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All American
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By personal request by a user. [had it saved in notepad for the past couple of years]

P.S. Check out products by Bob's Red Mill--a must for those who love natural hot cereals, grains, seeds, flours, etc (found at GNC etc); I didn't find it mentioned below.

P.P.S. I understand my language below may be militant and may put some people off, but please don't flame and destroy this thread (you are welcome to send me anything by pms, though). This was me 2-3 years ago. Am much calmer now

Stuff I have posted in the past on eating LIKE A NATURAL HUMAN BEING AS NATURE


Everything I have posted below is all from memory, and without consulting any source.

For gaining weight: (


Quote :
"you can gain 10 pounds easily in 3 months if you workout (lift weights) and eat healthy,

low-glycemic index, high calorie foods.

some suggestions for getting good quality protein and healthy fats. calorically dense foods

marked with a *

-* nut butters, by the spoon (peanut, soy, almond, cashew...)
-* take a couple of tablespoons of a healthy oil daily (canola, flax, olive, fish)
-* eat nuts/seeds; snack on them throughout the day
-* high calorie/protein drinks. i recommend Boost Plus/High Protein - best tasting, and

low in sugar
-* eggs (don't eat more than 5 per week)
- milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, soy milk/yogurt/cheese
-* fatty fish (salmon, mackerel...)
- lean chicken
- good quality (all natural) high protein high fiber cereals. get [link][/link] cereals (at Whole Foods Grocery) (their optimum power

breakfast cereal is the best cereal in the world )
- whole grain porridges (oats, wheat, barley, brown rice...)
- legumes (beans, lentils)
-* cheese (try to get low-fat; if using full-fat, don't eat too much)
-* avocados
- sweet potatoes
- whole grain breads, pastas, cereals (see above for cereals)
- apples, bananas, berries, oranges"

For losing weight: (


Quote :
"You need:

Adequate water intake:

- Without enough water, your matabolism slows down, digestion takes longer, and weight loss


Cardiovascular exercise:

- For burning about 500-1000 extra calories per week, leading to weight loss. For best

results, do exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, so as to maximize loss of


- For building aerobic endurance (stronger lungs, heart, and blood vessels).

Resistance exercise:

- For increasing muscle mass, which in turn will lead to an increase in your resting matabolic

rate, meaning, you will burn more calories by just being alove, than you do now.

- Also leads to burning of calories during lifting of weights, leading to further weight loss.

- For increasing muscular endurance and strength (stronger skeletal muscles).

Calorie restriction:

- Depending on your current weight and caloric intake, cut down daily calories by about 200-


- Do not eat anything at least 3 hours before going to sleep.

Increased food intake frequency:

- Although cutting total daily food intake, increase intake frequency. Eat smaller more

frequent meals and snacks throughout the day. Three main meals and three smaller snacks is

ideal. Do not gorge at any one sitting, and do not skip meals.


- I have this separately because breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People who

eat breakfast have been shown to be consistently healthier, slimmer, and more intelligent, in

several reputable studies, than people who skip it. Eat a nutritious (see guidelines below)

sizable breakfast.

Proper diet: (MOST important)


- This is a whole another topic, but I suspect, you don't eat a healthy diet like the vast

majority of the population. But, here are some brief pointers: Minimize saturated,

polyunsaturated, and [partially] hydrogenated fats (i.e., animal fats, vegetable oils,

butter/margarine, full-fat dairy products, and junk food), refined carbohydrates (WHITE

), simple sugars, and artificial additives, preferably none of any of those posions.

Increase intake of fiber, monounsaturated fat (olive oil, canola oil, avocados, nuts), complex

whole-grain carbohydrates, skimmed dairy products, fruits and vegetables, beans, and


- As insurance, take a good quality multivitamin and mineral supplement daily."

General eating advice: (


Quote :
"you need to get adequate:

- water
- fiber, to keep your digestive system healthy, and for a healthy heart (get both soluble and

insoluble fiber)
- complex whole grain carbohydrates for energy (also for some vitamins and minerals)
- fruits, vegetables and legumes, for fiber, vitamins, and "phytonutrients" (avoid lettuce and

other useless vegetables)
- protein, to build and maintain muscle (from lean animal sources, beans, lentils, whole grains)
- seafood (be careful of contamination with mercury or other toxic metals)
- omega 3 fatty acids, to keep your brain working (preferably from fish, but flax seeds are

also a good source)
- monounsaturated fats, from olive oil, canola oil, avocados
- nuts, for minerals and good fat, also protein and fiber
- other herbs, spices, and plants known for their healthful properties, such as tea, ginger,

onions, garlic, mint, turmeric, rosemary...
- skim/low fat dairy products for calcium and protein (try yogurt instead of milk; it is

healthier because of the healthy bacteria in it)

you need to avoid:

