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 Message Boards » » WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001? Page 1 ... 21 22 23 24 [25] 26 27 28 29 ... 39, Prev Next  
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In way of summary of some of the best evidence and other information:

Silverstein admits in PBS documentary WTC 7 brought down in controlled demolition:

1 minute video clip here:

Pentagon flash video:

5 minute video:

Caller on Howard Stern Show confirms Shootdown of Flight 93 over Pennsylvania:

1.5 minute audio clip:

Alex Jones' documentary film 9/11: The Road To Tyranny (approx. 2 hrs): (Real Player) (Real Player) (Windows Media Player)

63% of Canadians believe U.S. government complicit in 9/11 attacks:

Zogby Poll: Half of New Yorkers Believe Government Complicity in 9/11:

Evidence may cause you to
reconsider previously held notions and beliefs.

[Edited on October 28, 2004 at 12:04 PM. Reason : ``]

10/28/2004 11:39:46 AM

All American
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my health care plan is fine, my paycheck is nice, and its because i earned it and didnt complain. i will be voting, as i have every election. how can kerry expand the government without increasing taxes and creating a more controlling government, or add 40000 more positions in the military without a draft?

ignorance, my fucked up little buddy, is bliss

10/28/2004 11:43:19 AM

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More of the best evidence and other information...

Bush claims he saw the first plane hit the twin towers:

30 second audio clip:

Quote :
"Thank you, Jordan (ph).

Well, Jordan (ph), you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my chief of staff, Andy Card -- actually I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. And I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on, and I use to fly myself, and I said, "There's one terrible pilot." And I said, "It must have been a horrible accident."

But I was whisked off there -- I didn't have much time to think about it, and I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my chief who was sitting over here walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower. America's under attack." (see about 4/5 down the page)"

British PM Tony Blair claims to have seen the first plane hit the towers as well:

Quote :
"I remember it very, very clearly. I was about to give the speech to the Trades Union
Congress in Brighton, and so I was preparing my speech and the television was on in the

You saw the first plane crash, and then people came in and started to brief me on it, and
then of course it became clear a short time afterwards that this was not simply a terrible accident
but was almost certainly a terrorist incident, and then everything changed."

U.S. planned military action against "al-Queda" in Afghanistan BEFORE the 9-11 attacks::

Quote :
"US planned to hit bin Laden ahead of September 11
By David Rennie in Washington

America had detailed plans to "roll back" al-Qa'eda and capture Osama bin Laden a year before the September 11 attacks, it was reported yesterday.

But no action was taken, first by Bill Clinton as president, then by the incoming administration, amid political and bureaucratic squabbles.

The plans were finally approved a week before September 11, after a lengthy policy review ordered by President George W Bush, Time magazine reported yesterday. One senior official acknowledged that the proposals inherited from the Clinton administration amounted to "everything we've done since" September 11.

The plans included sending US special forces to Afghanistan on a "search and destroy" mission for bin Laden, and attempts by the CIA to recruit tribal leaders to attack the al-Qa'eda chief."

Quote :
"US 'planned attack on Taleban'
By the BBC's George Arney
Tuesday, 18 September, 2001

A former Pakistani diplomat has told the BBC that the US was planning military action against Osama Bin Laden and the Taleban even before last week's attacks.

Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary, was told by senior American officials in mid-July that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October."

George W. Bush warns us that "outrageous conspiracy theories" regarding the events of 9/11:
will not be "tolerated"

15 second video clip:

[Edited on October 28, 2004 at 12:24 PM. Reason : ``]

10/28/2004 12:16:10 PM

All American
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^ This guy rules.

10/28/2004 12:26:07 PM

All American
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Quote :


Imma contact dick cheney and see if I can get him to fly a plane into your house.

10/28/2004 2:03:09 PM

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Quote :
"Write More About Skull & Bones
Secret societies? UFOs? The truth about what *really* happened on 9/11? The media cowers

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist
Wednesday, October 27, 2004


After all, there is indeed ample evidence that the U.S. government, long before 9/11, had already discussed the quite plausible possibilities and strategic benefits of unleashing a "Pearl Harbor"-type event on America for the purposes of creating havoc and fear and furthering certain agendas. This much is a given. And it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Look. There are plenty of strangely unanswered questions about 9/11, about the stunning inaction of NORAD and Bush's stupefying nonreaction upon hearing of the attack, not to mention his administration's incredible attempts to halt any independent 9/11 investigations, and have you ever read a fully satisfying account of how this whole atrocity could have happened, one that answered all your questions and quelled your lingering doubts and squashed, once and for all, any hints of dread you had about our government's potential role in the tragedy? Neither have I. Neither has anyone.

