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Ohhh Farts
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The next Netflix Marvel show coming out, sweet Christmas I enjoyed this teaser trailer

7/22/2016 7:57:34 AM

All American
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It's like Netflix can do no wrong when it comes to Marvel.

7/22/2016 11:00:59 AM

All American
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7/22/2016 1:17:30 PM

All American
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yeah that trailer was good

7/22/2016 1:28:23 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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I think the music choice is a major reason the trailer is so awesome

7/22/2016 1:29:58 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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you would be correct

7/22/2016 1:35:59 PM

All American
27209 Posts
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Looked awesome!

One question though -- I thought he didn't have super strength? First season of Jessica Jones made it seem like his only super power was impenetrable skin? I get that he is a strong guy but not enough to rip car doors off and kick down jail cell walls and stuff?

7/22/2016 5:29:17 PM

All American
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Well in the comics he has about Spider-Man level super strength, like able to bench press 30 tons type strength. It will be toned down for the show but yeah he's really strong.

7/22/2016 6:03:58 PM

All American
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please, all we know from Jessica Jones is that he has a super cock.

7/22/2016 6:36:37 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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New trailer, still looks awesome plus a shout out to his classic arm and head band look

8/9/2016 12:11:13 PM

Byrn Stuff
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I'm all the way here for this.

8/9/2016 1:32:57 PM

All American
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This looks great. I hope that they keep it small scale, sort of like a microcosm of the Marvel universe, and not expand it all to hell like they did with DareDevil Season 2.

8/9/2016 2:37:55 PM

Ohhh Farts
12435 Posts
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One last new trailer before it comes out this Friday

Looks fucking awesome

9/26/2016 12:11:48 PM

All American
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Looks really good. Didn't even realize it was coming out this soon. I am excite.

^^The last episode or two will prob have some kind of tie in with Iron Fist since that is the next Netflix Marvel show to come out. Outside of that there will prob just be random references and background stuff like Jessica Jones had.

9/26/2016 1:36:43 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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it's up

9/30/2016 2:21:43 PM

All American
14984 Posts
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Yeah, I'm about to binge watch the fuck out of this. I hope they have some old school costume throwback/reference at some point.

9/30/2016 3:48:08 PM

Ohhh Farts
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^they do, it was in one of the trailers. Gonna start it later tonight once the wife gets home

9/30/2016 3:54:42 PM

no u
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costume shows up in e4

9/30/2016 4:01:53 PM

All American
11770 Posts
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just starting e3

9/30/2016 5:23:21 PM

All American
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If Marvel is gonna do this soft porn crap, then they should do it right and give us more bewbs.

10/2/2016 8:19:39 AM

All American
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I am on the second episode. Love what they are doing with working live club music into the show.

I always thought that a guy like seasick steve would play at a club like that. I am still waiting, don't spoil it for me.

[Edited on October 2, 2016 at 10:02 AM. Reason : a]

10/2/2016 10:02:18 AM

All American
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I'm enjoying the show, but the fight choreography has been subpar, IMO.

10/2/2016 1:00:05 PM

All American
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it's been mostly gun shooting and obvious stunt men so far. Maybe Mike Colter isn't good with hand to hand stunt work. He is just a big meathead after all...

10/2/2016 2:00:56 PM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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I'm enjoying it, but it's now really drawing me in like the other shows so far. Right now

DD Season 1 > JJ >>> DD Season 2 > Luke Cage

It's hard to make a bullet proof/super strong character interesting.

10/2/2016 2:15:43 PM

All American
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DD2 was complete shit. A complete mess.

10/2/2016 2:44:54 PM

Ohhh Farts
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10/2/2016 2:50:10 PM

All American
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sorry, but from a story telling point of view it was a disaster after the fourth episode. The punisher was great, and everything that they did with that was amazing, but then they spent so much time expanding the universe that they couldn't focus on the actual stories that made the first season so good.

Like, the blacksmith reveal comes basically out of nowhere as the villain with hardly any build up to it. Had they more time, they could have really built up the tension similar to what was done with Bucky and Cap in The Winter Soldier.

Kingpin, who was probably my favorite part of the first season, goes from prison bitch to major prison boss with no buildup to it aside from a shady lawyer making payments. Imagine what kind of creative schemes they could have exploited to give him the influence in the prison to trick Castle.

And the hand comes out of nowhere without any buildup. They just completely abandoned a good Punisher/Kingpin story in favor of the hand for no other reason than to expand the Marvel universe.

[Edited on October 2, 2016 at 2:59 PM. Reason : h]

10/2/2016 2:52:14 PM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Loved this. Binged, the whole season yesterday with my girlfriend.

Could have used a little more action, if you ask me. I liked the parallel drawn between the DD hallway scene when Luke raided 'Fort Knox'.