- trans fatty acids (that means 99% of snack foods)
- refined carbohydrates and simple sugars (white bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, desserts...)
- bad fats (saturated fats and trans fatty acids, i.e., animal fat, butter, margarine, coconut

oil, and shortening)
- polyunsaturated fats (they are not so healthy, and actually harmful in excess. sources are

corn oil, sunflower oil, safflower oil)
- artificial flavors, colors, preservatives...
- pesticide, hormone, and toxic metal laden foods, bioengineered foods
- any and all carbonated beverages
- excessive alcohol (i.e., never ever even come close to getting drunk... only one drink a day


simple enough?

do that and there is no way you will ever be weak, sickly, obese, or get any debilitating


On choosing a good cereal: (


Quote :





It is sad to see people being fooled by corporations, but when it happens to supposedly

educated modern people, it is just funny.

Just because it says "cereal" on the box, or "Kelloggs", doesn't mean it is good for you.

More than likely, it is bad for you, because only a tiny fraction of cereals out there

are good, the rest being useless and/or harmful.

** Please refer to rates of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity in this country.

Want to buy good cereals?

Go to that store on Wade Avenue, the Wholefoods Grocery. They have several good brands.

A particular brand that I buy is Nature's Path (

). They make the best cereals, and frozen waffles as well. Check out this cereal by

them, called Optimum Power Breakfast, it is my favorite:


Organic Whole Wheat Bran, Organic Whole Wheat Meal, Organic Evaporated Cane Juice,

Organic Soy Flour, Organic Puffed Kamut, Organic Flax Seeds, Organic Barley Malt Extract,

Organic Soy Fiber, Organic Oat Bran, Organic Freeze-dried Blueberries, Sea Salt, Cinnamon,

Calcium Carbonate, Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, Tocopherols (non-GMO natural vitamin E) added to

enhance freshness.

Got questions?

ASK! "

1/1/2007 7:29:35 PM

All American
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On the dangers of trans-fat, aka, partially hydrogenated oils: ([link][/link])

Quote :
"Here is the most important thing:

Informing customers about trans fats on food labels could prevent 7,600 to 17,100

cases of coronary heart disease
and 2,500 to 5,600 deaths per year, the FDA has


But you know what I say? Screw'em, let'em die.

Why? Because that's the price you pay for freedom. You want to live in a country where

companies are free to sell things harmful to your health? Well then maybe you should

exercise your freedom to avoid those things. If you don't know the risks involved, educate

yourself. The information is out there.

Now, here is a short primer on hydrogenated fats:

[Partially] Hydrogenated Oils/Fats:

In 1908, Procter and Gamble, by accident invented the monstrosity that are hydrogenated

fats when they were trying to come up with ways to prolong the shelf-life of products

containing vegetable oils.

If you make something (chips, cakes, cookies...) with

corn/cottonseed/soybean/sunflower/safflower oil, the shelf-life of the product is limited.

The fat goes rancid relatively fast, rendering the product inedible.

What P&G did, is they took some of those vegetable oils, and pumped hydrogen through them,

in effect, hydrogenating them. What they discovered is that this made the oil into a

semisolid, and increased the shelf-life of products made with such fats. They marketed their

product as Crisco, yes, the shortening, which you still find on the shelves today.

What they made has many names today, shortening, margarine, [partially] hydrogenated

fat/oil, trans fatty acids
, to name the most commonly used ones.

[Yes, margarine is worse for you than butter.]

The problem is, [partially] hydrogenated fat contains fat called as trans fatty acids,


And so, your body does not know how to deal with them. They get

incorporated into cell membranes making them crooked, and messing up signal processing

betwee cells. They are also apt to clog up arteries just like saturated fat, in turn leading to

all the major lifestyle diseases; heart disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and even brain

disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In a nutshell, it isn't much different from

saturated fat when it comes to its harmful effects. In fact, some leading scientists have

even said it is worse than saturated fat.
In other words, eating all that junk food is

worse than eating a high animal fat diet!

See they tell you that saturated fats are bad for you (fats of animal origin, and palm fat),

but such fat is found in nature. If you choose to eat it, it is your choice. Whereas partially

hydrogenated fat is artificial. Just like saccharin or aspartame. Even though these chemicals

were approved by the FDA, their ill-effects on health are appearing just now. I wouldn't be

surprised if they are banned sometime in the future.

When it comes to your health, YOU CANNOT TRUST THE FDA. Why doesn't the FDA

or any other government body or officials increase awareness about such things? Because if

they do, the wrongly named, trillion dollar health care industry will come crashing to the

ground in just a matter of years!