Of course, no one in any major media will touch this stuff. It is professional suicide to dare suggest an alternate truth to the one supplied by the Pentagon and regurgitated by the media, despite the fact that most every journalist, trained as they are to be suspicious and wary and fully cognizant of the fact that there is always more to a given apocalypse than meets the eye, every journalist knows that buried just beneath the slippery surface of any good conspiracy theory is a gem or three of real truth, a question that begs to be solved or at least researched and, yet, most likely never will, because it has been cast into the madhouse of "outrageous" impossibility and is therefore rendered impotent and hopeless."

[Edited on October 31, 2004 at 9:58 PM. Reason : `]

10/31/2004 9:55:47 PM

All American
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i saw an interview on one of the major networks of a guy from FEMA accidentally admitting that they arrived on the scene the day before 9/11/01.
*that* makes me wonder more than anything. What's up with that?
I agree with sboy that we should wonder.

10/31/2004 10:17:07 PM

All American
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10/31/2004 11:03:05 PM

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ABC News story acknowledging those who question the official account of 9/11:

Quote :
"On Election Eve, Sept. 11 Doubters Surface

Groups Launch Ad Campaign, Request for Criminal Investigation


Nov. 1, 2004 - More than three years after the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the skeptics are still out there, and despite a massive government investigation into the causes, threats and government response, in the final days before the presidential election, the doubters have been making more noise.

One organization,, has launched an ad campaign calling for a new investigation into what happened on Sept. 11, and another group,, is filing a formal complaint with the New York state attorney general, seeking a criminal investigation."

11/2/2004 12:02:46 PM

Pi Master
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Quote :
"Caller on Howard Stern Show confirms Shootdown of Flight 93 over Pennsylvania:"

Case closed.

11/2/2004 12:05:36 PM

All American
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^ ahahahah

11/2/2004 1:00:59 PM

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Quote :
"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.

--George W. Bush 4th full paragraph from the end of transcript"


[Edited on November 2, 2004 at 10:28 PM. Reason : ``]

11/2/2004 10:19:30 PM

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Good Website:

LA Citizens' Grand Jury condemns U.S. Government role in 9/11 and coverup...

Quote :

Demands Immediate Release of CIA Inspector General’s Report, Cheney Counter-Terrorism Task Force & War Game Records, Pentagon Evidence Seized by FBI & Suppressed 9/11 Report of “broadly inaccurate accounts by several civil & military officials”

Los Angeles, Oct. 31 – In findings issued today, the Los Angeles Citizens’ Grand Jury condemned the 9/11 Commission’s official version of the events of September 11, 2001 as “physically impossible, untenable, contradictory, implausible and fraudulent” and called for the release of several documents specifically naming officials responsible for 9/11, being withheld until after the election.

Citing evidence that at least 8 of the 19 alleged suicide hijackers reported themselves alive after 9/11, that the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7 came down not from fires from the planes but controlled demolition explosives which require weeks to prepare, and Administration managed “war games” (including a field training exercise scenario covering multiple hijackings and a plane going into a building) that were actually happening on 9/11 as causing air traffic controller confusion & lack of fighter response, the nation’s first Citizens’ Grand Jury on 9/11 unabashedly concluded 9/11 was “an inside job” that demands “legal prosecution, civil liability and political condemnation” around the world."

[Edited on November 4, 2004 at 11:35 AM. Reason : `]

11/4/2004 11:34:39 AM

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Here you can download the video Painful Deceptions, an analysis of the 9/11 attacks:


[Edited on November 4, 2004 at 11:59 AM. Reason : `]

11/4/2004 11:56:38 AM

All American
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In all honesty, it is rather hard to believe that a small group of 19 people planned, practiced, and executed a major operation, and that 75% of their goal was completed without knowledge by any one on the other side.

To not believe that Wall Street folks benefitted from put options, members of Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Reagan's cabinet members, along with the heads of many of the organizations contributing to the Republican effort, did not benefit financially, is ridiculous.

It just so happened that everything fell completely into place, our response system was lazy, the president was told after the fact, and information and intelligence from 100's of people and offices were put together in less than 24 hrs.

