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supple anteater
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Quote :
"Charity Floods Swing States With Anti-Islam DVD

Morning Edition, September 26, 2008 ยท Just after the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, a small charity group flooded campaign battleground states with an inflammatory DVD on radical Islam. Critics say the charity is trying to influence the presidential race.

Earlier this month, subscribers to 70 newspapers in 14 states got a little something extra: A DVD that argues the same hard, militaristic line on terrorism that John McCain takes in his presidential campaign.

It's called Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West. The DVD was made in 2006, before this presidential contest began, and it doesn't even allude to electoral politics.

But, filled with dire warnings about Islamic terrorists, it hit doorsteps seven weeks before Election Day. And critics say it fuels the false whisper campaign that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim.

Madaline Muir of Montgomery County, Pa., got the DVD in her Philadelphia Inquirer. She called it propaganda.

"It's to influence people. Sent out now. Whenever it was made, 2006, but it's really to influence people in the election and scare people," she said.

Obsession was produced by the Clarion Fund, a 501(c)(3) charity, which cannot get involved in campaign politics.

A multifaith coalition called Hate Hurts America has launched a Web site to counter allegations made in the DVD. And an Arab rights group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, has asked the Federal Election Commission to investigate Clarion for possible violations of campaign finance law."

Palin says Obama pals around with terrorists, NC starts to look like a swing state, and I just got in the mail today an unsolicited copy of Obsession.

10/7/2008 2:23:05 PM

All American
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Some of my anarchist comrades watched this film for lulz.

10/7/2008 2:24:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"The DVD was made in 2006, before this presidential contest began, and it doesn't even allude to electoral politics."

compare that to Oliver Stone's movie about George W. Bush which is being released this month...hmmmm

10/7/2008 2:25:47 PM

All American
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one purports to be a documentary, the other is a hollywood movie by Oliver Stone. The man no one takes seriously; because of his conspiracy theory ideas.

10/7/2008 2:27:51 PM

Forgetful Jones
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the fact is, its a movie about Bush being released a couple weeks before the election

and we've all heard Obama and Biden inform us how electing McCain would be 4 more years of Bush, and how we can't afford 4 more years of the same thing, etc...what better way to remind people of that again than to release a movie about Bush

btw nobody took Oliver Stone seriously when he made was Lee Harvey Oswald acting alone

10/7/2008 2:29:25 PM

All American
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I got mine in the mail today and let my dog take a steaming hot shit on it.

10/7/2008 2:29:57 PM

All American
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^^Stone was not the first one to come up with those conspiracies surrounding JFK. He just made a movie about it.

Now, are you also claiming that the release of the Stone movie is meant to coincide with the Obama campaign message?

10/7/2008 2:31:57 PM

supple anteater
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there is a difference between bashing an unpopular president who can't run for reelection, and straight up hate & fear-mongering at the same time the McCain-Palin ticket is actively trying to get people to think of Obama as a terrorist.

10/7/2008 2:32:18 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"are you also claiming that the release of the Stone movie is meant to coincide with the Obama campaign message?"

yeah, just like the movie in the OP is meant to coincide with McCain's campaign

unlike some people, i can see both sides of things

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 2:35 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 2:33:04 PM

All American
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Quote :
"there is a difference between bashing an unpopular president who can't run for reelection, and straight up hate & fear-mongering at the same time the McCain-Palin ticket is actively trying to get people to think of Obama as a terrorist."

10/7/2008 2:34:29 PM

All American
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yeah guys, if you want STRAIGHT TALK go to treetwister. LOL

10/7/2008 2:35:11 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"bashing an unpopular president who can't run for reelection"

just because he can't run for reelection doesn't mean Obama/Biden hasn't been doing their best to completely link McCain and Palin to 4 more years of Bush

and how come its hate and fear mongering when we remind the world of the fact that radical Islam is indeed very dangerous, but its not fear mongering when we say "Elect Obama, because McCain=Bush and Bush is the worst thing ever"? partisan hypocrisy, thats what it is

10/7/2008 2:35:35 PM

All American
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Yet aren't both fearmongering just from different angles?