With trans fatty acids, they are not found in nature, only in man-made products, infact, in


FOODS. So, in a way, you cannot escape them. Now, that argument would normally have legs

to stand upon, but not in this case. Why not? Let's see what the supposedly well-meaning

lawyer says:"

[Edited on January 1, 2007 at 7:34 PM. Reason : ]

1/1/2007 7:32:06 PM

All American
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i never eat breakfast because I am never hungry in the morning

i know I should start, but I go work out in the morning at like 5:45am and go straight to work so it is kind of hard

1/1/2007 7:34:13 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Stephen Joseph said he filed the suit against Nabisco, the maker of Oreos, after reading

articles that said the artificial fat is hidden in most packaged food, though

consumers have no way of knowing.

"Trans fat is not the same thing at all. Very few people know about it," he said,

explaining that his suit focuses on the fact that trans fats are hidden dangers being

marketed to children.

OK, so he says such fats are "hidden" and "consumers have no way of knowing."

That was LIE #1. A lawyer lying? Big surprise!

Here is the deal. When you look at the Nutrition Facts on any package, you will see total fat,

and a breakdown showing saturated fat. That's all that is madated by the FDA currently.

Sometimes you might even see polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, but that's

voluntary information. Now, the FDA has been trying to bring legislation which would ask

manufacturers to also list trans fat, but they haven't worked out the glitches yet. I would

assume, there would be a lot of resistance from all the major food manufacturers, because

they know if they were to list trans fat, their sales would go down. Why? Because of this:

Informing customers about trans fats on food labels could prevent 7,600 to 17,100

cases of coronary heart disease
and 2,500 to 5,600 deaths per year, the FDA has


Imagine, JUST PUTTING that info on labels could save about 5,000 lives per year! What if

NO trans fat was consumed at all? Some leading scientists have estimated that could save

around 50,000 lives per year!

OK, now why was what the lawyer said a lie? Because even though you will not see trans fat

listed in on the Nutrition Facts label, you will find it in the ingrdients.

If you see 'H' in the ingredients, get the 'H' out of there!

[The 'H' is for [partially] hydrogenated oil/fat]


So, consumers DO have a way of knowing whether the product contains hydrogenated fat or


His next contention is "Very few people know about it" and "trans fats are hidden dangers

being marketed to children."

Now, being a lawyer, he shows his second most important characteristic (after lying), which is,

no sense of taking responsibility for one's own actions.

Instead of telling people to go and educate themselves and avoid food products containing

this danger, he wants to sue the manufacturers. The information is out there. Go find it. But

of course, the American public has other things to do, such as shopping, eating (ha!), watching

crap on TV, and other mindless mundanities. And then when it is time to reap what they sow,

in terms of having a heart attack or a cancer, they would rather sue the people who made

what they ate!

It is very simple, you want to avoid trans fat?


They carry CHIPS, COOKIES, CAKES, MUFFINS, CRACKERS, and all other such food, but

without trans fat, excessive sugars, or other nasty stuff like food colors and stuff.

There is already a movement in the country, which shops at such food stores only. Go shop

there and the prices of products there will come down significantly, putting Nabisco, Kraft,

P&G, Kelloggs, General Mills, and all such GREEDY DEVILS out of business, or it will

force them to start making REAL FOOD, not GARBAGE.

Americans are lucky that they DO have such stores which carry healthy alternatives. As for

most of the rest world, you won't find health food stores there, but trans fat, it is found

ALL over the world. For example myself. I make my own bread. Why? Because there are no

health food stores here, and all the commerical breads contain trans fat.

Goddamit, I wish I could meet those scientists who invented this poison so that I could

strangle them . Their shit is found all over the world now .

Currently, it is estimated that the average American gets 10% of his or her caloric intake

from trans fat. In other words, 20-30 grams of trans fat per day. Some 6,000

excess deaths/year
in the US are attributed to them. Some scientists say it could be as

high as 30,000! And whether you like it or not, of all macronutrients (carbs, proteins, fats),

fats, have the most profound physiological, neurological, and pharmacological effects, even

though most people don't know this. That much trans fat per day would screw you up for life.

I mean, think about it, you have a physicochemical system, which has functioned more or less

similarly for the past thousands of years, and then you give it an input which it has NEVER

seen, you think it will just process it easily? Human brains and bodies have NEVER seen trans

fats (and aspartame, saccharin, artificial food colors...) EXCEPT in the past 100 years! You

can't just feed your body anything and everything found in nature, what to talk of

ARTIFICIAL ingredients???

No wonder the rates of life-style diseases are skyrocketing every day in the US. And

depression... you ever wonder why teens and even pre-teens are being diagnosed with

depression or other psycholgical disorders? And then they have to take powerful brain drugs

which mess up their brains even further? You will not find this in any other country.

You truly are what you eat.