There is too much going on here to think that it was a plot designed by a small group of individuals in a 3rd world country, with no help, and 100% foolproof and leakproof.

Why the towers, man? What was there? It has to be more than just an example. A fundamentalist doesn't pick a random place. They hit somewhere that directly impacts their goal. Why not Wall Street itself? Why not the capitol? Why not the school that Bush was in at the time? Why not the headquarters of a major oil corporations? Why not the UN?

It took up too much time, and too much training, to just hit the WTC for show. How did they know the planes were going to take the buildings down? If they didn't, then why hit the buildings so high up?

If you have a curious bone in your body, and you know that Bush, his family, and friends were all affected financially by this due to their connections and business holdings, then why couldn't there be something here worth digging into?

11/4/2004 1:57:37 PM

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The testimony of Mindy Kleinberg, who's husband was killed in the 9/11 attacks, before the 9/11 commission:

9 minute video:

In her testimony, Kleinberg highlights the suspicious insider trading prior to 9/11, that 15 of the 19 "hijackers" should not have got into the country because their visa applications were invalid, and that proper procedure was not followed by the FAA and NORAD in dealing with the hijacked planes.

11/5/2004 5:27:25 AM

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10 questions concerning 9/11 posed by Victor Thorn of WING TV (

Quote :
"QUESTION ONE – The Pentagon: The government contends that Flight 77 – a Boeing 757 – struck the ground floor of the Pentagon, completely entered the building; then disintegrated due to intense heat from the explosion. Yet photographs of the initial hole in the northwest wall show it to be only 18 feet in diameter. This poses a problem, for a Boeing 757’s wingspan is 124’ 10” across, while it measures 44’ 6” from the ground to the tip of its tail. How could this massive airliner fit through an 18’ hole, especially when the windows on each side of the initial hole, as well as on top of it survived the crash and were unbroken? In addition, the front lawn of the Pentagon was photographed as completely untouched directly following the crash, with no tire marks, scorch marks, ruts, or burn marks. It practically looked like a putting green, yet the plane struck on the GROUND FLOOR. Last but not least, a Boeing 757 weighs 65 tons. The government contends that all the wreckage, including the tempered steel and galvanized aluminum it was made of, was vaporized into thin air; yet the Pentagon’s infrastructure did not vaporize, while some of the deceased Pentagon employees were identified by their fingerprints! So, human flesh doesn’t vaporize, but metal and aluminum do? Please explain.

QUESTION TWO – WORLD TRADE CENTER BUILDING # 7: Larry Silverstein, owner of the World Trade Center complex, admitted during a September 2002 PBS documentary entitled America Rebuilds that he ordered WTC #7 to be destroyed via a controlled demolition late on the afternoon of 9-11. Building 7 was not even struck by an airplane, and only had a miniscule fire inside it which was contained to one floor. When was this building wired for demolition – on the afternoon of 9-11 when pandemonium ensued throughout Manhattan, or beforehand? In addition, who specifically were the people who wired the building, whether on 9-11 or beforehand?

QUESTION THREE – WORLD TRADE CENTER TOWERS: The government/mainstream media version of events contends that the Twin Towers collapsed due to intense heat created by fire. Yet it takes a temperature of 2795 degrees to melt the type of construction-grade steel used to build the WTC, while jet fuel only burns at a maximum temperature of 1472 degrees. Also, all of the jet fuel that spilled from the airliners burned-up within a matter of 1-2 minutes. Thirdly, never in the history of the world has a steel building collapsed due to fire, including those which burned for infinitely longer periods of time with much more intense flames. Fourthly, the South Tower was struck 17 minutes after the North Tower, had most of the fuel from the jet splash outside the building, and burned at a much slower pace. Yet it fell 30 minutes before the North Tower. How can this highly improbably (not to mention physically impossible) scenario be explained? Lastly, when we bring physics into the equation and put to use a scientific formula to calculate how long it takes a structure to do a resistance-free gravity fall from top to bottom (H= ½at2) , we would find that the WTC towers would drop in approximately nine seconds – which is exactly how long it took both of them to fall. How can this phenomenon be explained, considering all the massive columns, floors, walls, and equipment inside each tower that would provide considerable resistance? Also, just out of curiosity, explain the pool of molten steel that burned seven-stories beneath ground level at both towers for 5-6 weeks after 9-11? Did this also derive from the miniscule amount of jet fuel that that burned out in 1-2 minutes?