W. tells horror stories of how Dubya's administration destroyed America; Obama's campaign continuously links McCain with Bush even if its a stretch at times.

Obsession tells horror stories of Islamic terrorists are out to destroy America; McCain's campaign is attempting to establish a link Obama, if not a Muslim, is at least sympathetic to them.

Are not both campaigns trying to say that if you elect the other guy, he or she will destroy America?

10/7/2008 2:38:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"Yet aren't both fearmongering just from different angles?"

yeah thats what i said

10/7/2008 2:39:38 PM

supple anteater
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I posted this thread on our clone site for other colleges (campusblender) at the same time, and here is one of the responses:

Quote :
"CBuckeye: My parents got a copy in their Sunday paper about a month ago and the following week everyone in town (in NE Ohio) started getting them in the mail. I got one at my house in Columbus a couple weeks ago.

People who received them in the mail are getting phone calls of a recording saying, "don't forget what you saw in the DVD when you go to vote."

There has been practically NO media coverage of the mosque that was attacked in Dayton, OH in the wake of this Obsession DVD re-release."

I some how doubt a hollywood video is going to cause any hate based attacks on bush supporters.

10/7/2008 2:40:17 PM

All American
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I have this funny feeling that McCain's closer to Bush than Obama is to Islamist terrorists.

10/7/2008 2:40:27 PM

supple anteater
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"If we keep talking about economic crisis, we're going to lose."

That sentence, and this short clip, explain exactly why I received a copy of that dvd today.

10/7/2008 2:50:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"unlike some people, i can see both sides of things"

Two-wrongs-make-a-right fallacy is not "seeing both sides of things", clown.

10/7/2008 4:40:13 PM

Forgetful Jones
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realizing and acknowleding that both Obsession and W are released a month before the elections for political reasons isnt a fallacy, its common sense...its simply not being a complete partisan tard like you IS seeing both sides, but again the big fat D or R on your voter registration card doesnt allow you to see both sides

10/7/2008 4:42:01 PM

All American
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great, now you're calling people fags in soap box. someone needs to tell me why this guy isn't suspended again?

Quote :
"realizing and acknowleding that both Obsession and W are released a month before the elections for political reasons isnt a fallacy, its simply not being a complete partisan fag like you are"

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:45 PM. Reason : NICE STEALTH EDIT]

10/7/2008 4:44:10 PM

Forgetful Jones
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no i changed it to 'tard'

thats clearly acceptable in TSB since everyone calls everyone retarded, but thanks for being a whiny bitch and not addressing my completely valid point you partisan tard

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:45 PM. Reason : OH NO STEALTH EDIT SUSPEND SUSPEND SUSPEND]

^you got lucky as shit you didnt get suspended when i did 2 weeks ago since i literally got suspended for going back and forth with you in a thread and you didnt get just stfu

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:46 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 4:45:02 PM

All American
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No I'm calling you out because you're a consistent incendiary poster and troll. it drags down the forum.

10/7/2008 4:46:06 PM

Forgetful Jones
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please stay on topic

if i point out the fact that you're a complete partisan troll who regurgitates every ultra left wing talking point imaginable i might be suspended, so i'll simply ask you to please stay on topic

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:47 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 4:46:45 PM

All American
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Ok let me explain. You are arguing that since this movie about Bush is being released, its okay that this propganda DVD is being released, because they're both engaging in the same tactic. That is called a two-wrongs-make-a-right fallacy.

Not to mention Obama=Terrorist is not even on the same level as McCain=Bush.

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:48 PM. Reason : Incidentally, I'm registered as independent. I voted for Bush in 2000. ]

10/7/2008 4:46:49 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"You are arguing that since this movie about Bush is being released, its okay that this propganda DVD is being released"

No, I'm not arguing that.