Healthwise, Americans are messed up because of too much:

- Sugar and "white trash" (white cereals, bread, pasta, and potatoes, and in junk food, fast

food, packaged meals, i.e., refined carbs)
- Trans fat and other artificial ingredients (junk food, fast food, packaged meals)
- Saturated fat (beef, chicken, dairy, junk food, fast food, packaged meals)
- Lack of beneficial nutrients (essential fats, fiber, whole grains, beans, fish, fruits,


As for me, I am lucky if my body sees more than 2-3 grams of trans fat per day "

[Edited on January 1, 2007 at 7:36 PM. Reason : ]

1/1/2007 7:34:47 PM

All American
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um what's the reason for this thread?

edit: couldn't you have just sent the user the links in a PM?

[Edited on January 1, 2007 at 7:59 PM. Reason : ]

1/1/2007 7:58:43 PM

1919 Posts
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I like this post.

1/1/2007 9:05:05 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Resistance exercise:

- For increasing muscle mass, which in turn will lead to an increase in your resting matabolic

rate, meaning, you will burn more calories by just being alove, than you do now.

you put this in the losing weight section, but it's incorrect. resistance exercise is good for causing you to retain the muscle mass you already have, but the body will not build muscle mass when it is in a caloric deficit. your resting metabolic rate will do nothing but deteriorate when you start dieting unless you are brave/stupid enough to start messing around with thyroid medications.

also, I wouldn't recommend ANY cereal whatsoever. even cereals that claim to be whole grain and sugar free are milled so finely that your stomach can digest them as fast as sugar. If you take a look at the glycemic index of most cereals, you'll realize why an hour after eating cereal you are just as hungry as you would be if you drank sugar water. whole oats (NOT INSTANT) with milk or eggs are a much better choice.

1/1/2007 9:36:40 PM

All American
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1/2/2007 1:24:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"also, I wouldn't recommend ANY cereal whatsoever. even cereals that claim to be whole grain and sugar free are milled so finely that your stomach can digest them as fast as sugar. "

true, but if people DO want to eat [cold] cereals, i was pointing them out in the right direction. there ARE only a few exceptions to the rule you stated, for example, All Bran.

hot cereals (NOT INSTANT) are much better. that's why i suggested this:

Quote :
"P.S. Check out products by Bob's Red Mill--a must for those who love natural hot cereals, grains, seeds, flours, etc (found at GNC etc); I didn't find it mentioned below."

Their STEEL CUT OATS are to die for.

As for losing weight and resistance exercise, you are correct, but also, if losing weight, one should do resistance exercise, to prevent loss of lean tissue. i guess that's what i was aiming for in that post a couple of years back.

Quote :
"um what's the reason for this thread?

edit: couldn't you have just sent the user the links in a PM?"

um, for the good of the masses? you can't see ANY good coming out of this copious advice for at least some people?

1/2/2007 6:24:13 AM

All American
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steel cut oats are awesome. I like to mix them up with milk, whey protein powder, cinnamon, splenda, and a few dried cranberries for a filling breakfast. there's so much you can do with oatmeal for healthy flavorings that it's hard to get tired of eating it everyday.

1/2/2007 2:49:24 PM

Art Vandelay
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everything looks good except

Quote :
"do exercise first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, so as to maximize loss of fat."

not eating very soon after getting up can drastically retard your metabolism for the entire day....

1/2/2007 2:52:14 PM

All American
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you don't have to eat directly after waking up; just sometime soon thereafter. when you first wake up, your growth hormone levels are still high from when you were sleeping, so your body is primed to run off of fat and triglycerides without having much impact at all on thyroid output. if you work out immediately after waking up at a 60-65% intensity, your body will readily burn off fat instead of glycogen stores, which can result in greater fat loss and less of a sense of hunger after working out. also, the insulin response to eating is severely blunted after exercise, and the food you take in will be directed by elevated IGF-1 levels to be utilized moreso by muscles for energy and repair. as long as you eat something containing adequate amounts of protein and carbohydrates immediately after your workout, you shouldn't have any additional impact on thyroid output.

1/2/2007 2:59:04 PM

JHH Wolfpack
All American
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you should eat within 2-3 hours of waking up...thats plent of time to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach

1/2/2007 2:59:24 PM

All American
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Quote :
"steel cut oats are awesome. I like to mix them up with milk, whey protein powder, cinnamon, splenda, and a few dried cranberries for a filling breakfast."

nice. here is what i add to mine:

brown sugar/honey
dried fruit (one or two of prunes, raisins, dates)
fresh fruit (one or two of banana, apple, pear)
olive oil

all of that together is a full and nutritious meal.

1/2/2007 3:29:22 PM

All American
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It's important that your body gets good quality protein when you first wake up because you haven't had food in 6-7 hours. you are like me, I don't like to eat a giant breakfast because I can't handle all that food when I first get up and I usually workout within an hour of being up. I eat a liquid breakfast to save time/my stomach. This is my recipe but if you have a good one share...