QUESTION FOUR – HIJACKERS STILL ALIVE: Five of the 19 men purported to have been suicide hijackers on the morning of 9-11 have been verifiably proven to still be alive and well. FIVE OF THEM. In addition, not one Arab name was found on any of the passenger records for any of the four hijacked airliners on the morning of 9-11. How do we account for these discrepancies?

QUESTION FIVE – LACK OF PILOTING SKILLS: While on the subject of ‘hijackers,’ there is an overwhelming amount of first-hand testimony presented by the flight instructors who gave lessons to the supposed pilots at the schools they attended prior to 9-11. While acting as pilots-in-training, they were unanimously characterized as incompetent, inept, and without the mechanical skills to even operate an automobile, let alone an airplane. These instructors also stated that these men were utterly incapable of performing the highly complex maneuvers utilized on 9-11. How could these men – Afghanistani cave-dwellers – who were nicknamed “Dumb and Dumber,” miraculously be able to execute moves that were only achievable by the upper Top Gun elite of our Air Force?

QUESTION SIX – MILITARY STAND-DOWN: From September, 2000 to June, 2001, the Pentagon launched fighter jets 67 times to intercept wayward planes. In fact, a very rigid set of rules, procedures, and protocol has been in place for years that have to be lawfully followed whenever any type of aircraft strays off its course or is hijacked. Within the past decade, and every day after 9-11, these procedures have been followed to a T, and have not been corrupted or ignored. Yet on the morning of 9-11, on FOUR separate occasions, this system fell apart beyond comprehension. In fact, from the time the FAA discovered that the first plane had been hijacked until the Pentagon was struck - a total of 84 MINUTES had elapsed. On top of that, the Pentagon houses the NMCC (National Military Command Center), and possesses anti-aircraft and missile installations; yet none of these protective devices were activated or used – even after EVERYONE knew that the WTC towers had been attacked. This outrage so far exceeds mere incompetence that author David Ray Griffin wrote, “The attacks could not have succeeded unless some U.S. officials had given stand-down orders for standard operating procedures to be cancelled on that particular day.” How are all of these curious anomalies explained?

QUESTION SEVEN – FLIGHT 93: Wreckage from Flight 93 that was downed in Pennsylvania was strewn over an area stretching for eight miles from the crash site. Is this physically possible from a mere plane wreck, or was this flight shot from the sky, thus leaving a trail of parts (some of the pieces weighing over 1000 pounds) for eight miles?

QUESTION EIGHT – 9/11 WAR GAMES: On the morning of 9-11, the CIAs National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), headed by John Fulton, was performing test exercise ‘war games’ where jet planes were to be flown into buildings. In addition, NORAD was also conducting an exercise called Vigilant Warrior. Why hasn’t the American public been told about these tests, and why has nearly every member of the Bush administration stated that they could have never conceived of airplanes hitting buildings where there have been numerous government studies documenting this very subject (with Donald Rumsfeld being well aware of all of them)? Lastly, if the FAA, NORAD, and NMCC were all ‘confused’ on the morning of 9-11 as to whether these exercises were tests or the real thing, how did the ‘hijackers’ coincidentally know which day to select for their attacks?

QUESTION NINE – 9/11 PRE-KNOWLEDGE: While the subject of pre-knowledge is on the table, when President Bush was whisked-out of the infamous Florida classroom where he read a book about goats, it was revealed that the ‘terrorists’ had obtained top secret codes for the White House and Air Force One. The NSA’s top secret Echelon surveillance system had also been cracked; while the CEO of Israel’s Odigo Instant Messaging service admitted that text messages warning of the 9-11 attacks had been transmitted two hours before the WTC had been struck. Further, the short-selling of stocks relating to insider information for both American and United Airlines can be directly traced back to the CIA’s Buzzy Krongard. Are we to believe that 19 cave-dwellers in Afghanistan had the capabilities to derive this inside information, and why hasn’t the CIA (which uses Echelon and Promis software to monitor such stock trading) revealed who was behind the highly suspect short-selling of stocks?

