to see Bernie do that. It would do a lot to restore my belief in him.

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" Why do you think the free market can better handle social welfare than a strong, people-focused government? And why do you think UBI wouldn't be attacked, weakened, and means-testified just like all other social programs?"

I like capitalism and I personally think it'll do a MUUUUUCH better job of improving lives than a centrally managed government effort. In my view, and the data I've seen clearly bears this out, properly functioning free markets have done an INCREDIBLE job of reducing global poverty and raising standards of living all over the world. just because there are some very out of whack things going on right now (which in my view is about corruption not capitalism itself) doesn't mean we should be so quick to throw out the whole thing. I know not everybody shares this view and it's understandable why

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 3:02 PM. Reason : i'll be back later]

10/31/2019 2:35:17 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I like capitalism and I personally think it'll do a MUUUUUCH better job of improving lives than a centrally managed government effort. In my view, and the data I've seen clearly bears this out, properly functioning free markets have done an INCREDIBLE job of reducing global poverty and raising standards of living all over the world."

The fastest and largest increases in life expectancy have happened in socialist countries. The Soviet Union, Cuba, and China. Life expectancy in the Soviet Union dropped after Yeltsin took over and enacted capitalist neoliberal reforms.

In Cuba today, there are no homeless people, everyone has access to high-quality healthcare, and everyone is fed. Can you say the same for the US or any other ruthlessly capitalist nations?

As far as "lifting people out of poverty" - this is a myth that is super convenient to the ultra wealthy, bolstered mainly by 1. one of the richest people in the world (Gates) and 2. a billionaire-aligned freak who remained friends with Jeffrey Epstein after it was widely known he was a pedophile (Pinker, and also Gates lol)

I'm going to quote this article because it's very important and no one clicks on links

Quote :
"Last week, as world leaders and business elites arrived in Davos for the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates tweeted an infographic to his 46 million followers showing that the world has been getting better and better. “This is one of my favourite infographics,” he wrote. “A lot of people underestimate just how much life has improved over the past two centuries.”

Of the six graphs – developed by Max Roser of Our World in Data – the first has attracted the most attention by far. It shows that the proportion of people living in poverty has declined from 94% in 1820 to only 10% today. The claim is simple and compelling. And it’s not just Gates who’s grabbed on to it. These figures have been trotted out in the past year by everyone from Steven Pinker to Nick Kristof and much of the rest of the Davos set to argue that the global extension of free-market capitalism has been great for everyone. Pinker and Gates have gone even further, saying we shouldn’t complain about rising inequality when the very forces that deliver such immense wealth to the richest are also eradicating poverty before our very eyes.

It’s a powerful narrative. And it’s completely wrong.

There are a number of problems with this graph, though. First of all, real data on poverty has only been collected since 1981. Anything before that is extremely sketchy, and to go back as far as 1820 is meaningless. Roser draws on a dataset that was never intended to describe poverty, but rather inequality in the distribution of world GDP – and that for only a limited range of countries. There is no actual research to bolster the claims about long-term poverty. It’s not science; it’s social media.

What Roser’s numbers actually reveal is that the world went from a situation where most of humanity had no need of money at all to one where today most of humanity struggles to survive on extremely small amounts of money. The graph casts this as a decline in poverty, but in reality what was going on was a process of dispossession that bulldozed people into the capitalist labour system, during the enclosure movements in Europe and the colonisation of the global south.

Prior to colonisation, most people lived in subsistence economies where they enjoyed access to abundant commons – land, water, forests, livestock and robust systems of sharing and reciprocity. They had little if any money, but then they didn’t need it in order to live well – so it makes little sense to claim that they were poor. This way of life was violently destroyed by colonisers who forced people off the land and into European-owned mines, factories and plantations, where they were paid paltry wages for work they never wanted to do in the first place.

In other words, Roser’s graph illustrates a story of coerced proletarianisation. It is not at all clear that this represents an improvement in people’s lives, as in most cases we know that the new income people earned from wages didn’t come anywhere close to compensating for their loss of land and resources, which were of course gobbled up by colonisers. Gates’s favourite infographic takes the violence of colonisation and repackages it as a happy story of progress.

But that’s not all that’s wrong here. The trend that the graph depicts is based on a poverty line of $1.90 (£1.44) per day, which is the equivalent of what $1.90 could buy in the US in 2011. It’s obscenely low by any standard, and we now have piles of evidence that people living just above this line have terrible levels of malnutrition and mortality. Earning $2 per day doesn’t mean that you’re somehow suddenly free of extreme poverty. Not by a long shot.

Scholars have been calling for a more reasonable poverty line for many years. Most agree that people need a minimum of about $7.40 per day to achieve basic nutrition and normal human life expectancy, plus a half-decent chance of seeing their kids survive their fifth birthday. And many scholars, including Harvard economist Lant Pritchett, insist that the poverty line should be set even higher, at $10 to $15 per day.