I'm simply saying that both movies are being released for the same reasons. Obsession to help McCain get votes, and W to help Obama get votes.

Its that simple, and its true.

And furthermore, when people want to act like theres some huge difference in the reasons each of these movies is being released (or redistributed in Obsession's case) and when people like most of you in this thread want to act like there is some huge difference in political motives, you come across as being partisan and I'll call you out for it

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:50 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 4:48:08 PM

All American
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^Well then what the fuck is your point of bringing that up?

10/7/2008 4:49:26 PM

All American
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"^you got lucky as shit you didnt get suspended when i did 2 weeks ago since i literally got suspended for going back and forth with you in a thread and you didnt get just stfu"

you sound like a little 5 year old throwing rocks and crying. Why do you carry on like that? I'm not bothering anybody except standing up for the guy you called a 'fag'. That was messed up.

10/7/2008 4:49:30 PM

Forgetful Jones
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who gives a fuck what name i called him, get a fucking life...i'm pointing out that Supplanter's revolutionary thread of the day that implies that the right is so evil for putting out this FEAR MONGERING movie is exactly the same shit as Oliver Stone releasing a movie about the fuckups of GWB a month before the next election...its about as simple a concept as there is, unless of course you have on huge partisan blinders

10/7/2008 4:52:35 PM

All American
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if I had a dime every time you've said partisan in this thread I think I could go bailout a bank or two myself.

10/7/2008 4:56:07 PM

All American
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Obama=Pals with Terrorists/terrorist is not even on the same level as McCain=Bush.

You can't rationalize this.

It's primal fear of danger vs. fear of the same policies.

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 4:58 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 4:57:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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^doesnt matter the levels, its about one movie helping one candidate and one helping another

i mean terrorism is a lot more of a definite and immediate threat than climate change, but that doesnt mean the right doesnt use terrorism and the left doesnt use climate change for their own scare tactics

i think you're reading too much into it

^^if i had a dime for every post of yours in this thread that had anything to do with the thread topic, I'd have $0.00

oh i'm sorry, I guess I'd have 10 cents, since your post about letting your dog take a shit was technically about the thread topic...

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 5:02 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 5:01:23 PM

All American
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Quote :
"doesnt matter the levels"


10/7/2008 5:06:20 PM

Forgetful Jones
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10/7/2008 5:07:40 PM

All American
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Quote :
"i mean terrorism is a lot more of a definite and immediate threat than climate change, but that doesnt mean the right doesnt use terrorism and the left doesnt use climate change for their own scare tactics"

That has nothing to do with the argument at hand, and is again another two-wrongs fallacy. You're excusing one party because the other party equally engages in it in your mind.

10/7/2008 5:08:56 PM

Forgetful Jones
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i'm not EXCUSING anybody, i'm simply saying that BOTH parties are doing essentially the same thing

10/7/2008 5:18:51 PM

All American
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Lol. Okay, last head-strike against the brick wall before going to the range.

What is your point in saying that? What is the relevancy of that point to this topic? Are you just bringing it up because its interesting, or insightful? Because it is neither. We both know that both sides engage in these tactics. AND? Are you saying it makes it okay? Or... what?

10/7/2008 5:26:21 PM

Forgetful Jones
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This thread was made with the premise of "omg look at this right wing propaganda, the left would never do that"

I point out that Stone's movie 'W' is an example of the left doing exactly that, which prevents this thread from being your average TSB "rawr i hate republicans" thread

what the fuck is so hard to understand about that? why are you getting so defensive when I dare to point out that BOTH sides do this?

10/7/2008 5:32:13 PM

All American
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The movie clearly says the radical portion of Islam is a small percentage compared to the entire group of believers and states numerous times that Islam in general should not be viewed as terrorists.