QUESTION TEN – REMOVAL OF EVIDENCE: Finally, if you want direct evidence, why don’t you question why the government immediately hauled-away all of the physical evidence from the World Trade Center without even a cursory inspection from FEMA, fire inspectors, or the FBI, which is a direct violation of every ethic and law concerning a crime scene? Also, why did the government immediately bring in wrecking balls to destroy the Pentagon’s façade, while at the same time removing every piece of evidence without inspection? In addition, why did they immediately tear up the lawn in front of the Pentagon (which revealed no tire, burn, or scorch marks)? Why did the FBI retrieve every videotape from a variety of gas stations and locales surrounding the Pentagon; then refuse to make them public? Further, why has the Pentagon only released five frames of videotape from the attacks that THEY filmed? Why not the entire film for public scrutiny and review? Likewise, why won’t the FAA make available tape recordings made by air traffic controllers on the morning of 9-11 that contradict the official cover-story?"

[Edited on November 5, 2004 at 7:16 AM. Reason : `]

11/5/2004 7:12:30 AM

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Quote :
"Trade Towers Rescue Hero Files 9-11 RICO Suit

Bush & Company Slammed With Another 9-11 Lawsuit

By Pat Shannan

Another lawsuit has been filed against top officials in the Bush administration, accusing them of complicity in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

William Rodriguez, a former maintenance worker at the World Trade Center, has filed suit in a Philadelphia federal court naming George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others as being complicit in the 9-11 attacks. Rodriguez claims that top officials either planned the attacks or had foreknowledge of the attacks and permitted them to succeed for the purpose of exploiting a “New Pearl Harbor” in order to launch wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.

The lawsuit—Rodriguez v. Bush, et al., Civil Action No. 04 CV 4952—was filed in the U.S. District Court in Philadelphia on Oct. 22.

The phrase “new Pearl Harbor” comes from a declaration of principles by the neo-conservative Project for the New American Century. In it, the neo-cons proposed that an event is needed to propel American public opinion toward supporting the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and U.S. military domination of the Middle East.

“The official story of what actually took place on 9-11 is a lie,” Philip Berg, Rodriguez’s attorney, told Margaret Atheling Rowe of, an Internet news site. “We do not pretend to have put together a full and definitive account of how, and by whom, the attacks were carried out. But information reported in the mainstream media, and viewed in the light of common sense and the laws of physics, demonstrates that the official story, examined closely, is not credible.

[Edited on November 6, 2004 at 5:35 PM. Reason : `]

11/6/2004 5:30:14 PM

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Arguments for why 9/11 was an inside job by John Kaminsky

Quote :
"Numerous intelligence reports prior to the tragedy were available to the government, and the government failed to act on them. Worse, top government officials lied after 9/11 and said they had no idea this type of attack was possible, flying in the face of ten years of intelligence which indicated that terror groups had planned to use airplanes as weapons of destruction.

This is the one irrefutable fact you should use in your arguments with other people: the 9/11 attacks could not have happened without the catastrophic failure of America's air defenses. And yet, the people in charge of those air defenses who allowed these attacks to happen were not censured or prosecuted after the tragedy, they were promoted (and I am speaking primarily of Gen. Myers).

Now, beyond allowing the tragedy to happen, the question becomes did the highest levels of the American government PLAN for the event to happen? There is every reason to believe that they did, although this assertion is not ironclad, because so much of the evidence has been covered up.

What looms most suspiciously after 9/11 are the rigged passage of the Patriot Act, which took away most of our Constitutional rights, and the cynical invasion of Afghanistan, which was claimed to be response to 9/11 even though it was planned long before 9/11.

The Patriot Act was passed, according to Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), without even being read by most members of Congress. (This is clearly an act of treason, and was committed by most members of Congress. Destroying the Constitutional provisions that make America what it is probably is the greatest crime in American history, although there are a lot of nominees in this category all happening under the administration of George W. Bush.)

The president and his minions all made it clear that the invasion of Afghanistan was for the purpose of apprehending the terrorist Osama bin Laden, who was blamed for the 9/11 attacks (although to this day, not a shred of evidence that could be used in a court of law has been released to the public).

However, it is clear from numerous documents that the invasion of Afghanistan was planned long before 9/11, so for the Bush administration to claim 9/11 was the reason for the attack is a lie on its face. Besides, Pakistan offered to hand over bin Laden for trial in a neutral country, and the U.S. refused the offer. Gen. Tommy Franks went so far as to state that apprehending bin Laden would not stop the war, nor was his apprehension its purpose (Ahmed, The War on Freedom). Subsequent events such as the anthrax attacks (and its trail of evidence that led straight to the door of the government) and the tragic U.S. invasion of Iraq (the major reasons for which are now known to be pathetically obvious lies) amply illustrate a clear pattern of lying by the Bush administration.