2 Scoops Whey (ON Gold)
1 Spoon PB (I'm cheap so I eat the Food Lion Brand)
1 Serving Greens+
Frozen Berries

1/2/2007 3:40:32 PM

All American
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it's important that every meal you eat be structured around a source of protein, as this is the one macronutrient that your body has no storage mechanism for - unless you want to consider muscle an expendable energy source.

1/2/2007 6:38:28 PM

All American
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Quote :


Is Cheerios bad for you? Because I ate some this morning after swimming and I feel pretty strengthy.

[Edited on January 2, 2007 at 6:53 PM. Reason : s]

1/2/2007 6:52:42 PM

All American
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ok so if i really wanted to gain a lot of weight can i go about doing that safely?

i see that you posted '10lbs in about 3 months' but most of that stuff seems like weight loss food lol

also can you emphasize more on what you mean by "-* take a couple of tablespoons of a healthy oil daily (canola, flax, olive, fish)" Do you mean cook normal food using these substances daily or literally drink that shit? I cook a lot of 'heavy' foods at home but i use veggie oil or butter.

I also usually eat about 3 eggs for breakfast every morning....i see you posted 5 per week max, is that just due to cholestrol? Cause if thats the case would eating the lame egg batter stuff you buy in a bottle work just fine? its cholestrol free. Currently i just eat regular "Jumbo" eggs from harris teeter.

Basiclly my situation is this:

I had major surgery about 5 or 6 months ago that caused me to lose about 10-15lbs and i was already skinny to begin with. Now i'm really feeling the after effects because i can literally feel the metal screws and rods that are in my spine, and they cause me a lot of pain when they pinch against my skin due to different movements. Gaining a lot of weight and putting 'meat' on my bone would really help so the faster i can do this the better. Any advice, tips, etc would be greatly appreciated. Plus it has been recommended to me by my doctor that the more muscle i bulid in my lower back, the less pain i will live with in daily life from my surgery.

1/2/2007 7:31:34 PM

All American
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try to substitute olive oil for butter or vegetable oil whenever you think you can. cooking olive oil into rice or pasta makes them taste even better IMHO. you also want to eat fatty fish so that you can get omega-3s in your diet. if you're like me and don't like the expense of good fish like salmon and flounder, you could just pick up a fish oil supplement to take every day. the capsules are really easy to swallow, even though they look huge.

there's nothing wrong with eating a lot of eggs. dietary cholesterol has very little to do with blood lipid profiles. I have heard of competitive bodybuilders that eat upwards of 18 eggs a day without any complications, other than the expected flatulence. if you're still worried about it, you can limit the number of yolks you eat and use more egg whites in your breakfast.

the reason a lot of this looks like "weight loss" food is that it is "healthy" food. as long as you are taking in more calories than you are burning during the day, regardless of the type of food, you will gain weight. if you eat sufficient protein, train properly, and make smart food choices; you should be able to ensure your gains are muscle mass and not fat. if you try to gain 10 pounds of muscle by eating burgers and pizzas, you'll probably end up with an extra 10 pounds of fat as well.

1/2/2007 8:17:15 PM

All American
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well is there 'capsules' or shakes that are really high callories? Because i have a really high metabolism and i burn up calories just thinking about it. I'm always eating large quantities but it never seems like i'm taking in more calories than i'm burning off. Granted in the past i wasn't always eating the right foods. Sometimes i'll go and eat McDonalds 3 times in one day and sometimes i'll eat healthy food. I think i need to get myself on a strict routine and follow that.

1/2/2007 8:34:19 PM

All American
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Is there a way to fit a crazy diet of do-it-yourself from scratch for people who work 11 hour days, can't cook, and don't function well in the mornings?

1/2/2007 8:45:27 PM

All American
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No. You have to be willing to make sacrifices.

1/2/2007 9:30:26 PM

All American
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1/2/2007 9:32:11 PM

All American
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Golovko, you're better off eating 6-7 times a day than you are eating 3 large meals a day. you can get weight gainer shakes from Vitamin Shoppe or online that you can simply mix with water and drink between your normal meals. eat your normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but add in a shake between breakfast and lunch and one or two shakes between lunch and dinner.

1/2/2007 10:21:04 PM

All American
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What are your thoughts on a natural fiber supplement like Fibersure?

1/2/2007 10:35:50 PM

All American
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If you are eating a ton and not gaining weight, you are not eating enough.

1/2/2007 10:45:55 PM

All American
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when I go on calorie restriction, I take metamucil to make sure I'm getting enough fiber. my diet has so many beans and fiber enriched bread in it that I doubt I'm not getting enough fiber though.