View it as propaganda all you want, and I'm sure there are political motives behind it, but it's not like they made up the footage from TV and clips of groups of radicals chanting about how they want to destroy America. It's a real threat and we can either choose to ignore it or make people aware and support non-radical Islams who choose to stand up for themselves.

Quote :
"But, filled with dire warnings about Islamic terrorists, it hit doorsteps seven weeks before Election Day. And critics say it fuels the false whisper campaign that Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim."

This is bullshit. Its purpose is to show people there is a real threat of radical Islam groups and that you cannot sit down and negotiate with these freaks, as many people think Obama will try to do if he's in office.

10/7/2008 5:40:29 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This is bullshit. Its purpose is to show people there is a real threat of radical Islam groups and that you cannot sit down and negotiate with these freaks, as many people think Obama will try to do if he's in office."

No. What's bullshit is your point here, aimorris. Baseless and absolutely ridiculous. you basically validate the point of what this movie is being popped in our mailboxes influence our vote from Obama.

Give me a fucking break. I will say that mine looks good with a pile of dog shit on top of it.

10/7/2008 5:49:17 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"you basically validate the point of what this movie is being popped in our mailboxes influence our vote from Obama. "

well, terrorism remains a real threat, maybe obama isnt the best president to have right now

course i dont subscribe to a newspaper so i didnt get a copy of this DVD...who subscribes to newspapers nowadays when you can read all their content online for free?

10/7/2008 5:52:13 PM

All American
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The wife wanted Sunday papers to read at breakfast. It's just her thing.

10/7/2008 5:53:16 PM

All American
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you think Islam would have a war against the East also, China, Russia, and all those little SE asian countries.

10/7/2008 6:02:03 PM

Forgetful Jones
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Indonesia is Muslim, and many would say Russia is on its way to having a predominantly Muslim population in a few decades, its already the 2nd most populous religion behind Russian Orthodox

10/7/2008 6:05:46 PM

supple anteater
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Quote :
"course i dont subscribe to a newspaper so i didnt get a copy of this DVD...who subscribes to newspapers nowadays when you can read all their content online for free?"

i also don't subscribe to any newspapers

10/7/2008 6:11:11 PM

All American
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10/7/2008 6:19:16 PM

All American
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Quote :
"No. What's bullshit is your point here, aimorris. Baseless and absolutely ridiculous. you basically validate the point of what this movie is being popped in our mailboxes influence our vote from Obama."

Yeah I see, anything that might sway voters against Obama is a waste of time and ridiculous. First of all, the movie wasn't just made last week and was not directly intended to be anti-Obama and pro-McCain... in fact, it doesn't mention Obama a single time. What's the harm in watching it? It's obviously not going to sway your vote and I promise you, it won't turn you into a right wing warhawk'ing Republican just by viewing it with an open mind.

Has anybody here on the left actually watched it? I'm curious to hear your serious critique of the movie.

10/7/2008 7:01:03 PM

All American
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Lol, he's telling us to watch propaganda with an open mind. That's how they get you.

10/7/2008 7:20:09 PM

All American
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Stay ignorant all you want.

I disagree with the overall majority in TSB but I read pretty much every article and every video they post, unless it's just a repeat of something I have read earlier.

10/7/2008 7:37:21 PM

supple anteater
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I think it wasn't when the movie was made that is at issue, its when the movie is being mass mailed in an unsolicited way in swing states by a group that's not allowed to engage in politics on the eve of the election in seeming coordination with Palin's misleading claims that Obama associates with terrorists.

10/7/2008 7:49:28 PM

Forgetful Jones
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whats misleading about Obama's associations with Bill Ayers? or are you just saying he only associates with domestic terrorists, ok nm then, i gotcha

i figure it was released to help mccain, not by implying obama is a muslim, but implying correctly that mccain will be tougher in his foreign policy which i dont think anyone would disagree with

[Edited on October 7, 2008 at 7:55 PM. Reason : .]

10/7/2008 7:54:03 PM

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