So what happens if we measure global poverty at the low end of this more realistic spectrum – $7.40 per day, to be extra conservative? Well, we see that the number of people living under this line has increased dramatically since measurements began in 1981, reaching some 4.2 billion people today. Suddenly the happy Davos narrative melts away.

Moreover, the few gains that have been made have virtually all happened in one place: China. It is disingenuous, then, for the likes of Gates and Pinker to claim these gains as victories for Washington-consensus neoliberalism. Take China out of the equation, and the numbers look even worse. Over the four decades since 1981, not only has the number of people in poverty gone up, the proportion of people in poverty has remained stagnant at about 60%. It would be difficult to overstate the suffering that these numbers represent.

This is a ringing indictment of our global economic system, which is failing the vast majority of humanity. Our world is richer than ever before, but virtually all of it is being captured by a small elite. Only 5% of all new income from global growth trickles down to the poorest 60% – and yet they are the people who produce most of the food and goods that the world consumes, toiling away in those factories, plantations and mines to which they were condemned 200 years ago. It is madness – and no amount of mansplaining from billionaires will be adequate to justify it."

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"just because there are some very out of whack things going on right now (which in my view is about corruption not capitalism itself) doesn't mean we should be so quick to throw out the whole thing. I know not everybody shares this view and it's understandable why"

What you're seeing right now isn't "out of whack" corruption. It's what you get when you loosen regulation and open up countries to free market capitalism. It's happened over and over again. Indonesia, Chile, Venezuela, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Russia, Iran, Iraq, etc, etc. These countries have all been wrecked by free market capitalism/colonialism, and in South America in particular, we're seeing widescale rejection of these practices that have absolutely failed the working class.

Markets are not special universalities that equalize themselves when unrestrained. In fact, they have been shown throughout history to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of the few while giving almost everyone else the bare minimum to survive as laborers. And those who can't labor are cast aside, because they aren't profitable. Social services can not be left up to the market, because the market is not incentivized to provide them universally and with the highest quality possible.

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 4:41 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 4:36:32 PM

40418 Posts
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Quote :
"I know not everybody shares this view"

I'm not turning this thread into a defend capitalism thread. if you don't like capitalism, that's cool. happy to read and consider your posts on the subject in another thread

Quote :
" as for the core message of Yang's campaign, I'll explain it for you if you want..."

Quote :
"I'm more interested in your view of it."

okey dokey. will be back later with a summary of Yang's platform and why it's appealing to me

[Edited on October 31, 2019 at 6:26 PM. Reason : .]

10/31/2019 6:24:58 PM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"I'm not turning this thread into a defend capitalism thread. if you don't like capitalism, that's cool. happy to read and consider your posts on the subject in another thread"

Why not this thread? It's core to Yang's platform - "the market can handle social welfare better than government". So if you want left wingers to vote for Yang, you'll need to prove it (which isn't possible because it isn't true).

10/31/2019 6:41:36 PM

2001 Posts
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Quote :
"It's core to Yang's platform - "the market can handle social welfare better than government""

I haven't read everything here, but recent posts indicate that qtmfred believes this and is a yang supporter but if you read yang's website, he does not align with this view.

My understanding is that UBI would replace many welfare programs, but it would be an opt-in choice and not everything would be excluded. For example, you would get the UBI along with medicare for all and education.

Quote :
"By providing holistic healthcare to all our citizens, we’ll drastically increase the average quality of life, extend life expectancy, and treat issues that often go untreated. We’ll also be able to bring costs under control and outcomes up, as most other industrialized nations have."

Quote :
"The focus of our economy should be to maximize human welfare. Sometimes this aligns with a purely capitalist approach, where different entities compete for the best ideas. But there are plenty of times when a capitalist system leads to suboptimal outcomes."

Don't these yang2020 quotes suggest he isn't for just letting the markets run wild outside of UBI?

10/31/2019 7:25:27 PM

Save TWW
37177 Posts
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Qt is that comment about what to discuss and not discuss here a request as another user of tww or an order as the owner? Isn't chit chat anything goes?

10/31/2019 8:01:16 PM

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Quote :
" Why not this thread? It's core to Yang's platform"

Quote :
" Don't these yang2020 quotes suggest he isn't for just letting the markets run wild outside of UBI"

as I've mentioned, the reality in America is we have a mixed economy with some aspects of the economy driven by free market capitalism, and some of it controlled and operated by government agencies.

there are successes and failures within BOTH of those categories, so if you or the candidate you support think it's better to move away from this model and toward a socialist regime, then that's cool, but that's on YOU to advocate. might as well say "Yang has to defend this idea that we should use money"

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" you'll need to prove it (which isn't possible because it isn't true)"

this mentality is why I don't like to waste my time on talking to some of y'all. you already have your mind made up and you're not interested in a discussion on the merits of the ideas. which brings me to this point

Quote :
" is that comment about what to discuss and not discuss here a request as another user of tww or an order as the owner? Isn't chit chat anything goes?"