1/2/2007 10:53:30 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Golovko, you're better off eating 6-7 times a day than you are eating 3 large meals a day. you can get weight gainer shakes from Vitamin Shoppe or online that you can simply mix with water and drink between your normal meals. eat your normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but add in a shake between breakfast and lunch and one or two shakes between lunch and dinner.


sometimes i eat my normal 3 meals a day...and then a bunch of random things in between. like if i'm sitting infront of the TV watching a movie or on the computer surfing the net, i'll eat a ton of roasted melon seeds. Or be snacking on ice cream, cookies, basiclly junk.

but admitidly so i do go days where i skip a few meals, either i sleep in too late or i'm just too lazy to cook something or go get food. I think thats what really kills it for me.

do you have any of these said shakes you'd recommend over another, for either flavour or end results?

1/3/2007 12:17:28 AM

All American
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I've never used a weight gainer shake, since I have the exact opposite problem of being able to gain weight by just looking at food after lifting. I've heard muscle milk products are good. stay away from anything sold by GNC, mainly because they are ridiculously overpriced.

you could just mix a couple scoops Optimum Nutrition whey protein with a glass of milk and use that as a weight gain shake. their rocky road and mint chocolate flavors are very good.

1/3/2007 12:23:20 AM

All American
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serious = good post, listen to the guy

not serious = think about the "healthy" possibilites you could've had besides have 14,000 posts on the internet

1/3/2007 12:25:01 AM

All American
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Quote :
"serious = good post, listen to the guy

not serious = think about the "healthy" possibilites you could've had besides have 14,000 posts on the internet"

HUH? with a capital H.U.H.

1/3/2007 12:35:11 AM

All American
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Nice to see this on tww as I logon in flu recovery. It will probably take me a week or two to fix what this dirty virus has done to my strength.

1/3/2007 1:17:45 AM

All American
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Quote :
"stay away from anything sold by GNC, mainly because they are ridiculously overpriced."

So true. I get almost all my supplements from the Vitamin Shoppe at Briar Creek ( Their house brand stuff is pretty good and their prices in general are much better than GNC.

[Edited on January 3, 2007 at 12:01 PM. Reason : s]

1/3/2007 11:47:19 AM

All American
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you dont have to buy shit at whole foods to eat healthy....i stick to whatever is at HT or Food Lion

ive lost 30 lbs since the start of last summer just working out/running and then eating 3 meals/day

also severly cut down soda (and rarely eat bad food when out)...but i still drink alcohol like a fish

perhaps i could lose more...but sticking to something simple and easy to follow is your best bet

1/3/2007 11:58:31 AM

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1) So, lets say you're a college student who is on a roughly $50 a week buget for would you guys best break down what to buy at Whole Foods and what you can just get at HT or Food Lion? The $50 is keeping in mind that you will inevitably have some stuff last more than 1 week. I've been doing a lot of bagged salad and pasta and basic lunch meat sandwiches.....

2) Also, muscle milk is definitely a good product. It helped me drop a lot of fat weight and pick up a lot more loss in body weight was about 20 lbs. GNC sells the stuff (overpriced, as seen above) but sometimes you can get it on special. It is cheaper online though.

3) Suggestions about multivitamins?

4) Are there any foods people typically think are good for them but aren't? (trans-fat, stuff like that)

...done, sorry for so much at once........

1/3/2007 1:58:47 PM

All American
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Quote :
"1) So, lets say you're a college student who is on a roughly $50 a week buget for would you guys best break down what to buy at Whole Foods and what you can just get at HT or Food Lion? The $50 is keeping in mind that you will inevitably have some stuff last more than 1 week. I've been doing a lot of bagged salad and pasta and basic lunch meat sandwiches....."

Sam's Club...Load up with a huge bag of boneless chicken breasts and a big thing of pre-made salad (the same stuff they sell in the stores, but bigger.) Other foods are cheap there too...$.98 for 3 pounds of bananas I think, $2.19-$2.59 for a gallon of milk, etc.

Quote :
"3) Suggestions about multivitamins?"

Again, Sam's Club. They sell 250 count bottles of "One-a-Day" for about $15 I think.

1/3/2007 2:35:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"you could just mix a couple scoops Optimum Nutrition whey protein with a glass of milk and use that as a weight gain shake. their rocky road and mint chocolate flavors are very good."

The Double Rich Chocolate is delightful as well.

1/3/2007 3:56:11 PM

All American
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edit post has some good stuff (but a lot is over priced or shit you can make your own (surge))

I get my fish oils from cvs. Higher percentages for less money than t-nation's flameout. Can't recall the name and no where near them.