It is imperative that the American people analyze the events and statements by Bush and his cronies about 9/11 in the context of subsequent actions; that is to say, if they're lying about everything else, chances are excellent they're lying about 9/11. And all this is to say nothing about the evidence concerning 9/11 itself:

Why did the president continue to read a story to schoolchildren after he knew that TWO World Trade Center towers had been hit by hijacked airliners? As many have noted, this behavior clearly reveals Bush was covering up his foreknowledge of the attacks. That he has provided three different explanations of his behavior is simply more evidence.

Any idiot realizes the hole in the Pentagon was not made by a jumbo jet - it's just not big enough, there was no aircraft debris at the point of contact, and there were no marks on the building that would have been made by the wings. In addition, there is existing film of the impact in which no trace of a jetliner appears.

This is really the big one. How could top officials, immediately after the tragedy, say American intelligence had no clue that hijackers would fly planes into buildings and then two days later release the names of the hijackers? This is a clear lie, repeated by almost everyone in the power structure. How could they know the names of the hijackers if they weren't following them and knowing what they were supposedly going to do? The whole story about the hijackers is a complete fabrication, conclusively revealing foreknowledge and casting doubt on the story that the hijackers even boarded the planes.

As most of you know, there are thousands of other facts that indicate both foreknowledge and conspiracy.

[Edited on November 6, 2004 at 7:59 PM. Reason : `]

11/6/2004 7:57:54 PM

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11/6/2004 8:04:37 PM

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good website:

[Edited on November 11, 2004 at 12:26 AM. Reason : `]

11/11/2004 12:25:01 AM

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This documentary is the film version of "9/11: The Great Illusion," the widely distributed booklet by George Humphrey:


11/11/2004 1:02:52 AM

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CNN "quick vote"--90% of public believes U.S. government is covering up the truth behind 9/11:

Quote :
"Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?

Yes 90% 6973 votes
No 10% 765 votes

Total: 7738 votes"

prisonplanet archive:

[Edited on November 11, 2004 at 12:38 PM. Reason : `]

11/11/2004 12:36:13 PM

Pi Master
All American
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Oh, you mean those little polls that every message board loves to skew? How scientific do you think that poll is?


11/11/2004 12:53:00 PM

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Quote :
"Do you believe there is a U.S. government cover-up surrounding 9/11?

Yes 90% 7220 votes
No 10% 785 votes
Total: 8005 votes

11/11/2004 1:01:23 PM

Pi Master
All American
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It's a quick poll that can easily be spammed. In fact, there are probably a lot of conspiracy site message boards organizing just such an effort.

[Edited on November 11, 2004 at 1:02 PM. Reason : I can't believe I've wasted even this much of my life in this thread]

11/11/2004 1:02:08 PM

All American
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youve seriously got to be stupid to think a 757 hit that building

i wonder what wouldve happened if i had been standing on top of the towers with a stinger that day

11/11/2004 1:31:01 PM

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More propaganda and damage control. The press attempts to write off the truth about 9/11 as a "conspiracy theory." Read this drivel for a good laugh.

Quote :
"Conspiracy Theories Flourish on the Internet

By Carol Morello
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, October 7, 2004


The ready and growing audience for conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks has been particularly galling to those who worked on the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, the bipartisan panel known as the 9/11 commission.

"We discussed the theories," said Philip D. Zelikow, the commission's executive director. "When we wrote the report, we were also careful not to answer all the theories. It's like playing Whack-A-Mole. You're never going to whack them all. They satisfy a deep need in the people who create them. What we tried to do instead was to affirmatively tell what was true and tell it adding a lot of critical details that we knew would help dispel concerns."


"The question of whether American 77 hit the Pentagon is indisputable," Zelikow said. "One reason you tend to doubt conspiracy theories when you've worked in government is because you know government is not nearly competent enough to carry off elaborate theories. It's a banal explanation, but imagine how efficient it would need to be.""

[Edited on November 12, 2004 at 4:04 PM. Reason : `]

11/12/2004 4:02:47 PM

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WTC Construction Manager: Towers Were Designed to Take Numerous Plane Crashes

short video clip:

Quote :
"Frank A. DeMartini, Manager, WTC Construction and Project Management, discusses the fact that the WTC towers were designed to take multiple hits from airliners and not collapse, comparing it to poking a pencil through fly netting, DeMartini was adament that the towers would not collapse. DeMartini died in the towers on 9/11, this interview clip was taken from video shot in January 2001."