I'm not going to engage in discussion about the merits or failings of capitalism generally in this thread. I'm not preventing anybody from talking about that subject, but I'm not gonna do it in this thread.

Chit Chat is not anything goes, but it is pretty hands off. The biggest rule I have in this respect (and feel I have been a pretty reasonable and temperate enforcer of over the years) is that people are not allowed to be excessively digressive or intentionally disrupt a thread's intended topic of conversation. Soap Box is a bit of an exception and is generally even more laissez-faire cus I like to keep all the argumentative types busy over there and away from the normal people on the rest of the site who just want to hang out and have normal conversations.

[Edited on November 1, 2019 at 11:15 AM. Reason : .]

11/1/2019 11:08:29 AM

26632 Posts
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Quote :
" and all you have to do is look at the years of Scott pleading with Bernie on twitter to know how seriously Bernie is taking this issue"

are you under the impression that if a politician doesn't reply to someone on twitter it means they haven't considered something?

11/1/2019 11:18:15 AM

1331 Posts
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Quote :
"this mentality is why I don't like to waste my time on talking to some of y'all. you already have your mind made up and you're not interested in a discussion on the merits of the ideas. which brings me to this point"

Dawg, there are plenty of things I'm willing to debate and change my mind on. But you're going to have a seriously difficult time convincing a Marxist that capitalism is actually good. Other people are listening, though, so no reason to avoid the argument altogether. Not going to win over any lefties if you can't make your case for capitalism.

Quote :
"I haven't read everything here, but recent posts indicate that qtmfred believes this and is a yang supporter but if you read yang's website, he does not align with this view.

My understanding is that UBI would replace many welfare programs, but it would be an opt-in choice and not everything would be excluded. For example, you would get the UBI along with medicare for all and education. "

Yes, Yang presumably believes that some welfare programs should be run by the government and others should be handled by the market. Makes absolutely no sense.

Also he's a charter school guy:

Also he's already walked back support for M4A. He's taking the same stance as Kamala and Pete.

11/1/2019 11:43:31 AM

40418 Posts
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Quote :
" Yang presumably believes that some welfare programs should be run by the government and others should be handled by the market. Makes absolutely no sense."

this is the not right, not left, but forward mentality. non-ideological. he just wants the problems solved and help making normal Americans' lives better. if personal choice plus the free market is doing a good job at solving those problems, then great! if the government is better suited to step in and solve some problems, then great!

and it's the same principle for charter schools (and oh boy that crooksandliars hit piece is garbage)

he's pro-good schools and who wouldn't be. if public schools are doing a good job of educating our kids, then great! charter schools are a good way to experiment and bring those lessons learned back to the public school system. and in this particular case, it shows that yeah we should be paying teachers more because it works. amazing to me that somebody who wants to pay teachers extremely well (at the same budget of a normal school) and somehow that's indicative of malice. nobody's being forced to work at or attend such schools either, so...

as for M4A, I've talked about his thoughts on the matter in this thread already. here's a recent clip of him discussing the issue

and imo some very balanced analysis critique of public healthplans in other nations vs Bernie, Warren and Yang's M4A stances

but from what I've seen online they're coming out with some more details on his vision soon so I'll defer further comment until I see what they have to say.

if socialism or single-payer is a litmus test for you, then maybe Yang isn't the candidate for you. good luck! americanflag.gif

[Edited on November 2, 2019 at 4:13 PM. Reason : .]

11/1/2019 12:34:25 PM

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Markets inevitably create a caste system because the rich can always pay for better services. And charter schools are a form of segregation.

Milton Friedman neoliberalism wrapped up in a "progressive" blanket.

11/1/2019 12:56:47 PM

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it's bonkers that anyone can fall for pro-market solutions or pro-charter schools as positions of a progressive candidate

11/1/2019 2:21:32 PM

40418 Posts
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y'all worry about labels and ideological purity too much. focus on things that make people's lives better.

11/1/2019 2:34:08 PM

26632 Posts
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like capitalism! and segregation!

11/1/2019 2:53:13 PM

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Avoiding labels and ideology doesn't make you better than anyone or more enlightened. It's just a refusal to examine history and theory.

I personally don't understand how you can trust a candidate who isn't ideologically consistent.

11/1/2019 2:59:50 PM

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His ideology is consistent. It's not a left or right ideology though, which may be why you don't recognize it.