I prefer ON's vanilla whey. For peri and post work out I mix powdered gatorade and whey at a 2-1 ratio (carb--protein). Up untill the flu i mixed creatine monohydrate into the post wo. If anyone is genuinely interested in creatine, i'll post a bunch of articles from t-nation on all aspects of it (which includes how to properly take it).

[Edited on January 3, 2007 at 5:32 PM. Reason : for more nutrition, google "john berardi"]

1/3/2007 5:32:02 PM

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Quote :
"Are there any foods people typically think are good for them but aren't?"

coconut oil

the mainstream medical/health community has branded them as being harmful, BUT there are some groups/experts who say not only are they not harmful, but actually healthful, esp. coconut oil.

rice, esp white rice
most breads and cereals

1/3/2007 5:41:38 PM

All American
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^^Do you have a link. I'm thinking about buying Flameout because I haven't found another product w. that high of EPA/DHA levels. Most other brands have been like less than half of Flameout.

1/3/2007 8:20:01 PM

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$25 for 90 caps (flameout), as compared to my $15 for 200 (Theragan-M). Granted you have to take more..
not as high quality oil per pill, but per dollar

EPA: 231
DHA: 144

DHA: 550
EPA: 220

DHA: 3.8x for FO
EPA: 1.1x for FO

But, since it's 3-6g combined for DHA and EPA:

2.1x for FO at 3.5x the cost.

The Theragran are enteric coated (this is what to look for), so no fish burps.
[Edited on January 4, 2007 at 1:22 AM. Reason : sorry walgreen

[Edited on January 4, 2007 at 1:29 AM. Reason : where flame out makes sense is on cla's and ratios, but ???? I'm cheap]

[Edited on January 4, 2007 at 1:29 AM. Reason : ]

[Edited on January 4, 2007 at 1:31 AM. Reason : OEPD1 the 5 eggs a week statement is crap based on old ideas about oils and your warning on fatty fish]

[Edited on January 4, 2007 at 1:32 AM. Reason : ]

1/4/2007 1:17:05 AM

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Quote :
"OEPD1 the 5 eggs a week statement is crap based on old ideas about oils and your warning on fatty fish"

when did i warn about fatty fish? i said you should EAT it.

as for 5 eggs/week, that has been revised by the medical community. they say an egg a day is fine. yolks are one of the most nutritious foods on earth, but have saturated fat in them. however, the amount is not that high.

Quote :
"i see you posted 5 per week max, is that just due to cholestrol?"

read above, and also: dietary cholesterol does not have a big impact at all on blood cholesterol. the reason is that eggs contain saturated fat, and intake of saturated fat is what increases blood cholesterol levels. however, as i said, the medical/nutrition community now says you can eat an egg a day, or up to 10 per week. but see, it is all a matter of balance. i mean, if you don't get too much saturated fat from other foods in contrast to most americans, i say go ahead and eat 2-3 eggs a day.

as for the eggs in a bottle, i don't know what's in them. if you could post the ingredients list here, i could tell you. is it just pure eggs, with cholesterol somehow removed? [again, it is saturated fat that is the problem, not cholesterol] or is it some kind of artificial egg substitute?

try to buy free-range eggs. even HT carries them, i remember seeing them when i was in the US a few years back. they cost a bit more, but have a better fatty acid profile, with small amounts of omega-3 fats as well.

Quote :
"also can you emphasize more on what you mean by "-* take a couple of tablespoons of a healthy oil daily (canola, flax, olive, fish)" Do you mean cook normal food using these substances daily or literally drink that shit? I cook a lot of 'heavy' foods at home but i use veggie oil or butter. "

i meant literally drink the shit, if you don't get it in adequate amounts in your food. look, replace butter and veggie oil with olive oil for cooking. but remember, olive oil has a lower smoking point than vegiie oil, so don't use it for high heat cooking. or, use one of those sprays to cook, and when the food is done, drizzle it with olive oil; that is better for you. or, you can cook with canola (don't use too much), and then drizzle with olive oil, or take it by the spoon between meals. flax oil is also good for taking by the spoon (DON'T cook with it). and fish oil too, or taken as capsules. best is to eat fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel are the best), but if you don't get at the minimum 2 servings/week, supplement with fish oil capsules.

Quote :
"Is Cheerios bad for you?"

you would be better off eating the grains themselves. eat oatmeal or steel-cut oats, but none of that instant shit--well, the instant shit is better than having none at all.

nearly all cereals are made from very finely milled grains, and hence, not very good for you, even if they are all natural and whole-grain (which is a rarity). non-whole-grain cereals are BAD for you, and that includes most cereals. whole-grain cereals are better for you, but again, they are made from finely pulverized grains. buy MEUSLI. that is great for you (again, only if all natural without added artificial shit). in the same vein, buy bread which actually has a coarse gritty texture to it (which is bits of grains). Even whole-wheat bread, if it is very squishy and spongy, i.e., made from finely milled wheat, is not very good for you. buy bread with bits of grain, seeds, oats, etc.