[Edited on November 15, 2004 at 12:50 PM. Reason : `]

11/15/2004 12:49:54 PM

All American
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so salisburyboy, please recap, what are you trying to concince us of again?

11/15/2004 2:38:03 PM

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Quote :
"so salisburyboy, please recap, what are you trying to concince us of again?"

1) the U.S. government and media are not telling the truth about what happened on 9/11
2) the U.S. government was complicit in the attacks

Many around the country are now realizing the truth:

Zogby Poll: Half of New Yorkers Believe Government Complicity in 9/11:

CNN "Quick Vote": 90% believe U.S. Government is covering up 9/11:

...yes, I know that a CNN quick vote is not scientific, but the result speaks for itself.

[Edited on November 15, 2004 at 3:16 PM. Reason : `]

11/15/2004 3:11:47 PM

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Quote :
"2) the U.S. government was complicit in the attacks"

if it was the government, it was probably a compartmentalized piece of it, not part of the bush admin.

i have reviewed the video's, seen the flashes, the pentagon irregularities--but without a working explanation, what action is one to take? i can think of none

11/15/2004 4:41:02 PM

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prisonplanet section on WTC building 7. Lots of videos and articles:

11/15/2004 11:17:51 PM

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"We are apt to close our eyes against a painful truth."

-- Patrick Henry

11/16/2004 10:31:22 AM

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An admission of the truth by Bush?

Quote :
""The hijackers were instruments of evil who died in vain. Behind them is a cult of evil which seeks to harm the innocent and thrives on human suffering. Theirs is the worst kind of cruelty, the cruelty that is fed, not weakened, by tears. Theirs is the worst kind of violence, pure malice, while daring to claim the authority of God. We cannot fully understand the designs and power of evil. It is enough to know that evil, like goodness, exists. And in the terrorists, evil has found a willing servant."

--George W. Bush, October 11, 2001, remarks at "Pentagon Memorial""

[Edited on November 17, 2004 at 11:14 PM. Reason : `]

11/17/2004 11:13:48 PM

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that rat bastard

11/17/2004 11:17:34 PM

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"As for wild conspiracy theories; Did you hear the one about the Afghani cavemen
taking box-cutters and hijacking a bunch of American jet airliners, defeating
the entire NORAD system and crashing them into the WTC and the Pentagon,
without any military resistance whatsoever? How's that for crazy?"

-Author unknown

11/17/2004 11:23:18 PM

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get me another straight jacket

11/17/2004 11:23:55 PM

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U.S. Gov. admits that bin Laden family members were allowed to fly out of the United States immediately following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks

Quote :
"Jun 3, 2004

(Washington, D.C.) Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, yesterday submitted to the 9/11 Commission documents that show that Saudi Arabian nationals, including bin Laden family members, were allowed to fly out of the United States immediately following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The documents represent the first admission by the government that the flights occurred at all. Judicial Watch is asking the 9/11 Commission to investigate and reconcile previous contradictory testimony about Saudis being allowed to leave the country.

The documents, obtained from the Office of Homeland Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Protection through a Freedom of Information Act request, show that 160 Saudis were allowed to leave on 55 commercial flights from airports around the country between Sept. 11 and Sept. 15, 2001. "

also, I don't think I ever posted this article in this thread:

Bin Laden says he wasn't behind attacks:

[Edited on November 17, 2004 at 11:49 PM. Reason : `]

11/17/2004 11:45:07 PM

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dont we have video of him admitting it

11/18/2004 12:17:18 AM

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Quote :
"dont we have video of him admitting it"

If you believe the "translations." I don't speak Arabic or whatever language he speaks. I'm not buying it. I haven't looked into those bin-Ladin tapes and videos very much, but I read something a while back that claimed the so-called "translations" of those tapes were innaccurate. I think that it involved an ananlysis by German intelligence.

[Edited on November 18, 2004 at 12:26 AM. Reason : `]

11/18/2004 12:19:18 AM

All American
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i used to be into all this stuff, then my mom said that it was "college talk" and that i would grow out of it

but i still believe what i believe

11/18/2004 12:27:14 AM

All American
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^^Ok, Arabic isn't ancient Sumerian. It's not a dead language. There are tons of people who speak both Arabic and English (my parents for one). If what he was actually saying was way off from the translation, it wouldn't take German intelligence to figure it out.