My biggest critique was the 'big bad' I don't know if it was the actor or what, but it just didn't land for me.

Loved the throwback to the original outfit, got a good laugh out of that.

My girlfriend, who is black, made several comments about how she loved how 'black' the whole series was.

10/3/2016 9:14:06 AM

All American
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Imagine if a white girl said that she loved Mad Men because of how "white" everything was.

10/3/2016 9:51:37 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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You're a fucking tool, you know that?

10/3/2016 9:54:34 AM

All American
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it's the truth. Imagine what Luke Cage would say to a black chick that praised the show for how back it was.

The show is doing a pretty brilliant job of defining what a hero really is; somebody that stands for self respect. Not a kung-fu dancing magician. The fact that it takes place in Harlem is a call back/juxtaposition to the sacrifices and struggles that were once made by mortal heroes that had to die for respect and equality.

This is pointed out brilliantly throughout the show, and makes for a truly epic portrayal of being an actual hero. Just my two cents bra.

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 10:02 AM. Reason : a]

10/3/2016 9:55:59 AM

Eyes up here ^^
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Why imagine what a fictional comic book character would say about anything? Though I imagine the showrunner, Cheo Coker, would say 'thanks'.

The point is the she felt that the show was black empowering, the culture, the music, the subject matter. That's not something you see in a lot of television or cinema, especially for something as pop-culture as a Marvel offering. Add on top of that, that the show is still accessible for white people and it's a pretty big accomplishment.

10/3/2016 10:02:35 AM

All American
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IDk, my take on it was that the backdrop was used as a device to support the show, and not to define it.

Plus, black culture and music has been everywhere for a long time. White people have been making money off of it for years, it's called cultural commodification. It goes all the way back to Elvis. It is nice that this show paid tribute to the actual artists, instead of packaging up their shit and ripping them off.

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 10:14 AM. Reason : a]

10/3/2016 10:10:58 AM

Eyes up here ^^
5918 Posts
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Have you finished the season? If so, then you clearly didn't 'take' much from the show at all if you think that Harlem and its culture was just the backdrop and not integral to the definition of the show.

10/3/2016 10:19:11 AM

All American
51892 Posts
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Quote :
"BanjoMan, you are a very odd duck. You are, like, on the cusp of having good taste and not having a shit opinion, and yet there is still a big chunk of dull shitheel DNA in your post.

Like, you are clearly sensitive in the right ways to art and storytelling, but it's like you have married that power to the stupid expectations of a complete moron. I wonder whether that's the result of, like, some kind of misalignment between you and the work or something in your nature or how you were raised or the people you surround yourself with or what.

I feel like you might be the smartest of your friends. Is that true?

I know this sounds insulting. But I'm only insulting the stupid part of you. It's like...if you were a werewolf, I would praise the man and condemn the wolf. I feel like there's some meat on the bone here, and I want to uplift you."

10/3/2016 10:28:27 AM

Burn it all down.
18370 Posts
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So here are my complaints after finishing the series

Cottonmouth shouldn't have died, Diamondback simply wasn't a good villain.
The fight scenes weren't nearly as good as DD
The final fight scene was cheesy as hell..'LUKE! LUKE! LUKE!' 'oh man, did he just insult your momma?'

Overall all, it was a very impressive series and I enjoyed it, however, I felt it would have benefited from maybe being an episode or two shorter. I still put it above DD1 and JJ. I feel like it was on average better than DD season 2, but the first half of DD season 2 blows it out of the water.

10/3/2016 10:41:33 AM

All American
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lol, Frosh is that dude that brings nothing original to the table and has to shoot everything else down to make up for his lack of creativity.

Take jbrick, for example. To be honest, I have no idea what kind of educational credentials that this dude has, and believe me, I have tried to figure this out. Like uncomfortable amounts of stalking and shit. But, having said that, he does deliver quality discussion points to both Sports Talk and Chit Chat that tend to generate other interests. This usually means that somebody knows how to convey an idea to the general public, and I respect that. What is it exactly that Frosh does aside from waiting for other people (mostly new people) to write something plausible before bouncing on people give a shit. They don't. PPL like jbrick and grumpy are going to bring novel stuff, and you are going to continue to shit on it to make yourself appear relevant.

To be honest, I actually like you. A lot. When I was feeling down and alone, I could always count on you to respond to my posts. We should team up and make TWW great again. Fuck all of these elitist like jbrick that hide their brain juice credentials.

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 11:15 AM. Reason : ]

10/3/2016 11:02:45 AM

All American
51892 Posts
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Why won't you actually engage me on this topic?

10/3/2016 11:03:37 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
27356 Posts
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FroshKiller is the Pence to BanjoMan's Trump.