Quote :
"Gaining a lot of weight and putting 'meat' on my bone would really help so the faster i can do this the better. Any advice, tips, etc would be greatly appreciated."

eleusis gave you a lot of advice. i would recommend cleaning up your diet, and more importantly, having a consistent eating pattern. nothing hurts you more than skipping a meal because you slept in or binged earlier, etc (as you said you do some times). eat 3 solid meals: big breakfast, medium to big lunch, and medium dinner. in between, have 2-3 more meals, which could be weight gainer like eleusis suggested, or natural foods. have a snack/small meal at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and if you want, 2-3 hours after dinner. here are some good suggestions. combine as you please:

fresh fruit, vegetables (carrots, tomato, spinach, etc)
dried fruit
hard cheese
cream cheese, cottage cheese, or ricotta spread on pita bread with banana slices and honey (my favorite snack )
beef jerky
smoothie (without added sugar and high fat additions)
muffin (healthy kind)


but, be sure to balance out your snacks (and of course your main meals as well). for example, i you are having beef jerky, eat some carbs with it, like an apple. same with nuts and cheese as well.


i can't emphasize that enough. try to drink 2-3 liters a day, and more if exercising, sweating, in a hot climate, etc. it will improve your overall health as well. with any food, you should drink water, and esp with dry items, such as nuts, hard cheeses, beef jerky, dry fruit, etc.

and last thing, working out.

if it doesn't cause pain, concentrate on compound movements for 3 months. i guarantee you will gain at least 10 pounds. (3 months of consistent lifting, eating, and proper sleep).

screw isolation movements for now.

do these only:

squats (legs)
deadlifts (legs, back)
bench press (chest, tricpes)
military press (shoulders, triceps)
bent-over row, or t-bar row, or pull downs/pull ups (back, biceps)

with the last exercise, mix it up with the grips: over-hand wide, over-hand narrow, under-hand narrow


1/4/2007 11:11:38 AM

All American
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Quote :
"What are your thoughts on a natural fiber supplement like Fibersure?"

I don't know Fibersure, although if you provide me with a link, I could give you my opinion on it.

A really good fiber supplement is Colon Pure, by GNC.

It is 100% psyllium seed husk, all natural, without any other ingredients.

It provides 5 grams of SOLUBLE fiber per teaspoon. You dissolve in a glass of water or juice, and drink fast, as it makes the liquid a slimy gel pretty fast. Then drink one more glass on top.

I take it on days I don't get enough fiber, like for e.g., if I eat out, or sleep in and not eat much.

1/11/2007 7:42:55 PM

All American
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here's some very healthy deserts

1/21/2007 12:17:42 AM

All American
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Quote :
"avoid lettuce and other useless vegetables"

Damnit, that's the only vegetable I eat. You're telling me it is useless?

1/21/2007 12:03:19 PM

All American
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lettuce doesn't have any fiber or nutritional value to speak of

dark lettuce like romaine is slightly more nutritious than iceberg

1/21/2007 12:08:47 PM

All American
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Thanks OEPII thats some really good info!!

Here is what i have been doing everyday for almost a week now.

2 organic eggs (scrambled) on two pieces of toast
Boursin cheese on both pieces of toast
2.5 cups of Muslix Cereal with 2% milk.
hot tea with 3 spoons of sugar.

Usually something along the lines of Pasta with tomatoe sauce (homemade, and i use olive oil in my suace.), uncooked veggies with ranch dip. fruit after my meal. bannana and cantalope or melon.

similar to lunch except I'll eat rice with potatoes in a tomatoe sauce or something similar, steak or cooked salmon.

oh and I only drink water...I usually drink about 3L a day which has really done wonders for me already lol.

in between meals i drink a weight gainer protein shake...i try to have 3 of those a day. 4 scoops mixed in 16oz of water.

then i just eat snacks the rest of the day.

oh and now i signed up at the gym so i am supposed to start today with a friend of mine. I plan to go everyday in the morning or at night when its least busy.

[Edited on January 21, 2007 at 12:26 PM. Reason : fda]

1/21/2007 12:24:32 PM

All American
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I will all the lettuce I want

1/21/2007 3:04:10 PM

All American
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Quote :
"Nutrition Facts (One cup raw leaf lettuce, chopped)

Calories 9
Dietary Fiber 1.3
Protein 1 gram
Carbohydrates 1.34 grams
Vitamin A 1456 IU
Vitamin C 13.44
Calcium 20.16
Iron 0.62
Potassium 162.4 mg

1/21/2007 3:23:24 PM

All American
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That doesn't really mean anything to me.

1/21/2007 3:24:04 PM

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