The ideology is move Forward, be Humanity First, shed our Scarcity Mindsets, and trust and empower Normal Americans to make our own lives better in a 21st century economy.

even Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski agree that all the focus on labels in recent years is unproductive and intellectually lazy

Yang's speech last night at the Iowa Democratic Party Liberty and Justice Celebration.

[Edited on November 2, 2019 at 5:26 PM. Reason : .]

11/2/2019 10:17:06 AM

All American
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He disclosed his secret weapon

11/2/2019 10:24:30 AM

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and for those who don't like to watch videos

[Edited on November 2, 2019 at 2:56 PM. Reason : .]

11/2/2019 2:52:57 PM

26632 Posts
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>so you're adopting the label but not the bill
>thats correct
>is that a little disingenuous...

Yes, get fucked

(also get a suit coat that fits you, wtf)

11/3/2019 10:18:27 PM

Forgetful Jones
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who does he think he is, Obama?

[Edited on November 3, 2019 at 11:09 PM. Reason : if you like your health care plan...]

11/3/2019 11:08:23 PM

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i've posted literally hours of content of Yang discussing his thoughts on the US healthcare/health insurance system and all you can do is come back with the shallowest of twitter hot takes.

his literal words from the last interview I posted

Quote :
"I am in the Medicare for all camp with the provision that I would not get rid of private insurance. the goal is for the public plan to demonstrate to Americans that it's better than a private insurance plan and more cost-effective, but getting rid of all private insurance strikes me as too disruptive a change"

Quote :
"from what I've seen online they're coming out with some more details on his vision soon so I'll defer further comment until I see what they have to say.

if socialism or single-payer is a litmus test for you, then maybe Yang isn't the candidate for you. good luck! americanflag.gif"

[Edited on November 4, 2019 at 8:08 AM. Reason : i don't recall Bernie going around making his case by telling people who disagree to get fucked]

11/4/2019 8:05:39 AM

26632 Posts
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>misleads people about m4a
>gets called out
< "ermahgerd i don't remember bernie sanders saying get fucked"

11/4/2019 8:21:26 AM

All American
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^^^ That's what he's supposed to be---an Asian Obama. Obama also endorsed him yesterday.

11/4/2019 8:57:26 AM

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Quote :
" Obama also endorsed him yesterday"

that's not true. Obama has spoken positively about Universal Basic Income, but Obama has not formally endorsed any of the current Democratic candidates.

11/4/2019 9:35:28 AM

All American
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I judged it from the headline.

11/4/2019 9:55:07 AM

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i figured. I really like Yang Gang Media channel, but that particular video headline irritates me

Yang was on CNN State of the Union with his wife Evelyn yesterday

and on Meet the Press too

11/4/2019 10:16:30 AM

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Quote :
"i've posted literally hours of content of Yang discussing his thoughts on the US healthcare/health insurance system and all you can do is come back with the shallowest of twitter hot takes."

If I posted hours of content explaining why healthcare shouldn't be a market commodity, how much of it would you watch?

From what I gather, Yang says he wants "Medicare for all" (not Medicare For All), but he wants it to happen by providing a Medicare buy-in and making that program better than private options currently on the market. Is that correct? Does he expect insurance to disappear as a result or the market to become "fairer" to consumers?

11/4/2019 11:55:42 AM

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I'd watch, seriously. I understand the arguments. I'm in favor of moving toward single-payer. it's just a matter of how you do it. Do you do it by force of regulation and throw 18% of the national economy into the air and flip it upside down all at once? You can, but it'll be tricky as hell to pull off. I'm open to hearing other proposals.

11/4/2019 1:53:52 PM

All American
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Quote :
"It's been a tough weekend with the loss of
but after spending yesterday in my basement watch A League of Their Own and Seinfeld reruns, I've made a decision to lend my support to a winner. I will officially be applying for initiation in the

11/4/2019 3:32:29 PM

40418 Posts
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pretty solid showing at George Mason University yesterday

11/5/2019 10:42:13 AM

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new TV ad for Iowa

11/7/2019 9:42:17 AM

All American
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Awesome. Nobody knows him even a year ago.

11/7/2019 4:57:38 PM

All American
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New illustration

11/10/2019 5:52:33 PM

Forgetful Jones
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If by "New" you mean what Obama used in 2008

11/10/2019 9:27:46 PM

All American
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Incredible summary of his campaign so far.

11/13/2019 1:53:13 PM

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11/13/2019 8:10:59 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"If the libtards can't get Yang on the ballet, you can bet I'm voting for Trump. MAGA! I'll take 4 more years of this retarded child over any of the shit the dems are throwing against the wall (aside from Yang)."

11/14/2019 6:02:20 PM

All American
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Had dinner with the winners of UBI. #dinnerwithPOTUS

11/17/2019 7:47:08 PM

All American
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I’m beginning to think 25% of the voting population are nihilists.

11/18/2019 12:46:58 PM

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