10/3/2016 11:07:54 AM

All American
9609 Posts
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Quote :
"Cottonmouth shouldn't have died, Diamondback simply wasn't a good villain.
The fight scenes weren't nearly as good as DD
The final fight scene was cheesy as hell..'LUKE! LUKE! LUKE!' 'oh man, did he just insult your momma?' "

lol spoiler alert.

The thing about the fight scenes in DD is that you are gonna either love it or hate it. To me, it is just dancing, and it does nothing for developing suspense and tension in the story. One can convey tension much better using other forms, such as the barber shop scene early on when Cottonmouth comes in for a shave. That was done incredibly well and kept me glued to the action.

10/3/2016 11:08:25 AM

Forgetful Jones
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10/3/2016 11:20:28 AM

All American
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Rosario Dawson is still hot as ever. She hasn't aged a day since Sin City, and that was like what, 8 years ago?

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 12:41 PM. Reason : Dayum son, over 10 years old.]

10/3/2016 12:41:10 PM

no u
103352 Posts
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I thought Cottonmouth was the most engaging of the Netflix marvel villains, if least successful. I really enjoyed him.

It's terribly unoriginal, but still very enjoyable. DD and JJ have higher moments but overall I think LC is the most consistently entertaining.

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 12:57 PM. Reason : Night Nurse fucks her way across the Marvel Netflix Universe]

10/3/2016 12:57:11 PM

All American
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Hey BigMan157? Not only is this a sleazy and totally inappropriate thing to say:

Quote :
"Night Nurse fucks her way across the Marvel Netflix Universe"

It's also not even fucking accurate.

10/3/2016 1:03:31 PM

All American
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is that another spoiler? Does she end up sleeping with him?

lol, Frosh at it again...

I'm the prophet of TWW:

Quote :
"What is it exactly that Frosh does aside from waiting for other people (mostly new people) to write something plausible before bouncing on people give a shit. They don't. PPL like jbrick and grumpy are going to bring novel stuff, and you are going to continue to shit on it to make yourself appear relevant. "

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 1:52 PM. Reason : a]

10/3/2016 1:51:05 PM

All American
51892 Posts
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I'm serious, you can talk at me instead of past me or you can go get fucked in the highway.

10/3/2016 2:28:49 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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i like that line

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 2:38 PM. Reason : just join in on the luke cage talk. ]

10/3/2016 2:36:56 PM

All American
23447 Posts
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Why am I being discussed ITT?

10/3/2016 3:49:27 PM

All American
9609 Posts
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because ur the apple of my eye, obviously. The golden boy. Somebody has to play the part around here.

What are your thoughts on Luke Cage?


I think that the Cottonmouth death is a pretty good conclusion to his character. He had been tortured his entire life, and killed too many people in cold blood for him not to die. I Have no idea how that shit went down in the comics though.

[Edited on October 3, 2016 at 4:37 PM. Reason : a]

10/3/2016 4:33:22 PM

All American
5057 Posts
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I still have to watch the final episode tonight, but I figured I would start joining the conversation. Overall, it is very good, solidly above JJ (which I also liked) in every aspect. I am just baffled, though, at some of the inconsistencies.


1. The first few episodes deal with retrieving the duffle bag of money from Chico et al. They make its retrieval critical or else both Cottonmouth and Mamma Mabel 2.0 are going to be ruined. This eventually gets resolved, and the money is retrieved. . . and then the very next episode it shows 30+ duffle bags similarly filled with money just being held in storage? That one bag seems rather trivial now by comparison.

2. The plot around Mabel 2.0's speech at the anti-Luke rally was not really well written.
-"We need to get these super powered freaks off the streets!"
-"Our police are out of control. They are attacking our people in the streets, just because they are black, and they are roughing up our youth. They do not know what they are doing, and we cannot trust them!
-"We need to give the police bigger, better weapons!"
<...dafuq she just say?>

3. They relied on the good-cop-knows-the-truth-but-doesn't-tell-anyone trope way too often. Face recognition software reveals that the cop killer is not Luke and in fact Stryker, the man who assaulted her with her own gun? Better keep that information to yourself!

4. In the penultimate episode, Diamondback just ends up with a super-suit with no build up at all. Sure, he had the punchy glove thing earlier, but there was never any hint of something bigger coming. He essentially opens a Diablo III chest and gets a legendary item drop with the glowing orange aura and everything. Maybe this is better explained in the final episode which I haven't seen.


As someone else stated, Diamondback wasn't a great villain. He is a looming, unseen threat at the beginning (I thought he might have had strong King Pin ties at the start), but then he is revealed and turns out to be a reckless idiot who (twice) is allowed to pull guns on people already prepared to shoot him. My favorite "villain" in the series was Mamma Mabel in the flashbacks. I wish we got more of her. Or perhaps Mabel 2.0 developed earlier in the series. Mabel > Cottonmouth > Shades > Mabel 2.0 >> Diamondback.

10/4/2016 10:07:29 AM

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