[Edited on November 18, 2004 at 12:31 AM. Reason : :]

11/18/2004 12:28:25 AM

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The documentary 911 In Plane Site:

watch online here:


I watched this documentary for the first time tonight. Very well made. Focuses on the video and photographic evidence from the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

[Edited on November 18, 2004 at 11:08 PM. Reason : `]

11/18/2004 11:05:44 PM

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Breaking the Silence: Truth and lies in the war on terror:

This excellent British made documentary focuses on the false justifications for the "war on terror", the suffering of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the history of the American military "intervening" in foreign countries (some 70 plus times since WWII). Due to silence in the U.S. media, most Americans are totally unaware of the true nature of U.S. military action abroad and involvement in foreign nations. For instance, most people are unaware of the fact that the U.S. military has trained many of the terrorists in Latin America at the "School of the Americas" in Georgia. The reality is that the U.S. has been involved in the killing of millions of civilians worldwide. That is why the United States is seen as an imperialist bully around the world.

11/19/2004 3:16:32 PM

All American
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You know what REALLY happened on SEPTEMBER 11?

I had a killer birthday party ... Haha, I just thought I'd be a jerk and say something like that (though, my birthday is REALLY on 9/11/81)

11/19/2004 3:31:03 PM

All American
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salisburyboy, Bush is a criminal, Kerry is a criminal. Both the Republican and Democratic parties will loot and plunder this country, selling out their constituants to feed their powerful, well-connected buddies at the government trough.

Over the years, their shenanigans have lead to the deaths of tens of millions of Americans. Whether they died because the drugs they needed to survive couldn't get FDA certified in time, or whether they died because of unnecessary wars faught for dubious reasons, or whether they died because government protected industrial polluters from liability, or whether they died because interventionist policies, trade protectionism, and a crushing tax burden simply kept them too poor to afford the health and leisure that they otherwise would have had access to, these people all died so that rich, powerful interests could abuse the common citizenry and make out like bandits at the expense of ordinary americans.

In that context, does it really matter whether or not the government had foreknowledge of 9/11, or even if they planned and carried out the attacks themselves? Can 3000 more murders really degrade our government beyond the point it already is?

I suggest you confine your arguments to things which are a simple matter of public record. What is widely know is far more than sufficiently damning, you won't sound like a such a kook, and it's simply going to be an easier argument to make.

11/19/2004 10:26:12 PM

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Quote :
"Ex FBI/CIA Agents Ready To Blow Bush 911 Cover Story

Sibel D. Edmonds was one of the many multilingual translators hired by our FBI to help track down terrorists and anticipate their next moves. At least, that was the plan and the purported "job description."

Once Sibel was working inside the FBI she uncovered something, tried to go public with it when Attorney General John Ashcroft and her FBI superiors would not, and the Bush-Cheney-Ashcroft team slapped a gag order on her so you could not hear what this lady has to say. What she has to say directly relates to 9-11 and it totally disputes the Bush Mythology they want Americans to believe.

So listen up, America. Here is what Sibel uncovered - she found "drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names and American names directly involved in the financing of the 9-11 attacks on WTC (World Trade Center) and the Pentagon." It was not the Saudis, folks. Americans were involved and Bush does not want you to know that. That exposes the Bush Mythology as the lie that it is.

11/21/2004 10:32:36 PM

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ATTENTION: Those who really believe the official story. Your chance to make $$$$$.

Quote :
"Mega-Millionaire Offers $100,000 Reward For Scientific Proof WTC Towers Collapsed As Bush Administration Claims

$100,000 REWARD to the first person to deliver a full mathematical, engineering proof of how the impact and/or fires caused any of the WTC buildings to collapse the way the government claims! It must include all the fuel, mass, critical temperatures, likely temperatures and their causes, energy needed to crush concrete into fine powder, force needed to sheer bolts and rivets, time calculations, and all the other relevant data in a detailed analysis to be reviewed by accredited engineers on a team headed by Jeff King, engineer and doctor educated at MIT.

$10,000 FIRST PRIZE for engineering students who can best prove how the buildings collapsed.

Ten $1,000 prize for runner-ups. For application:

~ DEADLINE: JUNE 30, 2005 ~ "

[Edited on November 22, 2004 at 11:27 PM. Reason : -]

11/22/2004 11:21:13 PM

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25 minute video of Alex Jones outside the Republican National Convention. In the clip, Alex and others talk to NYC cops about 9/11:

11/23/2004 3:12:41 AM

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